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Topic » Renegade

3282 days 16 hours ago
Oh, Dra is voting me out. Fuck.

Time for Operation: Throw Everyone's Fucking Votes and Idols

God I hope this works
3282 days 16 hours ago
So this is how it ends for me... Taken out by a smug bastard and his sheep. Ugh. This game has been so frustrating. But whatever. At the end of the day no one's able to tell me  that I just sat around and did nothing. I took the initiative and blindsided Robby, I saved myself with the idol, I led the charge to get rid of Joel... And on top of it all everyone thinks I'm a threat. So if i go, I'll go knowing that I could've damn near won this game. Because while everyone else was busy doing jack shit or getting outside people to play the game for them, I was working my tail off trying to save myself from the vote. But I guess right now Shady has me in check, and if what I've been doing to stop it doesn't pay off, pretty soon it'll be mate.

At least I made jury... Ugh, who am i kidding, I won't be satisfied. I want to win so bad but no one wants to work with me because they only believe what others tell them about me. I'm laying down my last few cards, let's hope it's a Royal Flush, I guess.

(I probably shouldn't be making poker analogies when I don't know a damn thing about poker, eh?)
3282 days 16 hours ago
I think I got Dra to switch his vote

Please Survivor gods I've been such a VICTIM please let this work gahhh

*waits anxiously for votes*
3282 days 16 hours ago
Going into thsi auction, only one thing is on my mind: immunity.

And idol or a necklace, I really don't care which, but as long as I get some kind of safety so I can actually do something, you know? Shady revealed that his side was too divided to agree on anyone but me, so if I win immunity, his side will fracture and it'll be easy pickin' for my side. Numbers are only as strong as their least loyal member.
3279 days 11 hours ago
So today in the game went pretty well. i won immunity-- narrowly, but immunity none the less. And it looks Like Daniel is set to go out the door. Meaning my core four will be in full power and KingGeek, Chris, and Tony will be scrambling to stay alive. I'm not all too worried tonight, thanks to immunity; it's a lot more worrisome to have something go wrong when your own neck is on the line. Looking to the Final 3, I know I'm going to have to be cold-blooded. Joel may not take too kindly to me and I know Dra hates me, so I'll need to be sitting against two really terrible players if i want to win.

And yes, that means kicking Saundra to the curb.

I don't want to do it... I really, really don't want to do it. She's been my number one this entire game and it would suck to have to throw all of that away. But the reality of the situation is, she's the biggest threat to me winning this game. I can't make the mistake of putting her survival above my own. Because at the end of the day, what it all boils down to is, I want to WIN. I didn't waste all that time, stressing out, looking for idols and negotiating with brick walls to play second fiddle to anyone.

It's gonna suck. It could quite possibly be the biggest betrayal I've ever pulled off. But it's a necessary evil.

Oh yeah, and Daniel is hopefully going tonight. There's that, I suppose.
3278 days 17 hours ago
Chris is nuts. I was born at night, but not last night. He's trying to mount a blindside against me. And it's doubly stupid because I have immunity this round and an idol for the next! I'm practically guaranteed final six at this point. I just need to get Dan and Chris out of here, then I can deal with Tony separately, them I'll me in the final five with people who at least trust me. The road to the finals is very fickle. I think I have a decent shot but not if I continue to let Chris stay for much longer. He is conniving and he's the only one stupid enough to throw my name out. And I can't have that. People will start piggy-backing.

Level of worry, though? Zero. Absolute zero.
3277 days 17 hours ago
I vote for Dan.

Normally I would listen to my gut and play the idol, but I don't think Saundra would vote me out yet, and I have a hunch Tony is just trying to get me to waste my idol. God I hope this works. I'm still not sure who I can believe. Tony and Chris are both aware of my potential to win this game, and Saundra is starting to realize as well... I'm between a rock and a hard spot right now.

