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S6 All Stars II [Confessionals]

Topic » S6 All Stars II..

1991 days 2 hours ago
Dan (dwipeouts) Confessional EP:1

So I still create a three person alliance with Natasha and Clair anyways after the challenge. After the challenge I try talking to eclipse. I thank him for winning the challenge. I was studying what Ben said about each of them in the cast reveal and I remember that Ben said eclipse never made a single digits placement in the series. After talking to eclipse I see why. At the time I'm thinking to myself you'd be an easy first boot for our tribe in going to tribal regardless of your challenge performance. You basically told me you hate everyone else on the other tribe and you only like me Bec you never knew me before this. Then he goes on a rant that he's not even trying and he wants to see how far he goes. It's like Yeah sure Mr. Mike White. Anyways originally I thought okay be first boot of our tribe but since you claim to have knowledge of everyone I was like give me knowledge of badjao and Tyler because those are the people I don't really know. And he goes on and on and I'm like thank you for giving of the information. I can kill your survivor game now. Now typing my first Confesssional I realized something. When we do swap he's always gonna be a Target and an asshole. Heck he might even be a goat with his fucken attitude. So maybe id try and getting Brien booted if we go to tribal since he's basically the last one left over my defalt on my tribe. Plus I've been trying to talk to Brien but conversations don't really go anywhere. The main good thing about eclipse is he confirmed what I was think about Brandon. He told me Brandon only won Bec he tries talking to everyone and cares about people's life which is exactly what I'm doing about Brandon. Then when I do talk to Brandon about his life life he is always quick to turn around and start talking about me. Like if I'm the special kid in class. Like the best thing that could happen for me is a swap where I'm in a tribe with both Brandon and eclipse and they go after each other. Of course I would try to get Brandon out since he's smarter and more reserved. Also I have been trying to talk to Tyler since Ben's question in the tribal forum basically asked why Tyler had no friends. So I'm like I want to work with Tyler if he isn't well adapted with others. I mean I know he's gonna survive the tribal.because I'm pretty sure Natalie and Tim are gonna get voted out. Kolby told me Natalie was getting voted out because she's inact and I didn't even hide my excitement from Kolby. I was just like YES!!!!. Although the Natalie thing made me happy, I am kinda disappointed that Tim is most likely gone as well. Tim basically told me he was gone so using Tim I'm trying to find out who is leading that tribe . I was like Tim who wants you gone the most? Tim is like Everyone. Which that didn't help. Then Tim is said people told him he was getting voted out. I'm like those people are stupid but who are those people? Tim was like almost everyone. Like Fuck Tim I know your torch snuff appointment is at 3pm on Christmas Eve so I need you to help me here. So finally ask who was the first one to tell you, you were gone. Tim finally answers the fucken question and says Brady. Like THANK YOU!!!. Although I really don't want to to go, your dead in the water Tim, maybe I'll trying working with you some other game. I then go to Brady and obviously I'm not gonna reveal anything Tim said to me but I go to Brady and I was like Brady gl at tribal I hope you stay. Brady who is obviously reserved and careful of what he says to me, then says yes and basically tells me he's safe and that there's a clear boot in the order. He doesn't reveal who it is but its obvs Tim, I just reply kinda like a Jacob Derwin on the tribe Bec Tim basically looks like Jacob Derwin. And Brady's like yeah Haha. So bye bye Natalie and bye bye Tim
1990 days 22 hours ago
Brady (CoachWade) Confessional EP:1

So unfortunately my tribe lost the challenge and I was a bit worried because I couldn’t make it that night which is never good.

However, right away things seemed very calm and straightforward lol. My whole tribe has all literally had a bad past with Tim because he makes enemies very easily and so literally JB voted him like right after the challenge and then it seemed like everyone else followed and I just wanted to make sure Tim didn’t at least vote me.

