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Final Tribal Council | Vietnam [S1]

Topic » Final Tribal Council | Vietnam..

2514 days 23 hours ago
The two finalists are...

- Ryan (RyanS)
- Marto (cole225)

Finalists, you may begin to plead your case! In 15 minutes I will allow the jury to begin to question the finalists. After that the jury may ask as many questions as they would like.

You have until 8:45PM EST tomorrow (FRIDAY) night to question the three finalists and finally submit your vote for a winner. The Reunion will be tomorrow night @9:00PM EST.

- Brian H (FireX)
- Matths (TheDiamondWls)
- Adam (AdamLovesEverything)
- Bridgette (BridgetteBlonde)
- Jerry (GerardoM13)
- Brien (justdontevictme)
- Apat (tditdatdwt123)
2514 days 23 hours ago
I believe I deserve to win because I planned this game from DAY 1

My plan was to make connections, ride out the game of those connections while observing and mapping out where other people are at, and then GO CRAZY in the final days. I also have a motto I played by, “as long as it’s not me, I don’t care”

At the beginning, I wanted to stand out in that first immunity challenge so I would be approached by people for alliances. Who I call a “leader” classification  of player was Adam. He came to me and made a whole bunch of elaborate trios to put us in. I wanted people to see me as a benefit to the tribe, loyal, and loveable. As long as I wasn’t being evicted I didn’t care.

All this time, I was observing though, and I noticed that Adam had TOO MANY connections. Especially when Jerry called me a comp beast in the challenge (not good to be called close to merge), and he kept Adam until the end of the challenge which didn’t make sense to me as I thought Adam would be perceived as a bigger threat.

I waited a while though, as it would be unwise to strike so early in the merge. I needed EVERYONE to taste the finale when I stroked.

When Lewis quit, I KNEW THIS WAS MY TIME. Final 7. My alliance had 4 people including myself, and the other people left were 3 people. I knew everyone was loyal to Adam, so this was my time to make a move because I WANTED THE BLOOD ON MY HANDS, no one else. I believe they would have turned on him, but I needed this on my resume.

No one messaged me to evict Adam that tribal, this was 100% my move.

Marto messaged me asking me to evict Brien, and I lied and agreed to. Him and Adam both messaged me that I would not have the votes to evict Adam, except I didn’t listen to them as they tried to talk me out of it and to vote with them. I was the deciding vote to take a great player out of this game.

The next tribal, I decided to vote with Marto. Marto is loyal, so I knew if I had a chance of getting to the end while being vulnerable in tribal, I needed a secure vote.

I apologized for going against his wishes to evict Adam even though I didn’t care, so then to make sure he trusted me, I voted how he wanted me to vote that night. He wanted me to vote Bridgette, so I did that. Again, my motto, as long as it’s not me I don’t care. In the re vote, I message Marto and Brien, begging, and saying I would owe them, and they and one more person voted to keep me.

Now, the f5. This immunity challenge was HUGE, but I flunked it. One beneficial part though I noticed, was that Brien and Jerry never cut each other’s ropes, and Brein told me the previous day that he trusted Jerry. I knew that I needed Brie out in the f4 because he played the “villain”, he would probably get some votes.

Marto showed up, and I seized the moment, and messaged Apat and Marto saying to evict Jerry. If Brien had Jerry in the f4 it would be a 2-2 tie, so he had to go. Also, Jerry is a comp beast. THIS WAS MY IDEA, AND I BLINDSIDED JERRY.

After, the person who I betrayed in f7 now was voting with me solid again, which was Marto, and I had to vote out Brien now, as my plan was. Apat flipped though, but it didn’t matter, Brien still left due to a competition.

I tried hard in the final immunity challenge didn’t pul through BUT I DIDN’T NEED TO as my social and strategic skills brought me through.