3277 days 17 hours ago
Whether or not I use my idol tonight is entirely up to how I think Saundra will vote, really. I know Scott and Ryan will vote my way since we're a trio. But Saundra is now the ultimate wild card. I no longer trust her as much as I used to. She flipped the script last vote without telling me. Okay, I've been honest to you this entire time, and you decide to do that? I have absolutely not qualms about driving a knife into her back now. Only my backstab of her will be ten times worse. Because it will put her out of this game.

It amazes me. I have an idol, these people KNOW I have an idol, and yet they're still throwing my name around like I won't hear about it? That's total bullocks and absolutely insulting to both my intelligence and the game of Survivor. It pisses me off. And nobody likes me when I'm pissed off, as Dra will tell you. I never get angry here. But oh, you can bet your hat, when I get going, my temper is unlike anyone's you've EVER met...

Chris and Saundra both turned their back on a renegade. As cringey as this phrase sounds by now, you don't do that. You never turn your back on a renegade.

One way or another, they'll both regret doing what they did. Starting with Chris. Stick a fork in him because he is DONE.
3277 days 17 hours ago
Wait a minute... Tony told me about this whole debacle. The only possible motive he could have is if wanted Chris to get votes. Which leads me to believe Chris has an idol. He knows he's in the minority so he's trying to attract votes that way he can cancel them all out and take out a member of my core four. Of course this is purely speculation, I have no credible info to back this up, but... Tony has no reason to tell me what he does. This HAS to be it. Ugh...
3277 days 16 hours ago
These fucks think they were dealing with a threat before? They have no fucking clue. They've awoken a sleeping dragon. I am going to make sure that I PERSONALLY am the reason every single on of their torches gets snuffed. It's useless because it's an F3 and they'll just support whoever gets farthest, but fucking God... I hate everything right now, ugh!

I will win those last three challenges. I will protect Ryan with my idol. I will make sure every single one of them pays. I will give them the worst tongue-lashing of their fucking lives.
3277 days 15 hours ago
I am so screwed. Saundra made her move first. Ugh.

I can't help but be a little hurt. I know I would've done the same to Saundra. But I would've it knowing she would probably be mad. Saundra seems to not understand what she's done. I feel betrayed, lied to, used... I helped her in this game just as much if not more than she helped me, and that's the retribution I get. Ugh. Well, no one said the game of Survvor was fair, but... It's a crushing blow. The first person I see as a friend on Tengaged in forever and they so that...

Well, I have my idol, I guess. Ryan's screwed tonight... And then it's me versus them. In the final two immunity challenges. This is the worst case scenario... Ugh...

But I'm not a quitter. I will fight tooth and mail with these people. If they manage to sniff my torch, good for them. But now I'm the underdog... Now, I have NOTHING to lose.

*walks back out into torrential downpour*
3276 days 15 hours ago
Do or die time!

Hopefully I can put on a show.

Just two challenges. I've won 7 in one season before, I can win these last few and secure my spot.

C'mon Lady Luck, don't fail me now...
3276 days 15 hours ago
Welp, it was fun Js.

And stressful. And every other emotion possible.

My vote goes to Chris. This is a Shii-Ann vote. I want you gone so Saundra can take her rightful spot as the winner and best player of the season.
3276 days 15 hours ago
Well, that challenge didn't bode well for my scheduled immunity domination... Oh well. I'm better at like, speed and stuff I guess. My game's major fault was underestimating Saundra for sure. She is one tough cookie and she is smart as Hell. I would've loved for it to be me and her in the FTC, duking it out. That'd be fun to watch. But I can't blame her, I mean, she's a white level and I'm somewhat infamous in this game and in group games. So hats off to her I guess. At least I can take my loss with pride knowing it was only because, if I had survived two more votes, I would've won probably. Shrugs.

Not sure if I want to do All-Stars yet... I'm kind of hoping for another game invite soon and don't want to be put in two at once but the other one is so up in the air if it'll ever come...

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