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Topic » T H E S E M I F I N A L S

1262 days 2 hours ago
Congratulations my top 6 and semifinalists! You have all battled your way to SUCCESS! And now is the time to go for the kill and earn the spot in the finale. Here's how to get there.

Rules have updated, we will have a FINAL 3, but to claim a spot, you have to earn it. There will be no voting in the semi-finals.

This is a TRIPLE SUBMISSION! There will be three battles to submit to. Once everyone posts, I will NOT be awarding points. I will only be selecting 3 top tiered (1st place) warriors from each battle and that will be our FINAL 3. You have 3 chances to impress me, DO NOT LET THE COMPETITION TAKE YOU DOWN.

Let's take a look at your 3 battles:

~T H E   R E D E A U X~
Review the past 12 battles of the season, select any of those battles to resubmit to and try to outplay your last score and the other warriors. You MAY NOT resubmit the same song, it must be a new submission for the same challenge.

:: T H E   F R E E ::
This is a free choice battle. Submit any song you like that will take you to the TOP! Resubmissions are not allowed.

XX T H E   A L L   K N O W I N G XX
Tell me why you chose your artist out anyone else in the universe. What makes your artist so special to you? Submit a song that partners what you say.

I will set the deadline at 72 hours. Submit. Do well. And claim that final spot, baby. You ALL are so close to that finish line.

1262 days 2 hours ago
Forgot to mention, for the 3rd battle you may select a previous submission. This is more about what you say, so focus on your story.
1261 days 12 hours ago
Theme 1:

Ali Caldwell - Round Of Applause (REDO of Hidden Gems)

Hidden Gems was definately my downfall but I think this is such a cool and modern song.

Theme 2:

Ali Caldwell - I wanna dance With Somebody

Theme 3:

Ali Caldwell - Whats Going On

So when I planned on using Ali caldwell because I wanted to know what she was doing after the Four and The voice which she was on a year and a bit ago. And always people ask with Talent show contestants that
What's going on with them as many dont make it successful as they was on their respective show and I wanted to delve deeper into the covers and originals that she has made which not being on the show and I think I have gotten to know her as someone completely different to that on the shows she been on and I got to learn about her more.
1260 days 6 hours ago

~T H E   R E D E A U X~

Dedications theme! This song is in dedication to everyone who is willing to risk it all for love, even though everyone warns them, they still go for it anyways because they love the person that much. It's a touching song because it's so intimate and relatable, lyrical genius.

:: T H E   F R E E ::

Highkey, one of my favorites. It's just such a vibe and the fact that the song is about being in love with the boyfriend's father, it just amazes me. The lyrics are so well thought out and the song is so catchy.

XX T H E   A L L   K N O W I N G XX
"Be Kind"

I LOVE HALSEY. I absolutely adore her. She is a lyrical genius. She is a kind spirit. When she sings, she sings from her past experiences and her showing how she's able to grow and talk about things that went down in her life with open transparency, is what makes me love her even more.

This song is titled "Be Kind" and the lyrics:
I don't know why you hide from the one
And close your eyes to the one
Mess up and lie to the one that you love
When you know you can cry to the one
Always confide in the one
You can be kind to the one that you love

Those lyrics above are what I love most. This song is about being more open and confiding to the one you love. It's just such beautiful lyrics and it touches my heart. Also the video is so ICONIC, living my INNER ANIME FANTASY! Also, in general I love the message of "Be Kind" to everyone. In these challenging times, a little act of kindness goes a long way. Hope you enjoy x
1259 days 13 hours ago

"In the Morning"

This is a redo of the very first battle: This is the End. I was second to last so I have nowhere to go but up XD. This song is about NAO realizing she needs to let go of her lover because she doesn't love him anymore.

"If You Ever"

My free choice. A great song from her most recent album.

"Get to Know Ya"

I used the remix earlier in the competition, so I figured it's time to show off the (much better) original. I first heard NAO in the summer of 2016 when "Fool to Love" came up on my Spotify. I immediately fell in love with her. I'm all about funky sounds and killer beats, so the style she cultivated for herself in her debut album For All We Know was right up my alley. I immediately told everyone about her: my friends, my parents, my sisters, anyone who would listen. I just wanted everyone to get to know NAO and hear her music. That is ultimately why I picked her for this competition. I wanted to continue sharing her music with people who may not have heard of her before, and I think I accomplished that goal. Whether or not I make it through to the final battle, I just hope that you and my fellow competitors enjoyed getting to know NAO. I know I had a blast sharing her music and even discovering some new things about her as well.

