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Season 6 Apps

Topic » Season 6 Apps

2908 days 14 hours ago

First Name:
Color Level:
Past Group Game Experience?
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc)
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times?
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this?
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why?
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why?
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way?
Tell me why I should select you to compete:

2908 days 14 hours ago
First Name: Jacob
Username: BigBrother_78
Age: 16
Karma: 257
Color Level: Dark Green
Past Group Game Experience? A lot
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) Yes always
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? I'm not sure.
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Parvati, I'm not afraid to backstab anybody, even my allies!
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social, I will get in good with everybody!
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Absolutely
Tell me why I should select you to compete: I am a fantastic, active player, I'm not afraid to mkae big moves, and I will be fun to watch!
2908 days 12 hours ago
First Name: Clark
Username: Clarkkent6969
Age: 18
Karma: 188
Color Level: Orange
Past Group Game Experience? Jorge's Survivor: 2nd place, Ninjas survivor 7th
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) yeah of course
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Absolutely
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? Not really sure tbh
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? I feel im most like Boston Rob, because not only was he great socially he was great at challenges and so am i. I can also be a little bit russell because i dont care what others think
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Strategic because you use strategy for the other 2 aspects
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Id be disappointed if there weren't any
Tell me why I should select you to compete: Im a bold character i make big moves, i send great confessionals, i have the drive and the passion to win. It helps that i got host favorite in both survivor seasons i tried in.
2908 days 12 hours ago
First Name: Paisley
Username: AlyssaAF
Age: 20
Karma: 432
Color Level: Black
Past Group Game Experience? I've only played one other group game & I won, DSRADINES Power Struggle season 9
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) Of course I plan on winning. ;)
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Yes!
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? Yes yes yes.
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Such a basic answer honestly but I have to say Parvati, simply because I think as a woman I have a bit of an advantage on tengaged given that it makes me so diverse, it makes it much easier to mix sex appeal with strategy and enhances my social game as well. And I can hold my own in the comps as well :)
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? I say strategic. Part of my strategy is win as many things as I can, and be nice to everyone. But most of all strategy is my strong suit and i think without a quality strategy you're playing for 2nd place at best.
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Always am.
Tell me why I should select you to compete: Because I take everything I do very seriously, I'm a strong player who won't lie down and quit and I'll play until im taken out.
2908 days 11 hours ago
First Name: Eric
Username: Arcaninemaster
Age: 15
Karma: 2434
Color Level: Blood
Past Group Game Experience? I've played a lot, don't really want to list them all but like Turney's, Suitman's, Gaia's, etc.
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) Yes
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? Yes
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? I feel like I'm similar to Cirie because I'd much rather play the social/strategic game rather than a physical one
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social because trust and relationships are the most important part of a game in my opinion
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Not prepared of course because I have no idea, but I'll be waiting
Tell me why I should select you to compete: Because I go all out and don't hold anything back when I play games
2908 days 11 hours ago
First Name: Eli
Username: EliOrtiz1234
Age: 18
Karma: 9102
Color Level: Sky
Past Group Game Experience? Too many to list!
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) yes!
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? yes
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why?  ummm idk LOL probably boston rob now cuz i can be a leader and good at challenges :X
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Probably social. if you're not social most of the time you wont get the jury votes at the end.
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? yeah
Tell me why I should select you to compete: because im active and i wanna play
2908 days 9 hours ago
First Name: Colin
Username: Cococolin122
Age: 15
Karma: 289?
Color Level: Red
Past Group Game Experience? I'm in a survivor right now, and I've survived the past two challenges, so...
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) OMG OFC!!!!!
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? Yes
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Sandra because she's a bitch and she's won every season that she was on.
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Strategic and social
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Yes, I can always prepare
Tell me why I should select you to compete: I think I am one person you've never seen before. I will no doubt stab people in the back, but I will look in their eyes smile and lie to their face while the blade is going in. Also, I'm very active. I usually do hang out with my freinds during the day, but it shouldn't interuppt with any of the challenges.
2907 days 20 hours ago
So many survivors roleplaying big brother etc
KAtie hanson because she is the queen of being rigged out of games just like me
Because im a cunt and there will be drama with me here
2907 days 17 hours ago
First Name: Essence

Username: PureEssence

Age: 16

Karma: 3137

Color Level: Sky

Past Group Game Experience?: None like this, mostly just singing competitions with the exception of a few Fast Stars. I wanna try something new!

Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc): Yes.

Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times?: Yes.

Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this?: Yes.

What Survivor castaway are you most like and why?: I think I'm a lot like Brenda Lowe! She had a good social game and had a backbone too. She didn't let people walk all over her. (However, I'm not gonna get fucked over like she did with Dawn.)

Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why?: I say a combination of strategic and social. Yeah, you can win competitions if you're physically fit - but the day you lose, the day you go. With strong bonds and a good mind you can get much further and develop trust and protection.

Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way?: Yep!

Tell me why I should select you to compete: I'm incredibly competitive and I really want to prove that I don't just sit here and wait to be carried to a win. I'm excellent at adapting to new situations, say if there were a twist or me or someone I'm working with were in danger. I can easily maneuver my way out of bad situations and I feel like this overall will be a nice start to a new group game experience for myself!
2907 days 13 hours ago
First Name: Justin
Username: beastboy
Age: 19
Karma: 212
Color Level: yellow
Past Group Game Experience? Look in my bio
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) yes always
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Perfect, yes!

Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? Yes

What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? I'd say kelley wentworth  because she is a fierce queen who never ever gives up

Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social because I am good at making friends and bonds to get me through the game .

Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? He'll yeah. Bring on the twists

Tell me why I should select you to compete: because I will bring my 120% effort and I will never give up. I'm a fighter, and I want a new challenge that this game presents. I want to be the next sole survivor in this series and I will do whatever it takes for first place.
2907 days 12 hours ago
First Name: David
Username: CoolblueP123
Age: 20
Karma: 1002
Color Level: Gold
Past Group Game Experience? Turney's group games and Suitman's Survivor
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) YAS
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? YAS
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? YAS
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? IDK I've never watched Survivor...Boston Rob because Boston?
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social because I'm a social butterfly
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Always! (Never)
Tell me why I should select you to compete: Because it would be a hate crime if you didn't and because I'm a character and would bring a lot of interesting commentary to the game!
2906 days 20 hours ago
First Name: Jay
Username: Bluba164
Age: 20
Karma: 782
Color Level: Black
Past Group Game Experience? Left this site for like 3 years and came back recently. Years ago I had played a few of Suitmans and Gaiaphages, generally did well
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) Yes
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? Usually yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? Yeah
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Kind of a random pick but Id go with Troyzan, fierce competitor with a lot of passion
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social is prob most important but I am generally strongest in the physical aspect of the game.
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Surely
Tell me why I should select you to compete: I will be a force in challenges and make sure I find myself with a group of people I can take to the end.
2906 days 16 hours ago
First Name: Jenny
Username: nashville1998
Age: 21
Karma: 296
Color Level: Red
Past Group Game Experience? Yes I couple of group games in the past
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) yes
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? yes
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Thats a tough one. I'd say like Wu and Tony from Cagayan mixed together. I can be like very nice and social while being manipulative
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social because you can win challenges but it's important to have a good alliance for those times where you couldn't pull through
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? Absolutely
Tell me why I should select you to compete: Im a big survivor fan and im a great strategist! I will make this game fun and interesting
2904 days 19 hours ago
First Name: Dylan
Username: Halloween
Age: 16
Karma: 7121 will change though soon
Color Level: TV Star
Past Group Game Experience? Ive played TTRS/NBKiller/RSF/SRS/CJB
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) i will be active but i wont send confessionals cause i think thats stupid and i am not going to lie
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? yea
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? yea
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Probably a mix between sue hawk/sandra diaz twine/ghandia lol because i will start drama and im not afraid to say my thoughts
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Definately Social, because of a final two jury and the fact that its the PLAYERS who vote you off
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? yes julie
Tell me why I should select you to compete: The real question is why shouldnt you lol
2904 days 9 hours ago
First Name: Billy
Username: Rocketokid13
Age: 17
Karma: 62
Color Level: Light Green
Past Group Game Experience?: Not much, I was in a couple of BB groups before, but can't really remember. I really want to get into this sort of stuff.
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc): Of course. I wouldn't apply if I couldn't :P
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times?: That's perfect for my Timezone yes :)
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this?: Yes
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why?: Probably JT, I'm get along with everyone well and I'm not afraid to make a big move (although I'm not gonna be straight up restarted about it xD)
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why?: Easily strategy/social, because you win every challenge. You need to be social and think of ways to get to the top and stay there.
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way?: Of course, I don't think I have anything to fret about, I can always overcome it.
Tell me why I should select you to compete: I easily get along with other people, but I'm definitely not afraid to make a big move, even if it makes me enemies. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top and knock down anyone who is threatening or just is straight up annoying. I'm confident to say that I will make it far in this game if you choose me.
2903 days 21 hours ago
First Name: Kelly
Username: Kelly0412
Age: 17
Karma: idk
Color Level: Gold
Past Group Game Experience? A lot
Will you be active if cast? (Sending confessionals, participating in challenges, etc) yeah
Live challenges will be between 6-9PM EST, can you make those times? yes
Nonlive challenges may require you to screenshot, can you do this? yes
What Survivor castaway are you most like and why? Courtney Marit, problematic favorite
Which aspect of Survivor is the most important to you (physical, strategic, or social) and why? Social and Strategic because you need to have good connections to stay afloat
Are you prepared for any twist that comes your way? yeah
Tell me why I should select you to compete: you know me, you know how much I love group games and how good I am at them

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