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Survivor: Pakistan - Fans vs. Favorites 2 Discussion

Topic » Survivor: Pakistan - Fans vs...

2949 days 7 hours ago
Ivy (__ivyy_445) Confessional:

(omg I need to quit rambling im sorry xDD)
Jera (XxHeroxX) [Faroe Islands, 11th] - I saw these past names and I was like "dang this is gonna be kinda rough". Then I saw Jera's name. Then I was like.... oh my. I have a feeling the favorites are going to underestimate her. She's a master manipulator and is good at getting her way. We are acquainted from BigBen1996's series. I watched her dominate her season from the VL. We literally dubbed that season 'Jeraland' for a reason. The problem is that she also is aware of my gameplay from my first season in Ben's and I don't think she's going to want to keep me around. I need to let her know that we don't have to be rivals. That might keep her off my back for now, but she's going to try to cut my throat eventually. I gotta make sure I'm one step ahead of her. I love Jera and all but... i feel bad for saying this, I kinda hope the favorites get rid of her before I have to meet up with her ROFL
So, the first twist began. We had to vote a person off on day one. First off, Peyton is my ride or die; my absolute best friend. No way will we ever break apart. Peyton and I were in BigBen's Second Chances where we rivaled with Qaz and Brandon. (Qaz and I were at each others throats rofl) Qaz was basically male Jera that season and Brandon was outspoken and fought with nearly everyone... I think he almost made some players quit ROFL!! However, my game plan right now was to keep our fans strong. We cannot come after each other. I feel like we're all four good players (I'm probably the least of that bunch) and if we don't stick together, the favorites are going to dominate us. The favorites kept bragging about how much better they are (it's truth lol) and they will be if we don't step up. Qaz, Brandon and I immediately formed an alliance. Peyton was not included in this but I did let him know about it. Qaz and Brandon are also separately talking to Peyton as well so hopefully we can pull him in as a 4th. Josh and Dawson also spoke with me. It was kind of a scramble because Peyton and I didn't know if Brandon needed to go now (Brandon is quite the crazy player. Though he says he's going to calm down for this season... we'll see rofl) while I know Brandon is wild.... I think that would be great if we merged. The favorites would constantly target Brandon and the heat would be off of Peyton and I. Peyton and I also caught Josh. He's basically getting everyone to work with him lol... I don't blame him, this was a crazy vote! I'm not saying anything to Josh as of now. He is someone to watch out for because he seems like the type to run and flip to the favorites I'm afraid :( maybe I'm wrong. I DO really like Dawson, actually. He's a nice guy. I was afraid that since literally Qaz, Brandon, Peyton and I played on the same season (Idk what Qaz was thinking when he pointed that out to everyone in the cast reveal xD) we'd be targets. Apparently that's not the case. When we vote, Ben gets voted off for inactivity. Jera received quite a bit of votes, but it was Brandan(</3) who was voted out.

That's when it was decided they weren't leaving. They're the team captains and they have to choose 5 fans and 5 favorites for each tribe. This literally IS fans vs. favorites lol.

Are we, the fans, screwed? ..... too soon to tell. The favorites are going to be on their A-game this season. It all depends on the wildcards (Bennett, Matt, the other Matt, and Josh)

2949 days 7 hours ago
James (WitZ) Confessional:

Well I don't know how to feel after that scrambling debacle. Initially I wanted to vote for Jera simply because she was inactive. Then she came back and started scrambling throwing Brandon under the bus. Unfortunately, she convinced the flop to him and I was on the outs of the vote. After the vote I lied to her telling her that I voted when she was inact, went shopping, and when I came back it was too late to change my vote. I think we are on better terms now but URGH. That was a wake up call for sure and a huge scare. I actually am really happy for this season mix up. I felt like that although our team was super strong, if we did lose one I could be on the bottom of the totem pole. Now though, everything is starting again basically so it is a clean slate. I hope that I end up on the team with Qaz and maybe Courtney too but idk? I guess that I will just have to adapt to the new team and hopefully survive a few more rounds 0_0
2949 days 7 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional:

