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Survivor Borneo Season 1

Topic » Survivor Borneo Season 1

3439 days 9 hours ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 1, 2015 14:03:35
to ItsOfficial
Well i lost immunity again and it stresses the hell out of me, I know whenever i dont have immunity, my name will come up. I do have an idol, but i am hoping to get out of here without having to play it so that way i can lock up a spot at the final 4.

So Ryan has immunity, which is horrible honestly, I was hoping atleast a pagong wouldnt get it, but now he has it, and im fairly sure that one of them has an idol, so if they play it tonight, Tagi is fucked.

Im trying to maneuver to make sure if the idol is played, I will still not be voted out. My plan is to convince Robby and Ryan that us, Kevin and I will all vote for Greg, so they lock in Greg, Kevin and I vote with Tagi against Robby. And if the Idol is played, Greg goes, if not, Robby goes.

I recieved a mail from Ryan today saying that somebody from Tagi told them to vote for me, its probably a ton of bullshit trying to form cracks, but im interested in what he has to say.
3439 days 9 hours ago
From Robbyjak
No title
Jan 1, 2015 14:13:35
to ItsOfficial
so ive been trying to save my ass
kevin confirmed that it was probably gonna end in a 3-3 tie so i got to work
first i got gregory to think i have an idol
apparently it worked according to kevin
and now im going to big joe telling him about how gregory told me to vote big joe out last tribal and that he said he had william with him
if i somehow pull this all off then hopefully i wont be getting more than a couple votes at tribal
my main target is big joe since hes such a huge threat but i need to be careful i feel like he has an idol
kevin and ryan told me they dont think he does but if he does and he plays it ill probably be gone...
3439 days ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 1, 2015 22:54:58
to ItsOfficial
Im starting to get a little bit nervous, i have a feeling that people are throwing my name around. I really dont wanna have to play my idol., because if I dont i lock a spot at the f4 and that sounds so tempting , but if i get booted here, the idol is no good. Im trying to be careful with strategizing so i dont have to play it, but im just so damn nervous.
3438 days 12 hours ago
From woodrowwrust
No title
Jan 2, 2015 11:34:50
to ItsOfficial
confessional- okay so here it goes: i've come to find myself in a really great position. winning this immunity was huge because it ensured Joe is not safe and we might finally be able to get him out. i was a bit annoyed that Jinxx went home but what are ya gonna do. i also found an idol yesterday so i'm pretty hyped about that. other than Joe, I think Kevin is the biggest threat to win. I trust Robby 100% but I am wary that he would beat me in jury votes. in fact, i feel like the only situation i would win is if i am sitting next to William or Greg, since they've done relatively nothing. if things go right, Joe will leave this tribal and Kevin the next. hope i'll be able to pull this off. stay classy viewers
3438 days 7 hours ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 2, 2015 16:24:23
to ItsOfficial
That tribal went just as I planned it to, I knew I was getting quite a few votes, and playing the idol was the right choice. Now hopefully I can win immunity and get to the F4, im thinking the only way ill make ftc now is with another immunity run. But with the job interview I have today, I might not make it. So, 5th place might be my destiny, but im going to try my damndest to make sure it isn't.
3438 days 6 hours ago
Season 2 Twists are set! And we have our Final 5!

Gregory L. - He's been maintaining a loyal image by voting along with the Old Tagi Tribe. He has a good chance at making FTC. Chance of winning - that's up to the Jury. He will have to sell his UTR strategy and loyal image to win.

Big Joe - Every challenge is a must win from here on out for him; everyone wants him gone and I only see him making FTC if he can win every challenge from here on out. If he makes FTC - there's a chance he may not win for being a physical power house because some of the eliminated castaways feel his Immunity wins overshadow is social game.

William G. - He was recently voted least deserving to be in the game still. I can see him making the FTC; but his chances of becoming the Sole Survivor are slim to none unless the Jury is bitter.

Kevin P. - He may be in the clear to make a run to the FTC since Robby was just eliminated. But; he is also in a good position to win which makes him a potential target if he fails to win Immunity. If he does make FTC - I'm sure he will receive a few votes and could very well take the title.

Ryan M. - He was recently voted biggest liar which could hurt him if he makes FTC. However; he has managed to win Immunity once and is holding onto an Idol going into the Final 5. Using it tonight could secure him a spot in the Final 4. He stands a great chance of winning if he can make the right calls moving forward.
3438 days 4 hours ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 2, 2015 19:41:01
to ItsOfficial
BY THE SKIN OF MY TEETH, I pull out the win. Just 2 more baby, 2 more.

My plan for right now is to push a 3-2 vote, because I think Ryan has the pagong idol, so get Ryan to vote for Greg, Greg to vote for Ryan, and me William and Kevin fill in the rest.

