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Topic » I TNTMC2EP2 I Panel

3923 days 6 hours ago
*The girls would enter a warehouse, with a 2 sided runway in the middle*
*All four judges would be sitting, with Celia standing*

I CELIA I : Welcome! To your first ever panel of this season. This season we have all new judges, prizes, and of course models. This season will have a very tough panel, so you girls need to be on your A game. Before we get started let me introduce the panel of judges!

Ray M.(S2-) ~ Ray is famous photographer for many modeling labels/agencies. He is a expert in the posing category, and knows everything to what it takes to have a great photo.

Carlisle(S2-) ~ Carlisle is a worldwide famous Male model who is signed with CHANEL. Carlisle is a expert at modeling 101, and knows what it takes to be infront of a camera, interviews, and commercials.

Ebony J.(S2-) ~Ebony J. is the co-executive of Vogue Magazine, and PR Maven.She is an expert to what it takes to be involved in the modeling industry. She might be a tough cookie to crack, but her hard critiques help mold aspiring models into becoming famous models.

Tevin R.(S2-) ~Tevin is a worldwide fashionable male designer. He is signed with Versace in making runway garments for models. He knows what is suppose to look on a model and the apperance, and he also knows how a model should pose in a garment. Tevin knows the basics in being a model, and knows what hard pressure it takes to be a model. He mentors it all, from Commerical to runway to Editorial.

Now lets introduce our prizes this year!

* A spread with GUESS magazine
* 2 yr modeling contract with NY Model Management
* A year supply of make-up sponsored by Lo'Real cosmetics
* A new 2014 Ford Fushion!
* And a 100,000 cash prize!

Now, this week you guys had to pose on the streets of NY, while posing in Christian Dior garments. Lets see if you did his dresses justice, or you fell under pressure!
3923 days 6 hours ago
First Up is Jae!

*Jae steps forwad

Celia: Hello jae, how'd you find the photshoot?

Jae: It was fairly easy, I just had trouble working the dress!

Celia: Well, lets see if you "worked" it!

Carlisle:  I love her face, and her body, they're both very strong. However the main focus of the shoot should be the dress and making the dress look sensational and I don't think this achieves it fully. Another angle would've been perfect, or more swing in the dress rather than having your hands clenching at the dress!

Ray: I think you kept it together, you are running but your face is still strong. The dress isbeautiful and I think you sell it ! I do wish i could have seen more legs, Great first picture!

Tevin: I really like this shot of you.  You are wearing that dress perfectly…it is not wearing you.  Your face has a nice softness to it but it’s not dead.  Love that you are showing the movement of the dress while walking.  Great shot.

Ebony: That foot looks REALLY Awkward. You need to work on that! You look short as fuck as a model, and your face looks wierd. Not a good start

Jae: Well thank you anyways! :l

Celia: Thank you jay, you may rejoin the group
3923 days 6 hours ago
Next up Augustine Rose!

*Ms. Rose struts forward*

Augustine: Hello judges!

Ebony: Ms. Augustine loving your strut. Is it as good as your photoshoot? Let's see. .

Ebony: ehh. Lets be  honest your body is nice, and so was your strut, but honey your face looks the complete opposite of pretty.

Augustine: Ok :(, I guess I need work on that.

Carlisle:  This is fanatastic! The dress is phenomonal and your walking with so much fierceness and strength in your stride. I really love it, Augustine, you've done yourself proud with this shot definitely!

Ray: Your body is in control as you are moving.  For me the eyes is what I first look at and your eyes didn't do it in this photo, I need more fire! Other than that you did what was asked for!

Tevin: Now THIS is perfection.  Wow Augustine Rose, you have already raised the bar on this competition.  Such strong angles and facial features.  That dress is gorgeous and you are commanding attention in this.  Amazing job.

Augustine: Aw, thank you judges!

Celia: You may go back!
3923 days 6 hours ago
lol im the only real judge ugh
3923 days 6 hours ago
Next up is Jasmine !

*Jasmine walks forward confidently*

Tevin: This week was posing with dresses, was it difficult?

Jasmine: Well, I dont think so, but I know some of the other girls struggled!

Carlisle: Well lets see the photo!

