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Tahiti Confessionals

Topic » Tahiti Confessionals

1330 days 22 hours ago

Well, fuck. That's it. Not to be a Debbie Downer but my game is OVER. Done. Cubs - Zero chance of winning this game. This swap really fucked me! Not only am I in the minority, but the only two members of my new tribe who were on my own tribe is a guy who I just screwed over, Erik, and a guy who I don't trust for shit, Scott. I got SHAFTED. Chatzy can suck a HUGE one. Fr. I've tried talking to some of my tribe but they are brick walls, so if my pessimistic attitude is telling me anything is that I'm probably one of the next few to go. Immunity really is my only shot but if we don't win I am FUUUUUUCKEd. Oh well. The first 4 vote outs were fun for me!!
1330 days 22 hours ago

So we swap and I end up on a tribe with Scotty and Alexander .. the 2 people in this cast that hate me.. not only that but i wasnt there for the swap to mutiny and also my former tribe is in minority and i dont really consider eoin or natalie close allies.. i guess i can somewhat count on natalie to have my back.. so I had to make a deal with the devil, Scotty himself to try and survive this upcoming tribal.. idk if its gonna work.. maybe he is just trying to make sure he doesnt get the votes if i pull and idol or something .. idk his intentions but ill try my best to make sure its not me going home
1330 days 22 hours ago

Confessionals: Well I think I’m liking my tribe thus far , The reason why I voted Justin was because he was spreading lies about me and was putting me in the mix of a lot of things blaming me of being with a supposedly DUO which consist of Jimmy and Pietro , They’re both returnees and joined the game together , I didn’t even know their was returnees nor the twist Islands of Idols , It’s pretty hard being committed to a group game when you haven’t played for so long and I haven’t played one single immunity challenge , Right now I’m only focused on my relationships and social game .

As of this new swap , I’m glad we have majority , But the test for Scotty wasn’t voting for Justin and trusting me , The test for him is this vote , I’m 99% sure he isn’t going to vote for Vlad and he’s working with him in some way . But it’s always good keeping enemies around because they’ll be loyal to you way more than friends that just say “I’m with you etc etc”. Because enemies have something to prove rather than friends that can stab you in the back whenever . Scotty loyalty will be put to the test tonight , If he votes with us fine and if he doesn’t fine I’m honestly not even sweating, I’m playing this game with no expectations .

But lots of rumours going around that Vlad has an idol because he went there twice now , Im gonna have to be very careful on what’s gonna be my play here , Because it’s pivotal for my game and it’ll choose the direction I’m ahead once this vote goes the way I want it to go .

I either want Eoin or Vlad out tonight ! But I think Scotty will warn the other side on who we’re really voting and then all of the sudden act dumb once an idol is played and vote the person the idol is played on , So he can cover his tracks, I’m probably thinking way too deep into this , But it’s genuinely what I believe .
1328 days 18 hours ago

I wasnt very lucky with this swap but if this works i guess i did my magic and made scotty wanna work with me?? Idk

But voting path- alexander
1328 days 18 hours ago
--- Alexander gets 14th ---
1328 days 18 hours ago

So I was blindsided last tribal when Path was voted out and Scotty flipped. Im pissed and I feel like I'm very close to going home, however I want to act like I know Im going home so this people will think I have an idol and won't vote for me. I hope it works lol.
1328 days 18 hours ago
--- Vlad gets 13th ---
1328 days 18 hours ago


I’m gonna make a big confessional later but I just wanted to point out that I had to SCRAMBLE so hard during this last vote to make sure I wasn't going. It was almost me though.... Let me explain: 

So, Vlad comes to me asking me to vote out Pietro. Vlad says we can solidify Eoin, Scotty and me as votes for Pietro which would give us majority, however, turns out Eoin, Scotty, and Pietro had a chat going and wanted to vote ME out, especially Eoin who decided it was cute to throw my name out first. Then Eoin tried to pin the Pietro vote idea on ME instead of Vlad, who was the one who originally threw his name out to begin with.

Immediately, I went to Pietro in an attempt to clear my name by offered him a deal, and creating a decent bond with him. That lead me to creating an alliance chat with Jimmy in efforts to show Pietro that I am sincere in aligning with him moving forward, but am I? idk.

