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Season Preview

Topic » Season Preview

3202 days 9 hours ago
Welcome to Mearl's Ultimate Big Brother 1 (MUBB1)!

I have received 21 applications and that number is a bit high so cuts will need to be made between now and tomorrow at 8pm EST. I am going to go over the twists of this season and the rules for the game in the following post. Once posted I will ask you all to post "I understand the rules and wish to play still". Anyone failing to post this before 7:30pm EST tomorrow will be cut. If you applied and are opting out please let me know and I will invite you back for next season. My least favorite part of being a host is having to cut people and I like all the 21 applications I received so if you do end up getting cut I will most likely invite you to participate in the next season if you wanted.
3202 days 9 hours ago
Now its time to reveal some twists for this game.

The first twist of the season is that there will be 3 nominees each week, but only two of them are chosen by the HoH. The final nominee will be the person who finishes last in the HoH challenge that week. While in most Big Brother seasons you can float by while being a dead weight in the challenges that is not the case this season. You physical game doesn't have to be great, it just can't be the worst or you may find yourself in trouble.

Now with that twist there are a few more rules:
1. This season you may opt to NOT participate in an HoH challenge. If you do not participate (by option out or not showing up) then you will be safe from the challenge nomination (though the HoH can still nominate you).

2. You may not sit out of 3 consecutive challenges that you may participate in. If you are HoH week 1 then you may not play week 2 so it won't count against you and you'll have to play in another HoH challenge week 5 or sooner. However if you play week 1 and are not HoH then you must play week 4 or sooner (since you are eligible to play week 2).

3. If you miss 3 HoH challenges in a row then you will be put into the challenge automatically the third week. If you finish last then you will be nominated via the challenge nomination. If there is a tie for last between participating and non-participating members then the participating member(s) will not get nominated via the challenge nomination. However if there is a tie between non-participating members then I will the non-participating members to determine the challenge nomination.

4. If you miss 3 HoHs in a row you will be auto-entered into the next HoH (4th) as well. This will continue until you make an HoH challenge or are eliminated from the game.

5. If only one person chooses to participate in the challenge then they will choose all 3 nominees for the week.

6. If the person nominated by finishing last in the HoH challenge has the POV used on them then the HoH will determine the replacement.

7. There will be a tie breaker for the last place finisher of HoH in some challenges. If I forget to mention it then ask. Some challenges will require a tie breaker round while others may use, depending on the challenge type and whether it is live or non-live.

8. I hold the right to alter and add any rule in regards to this twist, in case of extreme circumstances, but will remain unbiased and fair in doing so (which I don't plan to do).
3202 days 9 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still
3202 days 9 hours ago
Time for the second twist. This season there is something hiding in the house (or around the Tengaged website) that holds extreme power in this game: The Amulet of Nullification (AON for short). The AON will nullify any votes cast against one nominee and is played after the votes are cast but before they are read and if the person the AON is being played on received the most votes then the person with the next highest votes will go home instead. It's pretty much a Hidden Immunity Idol for Big Brother.

Here are a few additional rules regarding the AON:

1. The AON will be hidden in Tengaged users blogs. To find the AON in a blog you will go to a user's oldest blog (first one they made) and if there is a comment/riddle/link posted by me then it is another clue (or the AON). If the post is older than August 2015 you can ignore it. If there is a problem with a link bring it to my attention ASAP and I will fix it.

2. Clues to the AON will be given to anyone that participates in the HoH challenge, and the outgoing HoH who is unable to participate. The first challenge you participate in you will get the first clue and every time after that you will be allowed to ask one YES or NO question to me regarding the AON or a clue to it. Any Yes or No questions must be submitted to me in the 24 hours following the HoH challenge or they will be lost (no stockpiling guesses). When you find the AON you will know. The clues are going to (hopefully) be a little tricky and may take some researching in order to solve so if you are half-assing it you won't find it.

