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Kolby's Survivor: Greece (All Stars)

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Greece (All..

2642 days 15 hours ago
Joshua | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

Right now my plan is too either get everyone to vote for Aaron or everyone to vote for Demi and Demi plays idol and singlehandely votes out Aaron.
Aaron and Tim are a thing
Just like Tim and I are a thing
So basically, if Aaron is voted off Tim has no one, Tim will feel betrayed by my thus breaking our pact. Demi targets Tim next round, Demi then is targeted by jay, Doug and I
Then if it's a final 3 we're all in the final 3
But the only thing is I'm protecting Doug right now so hopefully so I'm putting. Money on dough winnin last immunity if it's not me and then takin me.
Jay is a good guy but I think Tim got to him first in that last vote so uhhhh
2642 days 15 hours ago
Jay | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

Demi just told me that she has an idol, I know for a fact that Hufus doesn't have it but I can't tell anyone because then they'll know how tight Hufus and I are. I think we need to split the votes just incase Demi is lying
2642 days 15 hours ago
Aaron | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

Now that's it's only one vote away form the finale, I really think I have a shot at Final Tribal Council. Tim says he'll take me, Jay says he'll take me, and Demi would take me if she survives to the Final so that's three of five people who say they have my back, and I suppose I have theirs too.

The only problem is the idols, I know Demi has one, and I really hope she heeds my warning and plays it tonight, and that she votes for who I need her to vote for. I think I might have to throw my vote to Hufus, to make sure that he goes, because he's a threat, he's friendly and has won a fair share of immunity so he's not someone I want to take to the end.

Fingers crossed I pull this off, pray for my VL, because I'm ginger and I'm a minority so I deserve this. JK But please pray for me.
2642 days 15 hours ago
Joshua | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

OKAYYY I loveeee Demi but our games aren't matching up this time around
I just don't get why she would vote Jay when Aaron would have more influence

I mean maybe it's because I don't group game and she's actually risking like genuine friendships, like to be honest alll of this is just a game, this is probably my last group game I'll ever do in my tengaged career lmao so I get that things that happen in here will affect her future games in anything that she plays
and that's kinda why i stay away from group games or like actual games in tengaged in general (i legit come on to bet and read survivor/challenge/big brother blogs when it is in season) because people aren't playing like they're meeting for the first time, for these people is basically like a returnee season every game they play.

So it's really hard coming into these game with all these pre-existing relationships that stem farrrrrrr beyondddddddd 2 votes but deeep deeep deeep layers of trust built over 50+ votes or whatever

so i totally understand where everyone is coming thru and it suckssss balllls causeeeee my planssssss aren'tttt workinggggggggg
2642 days 15 hours ago
Joshua | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

I've been all like OH I VOTED TIM ON FIRST MERGE

okay tbh
If Jay goes
then Demi, Me, Hufus could be one
If Aaron Goes
Jay, Me, Hufus could be one

I'm soooooo conflicted causeee nobody really suspects Tim and I to be working together but here's the thing if I bring Tim to the end people are going to be pissed cause Demi wants to shove the idol up his bumbum, Hufus wants to take him out, and he'd get votes cause they'll be tellin gme U VOTED TO KEEP HIM IN LIKE U DUMBBB

And if Demi's plan succeeds with her 1 single vote then the Jury is going to applaud that BUT IM GOING TO KRISTIE BENNEETT IT AND SAY I CONTROLLED THAT CAUSE I DIDDD
That was the plan from the Aiden vote so she can be forced to use her idol next vote to take out somebody i want to take out without me physically doing it like woo thus loooking gooood

or is it better to
let her play her idol and one vote to Jay, then 3 votes to Aaron and Tim is blindsided
Then Demi/Tim hate me and jay hufus and i take them out thus us three being final 3

like what is bettter for meee ughh
2642 days 15 hours ago
Demi | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

Surrounded by Hoes.....Oh I mean Foes Lol.

Tim is working it baby, going for me, going for hufus and has immunity.....Omg!!!

Hufus and I both  can't loose our idols tonight...I'm going to have to rely on half truths and possibilities and in other words " filter da bullshit" to find info I need on this vote.

But if I go out, I'll go out burning this bitch down ;)
2642 days 15 hours ago
Joshua | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

i actually dont know if Demi would pick me over Aaron tbh
Casue this is another way I could get to the final 2 (if it is a final 2)
Demi idols out Jay
Demi, Hufus and I vote out tim/aaron
d, h, i vote out aaron/tim
hufus wins immunity votes out d
me gets to final 2 but idk if it will be causse there's three votes left like ugggggghhh
2642 days 15 hours ago
Joshua | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