Carlisle: I'm really not even sure how I feel about this. Like, part of me thinks it's good. The dress is worn well, your figure is looking great and the hair is fantastic. But then I think about what the aim of the photoshoot was and I'm not sure it's as captivating. The thing that I look at first is the child, not you, and that can never be a good thing!

Ray:  I love the curve your body makes! I adore! I see emotion in your face and I see a story, I want to know what she has seen! It brings me in! Great picture for me! Well done!

Tevin:   This is an ok shot for me Jasmine.  It’s always so hard to model with animals or children because they always (without fail) pull the focus of the shot.  My eye went straight to that adorable baby boy but then I focused onto you.  This is very much an “Oops” photo.  Yes the dress is gorgeous and it looks like a great shot but there isn’t any focus in your face.  Work on staying in the moment and don’t get overshined by a baby.

Ebony: I shit myself when I saw this photo.... what the fuck lol this is far from cute but I do like the booty tooch

Jasmine: Well, I learned from the best!

Celia: Next, ! :)
3923 days 6 hours ago
Next is Nikita!

*Nikita slowly walks forward*

Ebony: Are you nervous hun? You have to stay confident!

Nikita: I'll try, but this photoshoot was quite difficult!

Ebony: Really?? Let's take a look

Carlisle: You had one of my favourite shots in the casting photoshoot but this just doesn't do you justice, i'm afraid... It's a very lacking image that doesn't tell me a story or interest me whatsoever. It just feels bland and you come across half-assed and bored. I want better from you if you get through, Nikita, because I know you're capable of much better.

Ray:  yeah, it's okay I guess. She is selling the clothes but I find it a bit boring. I don't see any emotion, nor do I see a story. I think you can do better honestly. Sorry.

Tevin: Beautiful!  The simplicity of this shot is so gorgeous to me.  The softness in the face, the way the jacket holds you.  The only thing I would change is the positioning of your right foot.  The way you’re standing makes it look like your ankle is broken.  Other than that it’s beautiful.  Well done.

Nikita:  now I know my favorite judge . .

Ebony: you look short babe. the picture is mysterious but the facial expression doesn't pop enough for me

Celia: Thank you, next !
3923 days 6 hours ago
Next up we have Tryana

*She steps forward*

Tevin: Interesting name! Is it Try - An - Ah? Well lets see your photo

Ebony: looks like your forehead got rammed by a taxi tbh...  More like Try - Again !

Carlisle: Wow miss ebony, I disagree! Well this is certainly a fashion statement. It's edgy and punkish and although it looks more like you're just walking down the road as opposed to a fashion shoot. That being said, I do like the look on your face - it's as if you know what your goal is, you know what you want and you know how to get it. I'm not sure i'm loving the 'dress' though!

Ray: For some reason I feel uncomfortable looking at this picture. It seems like she is scared to take the next step. He face is blaaaaah for me. I love the outfit, not the model.

Tryana: I was atittle nervous!

Tevin: Well dont be sweey. This is just not good Tryana.  There is absolutely nothing going on for me here.  Your face is dead, the makeup is horrible, and the clothes are just wrong.  It looks like a photographer snapping pictures on the street and you just happened to walk by him.  If you want to be in this industry you have to walk the streets like there’s a camera on you always.  If you’re still here next week work on emotion in your face.

Celia: Thank you tryana!
3923 days 6 hours ago
Next up Kaushal!

*She steps forward*

Celia: Hello kaushal, unfortunately the photo you posted was from ANTM, which is aganist the rules, you will be automatically in the Bottom 3.

Kaushal: Omg I'm so sorry! I hope I dont go home! :(

Carlisle: Well, lets see it the shot was actually good

Carlisle: Wow, this isn't great as picture quality should be one of the main things you want in a photoshoot... That being said, I like the mystery that the photo contains and I like the look on your face. It shows you have something to hide and something dark in the shoot. It's a big stepdown from last week though, Kaushal...

Ray:  Went for an Americas Next Top Model photo hmmm, set in Morocco not in New York. You didn't do what was asked and posted a boring photo for my opinion, didn't fit the theme.