1259 days 11 hours ago
🔆Alisan Porter🔆

~T H E   R E D E A U X~✅
I honestly didn't like my performance in "SAIL TO THE MERGE: PART 1". I felt like I didn't give my best 😥. So thanks 🙏you so much for giving me the chance to improve it and redeem myself. I try to spicy up with more flavor comparing to my last performance. So hope you will like 😊

"Cry Baby"


:: T H E   F R E E ::✅
This song make me remember me when I was in the closet and scared to come out to a very conservative family. Then my boyfriend sat and talk to me that no matter what ever happen, he will be always here for me. He let me know that doing it, will release a huge weight on my shoulder. He told me that he passed in that same road of coming out and that it's not easy, but he will be supporting me on that journey.

"Cause I can give you hope
But I can't show you how
Only you can turn the light on"

This part is him telling me that I have to suck it up and face them, but no matter what happens, or whatever about their reaction or rejection, he will be always here for me💖.
So this song is very special😍 to me.

"Down That Road"


XX T H E   A L L   K N O W I N G XX✅

Alisan Porter has a huge talent. Her voice is just natural, very professional. She knows when and how to go high up in the notes. Her ability to control the any type of song is just magnificent.
I chose Alisan because of not only of her talent, but, she gave me that encouragement I need to face the reality. Back in 2015, my life was shit af. I failed most of my classes, no job because obviously, I always got rejected; I was living in my parents house, where my father always belittle me about being a failure in front my siblings. I was into a deep depression condition. After I've discover Alisan on The Voice, and listening her songs, I felt like a boost or something. I had more confident about myself; I started doing what the heck I want and dreamed to do in my life. I stopped living for the others, and only focusing on what I like. Since then, everything is going well. I'm working my Bachelor degree; and I have a wonderful bf, living in an amazing apartment surrounded with nice neighbors, and a lovely job.
This is the reason why I chose Alisan Porter.
And to illustrate her, nothing is better than posting her amazing performance which let the jury speechless.
This is a resubmission from my intro in this competition.

1259 days 9 hours ago
~T H E   R E D E A U X~

"Battle #12 - This challenge will be very simple. I want to submit a song and dedicate the song to anyone you like. A fallen warrior, a close friend, a relative, a mentor, an idol, anything. Let's be clear, you MUST post a submission AND a short explanation, if you don't post an explanation, I will strip away your immunity.”

The new song I am choosing for Battle #12 is Superhero. This song is dedicated to whoever feels like they can’t meet expectations that other people have set on them. For the people who have nothing to give physically, mentally, emotionally yet still have people trying to demand them of things. We are not superheroes, we are human beings all struggling, especially in this pandemic season! It’s okay to need to step back and take care of yourself.

:: T H E   F R E E ::

I chose this song as it was from their first album. It's up beat and fun and yet still true and honest to his experiences. I really love this song and love to listen to it to brighten my day a bit.

XX T H E   A L L   K N O W I N G XX

Falling in Reverse has a very special place in my heart because of Ronnie’s raw honesty in his lyrics. He pours his heart into his music and isn’t afraid to be personal or admit wrongs. His songs really show his growth as well talent wise and as a person. He’s not perfect and never claims to be. He has made some big mistakes yet he doesn’t let that stop him. He never gives up on his passions. The song I chose that represents his story well is Losing my Life. I chose this song originally for the live performance and think it’s a perfect fit. And it’s a chance for you to hear the recorded version as well.

"I lay awake every night, looking back on my life
Will apologies to the people I love for the things I've done really make it right?
I guess it might, just then I realized
My past is the reason I'm here right now as a matter of fact, I won't apologize
You bitches always pissed 'cause I am constantly changing
Think of how far that I've made it from my incarceration, it's amazing, ain't it?
But I'm in the zone, I'm a rolling stone, I'm coming home, but I'm not alone
Do I really gotta let another motherfucker know?"

These lyrics really capture why I love his music so much and why I chose Falling in Reverse. And even with these three different songs, they all have a different sound compared to each other. Ronnie doesn't like the idea of sticking to a genre but instead making whatever is in his heart to make.

1259 days 5 hours ago
I'll divide my submission into three posts or else it'll be very messy.

~T H E   R E D E A U X~
Singer:魏如萱 (Waa wei)
Title:恐慌症 (Panic Attack)

This is a redo of the "Hidden Gems".I feel like this song is not getting the attention it deserves compared to her other songs in the same album.

