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Konoha Confessionals

Topic » Konoha Confessionals

1670 days 14 hours ago

Confessional #5

So I think i can get a solid voting block of Me, Ryan, Rob, Zac, Gabe, and Daniel to vote out christian. Daniel, I think, is a lost puppy, so I want to adopt him and make him my obedient pet. However..I think Rob, Ryan, Gabe, and Zac have a pre-existing relationship, so they are all on my radar...but for right now i think i can infiltrate the pack to further myself (bandit) I like being sneaky sneaky.

...also for this vote I feel like im at the mercy of Rob's alliance..I am passively pushing christian's name, but I think they want to target clair. I want to talk to Isiah because I want to see if he is willing to get christian out.
1670 days 14 hours ago
** Christian M./Christian37 - 15th **
1670 days 14 hours ago

ok to sum up these past 2 tribals-boring. Like the fact that the same ppl are always safe doesn't make it easier on who to vote cuz were basing it off on what the majority says, honestly idk y Christian was targeted, but I was fine with it cuz he's a returnee so yuh.

rn i'm in an alliance with bubba and eclipse, both idk how I feel yet. I think its kinda obvious who is working together, such as craig and ^insert other basic names that I forgot^. Once one of them is vulnerable I have a feeling that they would be a target. Since idk who is working with u cuz idgaf, i'm basing my targets off on returnees as, duh, they got a chance before and stick out like a sore thumb. Honestly I don't see myself lasting long in this game.
1670 days 14 hours ago

Confessional #6

I am hurt.
Genuinely Hurt!

TJ saved Julian, and I am just sitting here like wat da fuck...I just figured since they both have been safe for at least one tribal that they would return the favor. But this is survivor so you can't rely on others to get you further in the game. So this is my third tribal and i am getting use to it. I feel like I have a solid bond with Rob, Gabe, Ryan, and maybe Zac.. So there might be a point in the game when i don't need TJ or Julian. I really hope there is a tribe expanding soon because this twist is stressing me out. As for the vote tonight..I am certain it is Ribbons. Rob wanted her out last tribal, but i was able to secure the votes for Christian, so tonight Rob wants Ribbons gone, she is gone..I know i have Gabe (if he doesn't self vote again), Rob, Zac, and Ryan, and with me that is 5...and i can get Daniel to vote with us again. #FeelingSafe #WillProbsBeMeTonight
1670 days 14 hours ago

I have looked for this idol for HOURS and still nothing. It's almost time I give up.
With my luck, it's probably been found anyway. Craig is smarter than he lets on.

I'm not shocked that once again I prevailed in the challenge, but it is still worrisome that I am not involved in the decision-making. I think that the same people are immuned today as yesterday, so at least I'm not the only one without power. I think most of the power players are immuned, so I'll just sit and watch these floaters get picked off until it's my turn to put my foot in the door.
1670 days 14 hours ago

Confessional #7

I am talking to Ryan and he is mentioning this idea to target the ones who have not been to tribal council yet. I am kinda working with TJ, but after he picked Julian for safety at the last challenge I don't know how loyal he is to me. So if at the next vote, his name is being thrown out, idk how much i can do to keep him safe. targets right now are Adam and Nick because they are OBVIOUSLY working together, so that duo needs to be split up ASAP. I might be able to use TJ and Julian at tribals, but Nick and Adam have no loyalty to me what so ever, so they are at the top of my list.
1670 days 14 hours ago

Confessional #8

Hmmmmmmmm.... So TJ finally decided to share the idol clues with us.. To me, it is a little late..Like you had immunity from the first night, and we were alligned like before the first tribal.. Why is it no you want to share the clues? Not to mention they are basic ass clues, like they seem to be made up by TJ himself. I think TJ has found the idol, and to throw us of his trail, he is "giving" us the clues. Tj is on my hit list for sure because i don't think i can trust him... First imma separate Adam and Nick, then TJ better watch out........if i am not voted out tonight lolxx
1666 days 13 hours ago
** Clair M./Ribbons - 14th **
1666 days 13 hours ago

Confessional #9

Wow. I am super happy to have an immunity win. Also, i didn't have to rely on anyone to win it for me Kisses immunity necklace
The crazy thing is, I was able to choose someone without painting a target on my back. I asked Ryan when we tied in the challenge that if i won, i would keep him safe and if he would do the same. I don't know if he would have kept his end of the deal, but  i kept mine, so I hope that built trust between us. Rob, Zac, Gabe, Daniel, and Julian are all going to tribal, and I am confident they will vote together....however, i want them to get Adam out. It is the perfect time because he and Nick are a duo, one is safe and can't vote, and the other is vulnerable. It is the PERFECT chance to get him out. I can't vote this round, but i am still scrambling to make sure the people i am talking to vote for Adam.

My Current Hit List
- Adam
- Craig
- Nick
- Isiah
- Jake
- TJ

Once those people are gone, then I will be able to turn on Zac, Julian, Daniel, Ryan, and Rob. And my hope is to be in the Final Two with my Survivor Crush Gabe :)
1666 days 13 hours ago

I have decided to send this gif every time I win immunity.

I have to say...I'm disappointed in myself. I'm still immuned for the 4th time in a row, but this is the first time I didn't get first place in the challenge. SECOND PLACE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Not for Lemjam6 it's not. I play for first place and after that I don't give a fuck. Luckily, with the twist, second is as good as first, but in my heart it's not! I am the most competitive person I know, I will not settle for less.

I have mixed feelings about Clair being voted out. Clair is friends with Nick and Adam, who I consider allies/friends of mine. So I think Clair would have been a vote on my "side" when it came down to it, but I know Clair would've picked Nick and Adam over me and I know Adam would've picked Clair over me. So Clair going sort of brings us closer, but it's definitely a number down even though it wasn't someone I am particularly close to.

Craig and I continue to bond a lot. I talk to him and Nick by far more than I talk to anyone, so I'm glad we're all safe. I am worried for Adam, though. Clair just left unanimously and this is Adam's first tribal council, I think he could be in danger. I'm going to tell Adam to fight for his life and I will make some small talk, but I need Adam to fight for his LIFE right now.

Hopefully I get this idol clue soon and can find the idol, but I have a bad feeling it's been found. Craig is a smart kid.
1666 days 13 hours ago


I looked for that idol for so long. Nicky and I were looking together...for nothing. I know for a FACT that Craig has it and I will call him out on it. We'll see if he lies to me or not. Bad things happen to good people.
1666 days 13 hours ago

Confessional #10

This. Drama. Is. Golden.
Everyone is throwing fingers as to who has the idol, and I am certain I know who it is.. based on TJ's behavior recently, I think he has the idol. That is why he waited till the third immunity challenge to share his clues with me. I don't trust him and I want them to try to flush his idol tonight at tribal....I kind of wish I was voting tonight!
1666 days 13 hours ago

Good things come when you least expect it. Who would've tirade about not finding the idol may have been a blessing in disguise. It started a fight of me vs Robert, where Craig started defending me which proved he is a loyal ally and not a gamebot like I thought. Robert then messaged Nicky where Nicky played like a SPY. Nicky told them him and Adam wanted me out (in an attempt to get Adam to stay) and Robert told Nicky that there's a group of people that want me/Craig out. That group consists of: Robert, