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Kolby's Survivor: Mexico (Fans vs Failures)

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Mexico (Fans..

2419 days 14 hours ago
Crypt | Confessional, Day 1, Nahua

Well, we lost the first comp, bu things are looking up. I've already formed a tribal majority 5 person alliance with Gamo, Nolan, Marto, and Pika. The main target is Will, mostly because Gamo hates him. But Will doesn't seem that strong. I think that I can create a strong personal bond with everyone on this tribe but Will, and that would help my social game.
2419 days 14 hours ago
Robby | Confessional, Day 1, Mixe

I'm loving this game already! an hour into walking into my beach and I'm building bonds with everyone on my tribe and I've found the idol! AHAHAHAHA It's hilarious how good I'm doing. I can't wait to use this idol to screw some people over and ruin their plans. This gives me so much more power to do whatever I want on this tribe. They're all subjects to my court. They will all do what I tell them to do. You know man. I'm the king and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I'm gonna spread the chaos and watch everybody scramble into their graves.
2419 days 14 hours ago
Completely off-topic note but I hate how we currently can't change logo's on Tengaged.. We're stuck with the Haiti logo until Randomize comes on fixes this!
2419 days 14 hours ago
Possible Episode Title:
"Subjects To My Court"
2419 days 13 hours ago
Cody | Confessional, Day 1, Mixe

I have the alliance formed between me,JBS, and Robby. I like this group because I feel like nobody is gonna see it coming. I hope we kick the failures assess tomorrow to show that we are here to play
2419 days 13 hours ago
Luke | Confessional, Day 1, Mixe

Just a heads up, I tend to vent and may get sidetracked. With that said, let me introduce myself.

My name is Luke, I have no idea how or why I was picked, but I am very thankful to be apart of a competitive series with some tough competitors. My goal is to obviously go far in the game and be crowned the champ, but I have a mini checklist along the way

Non-Finale Goals: Make merge, make jury, win a challenge (either individually or be the main contributor), and meet some cool people.

My strategy is to treat this like a presidential campaign. It sounds weird, but I think it has potential.

First, I have to spread my name around. I don't need them to declare their loyalty to me and vise versa, but I need to force a handshake with them. The trap question early on is asking them to be in an alliance. They can't say know because them they will be my target, so they have to suck it up and say yeah. Some of those handshakes evolve into real friendships and alliances, but I need to become a familiar face amongst my tribe. So far, I've said at least howdy to JSB, Chili, Brien, and Robby. Now that I look back at my progress, that isn't too good, but we will get there.

Second, I need to just smile and wave for the first few parts. In my last survivor, my tribe lost EVERY SINGLE CHALLANGE and ended up merging with two people against a fully stacked 8. I was an immediate target and eliminated pretty soon after. For this time, I think we have some serious competitors in our army and winning is a necessity. Socially, I don't want to make the early shot since being named captain too early on puts a target on that person's back. I want to battle on some stable ground before I make an impactful decision.

This has the highest chance for fluctuation, but extending my best of luck to the other side. I picked Pika on the other tribe to wish him luck early on. We've talked briefly in the past and I think he trusts me enough be loyal if we merge together. Keeping him happy will mean I can hear some tid bits of the other side and know who is in control and who to avoid.

Alright, no more steps. On to the targets. The #1 guy out of everyone isn't a pre-merger, but a fan. Brady should be on everyone's radar. I haven't played with him before, but it feels like I see his name as the winner in many of the group games that I watch. He even talked about his success in his app. Anyone that confident knows they're good and had to be stopped. I'd have to be very careful on when or if I get a chance to take a shot at him since a miss would be my downfall.

Wow, that was a crap ton of words. I hope any of you reading this can make sense of this.
2419 days 7 hours ago
A very good start with an active cast, much better beginning than Haiti for sure :D
2419 days 6 hours ago
The cast is very active! Robby got lucky with the idol clue. I told you he is going to do good!
2419 days 4 hours ago
I'm super team Robby, playing with him in Fast Survivor was super fun and he can be a challenge threat too
2419 days 2 hours ago
Mike "Iz" | Confessional, Day 2, Nahua

Well..... my tribe FLOPPED what a fucking surprise !

But then again I didn’t contribute as much LOL! I did like 2 rounds, but then I knew it was impossible to score a point because I was on my phone and it didn’t help with fucking Robby being like...

After the challenge I basically just maiked everyone to see where their heads were at, but still no word from anyone. I do know Nolan and Zyler from a previous game so that’s good. Guess who I also know? FUCKING GAMO! Won a survivor game I was in with him.

