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All-Stars II Confessionals

Topic » All-Stars II Confessionals

1391 days 15 hours ago

OK SCRAP THAT, I TALKED TO WES AND WE ARE THROWING OUR VOTES TOGETHER BECAUSE WE DON’T TRUST RICK. Wes suggested Eric, I said no and that Eric was a loyal number and had leaked the fact that the vote was gonna be him or I, so instead we are voting SEAVIPER together. I HOPE there are 7 votes Rick, 2 votes SeaViper then 1 vote like Wes or I, but we will see. But YES, I vote for SEAVIPER. I’m not editing the earlier part of my confessional because 2 mins until votes, but spammed both hosts on Skype too that my vote is SeaViper. Let’s hope for the best. GL noms.
1391 days 15 hours ago

K, can we talk about how the premiere episode MUST be the best premiere of Gen 3 by a landslide? It's simply.... so funny. Kelly and I form a beautiful bond, genuinely like him so much and could see us being Tengaged friends for a long time, everyone expects me to side with DanielSnooz -- a level-headed, strategic, Brovivor-esque kinda guy -- but INSTEAD I decide, fuck it, I'm craving some entertainment, so I side with the absolute psychopath alliance which includes Johnny, my old rival, Kelly, my new best friend, and 3 people I've never met before.

I leak EVERYTHING Daniel says to Kelly, which then starts a massive fight over accusations of premades, Daniel then excommunicates me from his alliance, Nathan and Jimmy flip to the other side, we deadlock, go to rocks, and KELLY GOES HOME.

I'm still laughing.

Am I concerned about being in the minority? No. I would be shocked if the other side decided to target me over two former winners and a three-time player. Since they are such LOGICAL and STRATEGIC players over there, I would easily be the last person they vote off, and in that time there will almost certainly be a chance to switch tribes or mutiny.

But in the meantime, I have a good relationship with Tyler, I like him a lot -- he's unsure about how this vote will go, and he doesn't like his tribe, so I want him or RickDev to mutiny over to our side AND... get this....


Like, I will do everything in my power to make that happen. Even though I have barely talked to Ray and Absol, I would simply die for them in this game, I am loyal to this group because of the trauma we went through when we lost our patron saint Kelly Numbers.

Overall, I know I cannot do well with this cast -- nobody knows who the fuck I am, there are far too many connections for me to navigate, and I am truly SICK of group games. However, I do owe it to Kelly to everything in my power to vote out Daniel, TJ, Brady, Jimmy, and Nathan, so I am going to expend all my energy trying to take them out. If I have to play until the merge in order to do it, then so be it. If I have to make F5 just to outlast hem, then so be it.

I'm not going to not try in this game, but I'm also considering this an opportunity to let out some much needed pent-up energy from being a desperate try hard in all my other group games. So, with that being said, it's time to cause another needless rock draw.
1391 days 14 hours ago
--- Wes gets 19th ---
1391 days 13 hours ago

Well we lost which means it's probably going to be the end of the road for me. I'm in a difficult spot on this tribe so I'm in lots of trouble. I'm not giving up, but the odds aren't in my favoir
1391 days 12 hours ago

Confessional: It’s ironic that this morning when I saw those random numbers up for a while I mentioned it to Johnny and he ended up finding the mutiny ticket that saved me from an atrocious minority with the swap. The rest of my alliance were all on one tribe so it made the most sense to just swap me over there and give them the majority. However it all got screwed up once Nathan revealed that he had his own ticket and now we’re back to a rocks scenario if we lose. I’m in a weird place right now because socially I think I am doing alright and have a good amount of allies/connections and i’m not coming across as the biggest strategic threat. However if it came down to winning at the end that’s a long shot I feel Ill be too invisible with this cast. If i make the merge I might just use the same strategy as last season, we saw how that worked out.
1391 days 8 hours ago

Alright let’s go


We love the Canary Islands trash representation. Honestly when I saw Tina I knew it could go one of two ways. But I knew her loyalty was going to be unbreakable. I saw a few love and light members/friends, especially on my tribe but luckily they took me in with open arms

Having brad on the OT was a stab in the heart but I knew if we could get together at some point we’d be fine

Hilariously for the past 10 years Johnny and I have rarely spoken and when we do it’s always just negative. We’re in another group game together and working together surprisingly well, so when I saw him on my tribe I knew I couldn’t screw him over

