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[S2] Finale

Topic » [S2] Finale

3181 days 16 hours ago
you said you would backstab anyone if you had the chance
3181 days 16 hours ago
My speech what I'm writing right now will explain
3181 days 16 hours ago
Which I'm writing*
3181 days 16 hours ago
*stands up, holding key inside black bag and smiles* Oh this is gonna be fun :)

First of all, I would take this moment to praise the Big Brother gods from above. *turns to Kiko* You may kick ass in Survivor games, but I've never been so happy to see your ass sitting this close to me than tonight.

*turns to John and Carson on the monitor*
I'm not really going to give too many questions considering that this season's winner will be so much more deserving than the mess that sits next to him.

John, throughout this game, I really looked up to you as a person. You were someone that didn't try to make too many waves and had a respect for the game that I really admired. Once Damian was out of the game, I couldn't help but give props to you and Kiko. You really pulled that one over our eyes. From there, your true colors started to blossom, and I am elated that I get to call you out on your flaws this season.

Considering our alliance graciously dragged you to where you are now, your physical skills were clearly shown with your one...I repeat ONE competition win. Your social skills were revealed once I handed Carson the HoH key once Damian left. Your intelligence clearly isn't up to par with others in the house, since apparently you illogically make harsh judgments upon others because of their sexuality. You just lost two of the seven votes since two of the jurors are gay. I assume you will lose the other five as the finale continues.

In conclusion to my final hoorah against the homophobic floater we know as "Johnwillwin", I am here to tell you how fortunate it is that you will not be living up to your username.

*looks to Carson* You and I both know that you deserve that seat more than I ever did in the game. I'm so proud of you and without you, the bag of trash would've won this season. Lysm and good luck to you both < 3 *sits down*
3181 days 16 hours ago
*Tears Up*   John you DONT deserve to win. I cant believe you had the guts to say those homophobic comments. Ugh, Cant believe I actually trusted you. After al I did for you. I kept you safe and in return you send me out the door. Thanks but we all know who the real winner is. That's Carson so might as well give up now
3181 days 16 hours ago
Adam I may not win but I kicked your ass
3181 days 16 hours ago
No you did not! All you did was Evict Him BUT he is more of a player than you are.
3181 days 16 hours ago

I came into this game as a nobody and an underdog. I thought I was going to be one of the first few out but then f2 came and now I can't believe it. When I came into the game I made an alliance with Dianne and Brendon and then they added Renee,Trade,AJ and I'm pretty sure Minnie. I then made an alliance with Adam,Carson,Damian and Kiko. I was thinking that whichever side had power I would be safe because they didn't know I had the other alliance and I wouldn't be nommed for sometime. When I won HOH week 2 I was amazed that I won it but I didn't want to win that early because then I needed to make a desicion and then I decided to just back stab that whole alliance so early. Then after I didn't need to worry then after since The Nations alliance won week after and got them all out. We had targets every week and then got them out. When f6 came I had a chance to make another move for my game and I talked to Kiko and he agreed to take out Damian(explained Damian's question). When Carson won HOH I thought I was done for good since he hated me more. When we were nommed I told Kiko to spam people asking AJ to win and save one of us since that was the only way both of us were safe. As the evicting AJ instead of Carson went I was thinking to take him out myself if and when I won HOH because that would add another thing to why I should win. If I did evict Carson that was a move Kiko did since he was HOH at the time. As to only winning 1 comp, did Will win Biig Brother by winning comps? No he didn't win any but still won. As my comments are concerned I have never made comments like that before in my life and I regret saying that because I don't want to be known as the guy that hates gays because I do respect them.
3181 days 16 hours ago
He didn't go back on his word unlike you and John did
3181 days 16 hours ago
*looks at Kiko sitting on jury stool* Clearly xD is that why you are sitting with me? *smiles*
3181 days 16 hours ago
Damian are u retarded Carson on his speach said he had F3 deal with u and Adam bitter ass
3181 days 16 hours ago
Kiko is sitting there because of me
3181 days 16 hours ago
Exactly like wtf
3181 days 16 hours ago
tbh, Carsons speech was WAYYY better
3181 days 16 hours ago
Damian and Adam are still so bitter. This is why tengaged sucks

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