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The Aleutians Confessionals

Topic » The Aleutians Confessionals

1358 days 9 hours ago

conf: so glad we won immunity, bc i really didn’t have time to go to tribal again. i’m suspecting kim/cam to go home on the other tribe, but i’m pretty sure the one that stays will flip to our side making it 6 vs 5, i’m avenging colin also brandon, alan, and alvaro watch out
1357 days 20 hours ago

Confessional #3
So we threw the comp, because Max really wanted to get Seth out. I tried to kinda change his mind, because I like Seth, however I knew that these 2 would try to get each other our sooner or later. I just didn't expect it to happen before the merge. When Max talked to me I kinda felt like he was really controlling. Like I would say "ok, I'm ok with the plan" but he wouldn't stop trying to convince me to vote Seth when I said few times that im ok with it. I felt like it was because he doesn't trust me as much as I thought? I'm not sure tbh.
I obv wen with the plan and voted out Seth, so not only Max, but the whole Attu still trusts me. I tried building some good bond with Alvaro and Deshon over these few days, because the merge might get crazy soon and if people open their eyes that Max/Zach are a duo and vote one of them out I'll have a way to make to the f3 without them.
We won the last immunity comp, which I'm really happy about, because it seems like the merge might be 5vs5 or 6vs4, depends if people want to flip on Alan's alliance. This polish hoe is making the merge and thats the most importnat for now
1355 days 19 hours ago

Oh God, this vote is going to be messy. As far as I'm concern its us 3 (me, Cam and Alvaro) againts them 3 (brandon, Matt, Alan). And once again, just like every other tribal that I'm in, my name is thrown around, like AGAIN. This time Alan had the audacity to throw my name. He should know whats coming his way and he'll regret.
1355 days 19 hours ago

Luckily, I have been building this great relationship with Brandon. I told him during last tribal that he's getting votes. Had I not told him, he will chill his way to tribal and went home. Now that he owed me, I genuinely hope he repays. I know he tried to flip the vote from me to Cam, which is super good. BUT the best thing is, I've told him that my Anonymous are voting as a block against Joey and we're willing to go to rock. And of course, Brandon's afraid of rocks. He agreed on voting Alan. At least thats what he told me
1355 days 19 hours ago

I'm extremely concerned as to my position this round, I felt like the merge is just around the corner. And come merge, I believe I can make it to the end.
1355 days 19 hours ago
— Alan gets 11th —
1355 days 19 hours ago

So the Alan vote was a bit surprising, a good suprise though. He was a possible shield for me, but by no means an ally. Either way, I made merge! Now this is where things get tricky. Max is convinced that either Álvaro or Matt has an idol. I proposed the plan to make them uncomfy and vote someone who we suspect is close out instead to flush the idol. I was thinking Brandon, and I'm glad the others said it too. For now I'll be getting to know the possible flippers to help us out here. This first merge vote is going to set the pace, and it's going to be a game of subterfuge. May the best spider win.
1355 days 19 hours ago

So here we go ive made merge and its final 10 i cant believe it it shall be intereting everyones being quiet which you know isnt a good sign or is it just veryones kinda being boring and waiting for a name to be brought up i may no joke say a fucking name and manifest it around evryone like rainbows and sunshine to see if it works and play off that a but
1355 days 19 hours ago

producer: so how do you feel about being that close to winning

conf: do you think i wanna talk about that right now... no.. get the camera out of my f*cking face
1355 days 19 hours ago
Brandon [from previous round that I forgot to post]:


Of course having just two days of being safe is too much to ask for. It is what it is I guess. So people want Kim gone. Understandable, she doesn’t show at challenges, but I’m gonna need her. Looking at this logically, Cameron needs to be the boot. He’s the only one on this tribe that I don’t trust and not to mention that he fucking wrote my name down last time we were at tribal. Im just not sure how well I can pitch that to the others but after getting myself out of that pickle last time, I’m sure I can find a way
1355 days 18 hours ago


I am excited to be here at merge!

I was really surprised to see Alan go last round but he and I never once pm'd so I am ok with it, though Maxy seems pissed. I am now in a really tricky spot because I honestly am good with everyone in the game. I am sure that if i get to the end I am going to have a lot of people angry with me. One person who I really cannot bear to cut is Kim. He is so so sweet and kind and I know he is loyal to me. If I cut him and he hates me I'll feel like the shittiest person alive. He deserves better. I am going to protect Kim for as long as I can, but pretty quickly Maxy and Michael and others are going to come for him and Cameron and it's going to get messy.

