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Season 7- Masterminds vs Underdogs Disscussion!

Topic » Season 7- Masterminds vs..

3206 days ago
Tim Confessional

So I've decided to throw the challenge again. Lol or I'm gonna try to. Best case scenario is if Julian wins. Cuz I feel like Noah will target drake and Drake will target Noah. So I would be sitting in the middle. However I don't think Julian will try to win either. So whichever one wins, Noah or drake, will be safe and the other will go home. Or that's what I'm thinking anyway.
3206 days ago
Julian and Tim are talking about getting rid of oah. Will they do it
3206 days ago
Has anyone else sent you anything?
3205 days 23 hours ago
I have 3 votes, all for the same person
3205 days 23 hours ago
Drake confessional

i have never seen this happen in my history of group games but i guess none of us could complete the challenge. Noah may be robbed of finals for the 2nd time in his series or they may decide I am the bigger threat.
3205 days 23 hours ago
Do they know the jury?
3205 days 23 hours ago
Lol idk
3205 days 23 hours ago
Tim Confessional

I'm not answering ur question at tribal cuz they shouldn't take me to the end! But I don't wanna say that! Lol
3205 days 23 hours ago
Sorry If I seem harsh but it seems as though Tim and DRAKE decide to keep Julian who has pretty much been the STRONGEST OVERALL PLAYER the entire time for not playing too soft but not too hard, just right!... BUT they decide to keep him? Are you fucking kidding me? If I was in that f4 I'd target the fuck of Julian because he's obvs that damn good. They SHOULD know that Noah has enemies in the jury and Julian does NOT!!!
3205 days 23 hours ago
Tim Confessional

I'm not answering ur question at tribal cuz they shouldn't take me to the end! But I don't wanna say that! Lol

Uhh Nick d-d-d-d-d-d-DID I heard actually he what he just said?!?!?!?!?!
3205 days 23 hours ago
Tim has played a great game and maybe the jury sees more then we have though. I have not posted chat logs because idk they where boring and didnt say much tat confessionals couldnt but overall the jury might respect time more then we do.

However this is 100% Julian and Drake's call more so then Tim. But yeah all three have Noah locked in. I just gotta wait to see if Noah votes tim or Drake.
3205 days 21 hours ago
LMAO idgi, why do people call Noah some great player in this series... he sort of just stumbles into a good position and somehow makes it to the end every time, and this is called "good gameplay" by people like Drake? *sigh* smh... if Noah were playing on Azores, Caledonia, or even Kenya, he would've been CRUSHED into dust and become a forgotten pre-merger, but w/e :P.

But yeah, Tim and Drake targeting NOAH of all people over Julian basically shows how well he's played this season xD.  GG Drake, you basically just sealed your fate as 2nd place xD.
3205 days 21 hours ago
Not to say that Noah played HORRIBLY this season, his overall strategy wasn't bad, like you said, Nick, but the fact is that he didn't really do anything good to get into that position, the other players carried him to that spot.
3205 days 2 hours ago
*********************** Finalist Assement******************

-Julian. 4 time finalist, 2 time winner maybe. We have predicted his win all game, now is the time to prove it. However, the fact of the matter is, he is against 2 people who have played better social games as most of the wheeling and dealing where while he was a work. I have been there and I know how tough that is, but Julian needs to magically get better at FTCs because btoh Tim and Drake are good speakers and his win could dissaper out of his hands.

Drake- CAN WE SAY UNDERDOG. Drake was an underdog all season, except a short stint in  contorl premerge just like his orginal seasons. This time howeer he turned it around it and made it to the end. Drake also pulled as i think Jake said ' A Dan's Funeral' and it worked. He called everyone out at final 11, 8 tribals ago, and survived each and every one of them. He could pull out the votes to win.

Tim- Tim played an amazing UTR game, making deals at the right time, and knowing when to cut his allies loose. His social game is impeccable, but people forgot he was there alot. People where always thinking who they could grab and Tim was always there waiting for moves and he rearely got a chance to strike because of how little opruttinees came up upon him. That could really hurt him as well.

I'd like to see Julian win, but TBH I think he has a tough road here.
3205 days 2 hours ago
Julian needs to win.

Tim is a nice guy so I wouldn't be disappointed with his win if he got it.

If Drake wins, let's just say I'm not inviting him to my winner dinners. Fun Fact: Dan is an excellent chef

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