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Kolby's Survivor: The Congo - Kolby vs. Bennett

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: The Congo -..

2350 days 12 hours ago
Dono | Confessional, Day 0, Nkuma


Max (Novamax243)
Potential ally! I like Max from our initial conversation. I got good vibes, and the reason I approached him (and SammySosa) first was because the CBC seemed to be unaware that they were cast before the reveal. That means they are the best chance at numbers outside of the CBC, which is what I am looking for. The CBC is not my best option. It may be my easiest path, but I'm not down to watch someone's charity. So Max is my most appealing friend at this point. It wasn't even a huge conversation, but I felt that he put some effort into his words and that's enough this early. He is actually I think one peg under Sam in terms of newfound trust at the moment, but Max is still favorable to me in terms of allies. He wants to make an underdog alliance, which stemmed from me saying that I thought for sure I would be underdog, and that I was fake mad at him for taking my title. It was all good-natured, and he played along. That's a plus.

Luke (IceBear)
Luke is a dark horse to me just as much as he is to you. Same situation as Danny boy. I have yet to hold a singular conversation with him. Maybe it is just the way in which our alliance was created. Robby just demanded it into existence. I don't see a problem with that normally, but we're all fighting for opportunities to be in control. You can't win the game without those moments, as these moments are the platform in which destiny-fulfilling moves are made. Seeing Robby do that is not good, he's playing hard way too early. Will that aggression be aimed at me? I'm a potential target, and I'd even range into the category of likely target. Maybe I can create relationships with Luke and Danny poo to bridge that. If I can control Robby through the others, I may be more willing to travel that road.

Will (hellomynameis347)
Fuck that username. Flop? Interesting decision to include flop as an archetype, but i see the allure. It is potential cut short. So whatever you saw in Will, I will be sure to overestimate him. He is definitely DEFINITELY someone that could win this whole thing. He's in a great spot and is probably, alongside the other flop, among the safest players right out of the gate. But he's right there with Luke and Danny Phantom on my radar. Hopeful allies, but mysterious and unknown. I will flesh this out tomorrow in CBC.

Sam (SammySosaTV)
My conversation with Sammy was actually fucking awesome. I fuckin' nailed him (not). Not only did I guess that he loves baseball (he doesn't), but I found out he's an NFL fan. But he likes the Falcons, and I'm a Patriots fan (TB12 reincarnate). So it was very fragile ground, I didn't want to upset him by mentioning any numbers resembling 28 or 3. I was careful but it was a great conversation, and I felt very positive that we will be allies this game. Him being the powerhouse is easy for me to relate to as well. I was glad I wasn't given the role of powerhouse, holy shit that is a heavy burden to bear in a season like this. I told him I was speaking with Max, because I'm trying to extend the olive branch (haha i used that phrase again viewer's lounge you can't stop me). If Max and Sammy and I become a tight group, I'm happy. It holds no majority at the present time, but those two I am confident are not robby slave bots, so they are now dono slave bots.

Wrapping this up by saying that the archetypes make for an interesting dynamic. They give the biggest players huge targets, but allows other big players like myself to pass relatively unscathed (I hope). I feel as though the hero archetype will be my biggest advantage. In a returning season, your previous season's actions come back to haunt you. Especially in my case, where my season was two weeks ago. Being able to come into the Congo knowing everyone views me as somewhat honorable and trustworthy, and knowing that most of them have no desire to work AGAINST me right off the bat, I am cautiously optimistic. I definitely have a chance. I'm pretty sure
2350 days 12 hours ago
Dono | Confessional, Day 0, Nkuma

(...continued again lol)

Wrapping this up by saying that the archetypes make for an interesting dynamic. They give the biggest players huge targets, but allows other big players like myself to pass relatively unscathed (I hope). I feel as though the hero archetype will be my biggest advantage. In a returning season, your previous season's actions come back to haunt you. Especially in my case, where my season was two weeks ago. Being able to come into the Congo knowing everyone views me as somewhat honorable and trustworthy, and knowing that most of them have no desire to work AGAINST me right off the bat, I am cautiously optimistic. I definitely have a chance. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting off the starting line with the rest of the pack, and the heavy hitters will hit away. I'm not sure yet if I'll be involved, I hope fuckin' so though (but not too early). Now that I've been deemed a hero, I have complete freedom to be a super villain. I'm not planning on vilifying Congo, but take that as evidence that I will not hesitate to do what I believe to be necessary to get to the end.

kk it's 1 AM. See what you fucking make me do Kolby? And now I gotta blame Bennett too. Oh and by the FUCKING way, you guys already make a fantastic pair. Love the dynamic between both of you. Bennett, you so remind me of themissinglink who I know you have to remember. I definitely remember your username from way back in the day.