Everyone has the anxious side of themselves, and most of the time they would hide it when they are with others, but does that mean you're really fine? Or do you just appear to be fine?

Song lyrics (Translation):
困在重複夢境 迷戀百年孤寂
(Getting stucked in the same dream, obssessed with eternal loneliness)
好久不見的你 結霜的玫瑰花 (You whom I have not seen in a long time, a frosty rose)
懷念我們嘆息 想像抱在一起 (I miss it when we sighed, imagining we're hugging each other)
平行的時空裡 你跟我在對話 (You are talking to me in a parallel universe)

一起遊戲 一起沉沒 一路到底 漂著
(Played together, fell together, floating all the way together)
一聲巨響 一場荒涼 無解飛行 拴著
(A huge noise, a wasteland, holding us and flying together with no solution)
你靈魂 我身體 這難題 (Your soul, my body, without any solution to this question)

一起呼吸 一起自溺 過度焦慮 究竟 (Breathing together, sinking together, overly anxious)
我在哪裡 要去哪裡 哪都不去 好奇
(Where am I, where am I going, I'm going nowhere, wondering)
太貪心 想放棄 來不及 (Too greedy, want to give up, but too late)

唱什麼情歌 談什麼信仰 (Just stop singing love songs, stop the religious talk)
多念念不忘 都一樣 (How much you miss it, it's all the same)
最初的碰撞 像好夢一場 (The first collision, just like a sweet dream)
睡得越安穩 越恐慌 (The more soundly I sleep, the more anxious)

(詩《晚間愛人》) (Poem "Midnight Lover")

冰凍的棉被與黑暗的衣櫃 (Freezing blanket and a dark cupboard)
(Sleeping is now a dictionary I could not fully comprehend)
大量精緻又美麗的生詞 (A lot of bombastic vocabularies)
興奮以致於發抖 不尋常的瀕臨崩潰
(So excited that I'm shaking, unusually on the verge of breaking down)

掉落的是口水還是眼淚 (Am I drooling or I am just crying)
(Sleeping next to your face with the scent that I want to steal)
只剩下碎片 天空崩塌 枕頭歪斜 (Only pieces left, the sky has collapsed, pillow crooked)
我並不愛你 我的晚間愛人 (I do not love you, my Midnight Lover)

唱什麼情歌 談什麼信仰 (Just stop singing love songs, stop the religious talk)
多念念不忘 都一樣 (How much you miss it, it's all the same)
最初的碰撞 像好夢一場 (The first collision, just like a sweet dream)
睡得越安穩 越恐慌 (The more soundly I sleep, the more anxious)
1259 days 5 hours ago
:: T H E   F R E E ::
Singer:魏如萱 (Waa wei)
Title:竊笑 (Stolen smile)

The song is as simple as it gets, a guitar as the instrument.

When you love someone who don't reciprocate the same love back to you, some people may leave him/her, while some may choose to contribute even though they know that this relationship is not going to any places.

Song lyrics (Translation):
你喜歡的 (You like it?)
我有 沒關係就 (I have it anyway, it's ok)
拿走 (Just take it)

你想要我 我也給你了 (You wanted me, so I gave you my all)

我的冷靜 (My calmness)
你總 搶先一秒 (You always, break it)
就戳破 (Before I do)

不是我 卻比我 擁有我 (You're not me, but you own me, more than I myself do)

你總是像小偷 習慣性佔有 (You're like a thief, conquering everything like you usually do)
連我的笑容你都可以竊走 (You even stole my smile away)
卻不還給我 欠我的那句 (But you never give me back the sentence that you owe me)
你愛我 (Which is "I love you")

我也是像小偷 躲在灰暗中 (I'm like a thief too, hiding in the dark)
竊笑著 你從來就不屬於我 (Smiling on the fact that you were never mine)
是我 自甘墮落 (It's me, who fell for it voluntarily)

你的嘆息(Your sigh)
被我 用吻拓印 (I used my kiss to seal it)
多私密 (So private)

你再也 找不到 愛笑的我 (You can never, get back, the jolly version of me)

你總是像小偷 習慣性佔有 (You're like a thief, conquering everything like you usually do)
連我的笑容你都可以竊走 (You can even steal my smile away)
我不知不覺 還欣然接受 (I didn't realise that, I even happily accept the fact that)
你不愛我 (You don't love me at all)

我也是像小偷 躲在灰暗中 (I'm like a thief too, hiding in the dark)
竊笑著 你從來就不屬於我 (Smiling at the fact that you were never mine)
是我 心甘情願 獻醜 (It's me, who made a fool out of myself, voluntarily)

全偷走 除了我的 (Stole everything away, except for my)
寂寞 (Loneliness)
1259 days 4 hours ago
XX T H E   A L L   K N O W I N G XX
Let me just start this by saying that I only discovered her last year.