Like they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

By the looks of it, this is going to be a hell of a season, so I can’t wait for what’s to come.

I’ll also try harder on these challenges xD

Love, Iz
2419 days 2 hours ago
Will | Confessional, Day 2, Nahua

I have no idea what the plan is or if there is a plan or what's happening, because my tribe is full of crackpots, but all I know is that there are people on the tribe that missed the premiere and should definitely be the targets this week.

With that being said, I vote for Alan
2419 days 1 hour ago
=== CAST ASSESSMENT (1/2) ===

- Mixe (Fans) -
Luke: Right off the bat I see a lot of potential in Luke. He has his "presidential strategy" which is mainly having great relations and an A+ social game. He's making sure to go around and greet everyone, and expand his connections with the tribe so he's in no danger by anyone encase of going to Tribal Council. If i'm judging him correctly I'd say this is pretty similar to how I start my games, although I devolve into a crazy villain sooner or later. I'd say he's confirmed to make the merge, but having too many friends may catch up to him and put a target on his back mid-merge!

Cody: I think Cody's main aspect will be his loyalty in the game, he wants to get a group together and stick with it. He hasn't shown any needs to make big moves or the sort, he wants to have his few allies and get to the end. This strategy probably won't go over too well though since he'll be looked upon as a "goat" if he doesn't step up later on in the game. I'd say he doesn't make it past pre-merge, or he will be a possible runner-up.

JSB: He's one I have absolutely no clue about. I haven't seen THAT much from him personally so far but his application. He considers himself to be a "Spencer" of the game because he's a "social butterfly" which if we're talking about Spencer Bledsoe his social game was his biggest down-fall and wasn't at all a social butterfly. I really don't have much experience in games with him nor haven't seen much of him to really judge. I see him as a "Wildcard-Villain" if that makes any sense. That also seems to be the vibe the other castaways are getting from him. I'll take a stab in the dark and say early merge boot.

Chili: I've never seen her in a game before and think she'll bring a really unique angle to everything! Her application wasn't your general app, it felt it had more thought into it. Her main goal is to be aware of everything happening in the game, making connections and getting information from them. I can see her doing extremely well if she plays her cards right and gets a good start. Now this may be a big claim... But I see possible winner potential!

Zyler: He's definitely a fun guy to have in the game. From my experience it's mixing strategic play with NaOnka Mixon. We have loud, crazy and obnoxious mixed with a guy that has a pretty good sense of strategy. In the season I played with him he ended up winning! This game wasn't your usual since I feel half the cast weren't playing their A game, including me who I was just running around screaming at people for entertainment value. Zyler seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders though in most aspects of the game, i'm going to claim he'll make merge.

Brady: This guy has already been mentioned by multiple people that he's a huge target for them in the game. Brady's a great player with tons of experience, his prior account was BradySpaulding which if I recall has been on Tengaged for a good while. He's the strategic cunning villain from my games I've played with him. I'd compare him to the S1 winner Matt. He's got a great strategic game which can hopefully get the target off of his back and place it on someone else's. I'd say his weak point is his social game, which isn't the best compared to his other abilities. Sadly I think he'll be a pre-merge boot due to being a large target. I want to be surprised on this one though!

Brien: I wasn't going to cast this guy at first until Bennett (Coolnarwhal88) told me to definitely cast him, it's a 50/50 risk if he'll be involved and active but it's worth it due to the fact the games Bennett has played with him have been some of the best on Tengaged. He put 110% into playing the game, severely overplaying but creating a huge wave of chaos every move he had in the game. So, based on that and Bennett's judgement if he becomes more active we're in for some chaos. I'm going to say late pre-merger.

Robby: Should we just tell all the other castaways to give up now because we have our winner? Robby could quit now and almost already be cast for the next All Stars. He single handedly won the first Individual Immunity challenge for his tribe, competing with Sam & Zac for quickest challenge player in the series already, already has found a Hidden Immunity Idol and probably has reached out and has the most connections with his tribe-mates. He's definitely on the top peak of Social Game, Strategic Game & Physical Game. The only down-fall is these people are destined to see it when we get closer to the end and I doubt anyone would let him get that far. I'm going to say he will go out Finale night as one of the last jurors (4th or 3rd). 