2350 days 12 hours ago
Leo | Confessional, Day 0, Moru

Three years later, the greatest flop ever has returned. Thankfully, I am on an active tribe with people who I can actually work with. Obscurity, lion, josh, and tots have all hmu since the game started. Nobody seems to like Tots. She also claimed to be an old ally of mine from a game i do not remember, but then i checked my bio and it exists so....there's that.

Rn, I just want to cut out dead weight so we can win challenges, so I can get to bed at a normal hour instead of spending hours strategizing.
2350 days 12 hours ago
This is going to be a grade A season already, you can tell everyone is completely invested. Look at the confessionals already, you can't tell me you see that dedication in an ordinary group game. KvB is already living up to the hype!

Also can I just say, Dono is the most likable guy. I'm not even playing the game but I feel like I'm one of his followers just reading the confessional. The personal details are something a lot of people miss in group gamers, it really makes you root for the player and empathize with them. Dono is easily able to do that.

Without being locked in the insane asylum that was Thailand I can see him running the game how I pictured him to in S9. Here people are (mostly) stable mentally and not as insane as his previous cast, so I believe he'll have a much more natural way of running things.

Narrative wise, I'd love to see a Hero vs Villain; Dono vs Robby battle at the starting stages of the game. It would be so fun to watch, two amazing players go head to head and also being labeled hero & villain. Just based on observing the CBC Skype Chat I can sense some tension with Dono in the group. He knows he was added later than the others and hasn't established the same relationship with the group as they have with each other. Robby being the player he is will pick up on this, and I can see a Dono vs Robby fight being conceived there.

Sam is also doing a great job with his social game, based on the chats I think he's mended his beef with Demi fairly well and has acquired a relationship with Luke. On that note, Luke reminds me a lot of Aaron (Slendie) and the two of them got along fairly well in All Stars and were a secret kind of duo.

Overall the theme of this season makes me feel much more attached to my players. I feel I have things at stake here, topping already returning players that I know then playing on my team essentially makes me a lot more invested to the season. It's almost it's own little social experiment between between Bennett & I + the castaways.

It's crazy seeing the two worlds collide, because my first ever group game was Yangudi Rassa, Bennett's fourth season then going on to his All Stars Yakushima winning Player of The Season. With Tim, Josh, Andrew ect.

That's enough rambling tonight, tomorrow morning I'll begin writing my assessment! And hopefully I'm able to be a replacement for Robby Has a Podcast this season.
2350 days 11 hours ago

Before I get into this, it's 1:11PM CST but I still need my ritualistic Cast Assessment Chai Tea so lets get this caffeine flowing. Good thing Bennett is hosting the first challenge!

- Nkuma -

Demi: The golden girl turned villainous and now a legend. Originally in my Japan season she was fairly new to Tengaged and not exactly even knowing what she was doing, which led to her making a bond with the winner of the season and also her ally Joshua. At one point Matt turns on Joshua, forcing a tie between Demi & Joshua which she steps down essentially sacrificing herself for him. Only later to be in the Final Four of All Stars with a win already in her pocket soon to be getting her second cutting him right before Final Tribal Council.

During those seasons she's established having a remarkable social game, getting in everyone's graces and telling people exactly what they want to hear. In the game of Survivor it's common to lie and you'd expect a two time winner to do so. But I believe in her two winning games + Japan I haven't heard Demi spout a single lie. She plans her words very meticulously which they can be very open to interpretation so she can not take the fall or be blamed for any actions. Making her everyone's friend and never taking damage to her game.

She usually fits as the glue to stick an alliance together, not necessarily the head or the leader but the one that keeps everyone at bay and grouped. Coming into the game deemed the Legend and not only that a two time winner most would think she is easy vote fodder, but I have higher expectations. I'd be shocked if Demi didn't make the merge, everyone on Nkuma has the same idea of using her as a shield which is almost a straight shot to the merge. If she can form a tight bond and connection with Robby or Dono she easily has a deep shot at the game, because the pairings together can provide both players benefit for their game for a time period. I'm going to say Demi will place 9th-7th.

