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Survivor: Denali - Heroes vs. Villains Discussion

Topic » Survivor: Denali - Heroes vs...

2895 days 11 hours ago
I wish I was on this season </3 But it's probably a good thing I'm not, I know so many people on the Heroes tribe it'd look like CBS' Survivor: Fans vs Cochrans Friends.
2895 days 11 hours ago
Hey I'm gonna be real active in the VL:)
2895 days 11 hours ago
Ethan, can I ask who else was on the 46 person list?
2895 days 11 hours ago
I played 2 times in the series
2895 days 11 hours ago
Ben (aceman509) Confessional:

Guess who's back, back again. Assman's back, tell a friend.

Well after getting my confessional leaked I garnered up enough sympathy from Ethan to somehow allow me back on what could be the most competitive season I've ever seen. I have so many feelings right now. I'm happy, excited, nervous, anxious, and if I'm totally honest a little bit horny.

First I want to point out that writing these confessionals is a totally useless exercise this season. No, I'm not going to point out the obvious and go back to the same tired joke that isn't even funny at this point by saying that it will just get leaked if I do. I'm not, not going to say that though. No, what I really mean is that every damn member that actually gives a shit in the VL is playing this season so literally no one is going to care. Maybe my boy Qaz will, shout out to Qaz if you read this.

Anyway, on to boring game bot stuff. This cast is stacked, particularly on the Heroes side. This little twist of having 4 tribes is ok but not great for me because as you all know I like to hide like a little bitch during pre-merge so I can fully come out of my cocoon like the sensual butterfly I am once the merge hits. But in a tribe full of 6 you can't really hide. Plus most of these people know my strategy of being of wolf in sheep's clothing so I may need to alter that ever so slightly this season. So, what have I done so far? Well obviously I've pregamed because its an all star season and who doesn't. I didn't want to make the mistake of doing that too much though because you know my old mantra of never make yourself a target, and mailing everyone is easily the best way to do that.

I mailed my buddy Jimbo. Immediately regretted doing that. This season is off to a great start! It's not that I don't trust him, ok, it actually is that I don't trust him, but its also that I think he is the wrong player for me to hitch my wagon to (Sagar if you're reading this too (doubtful) I'll hitch my wagon to you any day though ;) ). He just is a little bit too demanding and I don't think he really gives two shits about me. Well, we have that in common at least. But anyway, we made a solid pregame and HOPEFULLY that gets me through this hell of having 4 tribes until a swap happens. The other person who messaged me was Ben. He called himself flop Ben. Clearly this is some sort of circlejerk Tengaged joke I have missed out on (I think its something called the Brovivers or some shit idk and idc) but yeah we made an alliance. This dude knows that I "won" his season (I was total shit on it thats why its in air quotes) so he knows my strategy a bit too well. We formed the dead fish alliance (my name idea cause we are both flops and our favorite player is the GOAT Will Sims) and maybe he can help me out. The one other thing I regret kinda but not really is I went hardcore fanboy mode and messaged Christian saying I was a huge fan of his game and that we think alike so we should work together. That actually isn't false, but I think it was a mistake. Christian is such a damn good player that I think he may be a little sketched out by me. He is probably typing up a confessional right now that includes some sort of ingenious food metaphor or comparing me to a giraffe or something, idk. Point being he probably doesn't trust me as much as I think (read: want) him to, so me spilling over every one of my thoughts to him is probably a tiny bit of a mistake. I think I just made a deal with the devil.

Until next time. Oh, and also, Fobby I'm planning on sending you skype confessionals in order to steal Tim away from you. I'll treat you way worse.
2895 days 11 hours ago
Brandan (Maladus1) Confessional:

And so the chaos unfolds. And I am stuck on a tribe with a lot of explosive personalities. Yet.... surprisingly they seem nice. And that scares me.

In my first two seasons, I tended to overplay, get myself into even more trouble than I needed too. Made myself an even bigger target than I needed to. I'm afraid that if I come into this game with the mindset of "I'm a returnee, I HAVE to play a masterful game" It can bite me in the ass. So I'm going to try to do something a little bit unorthodox.

I'm going to wipe the slate clean, and think like a first time player, which ALSO meant that I had to bury the hatchet with Felix... which surprisingly went well. I mean, I think if what he said was true, we can really work well together.