Overall, in the beginning of the game, I used my physical abilities to gain connections who would keep me safe most of the game, then used those connections and my social game to stay trusted until f7. Then f7, I used strategic skills to know it was time to flip on Adam, and then used my social game to win Marto back over to my side, and then my strategic game to choose who left EACH EVICTION.

I think I played a very diverse game, by making connections by my physical and social character, rode with those, and then backstabbed, lied, and created blindsides in the final tribals.

I tired so hard and I think I d
2514 days 23 hours ago
this is my speech in tribal I made before:
2514 days 23 hours ago
the one to Adam ^^
2514 days 23 hours ago
and now a little bash against Marto,

he played a VERY good game don't get me wrong.....but in terms of a social game

I think he did put himself in a good position, except I had opportunities to evict Marto as Brien also wanted him out, but I chose not to evict him because I needed a loyal vote on my side

without me he wouldn't be here in the f5 vote, yes he did saye me in the f3 but he wouldn't have gotten there without me saving him

I feel like I played a more diverse game as I played a more risky game by lying and conducting blindsides, whereas I feel Marto got taken here
2514 days 23 hours ago
love ya tho Marto :)
2514 days 23 hours ago
after I betrayed him, I still pulled him to vote with me
2514 days 23 hours ago
Eyy whats up everyone it was fun playing with all of you and i had a really good time . So First going into this season my strategy was to keep a low profile for the first half of the game , socialise with people make alliances and bonds because in a season with 16 people no twists no idols basically a Borneo season i knew that the people who started playing hard from the beginning or were just loud and spontaneous were the people who were gonna be targeted at the merge and that happened .
I started playing  hard at the second half of the game , i won immunity's when i had to especially the last one cause let's be honest if Apat won i don't think i would be sitting hear considering the fact that the last 3 tribals i was the one getting targeted by the other side but that just made me stronger i didn't give up and at finale 4 i was the one who managed to defeat Brien the strongest person in the game
Did i play a perfect game ? No but in my opinion i played a great game and a loyal game i was loyal to the people who were with me i played respectful and i hope you all can respect my game play and vote for me to be the Sole Survivor .
Thank you .
2514 days 23 hours ago
The same stuff can be said about Ryan that i also used him because i knew he would never vote me off he always gave me information and ya at finale 5 you did save me but maybe that was your biggest mistake
2514 days 23 hours ago
I never gave you info..... if I did it was to gain your trust back after Adam's eviction. The only info I gave you was to be like "hey, Jerry is working with Brien, let's get them out"

you wanted to evict Apat in f5, but I got you to switch your vote after you submitted it to Jerry which led to Brien's eviction

info I gave you was to get you to vote with me, and believe me, in my confessionals you will see I was so prepared to evict you, but you were someone who would vote with me
2514 days 23 hours ago
cool mate whatever happens happens
2514 days 21 hours ago
Ok ima be honest
I already know who im voting

My question is

Whats ur favorite food and who do u like the best on the jury
Who do u like the least on yhe jury

I need names
Not bs about how u like everyone
Congrats to both of u
2514 days 21 hours ago
Final 2, I'd just like to say, my vote is COMPLETELY up in the air and your answers are very important.

My question for Marto: Why did you want to get rid of me, over a bigger threat (aka someone who could win challenges)?

My question for Ryan: What would you say was your biggest move this game?
2514 days 21 hours ago
@Bridgette I would say my biggest move was getting rid of Adam, it broke apart his alliance, and it really was the start of the part of the game when I made decision on who left

But to Marto's question, Marto AND I both decided to vote for you, but not to evict you, we wanted it to go to rocks actually so Apat could go as he had 3x the chance so it wasn't really Marto's move to evict you, it was a team decision
2514 days 21 hours ago
@Brian H
Favourite food is a peanut butter and jam sandwich
Favourite juror is Brien, he dominated
Person I like least is Matths, just because I never talked to him personally in the game
2514 days 21 hours ago
^^I was inact so acceptable

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