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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3392 days 13 hours ago
Welcome to the Final Tribal Council, where the winner of Survivor: Sudan will be decided.

Let's bring in the members of our jury. Nikola, Nikki, Joey, GiGi, Bennett, Cole, and Joe - voted out at the last tribal council.

First, Nathan and Gustavo will each have a chance to plead their case to the jury. Once their opening speeches have been posted, the jury will be able to post. JURY VOTES DUE BEFORE 8 PM EST TOMORROW.
3392 days 13 hours ago
Sweet lets do this....
3392 days 12 hours ago
Hello, so lets start back to the beginning of ol’ premerge time.

My game, as been stated many times before, did not have a great beginning. I was approached by Dana (remember her?) and she told me hey, we should vote off Nikola because he is friends with James from the other side. I at the time was allies with Nikola (and Sean and Joey), but I didn’t want somebody that is already friends with each other in the game because then I’m not in a good spot. So Dana thought she had Nikki, GiGi, and Cole and I went along with it because it was the smart thing to do. But we were clearly lied to because the vote was 6-2. With this my game changed a lot. I tried to talk with GiGi, but she didn’t respond to my mails and Cole told me he wasn’t gonna flip to me if he doesn’t have the numbers.

I was in a really vulnerable position because Morobo needed to win the rest immunity challenges. I always participated and made sure that my tribe was gonna win, so that I didn’t have to go to tribal council and most likely be voted off 6-1.

Anyways Morobo wins the rest of the challenge which is great! With merge looming I clearly couldn’t stick with my tribe, I was on the bottom. I needed to flip. Cole was friends with Joe and Nathan, and myself and Bennett rounded out the alliance (The Founding Fathers). We didn’t want the votes to be tied 5-5, so we had Bennett play the idol on himself. It was my idea to go along with what Morobo told me the vote was gonna be and vote for Joe, so that you guys didn’t know I had flipped. After that Nikola and Nikki went, 5-4 and 5-3.

Yay final seven immunity I was picked as least deserving to win for some unknown reason. (Nathan was also picked, isn’t that ironic lmao). Which showed me something, I had NO shot at winning. So I needed to make a big move and get out Bennett the most likeable and entertaining person. I was told by Cole that the we were gonna split the votes to Joey and Joe. I elected myself to vote for Joey, so that I could be able to flip the game on The Founding Fathers. What I wasn’t told was that Cole and Bennett weren’t voting for Joe they voted for Joey and we know how that came out, 4-3 with Joey out.

I was, cue music, in a sticky situation (again), but Bennett also wanted to make a big move and separate the Joe and Cole amigos thing. At this time I also had found the hidden immunity idol. I was a bit apprehensive with Bennett because I had just voted for him, so I played my idol in case the vote was redirected to me. If not the rocks were going to go between Nathan and Cole and that was great. I don’t know how, but somebody got GiGi to vote for Cole instead of Joe.

Now final five time, I revved up my engine. I was playing down my “strength” to make myself have a smaller target after my first immunity win. I knew if Bennett didn’t win the final five immunity he was going, but I wanted to amp myself up and win the challenge anyways.

Anyhow final four time, I win both challenges! And now I’m here in the final two sitting next to Nathan.

I think I definitely deserve to win it was a rollercoaster ride, but I played well. I have immunity wins, an immunity idol, and a hell of a trip here. Whoops sorry for the novel :P
3392 days 9 hours ago
When I get home I will. My internet went out tonight how fucking convenient.
3392 days 6 hours ago
Jurors are now free to post.
3392 days 6 hours ago
3392 days 1 hour ago
I wish I had some badass "Snakes and Rats"-type speech to give to you guys but unfortunately I don't. I do have a question though.

Nathan- It seems pretty evident that you and Joe have been a duo since day one. If you had gone to the end with him, what would've been your points as to why you are more deserving of the title of Sole Survivor than him?

My vote is already 99% secure, I'm just really curious what your final tribal council defense would've been had you gone to the end with your old pal, Joseph.

Thank you and good luck to both of you. Especially Gustavo though 'cause that's who I'm voting for!
3391 days 20 hours ago
2/7 jury votes received.
3391 days 20 hours ago
*walks up*

Congrats Gustavo and Nathan.

i have a question for each of you...

