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Day 58 - 60: Jury Questions

Topic » Day 58 - 60: Jury Questions

3151 days 23 hours ago
Why would I effect Skye yes I was kinda with her but it shouldn't effect your decision anyways you should vote on gameplay Skye had better gameplay
3151 days 23 hours ago
The only justification I need is you are pissing me and half of the jury off and not doing a good job campaigning for your ally.

Again you gave me no valid points as to why her gameplay was better so I will disregard your comment.
3151 days 22 hours ago
Asher floated Skye didn't
3151 days 21 hours ago
If youre gonna say I floated, youre gonna have to say Skye did also, hun.
3151 days 20 hours ago
Question 5: Why should you win?

Because in my point of view I played a better game than asher and deserve the tittle more than her, i did what i had to do the time i had to do and im so proud of myself for it.. I played hard I didnt float i made moves alliances and deals i lied i did everything i could to make this far and im here to win it cause thats why i came and thats why i should win.. cause i played for the winning tittle and not for 2nd or 3rs like asher played...

"I came in here expecting not to win, and its no surprise im not winning" asher...

I came expeting to win since day 1... and i came here to the final 2 expeting even more and i believe in myself and in the jury making the right decision ! thats why i should win

thanks guys :) love ya all
3151 days 20 hours ago
"So I'd like you to explain why you did things like evicting Daniel, lying to Marissa, evicting me. WITHOUT APOLOGIZING. Give us the exact reasons why you made the moves you did and how the benefitted you AND NOT YOUR ALLIANCE."

Ok Jon here I go... first of all I want to say that my strategy walking into this game was the one that jay saw in the beggining of the game and thats why he saw me as a threat... I wanted to lay low and play dumb and not become a target right on first weeks and I did it... I could avoid the target on my back the first weeks.. afetr that I started playing hard on this game telling people things and going fight for the comps and evicting the ones i felt could hurt my game... so i think I didnt "woke up" late... I did it cause of strategy... I wanted to lay low on the begging so I could shake things up later like i did... and lets answer ur question..

Explaning the hings I did..

"evicting Daniel" = When I came into this game he was the first person that came to me and said "me u and austin final 3" and I did agree with it and we formed our final 3 since day 1... I felt i could trust austin 100000% but I knew Daniel was close with Jay too (because of the week that jay saved Daniel or Daniel saved jay i dont remember.. the week of the double eviction) so my right hand on this game was 100% Austin and the one i wanted to work till the end... when he was evicted the house was still divided with me brady and daniel on my side... I didnt trust daniel at all cause i knew he would get rid of me the first opportunite he got... so I dont think u guys saying i relied on him to get here is that much of true cause I didnt see him as my right hand on this game and just one person that I was working with to not be alone.... every single eviction and every single competition Daniel gave his max and wasnt a flloater at all... he helped a lot of people to do a lot of things and I knew he would be a huge possible winner and when I came to final 4 my plan was to get rid of both Marissa and Daniel so i could be here with Asher (the weakest in my point of view and i respect all points of views) So when i won the last hoh i knew since final 4 what i was going to do.... evict the person that was with me since day 1... I super adore the guy but I did this so i could win... He wouldve beat me here and I did what i had to do and what i think hed have done....

"Lying to Marissa" = Marissa is SUPER good at this game.... in so many ways.. and her social skills were perfect... we werent from the same sideof the house but se talked to me since day 1 and we kinda created a "side alliance" me and her... we always talked to each other all the time on the first weeks even with the house divided... but I never trusted her 100% cause i Knew she was doing it so i couldnt target her like my side was targeting.... but i didnt see her as a threat to my personal game cause i knew she wasnt going after me... so when i won my first hoh she wasnt my main target at all... I nommed jay and asher cause i wanted one of them gone (asher main target) but when jay won the veto this week my only 2 options (cause i wouldnt nom people from my side) were jon and marissa.... and in that moment i decided to backstabb her and create a final 4 with jay jon and daniel so that could change de game in my favor... but i did need to make sure the house would evict her cause i didnt want to shoot my feet so i talked to everyone and made sure she was going home and she did... however 1 day later she came back and i tried to talk to her but she said i could try butshe wouldnt trust me again like she used to trust (far enough and i respect it since i was the one that sent her home the week previous that) but Jon won the hoh the following week and thanks to our final 4 he kept me safe... after this Daniel won and nommed both asher and marissa.. when marissa won the first veto and i won the second one (t
3151 days 20 hours ago

...when marissa won the first veto and i won the second one (this week he had 2 vetos and i won the second) we decided to talk and Daniel wanted to backstabb jon... I didnt want it at first cause I really did trust jon and i knew i wasnt his target and i wanted the final 4 to continue together... however Marissa wanted to start over and try to work again together and Daniel really wanted to get rid of jon so i decided to go with the house and evict jon and after that me and marissa started to talk once again... the following weeks after that Jay (the one that was blindsided with jons eviction) Marissa and Asher (both from the other side of the house) were the hohs and I did need to do EVERYTHING that I could to stay safe.... I lied to her and told her all thosethings cause I already had evicted her once when Isaid she was i knew only saying "i promise" wouldnt be enough since i had already broken my word to her once... so i told her everything that i could and promised everything that I could cause i wanted her to believe I was telling the truth and she did.... I did it cause she was the one calling the shots these weeks and I did need her to trust i wasnt going after her so i lied and i did it to win... she did trust me and didnt evict me and when i had the chance i evicted her not only cause she wouldve win it... cause i wantedto be the one evicting her twice and i wanted to take credits for it... but this is why i lied so much to her... cause i wanted her to believe me the most i could and i did and im proud of myself for it... I did apologize cause she felt betrayed and told me i was a bad person for it and i agree I did say and did swearin a lot of vallue things but so i apologized for it but i said i didnt regret... it made me be here and it is what it is and i did what i had to do cause i wanted to gain her trust again... thats why i lied !