I'm trying desperately not to overplay my hand, but SOMEHOW by talking to literally 3 PEOPLE, I am at the middle. Somehow, Someway.


I'm trying my hardest to take a couple of deep breaths and not freak out. I really am. I don't want to screw this up and make people think that I'm not covering all of my bases... because I really am not trying to. It just happens!

Literally, This is what I know.

Brady/Chris are against Felix
Felix is against Brady/Chris
No one fucking knows where Mickle is.
And Me/Niko literally have nothing so far... well kind of.

And unless I'm blind or everyone has turned into the greatest liars ever, I think I'm good. I just can't screw this up, because like I said, this is the tribe of EXPLOSIVE personalities, and if I make a slip up, I'm going to get verbally abused.

And I don't want to be verbally abused :(. Especially by Felix :(.

But oh well, what can you do about it, I got my stress ball and a therapy session lined up for Tuesday, so I'm set!
2895 days 11 hours ago
Rooting for tim and brandonrichie! Hope they do well
2895 days 11 hours ago
Nick (archerskyfire) Confessional:

OMG!!! I'm so excited to be playing for my 4th time in this game! I can already tell this season is going to be hella great, so I can't wait to get going! My tribe is awesome, everyone on it is super nice and seems really chill. It just makes it that much harder to vote people out. For this game, I'll be going for my usual strategy of being UTR for as long as possible while getting shit on by everyone else for being a floater, and then make moves when I have to. This game is going to be insanely hard for me just because of my record. People are going to take one look at my record and immediately see a threat. It got me in trouble in all stars, and getting 4th there is only going to make it harder here. The chances of me making merge are slim to none, I just hope people don't see me as a four time player, and instead see me as a Lawful Good member who is loyal and a good ally. I'll need a miracle to get through this but I'm gonna give it my all
2895 days 10 hours ago
Connor (cjuddy) Confessional:

I am exhilarated-(underlined and in bold) to be back @ it with the group games. I was hesitant to come back this soon after having a break but I couldn't refuse when I was invited to participate in a WPF Heroes vs Villains season - One of the series I did not completely flop at.. :-)

The tribe set up is so much better than a clear cut 'HvV' season and this probably has a tonne of bias but I believe that 'chaotic good' is the best thing to be out of the four. We have morals but aren't afraid to stir the pot every now and again. We are the free spirits of the game! Being labelled as a villain automatically puts you as a target in my book for a couple reasons. 1 reason being that I am hesitant to trust anyone labelled as a villain, but the main reason being that I am so not ready for the people who feel they need to live up to their 'villainous' title even if it isn't logical for their game. A lot of the time they are more focused on creating drama and winning the fan favourite award than actually winning the game. That's all sunshine and rainbows for them but I aint about that life #vanilla
Going through the cast reveal i like yes yes nice brah hell yeah and then come the villains and i went reaching for the holy water because that lot are not people I see myself working with. I wanted to splash them all with the gods juice in hopes that their villainous souls are saved because as of now I can only see myself working with a very select few of the villains whether it be from past beef, present beef or me spectating their beef with other people in other games #moo

What do I think about my tribe? We definitely aren't the most stacked tribe by any means but we seem like an active bunch and that's what matters! I obviously recognise the likes of Jimbo and Joe but whether or not we work closely together is another story. So far I have only spoken to Trey and Ace on my tribe and they are both top notch people so I will hopefully get to know them a lot better over the next few days! Definitely potential there for an alliance :)

For now I am just going to be me, try be as active as possible and win these first few challenges. Going to try secure my self a nice safe spot within the tribe and hold out until morning
2895 days 10 hours ago
Ben (Bigben1996) Confessional:

*steps onto freezing ice and begins to flail like a Magikarp*

First off, I was lied to about this season's location.  Redmond spoiled me that we were suppose to be heading to the lovely Bahamas, but now I see that rumor was false.  I forgot to pack my winter coat, my rockem sockum robots and my blubber nuggets in which I was going to sneak past production.