Dono: Does everyone love Dono as much as I do? He's an old school group gamer who can strike a connection with people fairly easily, a great challenge game and has been a fairly well strategic player. With an underdog win in Thailand & great confessionals to back him up. He's definitely a fan-favorite, but can that help him coming into KvB being the most recent Kolby's Survivor winner?

His social game is great, but I believe he's went a bit overboard tonight. Some of his conversations to people looked a bit put on or exaggerated which Sam made sure to recognize. I don't believe it will be any immediate harm to his game but could add to a case against him down the road. He played his Thailand game on the bottom, never in full control. Always being held down by the majority alliance and only having the mercy of Andrew/Richard at times, but during that he could actively place the target on another players back that being his ally or someone from the majority. He found some means to keep him safe, ending up in a win. We know he can play the minority underdog game fairly well. But a big testament will be if he can stay on top of a majority alliance.

We've already established Dono feels out of his element in the CBC alliance and has reached out to others who aren't attached to Robby purposely to derail the alliance if it comes to it. Which I foresee happening. If he successfully recruits the numbers and can turn the tides he has a fairly easy journey through the Pre-Merge.

If any winner from my side is going to get a second win, I believe it to be Dono out of the three. If he isn't eliminated Pre-Merge I see him likely placing 6th-4th.

Robby: He's studied Psychology & Marketing, and based on how he's easily able to lure players in and become the defined leader and obviously dominant head of alliances is natural for him. It just doesn't always correlate with winning, sometimes being too exposed and over the top running things will lead to exactly his fate in Mexico, finally being knocked down a peg and placing 6th.

Out of everyone here, I think Robby has one of the most visible targets on his back. To most people he's not even trying to hide the fact he has been purposely studying up on Kolby's Survivor Series history just to "Know Thy Enemy" and expect their strategies and what they will do. He's definitely dedicated to the game and not afraid to expose that to others which could easily backfire.

He has a tight trio of Dan, Will & himself. I don't see that group turning on each other or splitting up until endgame, if they make it there. With another layer on the outside of the alliance of Luke & Dono. Iz has already made it apparent to me before the season took place; If Robby's there he wants him gone. Along with that and possibly Dono going after him Robby could be in for some trouble. As much as I don't want it to happen I could see Robby going possibly pre-merge.
2350 days 11 hours ago

Dan: On his previous season of Haiti he had a free ride to the merge, winning challenge after challenge and entering the merge 8-3. His journey to 3rd place wasn't the hardest challenge with those things said. But he proved himself to be a decent player, radical in some aspects but he had his foot in the game. Being a front-runner to win in the Final Three only to be eliminated and the final juror.

This cast seems to be more looking down on him as if he's more of a goat, and not in the best winning situation already. Which is a hard pill to swallow this early, since perception is usually reality. His path to a potential win will be much harder than anyone else in the cast but under specific certain stances he could pull off a victory. Realistically, I see him fitting into more of a merge boot placement.

Mike: From first boot in Kolby's Survivor: Kenya to returning in Mexico - Fans vs Failures and being crowned the Sole Survivor. In Kenya he was mostly inactive and didn't show up to the original challenge resulting in Demi giving him the first boot from the tribe. Now in FvF Iz boded his time well, staying under the radar and in the shadows as the players with egos and larger personalities fought each other. Winding up in the Final Five with a Hidden Immunity Idol, successfully playing it. Then going onto win a Fire-Making challenge & FIC eventually winning the game. Easily redeeming himself and shredding the failure label.

I see Iz having a harder time connecting with players this season, he's stated he wants to take Robby out earlier this time. But without the Will, Dan and Robby alliance I don't know if he can make allies with the other players on his tribe. He definitely seems to be an outlier in the social rankings of the tribe. Although he's known to have a good social game making connections with players and getting them to underestimate him.

I can see two (three) potential scenarios in play, he goes with the CBC alliance group and they get and him eliminated mid-merge, or him playing an extremely similar game and winning once again. But my final guess and prediction is sadly he'll be a Pre-Merge vote not too far along.