But then this morning I was really getting worried. For some reason Erik wouldn’t respond to my message and he didn’t seem like he wanted to even talk to me and then I get a message from Tim saying he wanted to vote Erik which made me open my eyes.

I’m like okay well if Tim actually wants to work with me then that’s a great opportunity. He seemed like he tried to get JB to do that too so my plan was to appearing JB to get a feel of like what he thought and he wouldn’t even consider voting for Erik so I was basically at a standstill and I couldn’t get to anybody so I just told Tim to look for the idol. I’m hoping he can miraculously find it even though I don’t think he will. If Tim finds the idol, then that’ll put me in a much better position.

However, if he doesn’t then I’m definitely more worried about the future because I’m not really vibing with my tribe at all and they’re not people I want to work with long term so I just hope that everything will be alright. I’m trying to find the idol and hey if I do find it before the vote then I might honestly give it to Tim so we’ll see.
1990 days 22 hours ago
Brandon (brandonrichie) Confessional EP:1

Of fucking COURSE Natalie comes back online 40 minutes before tribal just to fuck some shit up. Why would that not happen to me? Why would I not have an easy first tribal council? GOODNIGHT.

So right now I'm trying not to get idoled out, because apparently Tim found my tribe's idol and gave the link to someone else. OF COURSE HE DID. So now I'm forced to play around a potential idol play. I'm pretty sure he gave it to Kolby, but I need to play it safe and assume Natalie has it. This means that Natalie's vote is extremely important, and so I need to shift it to someone else other than myself in case an idol is played. My plan right now is to convince Natalie that Keizo and I will vote with her for Kolby, when in reality all of us will be voting for Natalie. Worst case scenario Kolby goes home, which would be horrible for my game, but because he's not online he's the most expendable to me right now. Time is my biggest opponent right now, and I have a LOT of work to do if I'm going to pull this off. We'll see how this plays out. Pray for me.
1990 days 22 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:1

I THINK Eoin has our tribe idol.

He sent a quote of you, Ben, saying "empty idol wrapper". No screenshot. Just that.

I THINK he found it, received it then sent again so you'd respond with that meaning he could send it.

Jesse is good at searching for idols, though I do believe he'd have told me if he found it.

Ethan was messaging me after Eoin sent the quote about it, idt he has it.

Joel perhaps could, but yeah all in all I do think Eoin does! So that's gonna be quite messy to have to get rid of, hopefully we don't go to any tribal's on this tribe of 5 meaning that the idol could be necessary :x
1990 days 22 hours ago
Qaz (Qazwdxedc) Confessional EP:1

Well, I am happy to be back. It was just like 6 months ago when I last played and like my whole cast is here again lmao. My gameplan for the pre merge is pretty damn simple, survive and take it day by day because this whole cast deadass hates me. Then when I get some wiggle room, I can go full throttle.

I thought my tribe was gonna suck but it actually doesn't other than tim who is going home tonight. Erik and I have had a rocky history but I think we've made up and he might be the one I am closest to on my tribe. Brady and I have had a weird history as well but there's not really bad blood between us and I seem to be working with him for the mean time. JB isn't the most talkative but seems solid for now.

I'm not the type to talk someone's ear off so my confessionals ain't gonna be super detailed they're to the point and I'm sure you will see my good gameplay in conversations on skype

Good night
1990 days 22 hours ago
Natalie (OhNatalie) Confessional EP:1

So, Brandon and Tyler are having a little war right now and this is what will probs happen in the tribal (aka in 30 mins). So, Brandon and Kiezo are clearly close af. So now I have Tyler paranoid, telling  him they want to vote him or Kolby and bring me into their alliance. Little does Brandon and Kiezo know that I'd rather not be third but instead be Tyler's first. Now, I want to vote Brandon with Tyler and have Brandon and Keizo vote Kolby. We revote, and send Brandon home with Tim's idol
1990 days 22 hours ago
Clair (haycsclair) Confessional EP:1


Glad to be back! Yay!