It WAS hard to tell if Pietro, Scotty and Eoin are aligned closely but turns out they are not because they’re in my inbox throwing each other under the bus lmao. ALL I KNOW is Eoin and Scotty are super tight and that will be broken up by me soon. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that my head is in the game and a bitch is being pretty chaotic here. This merge should be a mess too :D
1328 days 18 hours ago

So I was sure I was going to receive votes, but somehow Eoin and Scotty decided to work with me to get Natalie out. However, after talking to Natalie we both got really close and we decided to make a final 2. So, my plan was to save Natalie and myself. The only person I saw comming after me on that tribe was Vlad, I voted for him last round so it makes sense for him to target me, so in a dream scenario I would be able to vote him out... however when I went to the Island of the Idols I got a voting block.
I knew that once I played the voting block on Vlad, he would be going home. But, I wanted to make sure that after the vote blocker was played, no idols would be played to save him afterwards. So I decided to tell both Eoin and Scotty that I was playing the voting block on Vlad but the plan was still Natalie. Eoin then messaged me on the group and on private saying he wanted to vote Vlad in case Natalie had an idol, and I encouraged him to do so. And in the end everyone voted Vlad but Scotty LMAO.
Scotty, Scotty, you made me look like a fool last round but guess who's the fool now?

Now I was able to make it to the merge, and all my connections from my original tribe are solid! Im close to them all, so I expect to be in a good position!
1328 days 18 hours ago

Firstly, I should’ve made the name Tusia. Missed opportunities.

*picks up pen*

*creates friction burn marks on the parchment, and a mini fire using the pen*

P A U L E T T E  A K A  A D A M  D A B K O W S K I

You’re a loser, you think you have this game just because you lied pretty badly to me. Firstly, let me tell you, I would more likely vote for someone who made a good lie then someone who made no attempt at convincing me that their lies were true. Obviously, it’s your fault you were out of the Sandy vote. I told you we had the numbers. Stop gaslighting me and turning this around and saying I’m paranoid. You’re the Missy Byrd of this season: disgusting, vile and incorrigible. You’re a gas lighter and obviously this vote’s personal, not strategic. Stop telling me “Idk who we’re voting for”. I’m seventeen, not seventy. And don’t me sweetie, bitch. I’m excelling better than you outside of this game, and you’re just a loser who sits in front of his computer playing ORG games which are now getting cancelled for sexual harassment. Your twitter description fits it right: you’re a dumb bitch.

“y’all I want a cute little meet up with people from the western ma / ct area cuz y’all are pure as hell” yep, obviously you’re one of those losers who refuse to stay home because of your “freedom”.

Finally, you’re name’s not Slay-J. It’s Bitch-J. You can take your gif of your Sequester game and your ass home. I ain’t got time for people who try to come in my way, and you’re just one of the most lunatic, crazy, whatever you wanna call it, people I’ve met on this site. You’re never getting my jury vote.

In the words of Crystal Cox, YOU HAVE MADE MY LIFE, HELL FROM DAY ONE. FORGET YOU, GO HOME, GOODBYE. Adam, keep reality in check before your contacts shatter themselves and blind you permanently.

*closes vote and puts vote in urn*
1328 days 16 hours ago
Scott D:

Walks up to podium:  Grabs pen and parchment:  Writes: DARRIUS.   Speaks: You scare me on a game level so you need to go.  Confessional:  There is a lot going on in camp and I'm not sure what's what at this point.  This game has been very strange.  Now that Alex was voted out, my only true ally I can trust is Cubs.   I feel that tribal relationships right now are a major clusterfuck, but I do feel very confident that Cubs and I will be staying after tonight's tribal.  The conversations leading up to this tribal have been all over the place.  It appears Adam is going after Ryan, while Ryan is going after Adam.  John is going after Jimmy, while the 6 OG Ronuis are supposedly on board with voting Darrius out.  This, however, is subject to change.  John's name has been mentioned as well, but I really would rather keep him, for I do have some connection with him; whereas Darrius and I have not game talked at all.
1328 days 16 hours ago

Alright so the Tribe Swap occurs. Thankfully, I am on the tribe that has 4 original Ronui members and 3 Fautaua members. I really like the tribe I swapped with. Me jimmy pietro and alex already had a 4 person alliance chat from our original tribe. And then Eoin, Natalie, and Vlad were also with us. I have pretty good connections with everyone besides Natalie so I started messaging him to get to know him and get in his good graces.

