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Topic » Sooooo

3753 days 6 hours ago
I'm probably never finishing these episodes tbh. No motivation since it was so long ago.

I'll post the final results soon and I'll host a reunion within the week for the castaways since they never got one.

I'm sorry. This was a really fucking stupid thing for me to take on and a ton of work. Don't hate me please. I hope to start season 5 soon though so we aren't a dead series! Hope you will continue to be a part of Winner and Prez's Survivor's blossoming community.
3753 days 6 hours ago
I will post a short recap of what happened from Dave's elimination to the present.
3753 days 6 hours ago
Actually I'll just post everything I had worked out, I had some more of the episodes kinda done
3753 days 6 hours ago

At camp, Dan, Shane and Jeremy are celebrating.
JEREMY: Holy shit! I can’t believe that worked!
DAN: I know!
SHANE: I honestly can’t believe we got another one to flip on the re-vote!
DAN: Yep… we 3 are pretty obviously close. *laughs*
JEREMY: Hopefully, we can just roll into the final 5 with the Ashley voters!
DAN: We just have to make sure we keep them on our side.

i tried to get dave to come on our side and vote woth us, but he didnt, and that was his downfall. but, its ok cuz now i got shane, dan, martin & deja for the final 5. we should be good. and im willing to go koshi final 3. that would be a huge upset!

I am the king in this season
i got 2 idiots from the other tribe of 7 to flip
And now im safe... and so is safe
we started the day with 3 people in our allaine against 7 people
thats almost a full tribe
and now we have an allaince of 5 against 4...  Im a genius and now i think i have
a great chance at winning this game
3753 days 6 hours ago
after immunity

Deja is totally ready to flip with Dan and Shane with me to do Ken! And I'm freaking out cuz I can flip with them or stay with the original tribe! So nervous right now..... I need more information

So right now,
Me, nick, Shane, Deja and Jeremy
are in a allaince of 5
and how stupid are these 2?
its so clear that the 3 koshi members are sticking together in the end
and these idiots come to our side thinking they are safe in the end...
HAHA... omg this is the crazy thing...
i never thought that my tribe would lose every single time... and still have a chance in this game...
and we are in the majority
we werent the strongest but we where the smartest
they where the strongest but they are the dumpest
Haha... im winning this game and no one will take it from me but there is one thing im scared of... shane... he is the biggest threat except for me... and i dont want him in the end

The aforementioned alliance of 5 is meeting.
DAN: Who’s our target tonight?
JEREMY: It’s gotta be Ken, right?
SHANE: I think so.
DAN:  Is Ken cool with you two? (to Deja and Nick
DEJA: Would you guys want me to work as a mole of sorts with the other alliance? I’m pretty sure they still think I’m with them.
JEREMY: That would be amazing.
*Deja sleuths around and talks to the other alliance*
DEJA: They seem to want you out, Dan.
DAN: I figured.

Oh, how I love being a mole! I'm working for Dan and Shane and ratting out the other alliance. It's so much fun!
3753 days 6 hours ago
Nick and Shane are talking.
NICK: I can’t wait to work with you guys officially now.  Last tribal was crazy! I almost didn’t vote for Ashley.
SHANE: Wait, what? You voted for Ashley?
NICK:  Yeah… why wouldn’t I have?
SHANE: 1 second.
*Shane walks off to talk to Dan*

SHANE: Did you know that Nick voted for Ashley last tribal?
DAN: No… so that means Martin wasn’t with us.
DAN: That little rat!

New alliance meeting.
DAN: Martin’s gotta go.


I just found out that Dan is heading an alliance. The other alliance in this game that I feared of coming to being. And they're after blood tonight.
My blood.

Martin said they THINK he's with them, and that they're voting me. But I got a separate message from Martin saying that Deja REALLY IS with them. Which makes their alliance outnumber ours.

Unless Deja's only pretending to be flipped as well, but I doubt it. So that can only mean one thing.

I'm leaving this game after this vote. I just need a miracle.
3753 days 6 hours ago
Episode 8 – Votes
Martin – Dan
Jeremy – Martin
Dan – Martin
Ken – Dan
Ashley – Dan
Marty – Dan
Shane – Martin
Deja – Martin
Nick – Martin
Martin leaves 5-4
Marty played an idol on himself.
3753 days 6 hours ago
So Martin / hudspith is out, Nick and Deja officially flipped on old Bagmati.
3753 days 6 hours ago
up to this point
16th: Ryan / ryanhawk71 (Koshi) (4-3-1)
15th: Bubba / Duffybutt11 (Koshi) (4-1-1-1)
14th: Dante / charliescene0214 (Bagmati) (4-2-2)
13th: Nikki / Avatar20 (Koshi) (5-1)
12th: Nova / NovaScotiaChic (Koshi) (4-1)
11th: Tim / terose (Koshi) (3-1)
10th: Dave / dfalc7 (Bagmati/Mechi) (5-5/4-4/Drew Purple Rock)
9th: Martin / Hudspith (Bagmati/Mechi) (5-4) (First Jury Member)
3753 days 6 hours ago
I was the swing vote, and I just pulled off one of the biggest moves so far. I'm now aligned with Shane, Dan, JB, and Deja. All goes well, final 3 me Shane and Dan..... unless I can find someone else to take who is less of a threat

Well... we flushed an idol tonight
and now im have a clear path to the final 3
the only thing in my way... is shane...
when we get to the final 5...
me, Deja and Jeremy will come to gether and vote out
nick and shane... Man... im good at this game...
im not leaving anytime soon and the only thing i need
is that idol

Nick and ken win immunity.

