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S7 Vanuatu - Viewer's Choice [Confessionals]

Topic » S7 Vanuatu - Viewer's Choice..

1948 days ago
1947 days 23 hours ago
1947 days 22 hours ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:3

Hello ladies and gentlemen of the Tengaged Website. I am Jordan Bradly taking you to the location of BigBen's Survivor Vanuatu.

Down below, we have the 3 tribes spamming their little asses off to make sure that their tribe doesnt have the most amount of posts in their forum so that they can avoid tribal council.

Looking at the leaderboard, lpikil and Bunlap is fighting to avoid last place while Lakatoro is sitting pretty in first place. Jake did try to post in their forum but gave up as he was the only one and realized that the chances of Lakatoro going to tribal was little to zero, especially with someone as smart and handsome as jman96 on that tribe looking cool in the battle area.

things dont seem to be looking too good for Bunlap as they could likely be going to their first tribal council. we shall see what happens as the battle continues on. For not, Lokatoro should be ready to get a clue to the hidden immunity idol as they are gaurenteed first place at this well as Pizza and Pepsi which is said to be jman96's favourite dinner.....well that and the Ringer burger with chrispy bacon and onion rings.

That'll be it for now, we shall be back later too reveal the results as anything can happen in a short amount of time.

I'm Jordan Bradly, and this was the Tengaged Survivor Report giving you the best news with "The Jordan Charm". Take Care

*Camera Off*
1947 days 21 hours ago
Darcy (Boots22) Confessional EP:3

This vote is going to be a hard one, also my tribe is just a flop in challenges.   (Side Note:  Just like all my other tribemates think, jman can get voted out)

Most likely, going to vote Robby cuz I have the alliance with Cameron , whereas not aligned at all with Robby lol.    Whether it's the right move or not idk
1947 days 21 hours ago
AJ (JetsRock12) Confessional EP:3

Wow.  I hate life rn.  We haven't got a break since the game started D:

That's my confessional bitch
1947 days 20 hours ago
Barbra (BarbraStreisand) Confessional EP:3

Confessional: Hurricane Barb is on her way, just you wait baby! xoxo i slay!
1947 days 19 hours ago
Ty (J0K3R) Confessional EP:3

I really need to step up my game, I've been to one challenge and i wasn't even there for the full thing lmao.

Honestly I'm just glad we got Ipikil to flop for us, Kevin went there last tribal so there goes a potential ally. I'm pretty sure i'd be going if we went to tribal, but Mark trying to make moves on Jabbar may very well be my saving grace.

I can smell a tribe swap coming soon and I just hope after the swap i'm sitting in a good spot, if not I will flip, fight, or flop.

I'm a bit relieved that OI is in play because if I do manage to get my ass voted out pre-merge I got a chance to fight my way back in, only problem is Tris will be there lmao, it's also a bit nerve racking because if I ever cross someone then it could come back and bite me.

Glad my tribe won us the idol clue except it doesn't help much so I doubt anyone will find it right away
1947 days 16 hours ago
Anthony (iYBF) Confessional EP:3

Sorry for taking so long to send a confessional, I've been busy with family the past few days, but I'm back at school now so my confessionals should be more frequent now.

Starting off, when I saw the 3 returnees, I only had spoken to Britt before, I'd seen Sergeant like once or twice, and had no idea who Mark even was. I was really hoping to be placed on a team with Brittany because her and I have always worked together in games, I actually don't think we've ever not worked together. Luckily, we got placed on Bunlap together which I was 100% stoked about.

My tribe overall is actually really really good. I'm friends with Brittany, Barbra, Nolan, & Matthew from before this game and I've seen Rodrigues before and he seems pretty nice and willing to work with the team. Right off the bat, my plan is to stick with Britt, Barbra, & Nolan if we were to lose an immunity challenge. I'm really close with Nolan and Barbra and I know that Brittany will have my back as well. Matthew and I are "friends"-ish but we've never really spoken outside of group chats. So obviously my plan would be to vote Rodrigues out first if we were to lose.

Alsooooooo, literally like 5 hours into the game I found an immunity idol LOL. As soon as we got the clue, I started looking endlessly on blue-black levels. It's funny because the person who I found it on (IceQueen2) was literally just a random click on someone's front page after I'd been searching for probably like 3-4 hours. So since the idols have an expiration date, my idol is only good for 8 Tribals, which is a pretty long time considering it could've just been like 1 or 2. So I'm really lucky to have that in my pocket and I don't plan to tell ANYBODY about it at all.

There's been 3 Tribals so far, about to be a 4th and my tribe still has yet to attend Tribal Council. We're going to be going down to 14 after this vote, so I'm assuming we're going to break into 2 tribes of 7. Hopefully with my tribe having 6 people still, we can get a good swap with 4 of us on one tribe (preferably having me be one of the 4) and just stick together through the swap. It'd make my life really easy and allow me to hold onto my idol until Merge (hopefully).