Nathan- Why did you feel the need to vote me off? Also do you thibk you neglected the minority by not talking to them?

Gustavo- What is one plan that you came up 100% by yourself?
3391 days 20 hours ago
Nathan- It seems pretty evident that you and Joe have been a duo since day one. If you had gone to the end with him, what would've been your points as to why you are more deserving of the title of Sole Survivor than him?

I think I would have brought up the fact that I was one of the nicer people. It was evident in that challenge being voted the nicest and Joe did treat people like crap and I will admit I sometimes did too, but when talking to you and other people I tried my best to be nice talking to people. I feel like pre merge I had a good social game with most of the Kassala tribe though unfortunately for us we were decimated. During the pre merge though and merge I felt I had good efforts in keeping the three in check for as long as possible. I also talked to Cole a fair bit which was instrumental in him fipping. Even though I knew he would it helped.
3391 days 20 hours ago
Nathan- Why did you feel the need to vote me off? Also do you thibk you neglected the minority by not talking to them?

I had final 2 plans with Joe and I felt that was the way I needed to go. I think I played a good part in getting you to vote Cole which ultimately became your demise. I had to do what I had to do that tribal to make sure myself, Cole and Joe were still in check. I think that tribal was all us 3. My life did take over in the second half of the game I will admit but I felt I did my best trying to talk to you in the Morobo members.
3391 days 20 hours ago
Nathan post your speech so I can say my piece
3391 days 20 hours ago
ok, thsnk you Nathan!
3391 days 20 hours ago
Gustavo- What is one plan that you came up 100% by yourself?

For myself and Cole to vote for Joe, so that the Morobo tribe will think that we were still with them, so that no idols were gonna be played in the F9 tribal council.
3391 days 19 hours ago
Hello Jury! So when the game started I immediately approached Joe for an alliance. He was a good friend of mine and I knew we could do good damage in the game.  The pre merge I must say was a wild roller coaster ride. Loss after loss we kept having to go to tribal. I feel like I had a lot to do with what went on during the pre merge. During that period I devoted a lot of my time keeping people in check. Me and Joe pretty much had that whole tribe fooled and we ran it until only 3 people remained. Like during the first vote I made sure that Copenhagen was the one to go. I also find I did a good job keeping our core 3 in check making sure I was talking to Bennett every day. So yeah I felt as if the pre merge was all me and Joe. We also needed Bennett for his idol too which you will see played a huge part in how things turned out in the merge.
Onto the merge now and this is when things got a little crazy. You had Joe, Bennett and I and 7 former Morobo members. So Joe and I talked to Cole on call just to check in with him again. We knew he was going to flip along with Gustavo who was on the bottom. Cole had him convinced that he was going to play an amazon type game and flip back and forth. I think I played a huge, huge role in making sure Bennett was with us and on our side.  There were many instances where he could have flipped pre merge and I feel without me keeping him in check he probably would have. This time was no different. The night that Sean went I made it my goal to make sure Bennett played that idol on himself. The Nikola vote was pretty straight forward now that we had a strong majority. I knew it wasn’t going to last and people would want to try and make big moves but for this tribal I’m glad everyone played it safe and voted Nikola. The same thing happened with Nikki and now we are at final 7 where things got interesting. Joey had finally lost an immunity challenge so it was time to take him out. That vote I made sure Bennett again voted with us. The vote came out 4-3 and we immediately knew that Gustavo flipped.  That brings us to final 6 and here is where I think I did a lot of damage during this merge. I felt like I did a good job in getting GiGi to vote Cole and if that didn’t happen we would have been at a 3-3 dead lock probably ending the game for Joe, Cole and I. The next vote with Bennett was pretty straight forward. My internet went out on the finale which was pretty unfortunate even though I knew in the back of my mind I probably still would be sitting here no matter what in the end.
In conclusion I felt as if I did a lot to get where I am today. During the pre merge I stayed up LATE talking to people to make sure people would stay on our side. I mean take a look at the boot order and vote totals; it was pretty much just me and Joe running our tribe. Also me and Joe would go on call every day and talk out our plans on call. Nothing was final until me and Joe had the last word and I bet you can attest to that Joe. I honestly think I deserve to win because I feel without me or Joe the whole merge boot order would be completely different. At the end of the day I can say I tried my hardest to play the game I could with one of my good friends on this site.

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