We lose the immunity challenge, not a shocker, again on a tribe with inactives plus a lot of my tribe is not from the usa so different time zones worked against us in this challenge. Well, I was out of town at a friends wedding shower while people were strategizing. It ended up being a vote between Vlad and Alex. Now, I smoothed things over with Vlad. We had a rocky relationship entering this game but I basically went to him and was like, I have your back in this game if you have mine etc. Vlad told me he had mine and I didn't second guess his sincerity at all.

I ended up being the swing vote and I blindsided Alex in a 4-3 vote. Now, I know this put me in an awkward spot especially with Jimmy and Pietro, BUT i thought it was my best opportunity to get out Alex who I wasn't really sure if I could trust. His personal conversations with me were a little icky and I just never had a good vibe in my gut. I honestly could have completely read him wrong and if so then it's probably going to cost me going far in this game but idk it was just something about what he was saying to me that never really eased over my concerns.

Now to do damage control so people don't turn the next vote on me if we lose again.
1328 days 16 hours ago

Sighs. We lost again. Now there are 6 of us on the swapped tribe and again I have no idea what to do. We bring in Eoin into the alliance with myself Pietro and Jimmy. I think they trust him. Me and Eoin are good friends and idk if anyone realizes that or not? Maybe they do and are playing us both but who knows. Anyways, Pietro told me the votes were on Natalie and I assumed it'd be a 5-1 vote. I told vlad about the vote and he wanted to throw his vote to not make natalie mad at him. I told him idt it mattered.

Well, votes are revealed and once again I am in a 2 person minority vote LMAO. I really am not getting a good grip on this game right now. I mean I do think I am in an ok position BUT some of these votes...

Anyways, I guess it was karma for me keeping Pietro and Jimmy in the dark. I hope I can earn their trust back bc I really want to go far with them and I will protect those two being together bc I know they'll be targeted as a duo soon.

I smoothed things over with Natalie and told him that Pietro told me to vote him, etc. I mean it was true and I showed a screenshot of where Pietro told me that Natalie was gunning for me Eoin and Vlad bc of us being in a trio???

What damn trio LMAO. Me Eoin and Vlad had never discussed working together nor did I ever mention it to either one of them. So I think it was just a poor explanation of why they voted Vlad out. Anyways, it wasn't me so I am glad.
1328 days 16 hours ago

MERGE time :)

I can say I am glad because if we hadn't have merged and we lost again, it was going to be one messy vote. Now we are evenly split as 6 original Ronui members and 6 original Fautaua members. I am not sure if tribal lines will matter in this vote or not.

Gbpack created a chat with our original tribe which I think was crucial to this first vote. I am hearing rumblings of Jimmys name being thrown out along with Adam and Ryan targeting each other. I mean I don't want Jimmy gone as he is one of my closest allies, BUT at least it's not me.

I personally want Erik, Natalie, Pietro, Ryan, and Gbpack (other Scott) out in the next 5 votes in any order. That is because those are the people not only that I trust the least but the biggest threats to my game. Everyone else I feel has my back to a good extent. You could also say John is a wildcard in this as well. So, I am going to try to steer any vote toward one of them but hopefully someone else comes up with the idea and I can just piggyback. I do think someone from the other tribe needs to go first so Natalie, Ryan and John would be good options for me. I am hearing Darrius's name as well which terrifies me a little bc I trust him a lot and I don't think him going would be good for my game.

I am going to try my best to find out who has idols and stuff :x

*wishes myself luck in this vote*
1328 days 14 hours ago


I’m back from being inactive with my confessionals. I’m so sorry

After last tribal council where i got blindsided from my alliance. I took some time to relax and destress from the game.

Anyways I made it to the merge. And I’m very happy, I didn’t think I’ll make it this far. Scott D proposed an idea to keep the og ronui tribe  strong. And i said fuck that idea.

I don’t trust anyone from my og tribe, and i don’t give a shit about them. They all betrayed me so i don’t owe them any loyalty.

Scott D wanted to take out Darrius, and told us to keep it a secret. So i told Eoin about the plan since we played together in another group game and he trusts me. But Eoin told Pietro, and then the group found out about it and now I’m screwed with them :(

I threw Scott under the bus to Eoin and Julio, that Scott mentioned them as targets. Which they didn’t like that. As of now all I been hearing is Jimmy, John and Ryan as the plan vote. But who knows they can all vote me out and send me home.

I hate the people I’m playing with, every survivor group game that i play. I always get the worst luck so i don’t think this one is any different but we shall see..

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