As of right now, I probably trust Barbra most in the game simply because we've talked the most and have even made a "ride or die" pact. I trust Nolan the most after that, followed by Brittany. Jman also showed my tribe a lot of loyalty in this past challenge by helping us win, so I'm going to try and cover his ass in the future if I can without jeopardizing my own game. I'd like to work with Cameron and Ryan moving forward because they're also my friends outside the game, but Cameron's tribe is sucking right now, so hopefully he can survive and we can get swapped together or merge together. Jabbar I also have a weird relationship with because I highkey backstabbed him in TTBB20 to save myself, but I don't know if he knows and I don't really know where we stand. Everyone else's trust is up in the air for me right now.

Sorry that was super long, but hopefully I've made up for lost time!
1947 days 1 hour ago
Robby (Robbyjak) Confessional EP:3

RIP me benny
This game is not off to a good start for me at all. I've been really trying in these challenges, but there's only so much I can do. At this point, I think the only thing that can save me is a tribe swap. And even then I have a feeling I'm just gonna be a target. Cam will be leaving tonight, but if my read is correct then I'm gonna be next. I think both Darcy and AJ would love to keep me and work with me, but I believe they are far closer to each other than either are to me. So I'm pretty sure unless we somehow win a challenge then I'm gonna be leaving very soon. Normally I would try something this tribal, but cam ignores me so that's not really an option. I've been looking for the idol, but with nothing to go on it's been pretty daunting.
If we go to tribal again my only hope might be to fake an idol. Otherwise, Occultus Island better start warming up a spot for me!
1947 days 1 hour ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:3

So my tribe got 1st in the last challenge and Bunlap came from behind to get 2nd...with my help.

So once my tribe knew that we were gonna be safe, we decided to split and have 2 post on Bunlap's forum and 2 post on lpikil. i got to post on lpikil and as a result, i get people like robby and AJ trying their best to attack and calling me a loser. Ive had people say worse things about me on Tengaged so it didnt really bother me, i just had fun with it, as they were going back to tribal and i would hope that one of them gets voted out.

if they were saying bad things about me, then they are people that i cant trust moving forward or not. It doesn't matter if they were playing around or not, it would make them unpredictable and i cant have that. AJ also accuses me of having a alliance with someone from bunlap. Granted Anthony and Brittany said that they have my back, especially after helping them out, and i was doing it to make sure that my possible allies will be safe, but i cant let people think that. so i just have to play that lpikil didn't ask me to help them out so i made sure that they went to tribal. Communication is quite important in the game of survivor.

Also guys, im not a a wall, GET IT RIGHT. lol, im gonna keep playing that up till people stop calling me that in FTC's. if im gonna be called a wall, then i might as well have fun with it.

So now that we would pass 4 tribal's in a 18 person cast with 3 tribes, i would have to expect a tribe swap to happen any-day now. So if im gonna survive a tribe swap, i need to make sure that i am secured after the swap happens as you never know who you are gonna be with next on a tribe. A tribe swap is a good time to set up a major alliance for the merge. A army. Right now, Ryan seems to be the one i can rely on from my Lakatoro tribe, so he is good to have for now. Jabbar and Mark believes that im still with them, espically with these trio alliances. And Ty........its hard to talk to him at times as half of the time when i try to talk to him, he just ignores me. Thats not a good sign for the future.

I tried to find a idol last night with the clue, and i got nowhere. i searched for days and i once thought i found it i thought that it said my tribe as lakatoro and the one i found was so similer and i didn't check....but it wasnt the idol for my tribe. and i looked like a complete fool to the host.

It's hard to be someone with Autism as you are guaranteed to embarrass yourself at least once ever year. sigh

Right now, i just got to be prepared for whats going to happen today, and hope for the best outcome. Still got alot of energy and game to play, so i cant stop now.

And this was Jman the idiot, signing off. :)
1947 days 1 hour ago
Jabbar (rabbaj) Confessional EP:3

1947 days ago
Nolan (mysterygame2) Confessional EP:3

It has been pretty quiet lately. I don't really know where most things stand, I haven't had a chance too look much more for the idol but i'll search a bit today. I'm a bit worried about not going to tribal because going to tribal honestly shows where people truly stand. Im just hoping we don't get swapped soon because I'm honestly really close to finding this idol.
1947 days ago
1946 days 23 hours ago
Darcy (Boots22) Confessional EP:4

Okay so Cameron got medically evacuated (rip)  but he probably was going regardless lol

Anyways, Thank goodness for tribe swap.   Just hoping to not end up on same tribe as Matt (mbarn)  cuz that could be a bit awkward. ...
1946 days 23 hours ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:4

So Cameron self votes and takes himself out of the game. AJ and Robby lives to see another day. I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on them because if they cause more problems for me, then i need to get rid of them in a hurry.

Anyway, we have a tribe swap that everybody saw coming and we are just waiting for everyone to pick a number and then we will have our 2 tribes of 7.

I'm hoping to have either a tribe with strong players or a tribe with enough people that i can work with so that i can have safety if i go to tribal again. I'm sitting and praying that the social works i put in will work out for me today.

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