So, i was super excited i got on, but now it is buisness as usual. You guys threw me for a loop, I thought boom boom 2 down 17 more to go. I loved the idea of the challenge and that I was able to get a feel out for multiple castmates and felt I had built the introduction to starting alliances with several members down the road. I got good impressions from brandon, ivey, qaz, dawson, and we all were able to vote together. Now this new twists throws everything for a loop, and I will once again have to build relationships and be mettled with people who may have pre game alliances, old allegiances, bad blood, etc. It will be interesting, but I am ready for it. Bring it on!
2949 days 6 hours ago
This talk about the BigBen Second Chances premade is ridiculous. But I'm very interested to see how and IF they will work together when the final tribes are revealed.
2949 days 6 hours ago
AJ (Kinggeek) Confessional:

Hello. It's SlayJ from Blood vs Water and whew was I shocked that I was asked to join this season. This time I definitely want to learn from my mistakes and have a SUCCESSFUL alliance. Due to my dumb ass oversleeping, I missed the opening vote and Brandan (I love him but thank god) and Ben (who) went home. Now they're like gonna rank the fans & faves and that's basically gonna make the tribes. There are a lot of people I know in this cast and hopefully I'll be able to work with most of them


People I definitely want to work with:
Sagar - I love Sagar. He's a vey strategic player but he also has a great personality and is a cool person to be around.
Ivy - Ivy and I tend to bond a lot when it comes to group games. She's a total sweetheart and I'm a total bitch so it works out! We usually do well when working together, but one of us flops in the end. Let's try and change that this time around.
Jera - She's a mindfucker and very intelligent but I've talked to Jera and she's cool. I also cackled when she reported Tengaged a while ago lmao
Courtney - Courtney's...a case. We've played in multiple games together and I feel like we know each other pretty well by now, which could be either a blessing or a curse. When we do work together, we do fairly well but sometimes that's not usually the case fjfjdjdk
Peyton - Peyton and I first played in Bingo's Survivor Togo and I literally adore this bitch. He's so sweet and we have similar music tastes so, yeah. Hopefully I'll get to work with him again.

People I Have Mixed Feelings About:
Jimbo - Obviously Jimbo is a clear threat in the game. Working with him is like dancing with the devil and I don't have my tap shoes, honey. I do feel bad for him as his rep in the community definitely gets him out early if people are smart enough.
Dawson - We've never really talked but he seems like one of the more...not so smart people. I feel like he can be very gullible but will cry his ass off when he realize he's been lied to seaux there's that.
Bennett - I'm pretty sure he hates me, but I don't know. Well I think he used to hate me due to my ass on the blogs page being my usual messy self but I don't know.
Qaz - I feel like Qaz is one of those wanna be "Survivor Know-It-All" twats and that's ugly but he's commented on my games before in previous series yet we have not held an official conversation together.

People Who I Don't Want To Work With:
both Matts - although mrcool is the more annoying try hard whiny ass crybaby who I will not unblock on Skype for this. I'm not that big a fan of either of them.
Brandon - all offense, a complete fucking nuisance. He tries way to be hard to be hated and is just really extra, but honslee I shouldn't be talking cause I'm fucking extra as hell too.

People I Don't Know (or haven't talked to well enough):
Nate (congrats on him going from fan to favorite though.)
Joel - I've seen him in other group game series but don't know him well enough.
James - Just like Joel, I've seen him in a few series but I don't think we've ever had legitimate conversations. (I've probably had convos with him but they were like...long ago.)

Anyways, this cast is 7.8/10 (too much water bitch), I can't wait to add everyone on skype and get to know them more. Although my main laptop is broken, I can still use my little brothers laptop and go on web fucking shit ass bitch ass dirty ass musky ass fucking big toes ass skype. Praying I don't go home pre-merge....again, after all I am a goddamn celebrity.

