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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3587 days 8 hours ago
Welcome to your final tribal council. Let's bring in the members of our jury; Ali, Ollie, Rhys, Chris, Zach, Eliott, Violet, and Ranz - voted out at the last tribal council.

Mike, Jimbo and Rhys, you will start us off by giving an opening statement on why you should win. No juror members can ask any questions until all three have given their opening statement (which, remember, has to be slightly brief, you'll explain yourself in detail when asked questions by the jury members). Thanks in advance.
3587 days 8 hours ago
Long jury speeches just get scrolled past, so I'm going to keep it simple

I started this game as a major underdog on Lao Cai because it was a much weaker tribe with only a few strong players. I'm glad to say I bonded with those players and it got me to the merge, even if it was in a minority.. I was a leader in pre-merge challenges even if Lao Cai lost and I felt like I would be a target at merge
Despite barely losing the first immunity challenge, I formed some good alliances, and thought I had all the votes I needed, and felt safe - until I was blindsided by my good ally Ollie being voted out. I knew I had to go into beast mode, but I also knew that I couldn't make myself a target like he apparently did (I still don't understand what he did wrong)
I was strong in some of the challenges throughout the rest of the game, and even though it wasn't everything that went well for me, what matters is that I survived votes despite being a huge underdog. I found the idol the round that I made a rap, due to my cunning interpretation of the clues, but I saved it for myself, which ended up being the right decision (sorry chris)
Overall, I was the underdog of the year, and even though I didn't make every step perfectly along the way, I managed to make it here through social game, strategy and fighting for immunity.
3587 days 7 hours ago
Ok so I wanna say congrats to Rhys and Jimbo and they have worked really hard to get here. Now ik some of you might say I don't deserve to be here or what not but honestly I do. I was able to stay low the entire game without getting noticed. Pre merge. I was basically controlling shit and my tribe was beast. Now for merge a lil different. Me and Rhys always had a discussion on who to go next and she had her rescources and I had mine. What you guys didn't know is that I was part of many different alliances. I had a deal with jimbo that I would keep him safe for as long as I could and he did the same for me. Rhys and I were from day 1 and Elliot wasn't actually her bff, I was lol. I also was part of Team Diversity with jimbo Elliot and pokey. So there you go folks. Now I may not have won comps or had idols or never pulled an amazing game move. But the point is I made it here to the end for a reason so idgaf what any of you think. Basically, if you vote for me then vote for me, if you don't the don't. Thank you and gl to everyone
3587 days 7 hours ago
I was going to grab a pen to write this speech, but I've realised that I'm going to need a shovel to get myself out of this mess. *Looks around.* I see a lot of people I've blindsided to get here, an awful lot of people. But let me try and explain why I did the things I did, because don't be mad at Mike, don't be too mad at Jimbo, the reason you guys are sitting where you are is because I had a strategy and I was willing to do ANYTHING to make sure that my game plan, was carried out.

My motto in games is "if you don't piss a few people off by final tribal, then you haven't been playing hard enough," and I believe that expression is pretty salient for my game. I realised immediately in the merge that I was going to have to reevaluate what I'd be prepared to do to get to the end.

I was able to get rid of the threats when they emerged; Ollie, the threat who was working harder than anybody, and then Chris, a dangerous member of that Lao Cai threesome. I was able to pull all of the strings with my friend Elliot, and even blame Zach for being the puppet-master, and turn him into the dragon, which meant everybody focussed their attention on him, and not myself. Zach played well, but did not control the group imo.

However, just as I was setting it on cruise control, Elliot was idol'd out brilliantly by Violet. Elliot leaving was a mistake, he was my single chain of loyalty throughout the game, and so I had to again, change up my game.

Violet and Jimbo were my biggest threats. I was able to play a part in having a 4-1 vote on Jimbo, where Jimbo's closest ally even voted him out, and even though Jimbo had an idol, I had a back-up plan, convincing Violet not to change her vote in the last seconds, so she came 5th.

I may have lost to Jimbo, and it should have been my time, but again, I believe, with a lot of manipulation, and honestly, a dirty amount of lying, have a 3-1 on Ranz, another competitor for the votes and make my way to the end, despite the chaos in the previous votes.

To sum it up, I have been incredibly manipulative, incredibly cunning, and have bathed in the jury members blood. However, I take that responsibility, because if I hadn't have made the moves I did, convinced the people of the things I needed them to believe, then I would not be sitting here today. Despite my ruthlessness, I still believe I am leaving here with friends, as I always courteous, always friendly.

Vote for the guy who would do anything to win.

Vote for the guy who didn't get a single vote in the merge stage.

Consider me today, because I have worked mercilessly hard. And I do mean, mercilessly ;)
3587 days 7 hours ago
And, in regards to Mike, he became my link of loyalty too :) I never would have lied, or voted out Mike, and we worked well together. Well done to him, and well done to Jimbo for the idol and immunity win. You're great guys.
3587 days 7 hours ago
Good speeches everyone :)
3587 days 7 hours ago
Yeah, agreed :) Am staying up a little longer, but it's 2AM in my country, so if I disappear, I'll answer them all by the time you guys wake up.
3587 days 7 hours ago
Lol. Do you think anybody's gonna ask us any questions now lol. Ok if you guys wanna ask me a question, feel free to do so
3587 days 7 hours ago
Well, it's 930pm've made some interesting points.  I intend to take in what you've said for an hour or so, then you'll hear from me.
3587 days 7 hours ago
I may speak tonight or tomorrow.
3587 days 7 hours ago
Ok. Take your time
3587 days 7 hours ago

Okay, first I would say congratulations - but it's you three who are sitting here, so I won't bother.

