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Santorini Confessionals

Topic » Santorini Confessionals

1432 days 13 hours ago
OH MY GOD. So this morning I wake up and go eh I should look for the idol at least a little bit..... within like 10 minutes I freaking find it and SCREAM so early my poor live in housewife @simpizzle was jolted awake to the sad realization that I found a virtual hidden immunity idol.

*live reaction of me finding it

I feel SO much better now because I have no fucking CLUE where i stand with this tribe. Hopefully everyone else feels the same way because there's no way I can be in a good one talks to me LOL!!! But with Steve being such an easy choice for the first vote and then winning the next immunity challenge - there really hasn't been any need for strategy thus far. But with that being said, I NEED AN ALLIANCE!!!!!!!!??????????????? Like hello?????

If we were to lose tonight I would likely just try to play on challenge abilities. Someone like Thomas or Nick could be an easy target just to keep on getting by. There's lots of more strategic moves I'd love to try and make but I don't feel solidly connected to anyone at this point. We need some more legit votes so i can see where loyalties lie before some moves get made.

I think it's time to get a little more aggressive, especially knowing I have an extra bit of security in my pocket.

DD just woke up and im ready to fucking play
1432 days 13 hours ago
--- Patrick gets 15th ---
1431 days 12 hours ago

My tribe won the immunity challenge today but my partner Sarah is trouble or on the block tonight but I want Sarah to stay in the game as long as impossible because a couple of them have secret partners left including myself I know that Ben is alone because steve voted out & someone in my tribe had Patrick as a secret partner too & idk who had Patrick as a secret partner in the game
1431 days 12 hours ago

Another dominant win!!! this game is gonna be
lil shoutout to @SammySosaTV for teaching me how to spam like that in suitman's survivor!
also shoutout to the AMAZING hosts for having a REASONABLE CHALLENGE!!!! my other group game challenge managed to last an hour and a half???? like no fuck off with that.

As for game shit, nothing is happening on my end LOL! I keep in kinda regular contact with Ryan but thats rly it! I'm assuming a swap or something will hit soon which means im gonna really have to start socializing......

I woke up to a message from Johnny this morning that had me
He says "if you don't tell me you have the idol im gonna fucking rip my eyes out". like ok he's been looking but I HATE the way thats phrased. Gimme a "ive been looking for so long pls tell me you found it" but IF YOU DONT TELL ME......

lord fucking help me
1431 days 12 hours ago
Big Ben:

Jesus!  I fucking crashed for a solid ten hours after the trifecta that I went through in the group game community.  My tribe is legit the ass crack of a Trump supporter.   So, now I just gotta play nice like I have been and just make it to a swap with my hidden immunity so I can reunite with KidA.

I'd really love to make the challenges but M&N is maybe one of the most stressful games that I've ever played compared to this.  I tried helping Patrick last round only to self-vote and supposedly Sarah voted Matt.  My trusted allies right now are likely me, Adam, and Eric.  I do like Sarah but they're way too messy but I want them to go far.  To be honest, I'd love to vote Dino out tonight.  He said we're the swings but he means himself.  He just seems really atuned and I don't want to underestimate him.

I know that I can work with Keith and Ryan come the swap.  But, I need to start building my sheep army to take out the evil.  Johnny is going to have to win out cause my tribe and I think myself does wanna kill him.  The secret advantage is useless to me because Steve is gone.  Johnny probably has an idol so I need to get moving.  Overall, not a lot to lose.
1431 days 12 hours ago
--- Sarah gets 14th ---
1431 days 12 hours ago

With the immunity challenge coming up & I have no partner to share my idol clue too I’m pretty alone without Sarah helping me im very sad right now but I need to start fighting for my life it’s win or go home tribal immunity challenge time now
1431 days 12 hours ago

Thank God Sarah is out, I'm so glad I never have to play with her in this game. I'm glad to see Ben, Eric, and my partner Dino safe on the other side, even though I have literally never spoken to Dino! And I'm also glad to see at least 1 dissenting vote against Adam; whoever voted against him could come in handy down the road if there's a swap (although, I'm not even sure there will be a swap in a 16-person season, although I kind of want one to give me an excuse to start talking to more people).