IT HONESTLY DOES like kinda hurt to see Demi being so protective of me like goshhhhhh what the hell like i love this girl but i want to play this game harddd and i've been playing a good game (goodness fuck me i havent)

butt ughhhh
So like that's why Tim wants Hufus/Demi gone cause he has final two deals with me, aaron and Jay and then when it comes down to final 4 we just go at each other
or if demi says there's a final three between jay aaron and tim which is very very possible
then I'm already helping them get further which is why it is more beneficial for Demi to vote for Aaron cause it can lead to a tie
like this vote could go
Jay could completely vote me off lmao
2642 days 15 hours ago
Joshua | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

you know what all these people are so bloody greattt
and im going to sleep cause it's fricken 2am and i gotta wake up for da tribal dun dunnnnn
but i really hopeeeee jay pulls through like paranoiaaaaaaa
and my mail to demi was so shitty omg i feel so badddd i havent replied to her
"when the chips are down would you vote with me"
LIKE HELL no sorry but i gotta say yes but my heart and game says nooooooo and what i would do is noooooo
maybe aaron and tim are voting me
but like what i gotta run through my head is that i never really officially said Demi and I final 4 or final 3 or final 2
like I know we knew each other from before but like I start my games fresh literally, every game i play i start fresh because i want to play an authentic game and not have bad blood and all that like this is an exception
Demi left the game in your series sooooo im thinking of that but also like she won and the jury likes her
HELL YEAH IM THINKING OF JURY not managment cause i truly believe jury management is not a big part of survivor
CAUSE ITS BASED ON WHO THYE ARE AS A PERSON you can't blindside everybody you can blindside spencer bledsoe and he'll vote you but you can't blindside ami cusack bc her game was based on trust like you gotta learn who these people are like you can't just compliment people when they're going and be like
but yeah im rambling every body thinks my confessionals are annoying good night
(which my confessionals aren't even confessionals they're like everything put together
story of what is happening, my thoughts of shit, strategy, or just fking random shit like im so sorry god everybody probably has metaphors in theres and mines just a mess of gibberish LMAOOO bye)
2642 days 11 hours ago
Demi | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

We've got Game of Thrones going on in this mo fo' -
Knowing Tim and Aaron are plotting for me....Well everyone is going for everyone right now!!

I'm not planning on using idol so I can use it at f5. BUT if I make a mistake and misinterpret info then I'm FUCKED....plain ass, plain ole' fucked..... lol!

I'm praying( to the old gods and the new), rubbing a rabbits foot, crossing my fingers, searching for a shooting star and carrying around a horseshoe and a four leaf clover while throwing a pinch of salt over my shoulder.....thats how bad it is today ;)
2642 days 11 hours ago
Tim | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

first vote i floated and voted matt but i didnt want to vote him but he had no way of staying
2nd vote luis i dont think he didnt trust me so i targeted him and will wanted him to stay but i wanted him to go so he went
3rd vote i didnt want will to go but i liked everyone i didnt want to go out of my way to save him sorry to see him go
4th vote dylan my only mistake i knew he was going i should have voted him but he was my friend so i threw a vote to brad and he took it personal
2642 days 9 hours ago
Jay | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

I've told so many people so many things, and there'll be major repercussions with this vote. Demi isn't leaving which sounds really stupid, but we're breaking up Tim and Aaron who are a power duo apparently.
2642 days 9 hours ago
Jay | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

I have a final 3 deal with Aaron, which I'm betraying right now, sorry Aaron. I have one with Tim, which I plan on betraying next tribal council, and I have an unofficial deal with Demi, which I want to betray at F5/F4, and the one I plan on staying loyal to is Hufus and Joshua because I've been with Hufus since Day 1, and Joshua should be easy to beat at the end.

The way I've been playing this whole game, or at least tried to play is passively agressive, not passive-aggressive. I've been letting people think they have control of the game, which at some points they do, but at the end of the day, I'm still here and I feel like I'm being overlooked by all these guys.

- I made Joshua think that he was inviting Hufus into our alliance, when in reality, I was already with him

-Tim thinks we're voting Demi, but we're not

Just a few examples of some of my gameplay this whole season. Even if I don't win, hell even if I don't make it to FTC, hell even if I don't survive this vote, I'll be proud of my gameplay.
2642 days 9 hours ago
Jay | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

I'm having second thoughts about voting Aaron out, maybe I should flip, but that would cause the vote to tie.
2642 days 9 hours ago
Hufus | Confessional, Day 18, Artemis

Shit's going down tonight.

Some people are saying it's Demi and some people are saying it's me. I don't know what the hell is going to happen. I don't know if I'm being blindsided or if she's being blindsided... But if we all vote together, I don't think we'll have any problems. That's why me and Joshua talked and we apparently decided to vote for Aaron. I really hope he's not lying to me.

The thing is... Deep inside, I really want Demi to waste her idol tonight. Just cause if she doesn't play it, she'll automatically be at f4. And then I'd have to betray her, and I really don't wanna do that, she'd be PISSED at me and we've been playing together for too long. But I have to keep my mind in the game... She's won before, so if she gets there she'll definitely deserve it. And then she'll be able to say: The queen stays queen. Adios.

Buuuut I don't think she's doing that tonight. Unless something changes. Damn, girl. Should I flip the game and try to get you some votes? I don't know, probably. If I could make someone flip (Jay/Joshua), then I think the other one would do it in the revote... And I'd be sitting pretty in my chair, sipping some tea, and I wouldn't have to throw my vote for you. It's actually a good idea, I just don't know if it's a possible one. Can I trust Joshua? It's risky, it could end up being a 3-2-1 vote. Jesus Christ, I might die.

Also one thing just hit me... What if Demi's playing me now too? And she's actually voting for me? This would be... Tragic. LOL If she votes me out, she'd have the only idol left in the game and she'd be sitting pretty in f5 and then f4. It's possible, it's not too crazy. Should I play my idol tonight? Maybe. Will I waste it? Probably. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. Idol paranoia is hitting me hard.

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