For now, it is suspected that Matte has the other idol and so probably what will happen is we have to try to get it to be used while we vote someone else. Maxy has a boner for getting Varlto out and it is clear Varlto is the best competitor from the other tribe so I understand it, plus Varlto seems to be after him.
1355 days 18 hours ago


Maxy is so paranoid and thinks he is the vote tonight. I genuinely believe that i will know the vote from the other side, and right now they say Ze'ev though Maxy is sure it's a decoy.

I am in a tough spot because I'm aligned with pretty much the whole cast right now and I have to vote someone off. I am planting the idea in Maxy's head that Deshon will flip on us after one or two rounds if we get majority. I do think it's a possibility he will, and he is also one of the ones on my side to whom I am least loyal so if we are going to keep an eye on someone I need it to be him.
1355 days 17 hours ago

Will the game be boring or not? We will find this out tonight I guess. If we have a 5-5 vote it will probably become boring, but it might also mean a power shift in the tribe.
I know I'm the main target of the other tribe as they see me as Alvaro sheep? I'm not sure. I can also say that the left players are not that toxic as the left ones (as it seems to be).

Today I made a mistake. I sent Max a screenshot with a red square on it as the one shawn sent in the group chat in the first days. So, if he connects the points, he will find out it was me there in the first print. I fucked myself up, but I already was the vote by there, so I don't know if that makes such an huge impact.

There is a problem I like more to chat with these people than to talk about strategy because I'm so blind in this game. I trust no one and I can't trust any of them because they are basically all new to me. In that case it's frustrating talking with others about strategy when you are blind. I gave my idol to Alvaro for him to protect me as well because I know he has lots of connections in the game (Max, Kim, Deshon).

I think there is a high probability of me going home tonight. I don't think it's smart to vote me out because of my lack of connections and people I could trust on but everyone has his game in its mind and I might be just an easy vote for the day for most of them.

I'm not sure my old tribe will stick together in tonight's vote. I think Alvaro and Kim will be voting in the same person that I'll vote, but I'm not sure mostly about the other two. Cameron was left alone when Colin was evicted so he may be angry about that and he could try to revenge Colin. Brandon is such a wild card in some points because I never understand what he is talking about and what's on his mind. He is probably one of the people I'm talking to the most, but it's hard to read him. People connect me with Brandon and others connect me with Alvaro, so I hope these connections can save me further as I'm not really seeing them that strong as others do.

I feel like I'm stuck in this game, but I'm not sure if others see me that way. I guess some people already printed my image of being a sheeper to others.

I'm probably going to vote for Ze'ev tonight even if I don't know where this name came from. If that was Alvaro's idea or if that was Max's idea. I'll just follow the group and hope I can survive. I'll be talking to the old members of my tribe today in order to make them protect me and see me as a good ally for the future of this game.

I'm sad I couldn't attend to the last immunity competition. My profesor just called me for a meeting when I was already planning my victory hahahaha but it might be good. If I'm going to be the vote now and If I stay in the game, than, maybe, people will see me as a weak player and they might intend to keep me in the game for more rounds.

I'm curious to see who was the person that came up with my name in this vote. I have no idea. I trust no one. Cute Zach please show some love today. For now, I find Maxi a little bit more generous than yesterday but it might be just the water reflections.

That's all. See you soon I hope.
1355 days 15 hours ago

Last tribal is similar to this one, theres a potential of tie votes. But after some talks, I was sure Alan would be gone. However this tribal, its been a bit messy. I knew coming in, I have lots of people in my pocket. Only Michael, Zeev and Maxi who Ive never met. However Maxi approached me alongside Desh to form a Final 3 deal. I am interested with the group! I mean the Anonymous is kinda all over the place. Zach targets alvaro in a way and Alvaro has wronged Cam during Colin's vote. I need backups. Now that Michaels immuned, my best option is to vote out Ze'ev
1355 days 15 hours ago

But Maxi has been pressuring me to vote out Matt, like hard. Tbh I like the Ladies Squad, but the thing is Maxi pressuring me hard is super fishy, I might be played hard by him and I almost fell for it. The only thing this group will ever be a thing is if Zeev went out this round, and we postponed voting Matt out to next round. Thats the only assurance I need to know if they are with me till the end and not only using me for this round.

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