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Kolby's Survivor: Rulers vs. Revolutionaries

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Rulers vs...

2162 days 4 hours ago
Josh | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

I have been soaking it all in, and I’m having so much fun so far, but I’m hella paranoid. This game has so many snakes and I know I’m a glaring target. So many people give me good and also bad vibes.

There’s people who I had high hopes for who have made me question them. For example, will was someone I really wanted to work with. But similarly to how he was in the Congo, he has no personality in the game, and it is like nails on a chalkboard to hold a strategic conversation with him. It’s quite dissapointing because he seems sociable in the viewers lounge since Congo, but I just can’t tell whether he wants to work with me or is simply giving me short quick answers to shut me up and wants me gone. It’s

My alliance with Brady was extremely surprising, but I think it can carry me far for a bit. I’ve been 100% honest with him, which is rare of me. The reason I chose Brady as a number one ally is because I know Brady talks. I know he’s going to be talking to everyone on the tribe and I want him to. It’s the way I’m playing the game and he’s going to do it too, so if he trusts me, my name can get in a good mix

The goal tonight is to keep everyone on board and make as many people vote max. Max is no good and I’m glad my influence has taken some shape. But I need to make sure my name is not who max and whoever he talks to writes down.

So far, I’m on the brink of happiness, or paranoia, or devastation. I really didn’t want to go to tribal first but it has become an invetiable every time I play.
2162 days 4 hours ago
Josh | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

So Cooper decided to push the pace a little bit and he came up to me and offered to make an alliance of old gen players which is honestly totally what I was in for. But he offered up Tashi to go.... Hmm... interesting.. and I just think

But now that there are two names on the table, I will take no prisoners and continue to use any leverage I have to advance myself further on this tribe. A split vote is exactly where I want to be right now.

I need to continue to be cautious, but aggressive. I like the chaos, and I like the idea of two groups gunning for eachother.
2162 days 4 hours ago
Hufus | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

Okay, so it's day fucking 2 and my emotions are running high already.

Turned out that yay! I was talking around and the majority apparently agreed on voting Max, which was, yes, one of my targets given to our last game together. I'm set on not making the same mistake of letting him use me just to cut me later in the game and I'm serious. But there's some bs going around camp and it makes me think, is it time to do it already? New informations just came to light. And things are much more trickier than they seem.

I came into this game willing to give Brady a chance. We've had crazy moments together. We started as friends as I was rooting for him in the first game I saw him playing. Then we played our first game together and we were allies and stuff. Then he decided to backstab me for no real reason and OVER an inactive LOL And then our relationship went downhill cause I survived that moment. Whenever I talk to him, I feel like he keeps holding it against me even when he was the one that caused it. One day, out of the blue, I decided to talk to him about it and try to make it clear that I was over it and stuff bc I really like him, and he accused me of only doing that because the host of that particular game that he betrayed me was casting for All Stars. But I had already declined the invitation and it had nothing to do with that LOL Anyway, so this is Brady. Brady is a shady ass bitch. I thought Brady was no longer a shady ass bitch. Turns out that he is still a shady ass bitch.

We had an alliance consisting of me, him, KC and Will and I felt like we were set to survive without having many problems cause I thought we were solid. But Brady is already doing what he knows best, which is to play super hard and be sneaky. He literally made a majority alliance under my nose and kept me and Will out of it, when we were supposed to be tight af. I mean, why in the hell would u create a majority alliance if you were at least a bit committed to the 3 people (2, as he included KC in the new one) you had before? If it isn't to steamroll the rest of us, it makes no sense. We were almost majority and we'd only need 2 more votes, but instead threw us out and found other people. LOL I'm not feeling good about it at all, especially cause it'll be just a matter of time until I'm targeted, considering the people he included in the alliance and how they've been lying to me so far.

Everyone knows Chaos is my Kingdom. I own that episode for a reason. I'm not gonna be played and walk straight to my funeral. I see a way out of this. I've already made a plan, gathered the possible numbers and my inner revolutionary spirit is growing faster as we speak. I seriously need to contain it, cause I'm one step away from putting my plan into action and flipping the fuck out of the votes.

But it's day 2! Day 2! I don't want to piss off many people that soon. If I pull the trigger, I'm definitely gonna be targeted next and second boot doesn't look good on me. But if I don't, it might only be a matter of time until I run out of numbers and I have no one else to turn to.

