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1975 days 8 hours ago
Josh D (Exit Interview):

This tribal council was too neat, there were so many signs and in the end I love this game, doesn’t mean I’m all good at this game, or reading people. I came in wanting to play a cutthroat game, but I played on the defensive, and tried to form a real bond and alliance with a few of them, and I thought I did with Ben and tried to with Matt, and I’m proud of the way I played the game.

I think they made an error, because I knew come merge time I was going to be hit on all angles by other players, and I would’ve been in their corner fighting for them. One of the few reasons I didn’t play the idol. If I wasted it, I knew I’d be done for. Took a gamble, lost and I own my departure.

It has been a pleasure, and a blast, look to possibly righting my wrongs someday
1975 days 8 hours ago


Stoked, partially bc I've not made merge in like literally my last 3 games LMAO, but yesssss ready for this.

- Jimmy/BB5lover : alrighty so usually we don't work together, but he messaged me and he's down? Will be weary, but worth a shot!
- Ben/MilkIsGood : king. OT. gonna reconnect.
- Chandler/Chandelier : above^^
- Dana/TotsTrashy : above again lmao^^
- Matt/mbarnish1 : alright this guy, a nice guy, we're kinda mates, definitely a number, good week.
- Grace/Pinkiepie12 : Legend, loyal, great.
- Jay/Jaybirdnifty : KING we rly have been together the entire game we stan a legend
- Nick/NotNicky333 : Didn't talk last tribe tbh! He'd have been who I booted if we lost ngl, but I can try playing with him
- Dakota/Java9044 : last time we merged we didn't align, hope we can turn that around
- Dan/dwipeouts : good guy! messaged me a bit premerge, solid number tbh
- Livingston/noobsmoke13 : other than me voting him xd at our OG tribe tribal, I mean I do like him and no intention on doing the same thing again!
- Romeo/BritishRomeo17 : didn't speak much, but yeah I like him

SO TLDR: I like everyone LMAO xd

BUT I do know I stand with people so like we kinda like each other but would vote each other. Time to work my social skills xd and hope for the best, praying this merge goes well. I'm debating if I try take charge from the start, or still go for my UTR edit. ig we'll see!

F13 merge? In for a fun but long ride! whether jury starts now or not, ig we'll see
1975 days 5 hours ago

Confessional: I have no idea how I stand in this game socially but at least I have an idol and two allies, Chandler and Dan. Josh may have left but I need to make the best out of a bad situation. I cannot win this game if I let my peak be premerge.
1974 days 11 hours ago

Confessional: I missed the challenge on purpose so people didn't think of me as super active aka a comp threat, and hopefully that pays off. I know Dana is someone people will mark as a threat so I think sticking with him for a good run of it is a good idea because hopefully he'll shield me from votes. I also am glad we're voting Dan over Dakota, as Dan struck me as a social threat getting exiled, receiving an idol clue from James, etc.
1974 days 10 hours ago

After that stupid tribal council when I was clearly left out, Matt decided to play the victim card and said it was me who flipped but bitch come on... Jimmy, Ben and Dana all said you were the one who told they that i was super close with Livingston and Josh so screw you!

I went to a show (or concernt idk the right word to this phase) yesterday and I end up missing the first challenge but as I see James won and idc.

I have zero loyalty for those people who left me out of the last vote rn and i'm super ready to jump shift and go in another direction that they but it's gonna be really hard at this moment because they have all the power and i'm a simple vote.

Yesterday Livingston told me and Dan that he has an idol from i dont remember where and today Dan told me that he got a useless idol on exile and that Livingston found the merge idol as well but even with this information im gonna still be guessing because this is survivor  where people lie all the time and twist shows anytime as well afterall if i'm not wrong this game had 5 idols by now lol.

Today's tribal it seems is gonna be Dana or Dakota (most likely Dakota) but i have a feeling that they can be spliting votes so this let me a little worried.

It completly sucks to be on the bottom and besides the fact that me and my 3 allies has all the idols on this game, i dont think we can turn the tables because they all suck and they are stupid.

I dont want to vote for Dana because the plan leaked so i said for us to vote Jimmy and play the idol on Dakota because she is a bigger threat than Dan and with that if someone from the bitchy side plays an idol, they will prob play on Dana  because of the leaked plan which would burn 2 idols and one of the liars that lied to me.