Im trying to lock down a f2 with William because he seems the least shady and the easiest to beet at the end.
3438 days 3 hours ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 2, 2015 20:26:08
to ItsOfficial
So I need to prepare for the worst tomorrow, if I loose immunity, I need William and Kevin to want t keep me around. I already have a f2 deal with William, and I plan on honoring that one, but I also need to make Kevin think ill bring him to f2, me and him have been working together all game so it shouldn't be a hard sell, but once I get the chance I fully intend to slit Kevins throat. No way hes getting to the end unless he pries his way to the end.
3438 days 1 hour ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 2, 2015 22:43:11
to ItsOfficial
Well it seems that my original plan for this vote isnt going to turn out how i wanted to. However, i have developed a back-up plan.

The original 3-2 vote plan failed because Ryan wants to vote out Kevin instead of Gregory. So from that information another plan has risen and it seems stronger in fact then the original.

It centers around finding out if Ryan has the idol or not. I tell him that there will likely be 3 votes on him from Greg, William, and Kevin. I tell him to play the idol if he has it, he tells me either A) he does have it and will play it, or B) he does not have it. If he has it and plays it, William, Kevin and I switch our votes to Greg. If Ryan doesnt have the idol, Ryan goes home. This is to help ensure the 2 people i trust the most stay in the game so if I dont win immunity tomorrow I wont be voted out.

It might be a wasted opportunity to not take Kevin out, but Kevin is more likely to keep me around than Greg or Ryan would, even if Kevin is a bigger treat and a better player.
3438 days ago
From MooseAntler86
No title
Jan 2, 2015 23:36:42
to ItsOfficial
i vote out ryan

confessional: well after 2 failed big joe blindsides here i am. i am not sure if big joe has figured out im the rat or not but ive been trying to frame greg. i dont trust ryan so i hope our original tribe sticks together and gets him out. there is this crazy plan in motion to split votes and stuff but i need to do what i think is right. there is a good chance im going home. and if i do cant really be mad cause ive tried to make a move twice. if i survive im gonna try to get to the end with will cause he is mostly a sheep tbh. so here it goes this might be my last vote.
3437 days 23 hours ago
Wiki is updated! - Player profiles, votes, episode titles, etc....
Keep in mind that I won't be updating the voting chart until the Season is over!
3437 days 22 hours ago
From woodrowwrust
Jan 3, 2015 01:14:37
to ItsOfficial
Okay so I'm kinda bummed how this played out. I really wanted Kevin to go but unfortunately Greg did not heed my advice on voting with me. But tough shit for him lol. I've talked a little with Kevin and we both agree that Joe needs to leave asap, so that's good. William is lying so low he's not even casting a shadow. I'm nervous about being in final 2 with everyone left tbh, so I need to think over who I want to be sitting next to. '
Joe is a definite no because of all his immunities and his social game is on point.
Kevin's social and strategic game is even more on point
and William's been keeping to himself all game, which would be an interesting case to plead and could very well earn him the win.

So I'm conflicted. We'll see what happens. 'Til next time viewers
3437 days 21 hours ago
From NewOrleansPelicans
Jan 3, 2015 01:57:44
to ItsOfficial
I made it to the final 4, i am in the top 25% of the players in this game. But I have no intention of stopping here. I think i have the game laid out well enough that even if i dont win immunity, i should still be in the final 3. That still doesnt mean im not going to try to win the challenge. That would make 5 this season, and 6 if i win it at f3 as well. The final tribal council is just barely out of reach, but I intend to make it there and win this whole damn game. I have played too hard and have stressed too much to get 4th or 3rd.

This f5 tribal council went basically according to plan. I managed to keep Kevin safe. I didnt get Ryan out like i would have prefered due to the idol play, but Gregory was my 2nd choice and I ensured either him or Ryan would have been voted out today.

Theres a lot of confusion surrounding this vote, Kevin said that he voted for Ryan instead of Greg, which was stupid, but he admits it was stupid. If he didnt get lucky, it could have been 3 on Ryan, which all get nullified, and it would have been a 1-1 tie between Kevin and Greg, and I might have voted Kevin out on the revote, because i would have thought it was shady and i dont like shady people, despite the fact that I am pretty shady myself.

But all turned out well, and I feel i stand a great chance of coming out of this game with the win. I just need to put a little more work into it through the end of the game, and i would not be surprised to become the sole survivor.
3437 days 21 hours ago
-Schedule for Finale and Reunion-

Saturday: Starting @ 7pm EST
F4 Individual Immunity Challenge - "Race to Immunity"
F4 Tribal Council
F3 Individual Immunity Challenge - "Station Master"
F3 Tribal Council

FTC Begins

Sunday: ALL DAY - Votes due Monday by 4pm EST Jan. 5.
Final Tribal Council (May begin Saturday night if both Finalist have Jury speeches posted)

Monday: Starting @ 8pm EST.
Vote reveal
Award reveal including -
Fan Favorite
Player of the Season
Underdog of the Season
Entertainment Award

Also the Twist has been selected for Season 2! The Viewer's Lounge has voted and the destination is set! Twist and destination reveal after vote reveal and award ceremony.

Season 2 apps will be posted after Reunion is complete.
3437 days 11 hours ago

LAST CHANCE to vote for Fan Favorite if you haven't yet. 26/30 viewer's have voted - I'd like to thank everyone for being apart of the VL this season! Hope to see some of you apply for Season Two!

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