Prior to this, I have heard of her name but never really discovered her song.

In 2015, that was the year where I became super self anxious due to my sexual preference and really needed mental support from songs. I've discovered some artists and I kept on listening to songs about self appreciation during that period.

Things gradually became better until I graduated as I became anxious again. It's this moment that I heard "Crooked" , I immediately relate to that song as my life was a bit of a mess back then. However, during this competition, I actually felt that I relate less to the song and I heard "In this uncertain world", which I actually relate more by now. The song is about self appreciation, accepting different sides of yourself, whether is it good, bad or ugly, just accept it as it is, it's ok to not be perfect.

I like how she keeps on challenging herself in music as her style has changed greatly from her first album and she does not just sing about relationships, she also gives mental supports and encourages people to love themselves more through her lyrics.

I wouldn't say that she has the best vocal skills, but I would say that she has improved greatly in her singing skills.

For example, if you want to compare, you can search for "La Dolce Vita" on Youtube as that was her first album, and compare it to the previous two songs or even this song that I'm submitting as these are her more recent songs.

She also wrote a song for her fans which shows that she really appreciate people's support.

I just feel like most people can relate to her.

The world may be uncertain, but that is one thing that can be certain, that is yourself.

Song lyrics (Translation):
遺失什麼 懷疑什麼 拼湊什麼 (Those that I lost, those that I doubt, those that I'm building)
眼淚流下 話說完了 你們來了 (Tears are falling, speech is over, you guys are here)
我也應該要來了... (I should be coming soon)

在不確定的世界裡 (In this uncertain world)
還有脆弱 別說別說別說 (There's still weakness, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it)
因為你都懂 (Because you understand all of it)
在不確定的世界裡 (In this uncertain world)
還有安慰 別說別說別說 (There's still consolation, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it)
只要擁抱我 (Just hold me tight in your arms)

遺失什麼 懷疑什麼 拼湊什麼 (Those that I lost, those that I doubt, those that I'm building)
免強得到得太多 (Tried too hard to get too many things)

在不確定的世界裡 (In this uncertain world)
還有脆弱 別說別說別說 (There's still weakness, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it)
因為你都懂 (Because you know all of it)

在不確定的世界裡 (In this uncertain world)
還有安慰 別說別說別說 (There's still consolation, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it)
只要擁抱我 擁抱我 擁抱我
(Just hold me tight in your arms, hold me tight in your arms, hold me tight in your arms)

眼淚流下 (就笑了) (Tears are falling, and I laughed)
笑話說完 (該累了) (The joke is over, it's time to be tired)
你們走了 (You guys have left)

我也開始要...唱...了... (I'm going to ...... start ...... singing)
1258 days 16 hours ago
I have consulted with the judges (me, myself, and I) and we have come to a decision. Let's begin with THE REDEAUX
1258 days 16 hours ago
"Round of Applause"

There is something so simplistic and fun about this song. It's a standard R&B tune to it's finest and I just adore you Ali, I really do. Had you surfaced in the early 2000s when R&B was in its golden era, there would be no doubt that you'd be up there with the greats, and this song proves that. I can't wait to see what you do next.
1258 days 16 hours ago
HALSEY // Jameslu

You are a lyrical genius and this song proves that. I always did appreciate how your melodies all had a similar chord progression because throughout this entire journey, your submissions have been linked together by these chords and it was like listening to a grand opera. I loved it.
1258 days 16 hours ago
NAO // tbrown_47
"In the morning"

The beginning reminded me of "This Woman's Work" by Maxwell. Also there's a mix of sexual energy and sorrow in this song. It's so intimate and interesting. Same vibe as Ghost by Beyonce. This song is immaculate, I'm very proud of you
1258 days 16 hours ago
"Cry Baby"

That belting of your voice is my favorite part about your music. It both swoons and empowers me. And this song is PERFECT for you, you really showed out tonight.
1258 days 16 hours ago
FALLING IN REVERSE // CarolinaSteele

I very much appreciated the stranger things theme. That chorus was EVERYTHING. To me this song goes so much deeper, it's about realizing we are not at our fullest potential and to pronounce that we'll be better, and I just love that message. To me, this was one of your best submissions.

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