Alright, 1/4 of the cast down. I'll finish the rest another time!
2350 days 10 hours ago
Will | Confessional, Day 0, Nkuma

Whoa, what? I'm back here again?
*Brian voice* Hi, VL!
I'm so excited that Kolby's decided to give me a THIRD chance to prove myself! Winning this season would definitely be nice, but I'm just here to show that I've grown since my first two appearances, and to hopefully make it past second boot! I've already set myself up in a pretty good position pregame, working with Robby to pull in a majority of me, Robby, Dan, Demi, Luke, and Dono, and Dan and I have been talking to Max about a possible Haiti alliance. That leaves 3 people on the outs: Sam, Brian, and Iz, so we just need to decide which of them should go first

Robby - Showed himself in Mexico to be a huge threat, both physically and strategically. He'll be nice to keep around for a while, since he trusts me and he keeps the target off my back
Dan - Great physical player, although a couple of his wins were definitely circumstantial. Good player to take far, bad player to let too close to the end.
Demi - Biggest threat on the tribe by far, being a two time winner. Plays an amazing social game, but cannot be trusted. She'll be good to keep around for a while as a meat shield.
Luke - Great social and strategic game, big UTR threat, might be useful to bring to the end
Dono - Another big threat. Dono's a physical and strategic threat who knows how to play well in a minority position. Good to have on your side, bad to have working against you. He CANNOT be allowed to go to the end
Max - Another physical threat, Max isn't as big of a threat as many others on the list, but like Dono, he knows how to play well from a minority position.
Iz - The 3rd winner on the tribe, Iz, like many others on the tribe, knows how to play in the minority, being the last Failure left at F7, and, with a well placed idol play and a couple immunity wins, ended up winning his season.
Brian - Knowing Brian from previous games, this guy cannot be trusted for any reason. He is a lying, manipulative snake, which makes him a great goat if he's caught in his lies.
Sam - Sam is the wildcard for me, being the only pre-All Stars player that isn't Demi. He's evidently a physical threat, which means he should probably not be allowed to reach the merge.

PRE-GAME MORU ASSESSMENT (For the ones I know)
Tim - Tim is a definite challenge threat and strategic threat, based on previous games I've played with him, although it's very hard to predict how well he'll preform on any given season or series. He's already sworn his loyalty to me, and we're not even on the same tribe, so we'll see how he does.
Andrew - As shown by his Thailand performance, Andrew has amazing gameplay, but awful jury management, which makes him the perfect goat, since he can get to the end without you dragging him there, but then tanks his own game at FTC.
Brady - Brady is definitely a threat, but I've worked with him in the past, and I'm definitely willing to do it again. He can play well in a minority when needed, and I'm curious to see how far he'll go this season.

Man, how did Robby do those assessments last season? That made my brain hurt. So, anyway, the cast reveal was a bit crazy. Some of the players are HUGE names. And then there's just lil ol' me, and no one knows whether to squash me like a bug or take me in and nurture me until I grow into a big, strong, semi-competent player.

Well, that's all I've got for now. I'm gonna go to sleep. Wish me luck, everyone!
2350 days 9 hours ago
Looking foward to this season alot
2350 days 3 hours ago
Woo-hoo, yes! This is an amazing cast :P Since Robby's not here, ill try to do a cast assessment and predictions as well xD
2350 days 1 hour ago
Yeah that'd be great, we need to make up for Robby haha! Also I think you know most of the cast too?
2350 days 1 hour ago
Luke | Confessional, Day 0, Nkuma

Hello hosts and viewers lounge! We haven't had any challenges yet, but some stuff has already been proposed that put me in a good position. First, let me give you an preview of who I am.

What up I'm Luke, I'm the Darkhorse member of Kolby's team and I think pineapples taste GREAT on pizza (with some ham though). Yeah that's right, come at me bro. I was already hoping to have a second chance at the crown and I'm surprised I get to be on a special season like this one! While winning is a fine goal, only one will win. That's a 5% chance on winning the game. So to give myself some confidence booster missions, I am aiming to name at least one episode, make jury, and to not be the first voted off. Forget the idol shit, somebody in the group chat mentioned a large quantity of the returning players have found idols in previous seasons and will most likely do it again. Oh, you didn't know about the group chat???? Let's talk about that! (awesome Segway to new paragraph!)