Do or not to do?! That's the real question. Am I getting ahead of myself? I don't know. Either way, my gut's telling me that I need to start a revolution soon... I just need to decide what's the best thing to do. If I'm making waves at this tribal, I have to make sure it's gonna be one hell of a tsunami. I'm as revolutionary as you get.
2162 days 2 hours ago
Josh | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

God I love survivor... and there is nothing better than a lot of people playing hard in a group game. Honestly thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Everyone is playing so scared on this tribe. Am I worried I could be going home, yes, but I’m not scared of it. Nova, will, brad, Connor. I don’t know what they’re doing, perhaps Tashi. But I’m confident in the group that I am rolling with this vote and tomorrow will be a different story, let’s hope i am here.

Has my name been mentioned, maybe, probably, but it’s not going to phase me. I’m playing and sticking to my guns and letting the cards fall where they may.

I’m exciting for tonight, for better or for worse.
2162 days 2 hours ago
Renny | Voting Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa
2162 days 1 hour ago
Brady | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

So after us Revolutionaries lost people began scrambling right away including me. Personally I think the first tribal of a all star season is honestly the worst ad it is one I worry about all the time so I was pissed we didn’t win the challenge. The first vote is the worst because nobody wants to be voted out first so people play very safe and don’t really want to throw out names and it makes for a very confusing vote so I wasn’t looking forward to it tbh. However while people were playing the challenge I thought it’d be best to start talking to people then because I suck at those type of challenges and I knew I’d be like no asset to my tribe anyways lol. The first person I wanted to talk to was Renny because we had a good relationship the last time we talked and I thought having him as a loyal ally would really help me on this tribe. I feel like you at least need one loyal ally that you can trust one hundred percent to succeed in these games and I thought that could very well be Renny for me and we hit it off again right away which was great. It was nothing but great vibes all around. Guess who the second person to approach me was? It was the fucking snake who screwed my game in KvB and that was Josh. However about a week before this season even started we kind of realized we had very similar game styles and he said he wanted to change the way he played the game. I honestly didn’t expect him to be back and was kind of nervous for him to be back but this time Josh seemed a lot more sincere to me. We had a long ass conversation about changing our ways and coming together this time and so far I think we’re doing a good job of that. I still don’t trust him completely but I think if we got past a first vote it’d help us.

A person that I wanted to approach though right away was Tashi. I did really lien Tashi last season and I just figured she’d be a great person for me to work with this season since she literally just finished off Australia. We talked for a good while and I felt super good with her. We talked about working together and being in a alliance and we also talked a lot about last season Australia so Tashi also stuck out to me. The first person to approach me was surprisingly the S1 crack ass Joshua. I didn’t except to see him either but I did look at his confessionals in his first season and he kind of seemed like egotistical and cocky and I didn’t really like him tbh. However I appreciated him reaching it to me and he’s someone I’ve never played with before so I felt like starting fresh with him was great and we bonded quickly. I think I was one of the first people who talked to him on Skype and I felt like good with him. He was a player I really didn’t feel too threatened by tbh.

Also the other people on my tribe I mostly talked to pregame like Will and Hufus. I knew they’d be on my tribe and Hufus I felt good and bonded with. Out of everyone else on my tribe he was one of the people who wasn’t at the top of my list as far as who I trust and him and Will were kind of in the middle but I’m in the same pregame alliance with them and Kasey so I did feel I have to keep them both because it gives me more options if I need them.

So I felt like I was on a great track with a lot of players on my tribe but the problem was solidifying a alliance to make sure I was good for the first vote and it was hell lol because nobody wants a target on there back. I felt most solid with Renny and we were just talking about people we could pull in. We both wanted Josh because we talked to him and felt like he’d be down for whatever. Renny also talked to Kasey and thought he’d be perfect for it which I was cool with. Then when it came to mentioning 2 other people I suggested to Renny Joshua and Tashi and I told Renny to talk to both of them to see what he thought and we were both in the same page that we wanted to create that alliance of 6 so we could control the tribe.

Then I thought I was set and Renny would create the group chat but the problem relates back to this first vote. Nobody wants to be embarrassed with the first boot and it made it even harder to just have someone make the group itself to not be out there. Yeah things are fucking  crazy in that aspect and none of us wanted to make the group because it could end up being like the Apple of Eden the good old throwback to Survivor Gabon. Everyone was scared to make the group chat because if they did they didn’t want to get bit in the ass because of it but we all knew it was best for our games lol. We honestly have no balls haha. Finally me and Renny somehow just came up with me adding three people me hhinbajd Kasey and then Renny would add the other 3 just to split it up because we knew this group would have to be made eventually and we did that.