Will (ICEBEAST) told me Daniel was good to work with so we bonded over my bff/manz and it just seemed really organic to me

I actually got along with....everyone. Horrible bc EVERY game I play my tribe ALWAYS loses first immunity. It’s just tea

Honestly this season I wanted to come in as the hero from my season and change it up quickly and become somewhat sneaky and nasty

Villain? Maybe? But I’m just super nice and authentic with everyone so it’s hard to do that

Inevitably we lost, which I knew would happen

However.... Ben threw the challenge

Even though him and I were having great conversations, that didn’t sit well with me. Why was this not discussed with the tribe? You’re putting everyone at risk and it just seemed selfish

He was apparently mad bc Daniel started a “rumor” that he had a premade of Johnny/ray/absol and himself, but that suspicion was just confirmed when myself and jimmy got added to a chat with them

Like... hello 6th/5th in the alliance

Tbh tho I was going to vote with them bc it just seemed easy, but the more jimmy and I discussed it, we didn’t like how authoritarian the throwing the immunity seemed and how tight that 4 were going to be

Very last minute, I decided to flip and try to tie it with jimmy (this ended up working)

It was risky... but I’m never afraid of rocks.

Let me tell you, when that black rock showed up in bens hand...

I knew a swap was GOING to happen, but for now, I felt great. We got the luck of the draw. I honestly wish we had voted Ben bc if the results would’ve went our way, I think Ben would’ve quit LOL but I’ll take my W that round proudly

Let’s talk about finding the mutiny ticket

I’d like to think I’m the first to find it, and first to find an advantage in the game.

I was thinking to myself this is all stars and Will is gonna do something outside the box, so I checked the rules carefully, then the productions first blogs and finally their profile and bam there it was

I obviously wanted to keep it in vase rocks didn’t go my way or I got swap fucked

But when Johnny told me he found his today, I knew it might be used sooner rather than later

And thank god he told me bc when I saw the tribes dividing today and saw it could be 3v3, I KNEW HE WOULD USE IT OR GIVE IT TO SOMEONE

I immediately told brad he needed to mutiny to our tribe, bc apparently him and Tina/James were on the outs last tribal

It was so satisfying seeing Johnny think he had me one up when he had ray mutiny, just for me to pull my rabbit outta the hat

Now our tribe is stacked... but 4 v 4 (possibly rocks if we lose)

I trust James and Tina to vote with us bc they know they’re necks are on the block if one of us 4 loses the stand off at next tribal (assuming we lose)

However I may have one more trick up my sleeve...

I found the Chukwani idol like 4 hours after it was hidden

There’s a 50/50 chance brad has it, I think James might’ve found it first, but my gut is saying it’s brad that got the idol. Luckily we can use it to our advantage, or at least attempt to.

Overall I think I’m ok. I need to distance myself from brad and reach out to others. I feel like I’m a middle man for most but I’m staying quiet for now
1390 days 19 hours ago

I was absolutely blindsided at the Wes vote. I thought it was going to be like close unan for Rick and instead he got 2 votes. And now I've been mutinited to a tribe at a deadlock. I don't regret mutinying because I wouldn't wanna leave my three closest allies to the wolves but.... coming in to this season I wanted to be able to be in majority cause i Never was in Canary Islands and its clear to me thats not happening this season.
1390 days 13 hours ago

So the four original Chunkwani are hopefully planning to stick together. Getting votes last round really scares me. At the last tribal, I did get votes which scared me, but I think this is a solid four

For now I vote for TJ
1390 days 13 hours ago

Ok switching my vote to BB5lover

If this is my last thingy then :(
1390 days 13 hours ago

So Jimmy comes to me like "Does it suck being obsessed with me" and I'm like she. Guess the plan got leaked and I'm heading home so I'm packing rn
1390 days 13 hours ago

So basically jimmy and I are fucked

But Tyler is saying we can get votes on Sea next time so I gotta hope that works out and start with voting Sea here to plant the seed

So I vote sea ig
1390 days 13 hours ago
--- Jimmy gets 18th ---
1390 days 13 hours ago

loves being on this tribe
Assuming inact TJ doesn't have an idol he's going home
1389 days 13 hours ago

Alright where was I last at

maybe right after the last immunity

I reached out to Daniel/Brady and asked them if they wanted help finding their idol. They both said sure and shared their clues, however Brady apparently found the idol like right away

He showed me who had it, and with the fake idol twist daniel tried to see what message he'd get if he tried claiming it - good news, he got the fake message and as far as I know Brady has my original tribe's idol

If he's telling the truth, that means I know where both original tribe idols SHOULD be and both have said they'd use their idol on me

I think Brady is loyal to a certain extent especially since I saved him that first vote

however it is hilarious that the new Kendwa tribe is all members of survivor Egypt (and I'm pretty sure they're all close. I might go back to check their confessionals later tonight or tomorrow

James and tina both said they'd vote with us if there is a chance we lose tomorrow and have to go to tribal,  Ithink they know that those other 4 won't break

truly I'm hoping for a swap at final 15 with maybe an exile twist? but I do love my tribe's strength right now

If we do lose I'm gonna have to convince brad to use that damn idol on me, I need to be safe and I want it out of the game

Do I think the third tribe's idol has been found? not at all. They have no clues, but me knowing that the first clues for both idols were black, silver, gold, I'd assume this third idol is a gold level, so I might go looking for it

I'd love to give it to TJ, I think if I could do that and solidify something with him and save him, he'd be very loyal

I was pissed Jimmy went, I don't know if I can trust Eric as much as I want to. I need to reach out to Rick/Rose and see where their head is at. Absol/ryan and maybe ray are a lost cause for me, so the sooner they leave the better.

Right now I think I'm in an okay spot. I could get swap fucked easily, but if I make the merge I need to be extremely quiet and UTR so for now, no more flashy moves lmao
1389 days 13 hours ago

Confessional: So after barely surviving the first vote by the grace of god, we were able to win the next challenge thankfully. I’m pretty sure I would’ve been safe if we lost since me/jimmy/tj/Daniel/Nathan has majority but there was still 4 people on my tribe that really didn’t care about me so I was just relieved to have a stress free day.

Wes gets booted on the other tribe which I was pretty happy with also cuz he wasn’t one of my friends over there. Then we have a swap and tbh I wasn’t totally against it, I was just curious to as who my new tribe mates would be.

I come to find out that its literally all Egypt people lmao because 2 members of my tribe used their mutiny tickets and I’m like omg. I went from having multiple options to wanting to vote out to not wanting to vote out anybody on my tribe lmao. I came out of Egypt not really having bad blood with any of them and all 4 of them I could see myself working with so I’m just hoping we never fucking lose a challenge. It could be a lose or go home option for me.

SIKE!!! Its not a lose or go home option for me because I fucking found a idol baby and I confirmed it with Daniel because he got the exact same message! I told him and Nathan to build trust with them and I’m just hoping it doesn’t come back to bite me but I told them that’s its our idol and I would use it on one of them if they were genuinely in trouble.

I especially was glad I got the idol seeing that Jimmy left at the last tribal. Seeing Jimmy go was heartbreaking for me because he was a ally of mine and jimmy leaving was exactly what Absol/Ray/Johnny/Ryan wanted and ofc they rubbed it in.

Ryan is honestly the most irrelevant and bland ass person in this game. The fact that he’s a all star is beyond me because he’s at the bottom of that alliance but yet decides to talk to the most smack when he hasn’t even done anything. Don’t Talk Trash if You’re Trash.

Confessional: Thankfully, having Sagar on this tribe is coming in clutch for me because he just keeps winning these challenges for us and that’s great! I don’t want to go to tribal because I’d probs have to use my idol and I’d really like to save it for later especially with all the enemies that I have.

If we were to go to tribal idk what I’d do but I’d definitely be looking to sagar as someone to potentially vote cuz we saw what happened when he didn’t go pre merge in my season lmao.

Rn, I’m just really hoping that TJ can find a way out and not go home on his tribe. TJ will be a crucial number for me in this game and I need him around so I talked to Rose and told her that TJ is a trustworthy guy. She only said she’d flip tho if tj could get one more but TJ said someone else didn’t want him to go so then I told him to try and get Rose as his third vote to stay. I honestly think he can do it but if tj doesn’t stay then I’m battling uphill even longer and I don’t really want to do that this ssn lol

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