This season is really giving me vibes of "why did I ever accept this invite"  The fact that this cast is 24 individuals is crazy enough already, but there is also FOUR tribes is even crazier, but predictable.  I really should of went to Walmart prior to buy myself a reusable diaper as I am definitely going to need it.  Also, with this Brovivor crap happening, I find that it is VERY possible that I am definitely going to have a target along with the host target.  However, there is also the advantage of knowing a lot of these individuals and their playing styles in which I could have potential connections.  I'm just going to have to wait and see, whether history will catch up to me or I can find the quote on quote "lawyer loop hole" into an alliance.

This time around...

I am playing for the family (specifically my grandfather).  This summer, he NEEDS the money to help pay rent for the nursing home he currently is in.  I want to be the "breadwinner" and be the one responsible for paying his rent so he doesn't end up on the street like Mel Gibson.  There is a lot riding on this game and if I don't pony up well the resentment will kick in.

I will probably write a cast assessment later, but for now I will leave my confessional on a few notes:

-I will be working with ZERO Brovivors
-I am very mad, that I cannot give Rhys 24th
-I want my blubber nuggets
-BRRR it's frostbite (never had the liberty of playing)
2895 days 10 hours ago
Roman (dwallz26) Confessional:

I'm back. Whew it feels good.  24 people is going to take a miracle for me to make it to the end.  But if I make FTC I win.

I might go a total villain route though and just tank on purpose, rob you all of my glory and entertainment.  But I am too prideful to do that I think.

Immediately I am not thrilled to see two former enemies on the heroes side.  I sort of led the downfall of Natasha by flipping on her when she wasted her idol and then I was the sole vote to kick Andrea out of the game in Second Chances... and I think I got Connor out too but w/e he was irrel.

Anyways I am very proud to wear the lawful evil badge.  That describes me perfectly. Lawful evil means playing this game in an organized, logical, yet cuttthroat and emotionless fashion.  And that is me.

I hope to make it far to team up with some villains (Niko, Felix, Mickle) and a hero or two (Erik, jimbo) but gotta focus on the short term right now.

I am already in solid (I think) with Cole and Chris and chill with Brendan and Mel. Only Tim is really distant but he did finally message me.  He is my target for now and honestly I assume we are going to get our asses kicked in challenges cause I know I am terrible.  But if I make it past merge that could be a value play for me in that I won't be targeted.  Stay tuned for more. .
2895 days 10 hours ago
Connor (cjuddy) Confessional:

ohhhhh I am so out of the loop. I feel like my grandma trying to stay hip with all the current trends. Apparently Joe, Jimbo and erik are all very close?? I had no idea! Lord help me am I really going to be an early casualty? I need to do a lot of research because if I wasn't informed i would have been a dumb ass and talked shit about one of them to the other. bless.
2895 days 10 hours ago
Lots of good shit in all those confessionals.
2895 days 10 hours ago
Felix (CharlieBiBi) Confessional:

*camera pans to Felix looking directly to the camera*

Fuck you Ethan.

No but seriously, go fuck yourself. What kind of autistic tribe am I fucking stuck with this time? It's sad when MICKLEPICKLE IS THE SANEST PERSON ON THE TRIBE??????????????????

I don't even know what I'm supposed to do here, we're clearly losing every challenge, Brady/Chris are so insufferable I need them out first but Brendan is also awful so I can't go to him so I need that one noob and Mickle's votes but like that's about the last thing I want to do right now.

This tribe is so fucking terrible I'd rather be stuck with pikachu142 because while he was also awful, at least he could never do any damage while these people could by being awful
2895 days 10 hours ago
Mel (me2013) Confessional:

Heroes- really? in who's eyes?! TBH that was a wtf moment <<< not funny!

I have never played a Villain - ever!

BUT now I have seen the tribes I am kinda glad. I have scope to change up my game play and try out the "villian" title, kinda looking forward to it.

I can't believe that you all managed to gather all the people that hate me on one tribe and call them "heroes" (well except Brady that is - but I am sure we both remember what a total asshole he was to me in the last game we played. I think I actually quit because he crossed the line and made it personal).

Anyway at first I was like "wtf" but now I'm "oh well i'm just gonna enjoy the game for what it is and if I go, I go!"

Noteable mention: Jimbo and I just played a game and HE screwed me over at f4 - so who is the hero now!

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