Jack: He's a Tengaged newbie. He's only really played in a handful of group games so far but has made a huge impact in all of them from what I've seen. Definitely going to be a well known player in the future. From other people's thoughts he's the hero archetype, bringing loyalty and not a shady player but not fully in it for the team. He's a good mixture of self-preservation but could also be given the hero award based on what I've heard about him. It'll be interesting to see where he goes. I'm going to say mid-merge boot.
2419 days 1 hour ago
=== CAST ASSESSMENT (2/2) ===

Awh the poor little failures...

- Nahua (Failures) -
Pika: He's a player that is well known on Tengaged for his "pikachu" gimmick. Which he basically role-plays the character Pikachu. With that he's usually loyal to one or two people in the game and totally trusts them and will follow their lead. Although in his application this time has said "he has a few new tricks" and that he wants to take the lead and become in control of the game this time, starting the formation of the alliances. He will easily make it far in the game, his only issue will be resonating the jury to vote for him. So he's a possible runner-up.

AJ: This is a hard one, from AJ's stint in Kenya he was in a pretty good position in the pre-merge with solid allies until Demi idoled him out to save Aaron. If AJ can find himself in another good group of players and place himself into a great position I think he could go far and become a big player in the game. Although in other games I've seen him be totally out of place with no allies, a fish out of water and just an easy pre-merge boot. These first few days are going to be huge for him, I think he needs to start taking the reigns and initiate some alliances himself to get a good grip on the situation. He could either be pre-merge or late merge boot imo.

Crypt: In past games when I've played with Crypt I have never thought of him as a huge threat in any standards, but from then I think he's matured a lot in the game sense. From his application he went into much more detail and will be a lot more active now. He seems to be fairly decent in all three big aspects of the game nowadays which could get him far, and if other people see him like how I did, may underestimate him and he could fully use that to his advantage.

Iz: Mike is a player that heavily relies on his social game and social connections in the game. He can easily make alliances with players and mend bridges, he may not make the most flashy and upfront moves but definitely plays a good behind the scenes game putting himself in good positions after a few days being in the game. I see him getting to the late stages of the game.

Alan: In my Kuwait cast assessment I predicted he'd go far and possibly win the game since Alan is a smart player with a good overall game similar to Robby. With this second chance my mind is telling me he's destined to go far in the game due to the fact, although my gut is telling me he may be an early boot. Since he seems like such an "outcast" from the other failures and it may be hard for him to integrate with them. I'm really hoping he can make it out of this tribe and make a good run through the game. (Holy shit.. I think I used the exact term "good-run" about him in my Kuwait assessment.)

Marto: This guy's scary. Really scary. I'd compare Marto to a snake in the game, he can easily sneak into alliances making you comfortable enough to trust him and blend in as someone you wouldn't think of as a threat to expose information/plans to. When in all reality Marto has an excellent strategic game to back up his social game, which he will use late in the game to push himself right into the end. I'd say he's a top tier under the radar player. Definitely late-merge and could see him end up this seasons winner.

Gamo: I've never really played my fullest around Gamo, we've played in a few games together but I was usually just joking around for entertainment and not going for an actual win so I can't judge the games I played with him & his ways of doing things compared to games I was more in-tune with what was going on. Gamo has a good strategic game but lacks the social aspect to have any of the moves take off is what I'd say about him from what I know. His placement is a complete unknown element to me, we'll see!

Will: Spoiler Alert... It looks like he's going to be the first boot. The Cibao's prove themselves to be the best players in the series even more. This boot is actually kind of tragic, he had a great application in Haiti but went out early because he was extremely busy that week with real life things, I could see the potential there though. He got his application to the season later than the others and I told him due to that there is a slim chance of actually getting cast, one person fell through and I pushed him ahead of the other back-ups since I saw his potential in the game. Now... He's playing his hardest and on top of activity, though he seems to be the target of the main alliance already formed.... First boot =(

Nolan: His biggest strength is his challenge capabilities from games I've played with him, he is a great asset to have on your tribe competition wise and a pretty good ally too. Nolan is a quite player which due to that he doesn't have the best social game but is a highly strategic player along with being fairly good with challenges. I can see him sticking around for the majority of the tribal stage if he can show up to the next few competitions and show his physical strength! I see him as a mid-merge boot.
2419 days 1 hour ago
AJ | Confessional, Day 2, Nahua

So, I'm happy to be back. Tonight I'm vpting for Will, because I've heard his name from five people.
2419 days ago
Also just wanting to update people, I created a Skype Viewers Lounge for people to discuss the season! If you're interested in joining make sure to add me on Skype =)

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