*turns to the jury*
Jury, in case you haven't noticed - these three contestants sitting here are symbolism of the game: Under-Playing, Average-Playing, and Over-Playing.

*turns to the final three*
Lets start with Chapter 1, the Under-playing - Mike.

Mike before anything I will give you two pieces of credit: You were apart of many alliances, and you were rarely targeted, I can give you that.
First before your main thing, is that your speech about #TeamDiversity was pointless, since Ollie was voted out right away and that ended right away.
Your honesty made me want to rip off my ears, the way you say the truth makes you sound like the biggest jack ass I've ever met.
However, I can sum up your game in one word….."Elliot".
Elliot, Elliot, Elliot, why Elliot? Is because you basically followed him this whole game and you failed to take action on anything on your own.
As the outsider of Hanoi, I can see that Elliot pulled all the strings, you were his loyal goat and followed every command that he said - you had a paved path to 2nd place and everything was perfect….
Until I bombed the entire thing and idol'd out Elliot, the next day you come up to me and tell me you want a Hanoi final tribal council, once again failing to take action and make an alliance on your own, you could have gathered up the people - but instead you come to me, the one who just idoled out your closest ally to help you.
You became irrelevent after Elliot's elimination so that's why you are here, your entire game is summed up in following Elliot's lead, I literally have nothing else on you besides Elliot.

So my question to you Elliot is: What move did you make on your own? By no one else's influence, 100% you.

*turns to the jury*
Now, we turn to chapter two - Average-Playing, Jimbo.

*turns to Jimbo*
Jimbo….slightly responsible for eliminating me but I won't take that into account tonight.
You view yourself as an underdog….you're not to be honest.
You were a guy who got in with the right people, you were sitting pretty - you may have gotten votes but those were from the people on the outs of Tan Cong, that's not "fighting for survival" that's "making sure the majority likes you", so if you think you had this tough battle…you didn't.
The idol play despite negating five votes isn't much to be honest, it was the last time you could have played an idol so wether or not you knew you were the target you would be playing the idol nonetheless.
We were never on the same side, so again I have no personal connection because Survivor is a story - and every vote needs to have meaning, and I have no reason to actually vote for you, we talked once in this game and you idoled me, those are the only two connections we've had in this game, so again, I have no good reason to actually give you my vote besides the fact is that I hate Rhys and Mike's gameplay.
Also the fact is I know you have Ollie's vote because he is Anti-Hanoi, so I'm not giving you props for that.

So my question for you is: Since we never actually connected - why should I, VIOLET (not the jury), nobody should vote for you.

*turns to the jury*
And now we turn to our final chapter in this game: Over-Playing, with Rhys.

*turns to Rhys*
Rhys….or Rhys….I'd rather kick my dog and burn a building than vote for you, because I have a lot to say about you.
You were the first person I talked in this game, and the one person - when I was on the outs of Hanoi and when I felt completely alone in this game: YOU, you Rhys came and talked to me calling me a victim, did I feel like you were lying a bit, yes, but it made me feel better that I could actually have a 1-on-1 with somebody in this game.
You were responsible for lying and hurting a lot of people in this game, you could make somebody feel really good about them
3587 days 7 hours ago
You were responsible for lying and hurting a lot of people in this game, you could make somebody feel really good about themselves, and then you voted them out - you say playing mercilessly and playing as hard as you can, I say you play by emotionally manipulating them and that is heartless.
Then, when I idoled out Elliot….you said I was a bad ass, and it felt good to be appreciated, and once again, like you talked about the first time how we were SO going to the end of this game together and how you would save me when the time came for it, so now lets fast forward to the beginning of the Finale, you set up Jimbo and EVERYONE to vote Jimbo so he coukd just idol me out, ON PURPOSE.
So when I found out YOU, not JIMBO were responsible for my elimination I saw you for who you really are: you are a liar and a coward who can't face the people's he betrayed, I was HURT by someone I called MY ALLY, when I was eliminated and knew you were the one pulling the strings, I was unbelievely angered and hurt by your actions.
You played this game strong Rhys, but I learned that our "friendship" was basically to cover your own ass.

So here's my question: Were you ever genuine about anything to anyone in this game, are you not heartless as I claim?

*turns to the jury*
Jury, I ask you tonight to not vote bitterly because that shows that you don't deserve to be sitting there, and someone should have taken your place and I want all of you, ALL OF YOU to think carefully because once the votes are revealed there is no going back, you can't change it so I beg of you to not vote one way because you didn't like them or were voted out by them cause hell, all of them were responsible for getting me gone so if all of you are going to vote one person strictly of 'they voted me out' then jump in the f*cking fire, we all knew what we signed up for.
3587 days 7 hours ago
Um violet I actually didn't follow Elliot the whole game. I followed Rhys through the whole game. Get your facts straight
3587 days 7 hours ago
Mike: How does that show your game was better? You say you deserve to be here, ANALEIGH deserve to be here more than you if all you did was follow other people.

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