This was EXACTLY the kind of miracle I needed. But that was just a small miracle. A small stepping stone miracle.
If I wanna win the game, I need to wait for the time to set off the perfect miracle.

Even if I could go home the next tribal council anyway, I still have my friends. And Nick has immunity too, he's the most reliable friend I got in this whole thing.

Also, I don't fucking care what my alliance votes. It is high time I take my vote out on somebody who actually needs to be booted. ____.(Ill tell you in another PM)

i think i maybe next i mean... that challenge shows that im a threat
im the most strategyic and social and also the most hated and most voted to win the game and most falsey running the game... IM A THREAT... and i hope these idiots dont see it

so close to winning sucks, especially because ken probably would have gotten the boot had he not won, so we'll have to go next best option...

If i find the idol... im using it tonight because i need safety
i dont know but i got this weird feeling that these people will
vote me out... and they better not because i saved shane
and if he gets me out that just proves he isnt the nice and that i
save him for no reason... i came into this game not to win... i came into
this game for the honor and i proved i meant to be here and now... im playing for the glory
3753 days 6 hours ago
Episode 9 – Votes
Jeremy – Marty
Dan – Marty
Ken – Deja
Ashley – Ashley
Marty - Shane
Shane – Ashley
Deja –  Marty
Nick – Marty
4-2-1-1 Marty leaves

seeya Marty.
3753 days 6 hours ago
Double elimination

Immunity challenge

nick is getting on my nerves. big time! like really does he need a third iimunity when he obviously not going home?

Well, I'm glad for Nick. I hope he ends up winning this game. As for me,
in case if I get out in this tribal council,

This is the closest I have ever gotten to tasting victory. I don't wanna try to sound too sappy and end up staying after this vote anyway, but I still appreciate Ethan and all the other people in this game. Thanks, guys.
And if I don't win this game, Nick winning will make me just as happ

Nick finds the idol.
OMG YES! I found the idol! I'm gonna try playing it final 5 or try using it to stir up some trouble. Let's rock the boat!

im sure he will be going today, especially considering Ashley doesn't show up, so we will keep her until at least tomorrow

Episode 10 – votes
Jeremy – Ken
Dan – Ken
Ken – Dan
Ashley –  Deja
Shane – Ken
Deja – Ken
Nick -  Ken

yeah as you can see this episode was like 20% made. Straightforward vote, Ken leaves.
3753 days 6 hours ago
16th: Ryan / ryanhawk71 (Koshi) (4-3-1)
15th: Bubba / Duffybutt11 (Koshi) (4-1-1-1)
14th: Dante / charliescene0214 (Bagmati) (4-2-2)
13th: Nikki / Avatar20 (Koshi) (5-1)
12th: Nova / NovaScotiaChic (Koshi) (4-1)
11th: Tim / terose (Koshi) (3-1)
10th: Dave / dfalc7 (Bagmati/Mechi) (5-5/4-4/Drew Purple Rock)
9th: Martin / Hudspith (Bagmati/Mechi) (5-4) (First Jury Member)
8th: Marty / Marty093 (Bagmati/Mechi) (4-2-1-1) (Second Jury Member)
7th: Ken / MiharuWada24 (Bagmati/Mechi) (5-1-1) (Third Jury Member)
3753 days 6 hours ago
Now, shit got crazy.

well tribal went as planned. ken got voted out. but deja and dan got their name written down and there was an unread vote so someone isn't fully with us and im gonna find ut who it is

It's crucial for me to win immunity. If i do, I have a seat in the final four. Now I just need to find a way to shake up the game. I feel confident in my alliance of 5, but I'm clearly just being used as a vote in their eyes. I'd love to take Ashley with me, she's a floater, so my plan is this. First Ken goes. Then I win immunity (hopefully). Then I talk to either Deja and JB or Shane and Dan. I tell them the other two are planning on flipping on each other, and I take Ashley with me on whoever I decide needs to go. It all rests on if I win immunity, and if I can convince these guys that the others are gunning for them. It's gonna be awesome if this works!

Ok so now we are down the final 6... i need to win immunity
i need to fine the idol .... i can get final 4 with both
i love this game and i love to win this game... shane is my biggest target
i can get deja and Archer to votes shane... and then i can make the finals
but right now if i do that its 3v2 with the bogumit tribe on that side and 2 koshi
so idk if they are that smart to go on with BogUmita but its a big possibility

Shane wins immunity.

o... my...god I JUST FUCKING WON IMMUNITY IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

k so since I won immunity and I get an idol clue wich I shared with dan so o ne of us will definatly find this idol because I guessed dirt 1 and 4 and hes guessing dirt 2 and shrub 2

ok someone besides me or dan has the idol and im scared
3753 days 6 hours ago
Dan planned to backstab Nick but it didn't work out. Nick, in one of the biggest moves in Winner and Prez's history, played an idol on himself, sending Dan home.

Episode 11 – Votes
Jeremy  -  Nick
Dan – Nick
Ashley – Nick
Shane –  Nick
Deja –  Dan
Nick – Dan (plays idol on himself)
3753 days 6 hours ago
Episode 12

Nick and Deja continued working together, but they got Shane to join their cause, as well.

Episode 12 – Votes
Jeremy – Deja
Ashley – Deja
Shane –  Jeremy
Deja –  Jeremy
Nick – Jeremy

Jeremy leaves 3-2.


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