2949 days 6 hours ago
Matt (Survivornerd) Confessional:

So I decided I might try for the win in this game. I'm kind of taking the Fabio approach, where I seem laid back but I'm trying to talk to everybody.... starting to work with Qaz, and I played with him before. He was the Kass to my Spencer I guess you could say, but I think that if we stick loyal (which, let's be honest, probably won't happen) we can go far together. I don't like the other Matt very much.... very demanding. I think he's apart of a big alliance, so I'll be sure to watch out for that. I also voted for Brandon, he's a schemer and he talks to anyone and everyone every season, and gets voted out early because of it. He NEVER learns. Alright... well there isn't much else to say, so I guess I'll give you an updated confessional tomorrow.
2949 days 5 hours ago
Jera (XxHeroxX) Confessional:

So apparently Brandan isn't leaving -_- Whatever tbh. I can't trust james, because he completely tried to blindside me, and is a snaky little cunt at this point tbh. I do trust Clair, Sagar, and Jimbo and I think we could work together if we are put together.

^Thisssssss <333 Too bad they may not end up on the same tribe ;c I wanted a Jegar and Jimbo and Clair alliance </3
2949 days 5 hours ago
I'm here for the mrcool confessionals
2949 days 5 hours ago
Qaz (Qazwdxedc) Confessional:

Finally, after dropping out twice I believe, I can play! And I'm more ready than I was a year ago! I've done maturing and I've taken some big strides in the group game community! I'm more than ready right now!

Alright game plan time! So I know lots of people on my tribe from past games and tbh it worries me a bit since they all think I'm some King (true) and that I'm threatening. That helps me early on since they need some good challenge players like me but later in the game I could be screwed!

That being said, I will be a villain and stand people up. I need to be scare them away from making moves against me. I'm easily the best villain when I play like one but sometimes I'm a bit nice. In games I'm super intense and I don't shy away but irl I'm nice.

Socially, I'm playing like bigbens second chances (if any of you know). I want to create a group of sheep and have them sheep me far. Tbh I don't see how that would be hard I'm too good socially anyways that they will just listen to me and do what I say. I have friends on both tribes so I should be good!

Strategically, I'm just going to be simple and say, if it benefits my game it's happening. I will do anything to win, so if an opportunity arises baby it's MINE! I won't make moves for the purpose of making moves but if something is good for my game, you better believe it!

Physically, I'm already good at challenges it shouldn't be hard and I'm active so I'll be good. I just need to be myself and I'm going to win some challenges (especially superlatives). If there is a gay ass flag challenge I won't do it though.

I'll send my cast opinions in a different one, but get ready for me! I will win! I'm going to do ANYTHING, whether it's risky or nah, I'll do it, only if it's a good risk though!
2949 days 5 hours ago
Clair is making bonds with EVERYBODY so far, perfect timing too since the whole anarchy phase stuff. But still :']
2949 days 5 hours ago
Nate (Nt888) Confessional:

The Spartans, Romans, Ottomans and Chinese all of these people had one thing in common they were at the top of the world but as the old saying goes all good things must come to an end. The same goes with the favourites tribe we could have had it all we were superior and had the potential to be impossible to defeat. But nope you plebs had to ruin it for us we could have swept the season but now once again I could be a member of the fans tribe. Yikes. That tribe sucked I don't remember much about my last season but we were terrible and I back stabbed them because I wanted some excitement hopefully people don't remember that or I could be screwed and I have waited far too long for that to happen
2949 days 4 hours ago
AJ (KingGeek) "Cuntfessional":

Matt (mrcool): KINGGEEK IS MY #1 TAGRET *continues to whine like a little bitch*


Host: Could you elaborate on where this drama came from?

AJ: It's honestly generally because he's an annoying immature twat. Plus when you spam "F****t" in my skype messages just to annoy me, then hell yeah I'm not gonna like you. And he's always blogging about me, lol. It's sad, huh.
2949 days 4 hours ago
I'm laughing so hard at that Nate confessional lol
2949 days 4 hours ago
Also to clarify everything in AJ's confessional after the video was not part of the original confessional, I'm trying new stuff and asking questions about the players games and whatnot :]
2949 days 4 hours ago
Too many people to root for judging I have hosted over half of them.

But I would like to see AJ go far for a change even thought Jera and Ivy are great in terms of confessional novellas.

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