In case anyone didn't know, there was some high pre-gaming going on before the game even started. As soon as Kolby sent his invites, Robby was quick to round up members and form an alliance of five right off the bat. That consists of him, me, dan, dono, and will. Technically Demi is apart of the group too, but she doesn't have Skype. I'm still amazed about my luck. In my previous game, I betrayed Robby and he wants me back as an ally for this game. To be fair, I know I don't have as strong connections with everyone as others do, but I'll take my chances. I've been reconnecting/meeting a few people like Iz, Sammy, and Demi to get more acquainted with my tribe.

Oh, fun fact for all you KvsB fans out there. Sammy and I played on opposite tribes in Bennett's survivor, but get casted in Kolby's tribe. Ok, I didn't understand logic anyway. I kid of course, that's about 85% of my confessionals. Just a sad guy writing down his thoughts into a confessional. I'm not worried though. I have Katy Perry and Juicy J to sing my archetype theme song. Who's the real winner here?
2350 days 1 hour ago
Demi | Confessional, Day 1, Nkuma

We were all on our best behavior at the premiere. Sizing each other up, fake messages of " are we good?" and " we should work together".... All the norms.

I have found that on my tribe I connected instantly with Robby, I feel he's important to have trust with so I can keep him close. Dan and Sam are two I feel I can bring in and count on them for a bit. Dono messaged me ( and many others I'm sure) and I feel he's such a keen social player that it's going to be a challenge to figure out what he's thinking. I'm a bit on the fence on the others.... time will tell.

If we go to tribal I just can't see that I would be a huge target. So many great players and if one or two brought my name up, I can't see them having the numbers to vote me. I will try and give many of them  the  feeling of security to where they will feel more nervous being in the game without me. At the same time I am loyal and will fight for my close and trusted people... so it's not all a lie ;)
2350 days 1 hour ago
Robby | Confessional, Day 1, Nkuma

First off, thanks for bringing me back Kolby. You won't regret it. I'm gonna rule this season with an iron fist. Thank you, Bennett, for existing... I guess.
In preparation for this season I have created a strategy playbook. One that will surely get me to the end and win the game.  It's based on my vast experience in these games as well as my deep knowledge of survivor. I don't want to get your expectations too high, but I'm basically a god.

I have dubbed it; The Cracker Barrel Playbook.
It has two parts; the first part is the basic strategies I will use throughout this season. The second part is about how I will conduct myself.

The Cracker Barrel Playbook:

Part 1: The Cracker
The Cracker has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I will use every strategy all throughout the season, but the first one is the focus of the beginning, the second, third, fourth, and fifth one are the focus of the middle game. And the sixth and seventh are the focus of the end.

I give you; The Cracker:

Step 1: Communication
Step 2: Ruin everyone else's game
Step 3: Assume dominance and create dependency
Step 4: Create cracks
Step 5: Keep one eye open
Step 6: End the lies
Step 7: Repair

Step 1: Communication:
This is the primary focus right now. Communicate with my fellow castaways. Create those strong bonds. Create as many tight allies as I can. Create alliances. Have a good relationship with everyone in the game. I want everyone to see me as their best bud this game.

This step sets up the groundwork for the other sets. It's really the most important one because without it all the other steps will fail. It's key that I get this one right. And of course, it will continue all game. I need to not just create strong relations, but maintain them as well.

Step 2: Ruin everyone else's game:
I will ruin everyone's games. I want everyone to be afraid of what will happen next. Everyone to feel as though they have no control. Whenever somebody starts getting too comfortable, then it's time to strike them down. Let no one feel safe. I will get to the end and it'll be so clear that I controlled the whole game because everyone else will have had been betrayed by me so many times that they will recognize their lack of power.

Step 3: Assume dominance and create dependency:
I will be a leader. A god. I will take my dominant position and rule over my peasants. They will all be and feel dependent on me. Everyone will feel as though the only way to possibly survive the next vote is by working with me. By doing this I will rarely be targeted(only by the people willing to take big risks). I will be a King. And they will be like a bunch of peasants who need my protection.

Step 4: Create cracks:
I will actively work towards separating people. If I sniff out a power couple then I must try to create cracks between them so I can get them to turn on one another. No one can get too close to another. They must always leave room for Robby.

