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Tribal Council 13 - Floreana

Topic » Tribal Council 13 - Floreana

3754 days 4 hours ago
Welcome to tribal council. Take a seat.

We now bring in the members of our jury, Daniel, Fowler, Red, and Ismail, voted out at the last tribal council.

You CANNOT vote for Eric (Immunity) or Jade (Exile Island).

Martin - Why did you use your Switcheroo to gain the Temporary Idol rather than Double Strength or Immunity?
Eric - Why did you try so hard to ensure your safety tonight? Did Ismail's blindside come as a surprise to you?
Rhys - How will the votes go down tonight? How will the tribe split?
Nick - Will tonight be another blindside? What am I to expect tonight?
Rob - Tonight you are the only one here that is a former Española, does that make you nervous? Or has trust gone beyond former tribes?

Rob - Orange Rock
Rhys - Double Strenth
Martin- Temporary Idol
Eric - Immunity

PM me if you would like to play an idol.

3754 days 4 hours ago
Rob - Tonight you are the only one here that is a former Española, does that make you nervous? Or has trust gone beyond former tribes?

No I am absolutely nervous. I know my head is on the chopping block tonight. Despite all my fighting in this game it looks like tonight might be my last night.

All I can do is hope that people realise there are bigger threats in this game than me right now. Like I said last Tribal, people need to think about how they're going to look in front of the jury and who they want to sit next to. I think there are players in this game that really need to show the jury they are serious players and are playing to win, not for second place.
3754 days 4 hours ago
Rob - How will the items everyone won at the auction play into tonights vote? Does it affect strategy?
3754 days 4 hours ago
Eric - Why did you try so hard to ensure your safety tonight? Did Ismail's blindside come as a surprise to you?

I tried so hard to ensure safety tonight because at this point safety is the best thing to have in the game because you know for sure you are safe. Yeah I didn't know that Ismail was going that tribal but I can see why they made the move
3754 days 3 hours ago
Rob - How will the items everyone won at the auction play into tonights vote? Does it affect strategy?

I feel like the items could work into strategy, if the holders are willing to use them that way. Otherwise I think they may have no effect at all.
3754 days 2 hours ago
Eric - So do you still trust your allies even though they blindsided your partner in this game?

Rob - Who do you think has the most control this vote?
3754 days 2 hours ago
Rob - Who do you think has the most control this vote?

Everyone not named me. I would say Rhys' Double Strength may give him an edge. That really gives him a lot of power with his vote.
3753 days 19 hours ago
Nick - Will tonight be another blindside? What am I to expect tonight?

I doubt there will be a blindside, but anything could happen
3753 days 18 hours ago
Eric - So do you still trust your allies even though they blindsided your partner in this game?

I have to at this point I mean they technically didn't do anything to me so I have to trust them at this point in the game
3753 days 17 hours ago
Can I get a question even though I'm at exile? :p
3753 days 14 hours ago
3753 days 12 hours ago
Rob - Do you think your orange rock may come in handy tonight?

Nick - So what will happen tonight?

Eric - But couldn't they do the same to you?
3753 days 12 hours ago
Eric - But couldn't they do the same to you?

Yes they could but not tonight because i have immunity. And with Rob being the only person here from the other tribe i dont have much of a choice either
3753 days 12 hours ago
I only got 4/6 Votes.

I'll give an extra 15 minutes to vote.
3753 days 12 hours ago
there are only 5 voters this round, aren't there?
3753 days 12 hours ago
Rob - Do you think your orange rock may come in handy tonight?

Umm, I don't think so because if I've done my number crunching right, with the Double Strength, a tie isn't possible? But maths has never been my strong suit, maybe that's why I'm in this position.

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