I'm really thirsty for revenge this time because that vote got me really by surprise when I was thinking that everything was okay for me.
1973 days 12 hours ago
--- EPISODE 7 ---
1973 days 12 hours ago
Jay (note: these confessionals were accumulated over the past few episodes where he did not have wi-fi)


1973 days 12 hours ago


1973 days 12 hours ago


1973 days 12 hours ago

Are you fucking KIDDING ME?


Look. I knew Dana was getting votes. But DAN? 7 PPL SAID JACK SHITE TO ME. This just pisses me off.

Why am I so disliked?

I NEED this immunity. I have 7 mins something atm for the puzzle, but will be aiming for better.

If not I'm gonna need to work my bloody arse off the pull something out. I need an idol too. Praying.

This just sucks. I thought I had better relationships than what was proven tonight.

James, 11:42 PM
29 seconds. 29 ughhhhhhhhh
I mean it didn't surprise me lmao, but it still sucks.

I seriously don't know what to do. I'm gonna work my arse off to find a vote. I REFUSE to give up. I'm so confused why suddenly no one wants to play the game with me, when I thought I was civil with like literally everyone?
it sucks but that's the game I guess. I'll be trying hard, and I'll go out swinging
1973 days 12 hours ago

Ok so today I've what I thought was the case confirmed.
I'm getting votes.

Jimmy and Ben both told me.

Ben said there was some possible beef between Dana and Livingston, and just as he sent that Jimmy said he wasn't a fan of Livingston or Grace.

From this, I'm gonna try put the vote on Livingston. I voted him the first tribal we attended, so yeah.

I need to speak to Dana, Romeo and Nicky, as they appear to be like a trio. If I've got their numbers, I MIGHT be alright. But yeah.

Ideally I will be trying to have myself, Ben, Jimmy, maybe the trio mentioned and perhaps like Jay? vote for Livingston.

I have to be bold. I need to remember I'm literally leaving if not.

It's now or never, no clue what my odds are but it's worth a shot, hoping it pulls off!
1973 days 12 hours ago

Idk why people keep arguing in the main chat, especially livingston v dana where for some reason livingston thinks he's our first priority to take out, and why dana is acting so cocky. we need to keep things tight and under wraps not yell @ people we may need to vote w us later for the dramatic factor. but to each their own

ill be voting for chandler tonight; you yelling at me gets old after a while, that's really about it. you voted with how i asked ya too a few times, but at this point i dont want to risk livingston pulling an idol so sending you home will kick him in the nads and hopefully be worth it in the long run
1973 days 11 hours ago

Been awhile since I had a full fledged confessional. Not playing my idol for Dan last round proved to be fatal and now I have no idea who to trust. Dana is a jerk and a huge threat in this game. James seems to be on the outs of the majority... but do I trust him when he says that? We have heard James, Matt, and Jimmy as targets but I feel like I am the next one to go. I have 2 idols and Chandler told me about his idol... We need to get past this vote.
1973 days 11 hours ago

1973 days 8 hours ago

Ok so I started this day upset. Knowing I was gonna leave.

I wake up, I'm receiving votes! I try get the vote onto Livingston. Success? I don't know yet!

Matt told me he was voting Chandler. HOWEVER, he got the idol clue. So, will he really? UNLESS they're trying to pull a fast one on Chandler.

Ben told me he had not spoken a word to Nicky yet.  I've used this, to now go to the chat of 6 which was formed (Chandler, Livingston, Grace, Jay, Dakota and myself) to say if we vote Nicky and it TIES, Ben might flip.

Ok so now (whilst typing this) Nicky just told me everyone is voting me to his knowledge. Honestly, that won't surprise me.

I mean come to think of it, I got this vote on Nicky WAY too easily I think. Probably just telling me what I want to hear.

I'm gonna plant a seed in Ben's pms as I know he's not close with Nicky saying Nicky told me everyone is voting me, and try get an upfront answer, as Ben is someone I trust quite a bit.

Alright now I'm feeling doubt. Last time I felt this doubt I was ultimately right to do so. Gonna be a tense few hours, just praying Nicky has 6 votes.

But yeah I don't really know what to say or do now. Ugh. FML.
Also I don't want to leave because I enjoy ranting in these confessionals, and I have a Jefra gif I want to whip out! (the one where it's revealed Kass flipped so Sarah left in Cagayan, y'know). A good time would be if Nicky left LMAO! High hopes, kinda low expectations. If I leave, I'm always here for a second chance if you ever want me!  ;)

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