"Evicting you jon" = I said the reason already... I didnt want u out first cause I knew you wouldnt come after me and i did trust you a lot and I didnt know asher at all so for me asher leaving would be so much better and thats why i didnt use the veto like they wanted me to do.... but after thinking i realized that asher leaving would make marissa still target me and you leaving would make both asher and marissa thankful and do not target me (they didnt) so the only person that would be mad would be jay and he would be mad at daniel not me so i decided to go with the house and vote to evict you cause it would benefit my game too... and it did !! thats why i voteded to evict you..

"how the benefitted you AND NOT YOUR ALLIANCE"..

Im here sitting on final 2... thats how it beneffited me more than anyone else.. everything i made every move i made everything was calculated every lie every comp winning every decision every deal everything I made for a reason and helped me to get where I am now.. forming a final 3 with daniel and austin helped me to approach the others for the 6 person alliance to combate the high levels... create a bond with marissa helped me to stay under the radar for the high levels... evict marissa helped me to form a 4 person allianc... forming this 4 person alliance helped me to not be the taregt for both jay and jon in the weeks they were hoh.. evicting jon helped me to gain the trust of asher and marissa.. lying to marissa helped me to make her trust me and not evict me when she had the chance on final 6 and final 5... evicting marissa helped me by evicting the strongest member of the game... evicting daniel helped me cause people respect me more cause of this... so basically everything i did i did for a reason that i dont regret and that beneffited myself and my game and made me come this far and be sitting here on final 2 with asher...

Thanks Jon !
3151 days 20 hours ago
3151 days 19 hours ago
So I spent a LOT of time reading over this..... I would be shocked if you guys could convince me to vote another way, but I should participate so here I go:

Skye:You were defiantly quiet at the beginning, and most never saw you as a threat. Do you believe that they were wrong in not seeing you as a threat, or did you not want to be a threat?

Asher: It was obvious who you sided with, but you always seemed to be protected by others. I can't insult you for this, because it is a great strategy, if you wanted to be seen that way. My question for you is, was that what you always wanted to do, or is there is great mastermind behind what everyone sees you as.
3151 days 18 hours ago
"Skye:You were defiantly quiet at the beginning, and most never saw you as a threat. Do you believe that they were wrong in not seeing you as a threat, or did you not want to be a threat?"


Well... This was my strategy coming here... I did want to be saw as dumb and weak so i played dumb and did act weak so they couldnt target me... so I think that it was a mistake of them to not realize it later but ar the beginning I didnt want to be a threat so I did act like weak cause of strategy... so I guess i have to pick option b... I didnt want to be seen as a threat :)

Thanks Austin !
3151 days 18 hours ago
Ty for the very detailed answer Skye. I appreciate you taking the time to answer the questions truthfully.
3151 days 18 hours ago
It was obvious who you sided with, but you always seemed to be protected by others. I can't insult you for this, because it is a great strategy, if you wanted to be seen that way. My question for you is, was that what you always wanted to do, or is there is great mastermind behind what everyone sees you as.

No that was my strategy. Its already quiet apparent im not getting rewarded with the strategy that helped me strive in this game. I did make moves, convincing Marissa not to use veto, turning Skye and Daniel against eachother F3, keeping myself safe my my social bonds and alliances. But every single thing I said is being demeaned by the Jury and Skye. All I know, is I really did play this game, ive tried to convey this SEVERAL times. Im proud of the way I played, and that is that :)
Honestly, I really would love to thank you for your question and at least thinking about my strategy and not immediately putting down my game.
3151 days 17 hours ago
*****ASHER***** -  I completely respect your game. However we did not speak enough independently for me to see your gameplay standing on its own without being attached to Marissa who was a dominant personality, and a strategic and physical force in this game. Whenever I would talk game with people from our side it would either be Marissa speaking for you, or myself and Jay talking outside of our final 4 chat. I don't doubt that you and Marissa had a partnership rather than her controlling you but the fact that it was Marissa who was the one putting the work in strategically and socially will definitely have an impact on my vote.

If there are any specific examples you can give me and the rest of the jury IN DETAIL I think this would definitely help your case. I know you mentioned convincing Marissa not to use veto and evicting Jay but these were both EXTREMELY late game. I'd like to here about the influence you had on Marissa in the game and some specific examples of this to prove to the jury that you and Marissa were equals and that marissa wasn't carrying more weight.

Reposting this since Asher hasn't seen it yet :)
3151 days 17 hours ago
Well... This was my strategy coming here... I did want to be saw as dumb and weak so i played dumb and did act weak so they couldnt target me... so I think that it was a mistake of them to not realize it later but ar the beginning I didnt want to be a threat so I did act like weak cause of strategy... so I guess i have to pick option b... I didnt want to be seen as a threat :)

Lovely answer <3

No that was my strategy. Its already quiet apparent im not getting rewarded with the strategy that helped me strive in this game. I did make moves, convincing Marissa not to use veto, turning Skye and Daniel against eachother F3, keeping myself safe my my social bonds and alliances. But every single thing I said is being demeaned by the Jury and Skye. All I know, is I really did play this game, ive tried to convey this SEVERAL times. Im proud of the way I played, and that is that :)
Honestly, I really would love to thank you for your question and at least thinking about my strategy and not immediately putting down my game.

You defiantly are not getting the credit you deserve, thanks for the answer :)
3151 days 17 hours ago
And wth is up with fighting over the game. This is not a final 8 jury vote. Focus on Skye and Asher.

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