Step 5: Keep one eye open:
I must never get too comfortable. Always be aware of any plotting going on without me, especially if it's against me. Reread every message 2, 3, 4 times or however many it takes for me to memorize every line someone says. Then compare it with every line they say in every conversation. Everyone gives away their secrets. It's my job to see where they're giving it away and recognize it.

Step 6: End the lies:
Now we're getting to the focus of the end game. Stop lying so much. Throughout the game I will only lie if I have a very good reason to do so. I don't lie more than I feel necessary. But at the end, I will create a fake sense of brutal honesty. I won't bullshit people. I'll be upfront. They will head to the jury thinking of me as a brutally honest overlord. Despite the fact that at the times before their final moments I manipulated and lied to them repeatedly.

Step 7: Repair:

I will repair relations. This is the main focus of FTC.
2350 days 1 hour ago
Robby | Confessional, Day 1, Nkuma

Step 7: Repair:

I will repair relations. This is the main focus of FTC. I've made it to end after likely betraying many people. Now I must make them like me enough to respect me. I will kiss their butts, but I will do it the right way. The trick is to be honest about it. Don't compliment someone on something that isn't trust, that you don't truly believe. All you have to do is recognize what people did right. Then point it out and exaggerate how impressed you were.

Now onto part 2: The Barrel
You must be and act like BARREL


Bodacious: Be excellent. Act respectable. Take risks in a way that people respect.

Adaptable: Never get too caught up on one move. Adapt it and go with the flow of the game. Don't be forceful.

Ruthless: Don't let your emotions get the best of you. If you have to betray someone you love to win, then do it. And don't regret it. Be cutthroat. Be unpredictable. Betray whoever you have to in order to further your own game.

Rational: Don't make decisions based on emotions. Think about everything logically. This was my downfall in Mexico. Despite my rational brain knowing I had made the moves to not play my idol. I let the emotion of fear drive my decisions the other direction. I wasted my idol and gave up any possible victory. I will not make that mistake again. I repeat. I WILL NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN.

Elusive: Never get caught up. Whenever someone targets you, shake it off. Make moves to save yourself. Find idols, win immunities, trick and manipulate others. In order to win you have to surive; you have to be elusive.

Lucky: Recognize that you can do everything right and still lose. That's how Survivor works. There is always an element of luck. Embrace the luck of survivor. Don't be afraid of luck and randomness.

This is my winning playbook. I will dominate this game with it. I will be feared. I will be respected. and I will be crowned.
2350 days ago
Robby | Confessional, Day 1, Nkuma

I have prepared for this season like no other. I have set myself up to dominate my tribe, and I have prepared myself in case I am betrayed by my allies.
I have what I think of as Kolbys Krackers: Me, Will and Dan.
We also have Luke, but he's more just my bro that I convinced them he could tag along.
But I want to be realistic and realize that Will, Dan, and Luke may see me as a threat to get rid of later. Thus I knew I needed to add some people as shields that would be more willing to work with a big threat such as myself.
So I enlisted Demi and Dono! Demi, Dono and myself form "The Shields".                                 Because when I was convincing Dono to accept his spot on the season I told him I needed him to join to be my shield. Later I explained that it was just a metaphor for us sticking together once the Krackers flip on me.

Together all these people form what I like to call:
The Cracker Barrel Alliance.
Consisting of myself, Will, Dan, Luke, Dono, and Demi. 
I am the manager. I control everything.
Dono is the cook, he will cook up many plans I'm sure.
Luke is the dishwasher, I will use his friendly social game to clean up my messes.
Will is the host, he has to deal with a lot of shitty annoying people. He's also pretty expendable and historically the first to go. He's also pretty likeable.
Dan is the night maintenance, we have to hide him from everybody else.
Demi is a server, because I'm running out of metaphors. She's really the big name shield of the series. I don't know how to translate that to cracker barrel terms. She's a server because she's nice and "serves" people. You know like "shit man, you just got served!!!".

I also talked to Iz a lot last night. We laughed at how there's 5 people from Mexico this season. And how he voted off all 4 of the other Mexicans.

I've made contact with Sam. Gotta get a deeper connection with him. He's a big physical threat though so I don't know if I can let him make the merge.

I reached out to Brian. We talked a bit pregame too. He'll probably be the first boot on our tribe.

I have not talked to Max yet, definitely need to get onto that.

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