Philippines is the country where I'm from, so I would be satisfied if I win this season. That's my goal. TO WIN! I won't let anybody in this game to take what's supposed to be mine. THE TITLE OF SOLE SURVIVOR!

It's been awhile since I played a very cutthroat game. Most of the time in my previous group games I play nicely. I established a social butterfly image in group game community and that strategy greatly helped me to go farther in the game.

This time around I want to spice things up. My "sweet and cute" image will not work for All Stars season. I need to be ruthless this time. If I have to lie, I will. If I have to backstab someone just to survive, I'll do it in a second.

Wish me luck!
1990 days 22 hours ago
Tribal #1 (Lumad) Votes

Natalie - Brandon
Keizo - Natalie
Brandon - Natalie
Kolby - Natalie
Tyler - Kolby

Tribal #2 (Palawan) Votes

Tim - Erik
JB - Tim
Erik - Tim
Qaz - Tim
Brady - Tim
1990 days 22 hours ago
1990 days 22 hours ago
Jesse (JesseM) Confessional EP:2

Here I am again Ben... and it's not looking good for me :(
Okay so I sent in 1 confessional and you said you received 30 omg... like I could send more but I actually try and put effort into these but others probably do too? IDK LOL.
Okay so I am glad that I didn't go to tribal but I am usually really good at that challenge and I wasn't able to score my tribe any points and others were faster than I was :( IDK I am not feeling much like an all-star right now... and  then I spent like 4 hours looking for an idol and didn't find it which really sucks... Also I was gone all morning and come back and feel like i'm out of the loop :(
The worst part of it is that in real life i'm a likeable guy but during this game 2 people ignored me on Skype which makes me think I am doing something wrong. And your comment about how "you like SOME of us as people" IDK it's just making me reevaluate a lot
1990 days 21 hours ago
Ethan (Brittney) Confessional EP:2

So since finding the idol, it's kinda come to light across the whole 5 person tribe that SOMEONE has the idol lmao everyone who doesn't have it knows that 1 of the other 4 people has it and that's like not bad odds of guessing.
Eoin started off by posting a quoted message saying he found an idol wrapper and when I woke up and saw it I immediately acted shocked like someone found it without a clue that fast. It wasn't brought up again until Jesse messaged me and said Tim told him where it was but that it had been found already. I'm taking that as a good sign? Jesse trusted me enough to be like "hey Tim showed me the link but also it's been found already". As opposed to NOT saying anything about it to me and going to everyone else possibly talking about me finding it? So I started pushing my agenda.....

Conspiracy theory: *Eoin has the idol*
I'm trying to suggest to people that like Eoin found it for real and then "found" it again to get that response out of the host to show everyone that HEY ITS BEEN FOUND BY SOMEONE OTHER THAN ME. I'm saying Eoin is doing this to force the other 4 of us to be paranoid about each other and take the heat off of him. I think maybe this plan could work as long as I'm not super crazy about pushing it because then the suspicion could come back to "why is Ethan going so hard trying to force idol paranoia on someone else".
1990 days 21 hours ago
Tyler (UnicornChicken) Confessional EP:2

So... there was SO MUCH to this Natalie vote that you might not have seen... so let me lay it all out how things went. Trust me when I say you're going to wanna hear this! I'll need to start at the beginning, so excuse me if I go over things we've gone over before:

Once upon a time on the Lumad tribe, the consensus was to vote out Natalie the inactive in a 5-0 vote. But everything changed when Tim claimed he found the Lumad idol and he was withholding the information. Brandon had a chat with Tim about the idol, and told everyone that Tim won't give it up. Because of my super Sherlock Holmes skills I found the idol myself, but it had already been claimed. I saw right through Brandon's lies and he joked about saving Natalie with the idol. My favourite lie was "I found it interesting... Tim told me that the person who's blog the idol was hidden in had been inactive for a long time". Yeah, the person had been inactive for 23 days, but there's no way Tim told Brandon that... he slipped up in that one moment. That led me to believe I would go home in a 1-0 vote, because I thought he would betray me with an over the top idol play... call it instincts. So I threw a vote onto Kolby to save myself in the event that Brandon and his idol went rogue. Everything was pretty much going that way for a long time, until I had a long chat with Brandon. After our chat I was 1000% sure beyond a doubt that he was lying to me and going ahead with his plan to blindside me. I was super betrayed and I decided that if he was going to idol me out, I would make sure he was idoling himself out, so I put the vote on Brandon. Getting Kolby, Natalie and Keizo to save me over Brandon seemed easier than getting them to save me over Kolby... in hindsight that would have been one hell of an uphill battle...

So tribal council was at 3pm EST and at 2:30pm EST, in my mind, the votes going in were 3 on Natalie, 1 on myself and 1 on Brandon. Brandon would play his idol on Natalie and there would be a 1-1 tie between Brandon and myself and we would fight it out. BUT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT NATALIE CAME ONLINE!! Of all the people, Natalie showed up and threw a wrench into every single plan that was happening. I got to work straight away and spilled all the beans about Brandon and his idol and his lying. The others panicked and suggested putting a vote on Kolby in case Tim had given Natalie the idol. They then tried to convince Natalie to vote Kolby. MEANWHILE I was telling Nat everything and had convinced her to vote for Brandon in order to save herself. So we had 2 votes on Brandon, and 3 votes on Natalie. Eventually Brandon and Keizo decided they wouldn't put a vote on Kolby, so we couldn't get Brandon out with a 2-2-1 tie and re-vote. About 5 minutes before tribal council it became pretty clear that even if Brandon wanted to play his idol, it would be a waste now and he really did want Natalie gone. I knew I couldn't save her, but I wanted to cover my ass even more in case Brandon did play that elusive idol so I threw my vote onto Kolby. So the vote would either be 3-1-1 or a 1-1-1 tie between Kolby, Brandon and myself if Brandon really was betraying me. It ended up being a 3-1-1 vote and the others were shocked that Natalie had voted Brandon. Well that was my bad... and then I told them that I voted Kolby in case Natasha had the idol and they BOUGHT IT! They bought it hook, line and sinker. I very nearly blindsided my phony showmance partner on the first vote, but I had to leave Natalie in the dust to save face. I can't believe I got away with this one... It wouldn't be a season with Tyler without 3 last minute vote changes.

Also shoutout to Clair... I don't know her but she asked me to say something nice about her. She seems gullible so I'll just tell her I said something nice and she'll believe it.
1990 days 21 hours ago
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) Confessional EP:2


So Natalie and Tim got voted out even before I get to talk to them. Shame.

I was really looking forward to work with Natalie together with Natasha to form an all-female alliance. So I'm gonna disregard that idea now. Well it's a no-brainer that she's gonna leave tonight. She was kinda inactive in the past few days. Wouldn't blame her tribe mates. But it still sucks.

Tim is a very emotional guy. Sometimes I feel like he plays way too hard. I guess that's one of the reasons why he got voted out. Of course Tim will not be Tim without the drama. He managed to create "drama" at the very last minute. Cute.

As of the moment I feel comfortable talking with my tribe mates, especially with Watermelondrea. He's super chill and very level-headed.

We have almost the same opinion about our fellow castaways and we really get along well. Let's see where our smooth conversation will lead us to.
1990 days 20 hours ago
Game Update

Badjao seems like a relatively chill tribe.  However, if they were to attend tribal then I'd say that we're likely in for a 3-2 split.  I think Eoin and Ethan will align while James and Jesse will stick together.  It likely leaves Joel in the middle unless people decide Joel was easily disposable as he's relatively quiet thus far.