Anyway, as I said earlier in a manic DM to Will, I cannot find the idol for the life of me -- BUT, after the second clue, I managed to find an idol from a different series, and I looked at the current season, and lo and behold I had found the idol for the tribe that BigBen is on. So I figured what the hell, doesn't affect me, and I sent him the link. And then he tells me that he also has the idol in THIS game! So, I can't find the idol here, but at least that second clue got me some intel and maybe secured Ben's trust in me a little bit. It's huge to know where one idol in the game is, and it's huge to know that it could be on my side down the road.

As for tonight, I'm gonna bust ass in the challenge, but I honestly wouldn't mind going back to tribal council. I feel like I need a chance to figure out where people's loyalties actually lie, and while I suspect people would vote for either Sandy or Nick, who seem more or less checked out of the game, I could be surprised. I moreso want to make sure people are still playing this game with me, and maybe this would finally give me an excuse to put together a solid numbers alliance, rather than just having a web of 1-on-1 relationships. I still trust Keith the most on my tribe, and then maybe Johnny and Tyler, and then Rick. I haven't talked to Nick or Sandy at all.

OK, that's all, I keep writing confessionals even when this game has been pretty slow-paced so far, but fuck it, what else do I have to do, I am locked in my apartment and it has been raining for 3 days in Boston, and I am so fucking bored!!!
1431 days 11 hours ago

Today my tribe won another tribal immunity challenge for the group & that win was for u Sarah u are the best
1431 days 11 hours ago

We won our 3rd straight challenge! I hope my tribe see's that I was one of the four in our skype chat really participating. I've been slacking a bit socially as we haven't been to tribal in a while. Still tight with rickdev, ryan, and my partner alliance of johnny, matt, adam and I. I'm gonna keep looking hard for this idol and hope this 3rd clue will help
1430 days 22 hours ago


LOL seriously they have been such non factors in these challenges. I missed the first one but im starting to think we rly could have won that too. #JUSTICEFORSTEVE

Because we've had so much downtime there isn't really much to discuss but here we go!
- I told Johnny about the idol. As much as I think he's going to be a difficult ally, he's surprisingly a personality I can hide behind as he might rub people the wrong way more than I do LOL! He said he knew the idol was claimed and I doubt anyone else was even looking, so he knows. I would still only use it on me but whatever LOL!
- I've been in lots of communication with big ben after I just played his season. I was the big villain and he unfortunately saw everything that im capable of. BUT he also saw that when I pick my final 2 i will NOT go against them ever. and It was my final 2 that slayed me in his game, so im hoping he will think I can be that loyal to him too. He didn't even have to tell me, but I knew he had the other idol. And he confirmed it lol !
- in talking with big ben, his main allies are adam and eric who are people id likely wanna team up with in a swap. Those 3 + me and Ryan will likely be some sort of alliance.
LASTLY, word is that MATTYBOY might be in danger today. Mattyboy has some delusional idea that he's really good at these survivor games and we have QUITE the history. You wouldn't see it on his profile but I just took him out for 20th in another game so its lovely Im not going to even have to do the work this time.

Too embarrassed to show your failures Matty? Might wanna change that T&C survivor to a fat 19th place too cause thats what you fucking got.
1430 days 22 hours ago
Zach [from previous round]:

So, this tribal council Definitely has potential to be a good one. It's just a matter of how hard Sarah is gonna fight to stay. Pretty much, the vote as of right is Sarah or Adam, I'm feeling everyone leaning more towards Sarah. I actually made a little pitch on why I think keeping Adam is better than Sarah to my alliance, and 2 of the others agreed on it. Adam and Sarah are definitely gonna be going at each other I feel, which honestly I'm fine with as long as my name isn't brought up into anything.

I feel really bad, but I'm lying to Sarah at this point. She seems like she's a good person, but it's the name of the game. I feel more like Matt and Sarah are gonna be going at each other this tribal. Stay tuned dana Will, and the VL, this could get messy
1430 days 22 hours ago
Zach [this round]:

So, there was a big mess today. Luckily your boy should be safe again, because Ben and Matt are going at it at the moment. As long as it isn't me, I'm fine with any drama. I will unfortunately have to choose a side, and I know what side is gonna get me farther. With that being said I sadly vote Matt
1430 days 22 hours ago

I have found so many goddamn medallions from your previous games

kill yourself.


1430 days 19 hours ago

Confessional 6: Someone leaked my plan of blindsiding Ben, so now I have to find out whose really on my side and whose a 2 faced snake

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