Tevin: The fact that this is Brittany Kline, the winner of ANTM 16, is already in bottom 2 in my eyes.  Other than that, I’m still not a fan of the photo.  Yes, the one eye that is shown is very striking but that’s the only thing for me.  It looks like your left arm is amputated and that you’re hunching over.  If you survive using an ANTM photo, work on the body angles.

Ebony:  I don't love it but I don't hate it either...

Kaushal: I hope I dont go home! Give me a chance!

Celia: Well goodluck. Next!
3923 days 5 hours ago
omg I knew it was brittni kline but didn't realize that was the morocco photoshoot
3923 days 5 hours ago
Next up, Brittany H.

*Walks upfront smiling*

Brittany H. - I'm confident that I did good!

Celia: Well let's see how good you did!?!

Carlisle: I can't fault this. It is absolutely stunning and fierce with a capital F. That dress looks divine and everything about your body positioning and face is just fantastic. Like, literally this is soo good and captures the brief in my perspective brilliantly. You're positioning yourself as a frontrunner with this so now you need to keep the rest of your shoots at this high level, okay?

Ray: I think this photo is perfect. No wait, I know this photo is perfect! You are storming that sidewalk not only with your legs but with the movement and your facial expression! Really strong! Well done!

Tevin: Wow!  Again, another great show that is showing what we’re looking for.  I love the intensity in your eyes.  The come hither look so to speak.  I love how you work the dress and the fluidity of it as you’re walking.  Pure perfection in this shot.

Ebony: The face is a little too strong but im liking this photo not too bad

Brittany H: Yes! I hope I get best photo.

Celia: You may go back. Thank you:)
3923 days 5 hours ago
Next up is Brittany B. !

*Brittany B. Steps forward smiling*

Brittany B. : Hi ladies and gentlemen!

Tevin: Hey cutie, let's see if you did better than the other Brittany!

Carlisle: Well. This looks very amateurish, and that is about it to be honest with you! It's basically the type of photo you'd expect to see at a Prom or a night out. Nothing about it screams top model and I think you're at risk after this... Whilst I don't think it's admirable to be so openly bitchy towards your fellow models, Hilary, I think you're spot on when you say 'ew'. Not good whatsoever...

Ray: Are you serious? Was this photo taken by your friend on your way out to a club? This is a model? An agency would show you to the door right away, that's all I gotta say.

Tevin: This is ok for me.  It’s not the worst of the week but it’s far from the best.  This is high school dance photo not high fashion.  You really need to look at high fashion photo shoots and use the hints and tips that Celia gives you at the beginning.  I’m sure this is not a model that was listed at the beginning of this photoshoot. 

Ebony: HELP LOL I AM SO DEAD RIGHT NOW. I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD I STARTED CHOKING GOD BLESS U OMG. this isn't the real housewives on tengaged bitch this is top model

Brittany B. : I promise to do better, I will redeem myself!

Celia: Thank you hun.
3923 days 5 hours ago
Next up Hilary!

*Hilary steps forward*

Ray: Lets see if you can pop these critiques back up from Brittany B. 's

Carlisle: This is a shot I've seen all too many times. It lacks originality, however it's strong. It's out there, exaggerative and fun whilst remaining interesting and arguably high fashion. Your body and face are all perfect and I have nothing else to fault about it to be honest. Good job, Hilary, good job!

Ray: I have to agree.  I do but I don't like the fact you put this picture. I do because its very graceful and has emotion, I don't because I ve seen this photo so many times, every time there is a city shoot, this is posted. Need you to be more original

Tevin: Very nice shot Hilary.  It’s giving us the urgency we’re looking for in a “street scene” and you are showing off the clothing wonderfully.  I just wish there was a little bit more strength in the arms.  They look like wet noodles flailing around to me.   Good photo just needs a little bit more strength.

Ebony:  your facial expression is a little over the top but I love the body

Hilary: Well atleast I'm not the worst.

Celia: Thank you, Next!
3923 days 5 hours ago
Next up Rayne!

*Rayne steps forward*

Ebony: How do you think you did?

Rayne: Enough to stay. .

Ebony: Dont get smart, now lets see what your about!