3. If an AON gets played another one will be hidden.

4. The AON can last be played when 6 players remain in the game.

5. When the AON gets played on a nominee that now ex-nominee will be given the choice to cast a vote. They may choose to not vote however if they do then they must do it publicly right there (they can mail me ahead of time, but it will be a public vote).

6. You may play the AON on yourself or another player of your choosing if you so wish. If somebody gets eliminated with the AON in their pocket then it will be announced and another one will be hidden into the game.

7. THE AON IS NON-TRANSFERRABLE AT ANY TIME!!! You may play it on another player but you can not give it away.

8. In double evictions rounds (which will be explained in more detail as they approach as they will vary from the generic BB ones) there will not be a set of 3 nominees. Therefore the AON can NOT be used as explained above. Instead it must be played BEFORE the votes are cast and the HoH will nominated a new houseguest. If the AON player is not a nominee they are immune from being the replacement nominee (if, for some crazy reason, the AON user is a current nominee using the AON on a different nominee then they will remain on the block).

9. I hold the right to add or alter any rule about the AON in case a crossroads is reached regarding its power. While I do not see this occurring, if it were to I would make an unbiased decision and keep the integrity of the game intact.
3202 days 9 hours ago
Forgot one rule about AON

10. If there is a tie after the AON is played between the two other nominees (whether they have 0 votes each or the same amount) then the HoH will be the tie breaker vote, there will NOT be a revote. The HoH shall always send me a their first choice and second choice to go home in case of a tie breaker in case they are not on during the vote reveal.

General Rules of the Game:

1. Harassment

-Things can get heated however there is a line between what is okay and not okay. While this should be quiet obvious I want to state that you may be expelled from the game if you are found to be stepping over the line. I will not tolerate physical threats, bullying (outside of the game context i.e. regarding someones race, sexuality, gender, etc.), or anything else that could get you banned on this website. Depending on the severity of an issue you may receive a warning the first time around or may be expelled immediately.

2. Hosting Errors

-Mistakes happen more often then us hosts like to admit it. Sometimes they are small but other times we can overlook rather large things. I've been in games where a host had read the votes in Survivor and a player with immunity got voted out before the host realized he was immune. If you think an error has occurred please contact me in a polite manner and privately and I will address the manner and correct it if valid. If we are in a live challenge and you think an error has occurred then post something in the public chat telling me to wait and express your issue (as I may not see a private message in time to fix it). If too much time has passed before an error is brought to my attention (to a point that the error is irreversible) then we may need to move along as is. So when in doubt ask me right away. I am an unbiased host and am not out to screw anyone over.

3. Inactivity

-Inactivity will not be tolerated and is an illness that may get your medically evacuated from the house. I work on the 3 strike system. Below is a list of things that will earn you a strike:

a. Not showing up for 3 consecutive challenges (if you show up but opt out I will not count this against you though it could make you a nominee via the challenge nomination). Every consecutive challenge missed will result in a strike. There will be non-live challenges built in to give everyone a chance to compete in case of time constraints.

b. Not voting to evict someone, or not sending a tie-breaker vote(s) if you are the HoH

I may add things to this list if twists in the game create the need. Also if there is an issue bring it to my attention. If you can not make challenges/vote in an upcoming eviction because of something personal let me know about it (you dont have to go into detail) and I'll exempt you from earning a strike (though missing challenges will likely still put you in danger of the challenge nomination unless decided otherwise by my decision).

4. Other

-General Big Brother rules shall almost always apply in the absence of a ruling by myself. If I feel I need to add a rule that differs from the BB USA rulebook then I hold the right to do so.

IF, after reading everything above, you still want to play then please post so below.
3202 days 9 hours ago
"I understand the rules and wish to play still".
3202 days 9 hours ago
I do not understand the rules
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still. I guess
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and I wish to play still.
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and I wish to play still
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still.
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still.
3202 days 8 hours ago
I understand the rules and wish to play still
3202 days 6 hours ago
understand and will still play

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