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Survivor Uruguay - Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Uruguay -..

3340 days 11 hours ago

I am hoping that everyone says the truth and we can vote out Erik but I'm suspicious and I think it may be me. He's wavering and I really think I can trust Paul plus I believe he's the only one I can beat so I'm excited to blindside another person
3340 days 11 hours ago

Man do things change for AJ right? Since I feel like I'm still on the outs, I'm gonna vote away from the group again and do Jacob :P

Confessional: BOOM BITCHES. Immunity the fuck again yesssss.I'm still hanging in for the Hash Slinging Slashers and I'm doing this for Alex. After last tribal, things have changed. DRASTICALLY. I think I got everyone on my side during the last tribal, and the target is no longer me, but it's Jacob. And seeing as though Eric is feeding lies to Paul. Eric has to bounce next. Who would've thought I'd want Trey, my target for a long ass time and Paul who's betrayed me before but is desperate for safety now in my F3. Damn does time fly, but you know. But I'm not so safe yet as they can blindside me like they did Alex and I wouldn't be shocked if they did. IT's a pretty smart move since I'll have half of the jury's vote come F2. But I've proven to be a force to be wrecken with. Eric screwed me over as an alliance by throwing my name in the dirt. Trey and Paul are desperate and come crawling back into my arms. And I was able to turn the whole tribe against Jacob. I went from top of totem pole, to the bottom, and now I'm back on top again. -wink-
3340 days 9 hours ago
After Eric's Vote Off

I am honestly confused on what just happened. I am not shocked what so ever I was in a tie to go home but the revote makes no sense to me. How on earth am I still in this game.

The vote layout.

Eric voted for Paul
I voted for Eric

So that means 2 of 3 of these people voted for me and one voted for eric.

If that is true someone flipped there vote to save me in the game.

I think Trey tried to blindside me and it failed. (I could be wrong but this is my theory). I have to believe that Trey thought Eric was going to vote me out but then how the votes turned out he was worried about losing my jury vote and decided to keep me in the game. So Paul kept me safe. Never thought that would happen.

If my theory was right I have been right since day 1 the Trey is not to be trusted at all.

Now the question is how do I win. Trey has to go next and then I have to make a very tough call on who I want sitting next to me in the finals. I need trey gone though. I need Paul to vote with me if that does not happen I am in a lot of trouble and I am going home.
3340 days 5 hours ago
" I have to believe that Trey thought Eric was going to vote me out but then how the votes turned out he was worried about losing my jury vote and decided to keep me in the game. So Paul kept me safe. Never thought that would happen.

If my theory was right I have been right since day 1 the Trey is not to be trusted at all. "

Loving that logic. He thinks Trey voted to keep him in the game, so now he wants Trey gone. I mean how thick can you get. People literally just look for any reason to put a target on somebody's back.
3340 days ago
True. Trey said at the start that he wanted to be the villain and he's proving that right now but I don't think he can win with that gameplay
3339 days 19 hours ago
The problem is not his gameplay, it is the people he is playing against. They analyze things in such bizarre ways.
3339 days 16 hours ago

So, I know now that I should have voted for Jacob. My reasoning for not was that I thought it was in my best interest to keep Charrua together. However, that plan backfired and here are my new thoughts on how I feel about the 4 remaining players:

The person that I would give my vote to no matter what would be Jacob at this point. He is the only one whose game I respect and he was also one of the kindest people here. He's run pretty much every vote and sheeped SO many people (including me) that he deserves to win.

The next person I would give my vote to is Paul and that's just because I hate the other two more. He didn't play a good game at all, but I'd rather he win.

The person I would absolutely hate to give my vote to, but would have to is Trey. This is not only because he voted me out and lied straight to my face, but also because I find using screenshots unacceptable. If we were playing the real game on the real show, you couldn't just record a conversation with someone and use it to your advantage. No, you have to convince others that they said what they said. If he had done that instead, I would have put him over Paul, but because of his below-the-belt hit, I have sent his info about using multiple accounts into the game so I can get my revenge.

The one person I would NEVER give my vote to is AJ. Now, this may seem weird, since what Trey did was much worse, but his behavior was a mockery of me and my game which just infuriates me. He threatened me, said that I was "dead" to him, called me a loser, etc. and honestly, if he makes the finals, I will not stop until every single vote is read to convince the jury not to vote for him. He (or she, idek since their skin is a girl but I affiliate the name "AJ" as a male name) is the kind of person that I try to avoid fighting, because I know I get heated up like this.

Good luck to them and may Jacob win this entire game.
3337 days 16 hours ago

Once again sorry about the finally something came up. I thought I played a good game. Lost a little control at f5. My misread on the vote at 8 tiebreaker killed me. I win if yogi would of stayed in the game. I am confused on why everyone thinks aj and Alex played a great game. They made themselves such a huge threat. I voted for the person who went home every time and in a season of mystery I think that says something about my game. Love to play in all stars if you want me.

Thanks for the fun season
3335 days 12 hours ago
3335 days 12 hours ago
DISCLAIMER: You're gonna see a lot of shade
3335 days 12 hours ago
"I am not dumb Austin and I will not be using my extra vote for you in this game, I will play it for myself"

lmao, maybe if someone could read and figure out someone actually couldn't vote....
3335 days 10 hours ago
Ya Austin you couldn't vote so why should I have used my extra vote on u

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