Lumad is a huge mess.  Brandon, Kolby and Tyler are all relatively messy and it seems like Keizo is not even worth discussing as a vote so props to him.  My guess is Brandon will try to flush Kolby's idol and probably eliminate him unless he feels more threatened by Tyler which he should be.  Tyler is chaotic, but Kolby has power and some social capital.  I think Brandon and Keizo are tightest on this tribe which is funny enemies come friends.

Palawan not as messy anymore but it's a tad hard to see the pecking order.  My guess would be that Qaz is the next one out due to the other three having an alliance.  However, if they were to lose again I'd bet more money it's Erik simply because Brady and JB are a good duo.  Also, JB seems to be in the middle of things and his lone obstacle is likely Clair.

Tumadock chillest of the tribes.  I think Brian is the one on the outs right now, but maybe we see a big swing at Watermelondrea in the first tribal they potentially attend.  I think we know Watermelondrea enough that he should stick around till merge as he always takes the spotlight.  Other than that, Natasha and Clair have the female alliance going with Dan riding back seat.

Overall, I stand by winner pick with Brady as I think he's going to be a major player down the line.
1990 days 5 hours ago
Natasha (Blondelle) Confessional EP:2

Coming back from the challenge and seeing that Natalie and Tim are gone, as well as the reactions that they elicited, it really set the tone for the game ya know? It kind of reminded everyone that we are indeed playing Survivor All-Stars and that reputations will indeed get ruined - It's one thing to know that coming in, it's just another to actually see it play out.

As far as my tribe goes I think i'm in a pretty okay spot. Brian is quieter than French mime so I'm positive that in the rare occasion we go to Tribal that he will be the one to go. My trio alliance with Clair and Dan is exactly what I wanted and it's exactly what I've got. I truly do like them as people and can myself sticking with them for quite some time.

Watermelondrea is perplexing because I also like him very much. He's communicated with me even more than Clair and Dan, and he is a HUGE asset to our tribe. Without him we will easily be voting ourselves out consecutively, which is why it's crucial to have him around. He's the little "Wonder Boy" of our tribe and he even told me he wouldn't mind going to the end with this tribe due to how many enemies he actually has. One in particular being Brandon.

Brandon is perplexing because I can never tell if he's being genuine with me or if he's playing me. Melondrea was filling me in on their rivalry and after playing with Brandon twice I obviously understand and see where he's coming from. He literally said "Brandon is going to act like he's playing with a clean slate this time around, act like your friend, and keep checking up on you when tasked to do the things that he wants" and I can't help but giggle to myself because that's EXACTLY what he's doing.
It's just funny because these are two HUGE threats who are amazingly diligent, gritty, and all-around strategic - so it's fun to be in the middle of them and listen in on what each person has to say about the other. They both obviously want each other gone, but I don't think I plan on getting rid of Melondrea just yet.

Not only does he win our challenges, he probably already found the idol too - which makes it a whole lot more risky. Yes, I know, you don't have to remind me that someone having an idol = a good reason to take them out. I know that. But I don't think he needs to be first, we'll let Brian have that distinction. It's funny because I can already here Brandon bitching to me about how I've failed as a player when he see's that Melondrea didn't go first.

Regardless, this IS indeed all just figurative if we lose. Winning is the NUMBER ONE priority. No matter what. I need to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible.
How I'm actually fairing in this game I think is pretty good, now I know that sounds like a crock of shit considering this is only my second confessional but I really feel like people aren't playing with clean slates this time around. That's what I have to harp on. I need to make sure that IM okay with the people that I burned from Jamaica and then I need to help others take out those who are gunning for them - that's LITERALLY the only way I can stick around for at least a few tribals. Downplay myself. Take a back seat. and let others know that I am HERE for THEM. I gotta be everyone's friend - the one that they want to come to.

If my social game from Jamaica can follow me all the way to the Phillippines, it shouldn't be too difficult to make it to the merge. However, this is All-Stars and you have to remind yourself that, quite literally, ~anything~ can happen.

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