Carlisle: Is this a paparazzi session or a top model competition? Whilst you look beautiful and super hot, this is not a modelling shot. I actually prefer Brittany B's because atleast hers had an acceptable face. You are looking down and lifeless and it's horrid, and not even to mention whatever that bottle is that you're carrying! This is not what I expect from somebody in your position Rayne, and I am severely doubting whether you're passionate about this competition and whether or not you want to be here or if you have stolen this opportunity from somebody else.

Ray: Looks like a photo taken by the paparazzi. Its a good shot taken by the paparazzi but its not a high fashion shot. I think you got a little bit confused. Look at Brittany.B and Jasmine's photo. That's what we are looking for.

Tevin: Gorgeous look Rayne.  It’s a little too casual for my liking but it is still gorgeous.  The body is slamming.  Even though you re casually walking through, it’s as if you’re always being photographed.  This is what I was trying to explain to Tryana.  Good job Rayne.

Ebony:  honestly... I had to check the task requirements because I thought the challenge might've been find any random person in the street .. WTF IS THIS

Rayne: Well thank you all, :)

Celia: Thank You too
3923 days 5 hours ago
Next up Danica!

*Danica Sprints forward*

Danica : WOO, Finally. H-i-i :)

Tevin: You're excited:) Well lets see your best shot!

Carlisle: Wow, what is it with you girls thinking that you can take any paparazzi snap and thinking it's acceptable! It is NOT. This is not what I expect of a girl with such potential like you and I'm super disappointed. Nothing in this photo is hot or high fashion whatsoever. Your face looks OLD and uninterested, whilst the outfit doesn't look stylish or pulled off well. Girls like you come a hundred to one and knock on my door every single day. Next!

Ray: Another shot I dislike! Taken by your friend while you were sightseeing the town? No? Well it looks like it for me. Not a model at all, what kind of smile is that? Dislikeeeeeeee!

Tevin: I’m not sure about this one Danica.  It’s cute but it’s just not working for me.  You seem very “ho-hum” about it.  There’s nothing going on with your body.  You’re just standing there looking over your shoulder.  There’s no purpose or intention there.  I need to feel it radiating for you.  I wouldn’t send you home over this but it’s just blah to me. 

Ebony: I was hoping id like urs cuz ive hated them all so far. but I think u have to use a model not a beaver boo

Danica: Aw, I really hope I stay. I believe I have potential!

Celia: Thank you:)
3923 days 5 hours ago
Next is Angel!

*Angel steps forward*

Angel: Before we start, I want to apologize for my behavior towards Ebony

Ebony: It's fie hun, let's see your photo

Carlisle: Well this is different, definitely! I like the ghetto, fierce approach to it and you look ready for business. My only concern is that you look ready to kick some ass and start a fight and I'm not even sure if that's a good thing! That being said... I am a BIG fan of your face! You look so fierce and stunning and the look you're giving the camera is strong and accomplished so well done.

Ray:  I don't see New York, I do see a spark of high fashion in you, but I feel you are holding back. Open those eyes! Embrace your beauty! Because you have potential!

Tevin:  Another one, I’m just not sure about this one either.  Very lackadaisical.  Like you don’t care what’s going on.  The arms being crossed over your body like that seems like you’ve given up on the photo shoot and you’re just waiting for it to be over.  I need you to care more.  This isn’t it.

Ebony: weird but not the worst I guess... Step it up if you want to win!

Angel: Ok thank you!

Celia: No thank you Miss Angel!
3923 days 5 hours ago
Last, but certainly not least. Kendra!

*Kendra struts forward*

Ebony: Hey girl, how do you think you did?

Kendra: Honey, I know I worked it

Ebony: op! Well let's see!

Carlisle:  Lmao that is so appropriate and reflective of your username. Anyway, I like it. I really like your hair and your face in particular and the whole setting works in your favour too. It's not the best shot I've seen today but it's not amongst the worst either so well done on that?

Ebony:  didn't even see urs. but its definitely the best one I don't love the facial expression but its the most high fashion

Ray:  Stunning, emotion in her face and she is in control while she walks or hops for that matter. Great shot for me! Well done! Love she is looking towards the sun, it works for you.

Tevin: Honey, We can all agrree to disagree. YOU KILLED IT!

Kendra: Omg thank you

Celia: Thank you, yoy may rejoin the group!

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