Our alliance got talking for a while but the tough part was deciding who to vote and nobody wanted to throw the name out to the group chat first without talking to people desperately first. I didn’t want to throw out any names to people period because I didn’t want anything to come back and bite me in the ass. However josh talked to me and said he didn’t feel good with Max which made me feel good since he was trusting me. About 2 minutes later Kasey basically said directly he wanted to vote Max the most. Me and Kasey got to talking a lot and we wanted to do max since we knew we were in the middle of our 6 person alliance and our pregame alliance which brought us closer and I was happy he told me that as well cause I want people to trust me. Personally I agreed with going for MacBook because I don’t have the best past with him and he was a player who never really talked to me so I’m like let’s do it! I told Renny and me josh Kasey and Renny connected the dots that we all were thinking of voting Max and luckily Kasey threw it out there to the group chat and it seems like everyone just jumped with it so we at least had that. Then Hufus tried talking to me about the vote and again in our pregame alliance Kasey mentioned Max to Hufus and Hufus was happy with it and said he wanted that too and us 4 also came to the agreement of voting Max which was perfect for my game because I’m trying to keep both of my alliances happy for now so nobody is out of the loop. Thank god for Kasey though because he’s throwing Max out constantly so I knew if it were to come back to Max Kasey would take the heat for it.

So during today it seems like Max is still many peoples plans and I honestly don’t see it changing. Part of me does worry josh could always be trying to get me out but I don’t think he’ll do it this early. The good thing was though Josh did tell me information that Connor talked to him about possibly forming a old school alliance to vote out the new player Tashi first which was another name mentioned. However josh told me the group isn’t official yet but it was good to know. So to gain trust with Tashi I went to her and said Connor was probably voting him tonight but I told him to stay cool and he didn’t seem to freak out so as far as I know Connor Max and Tashis names are out there for this tribal and if I’m correct I bet it’ll be a 8-3 or 9-2 vote for Max to go home with 2 votes for Tashi if things go as planned and the funny thing is Max things were good and he has no idea he’s probably leaving tonight and he thinks we’re al doing Tashi.

So I’m hoping my plans work for this tribal and Max goes and if he does it’ll definitely give me a better understanding of who I can move forward with in the game and if Max goes it’ll probably keep the Connor vs Tashi battle going which could keep me safe for another vote as well so let’s go!
2162 days 1 hour ago
Josh | Voting Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

I vote for MAX

You’re such a snake, goodbye Loser Lucifer
2162 days 1 hour ago
Max | Video Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

2162 days 1 hour ago
Brady | Voting Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

My vote tonight goes to Max.

I don’t really trust him and honestly he’s not not really in any of my alliances so he’s useless to me and we were the 2 underdogs in KVB cause we came in with that title but I’m sorry Max but I want to be the top dog of KvB and it’s time for you to be the bottom dog. Hopefully this works.
2162 days ago
Hufus | Voting Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

*uncaps pen*

In another scenario, I'd be feeling better. But I kinda feel like this is not the best decision right now, but still a good one. Either way, not much I can do. Just don't sit on my car and kick me out of it in the end of the road again! 

Max, the Passenger
2162 days ago
Kasey | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

I wasn’t all that nervous at first, but it’s A Quiet Place (2018) at the revolutionaries tribe right now, and quiet is NEVER good. That means you’re trying to avoid getting eaten in this analogy, and... I’ve been the main attacker against Max, if they felt like flipping the script it’d BE on me... and everyone is saying this vote is gonna be crazy, and I haven’t seen anything crazy yet.... I’m definitely uneasy, but freaking out about it won’t do any good... doing some research could, though!
2162 days ago
Kasey | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

I did some digging and thank god, i found out Max and a few people are going after Tashi.

I talked to Brad more and I’m still not 100% with him - hopefully I don’t get screwed by telling him too much, but right now, as of this very second, I feel better than I did beforehand... we’ll see what happens.

Please God, have my back.
2161 days 23 hours ago
Love ❤️
John 🇳🇴
Kasey 🇳🇴

Like 😀

Meh 👀

Hate 🤢
2161 days 23 hours ago
Tell max to send a final words video Confesssional
2161 days 23 hours ago
Max | Confessional, Day 2, Yukpa

This game is giving me ulcers already

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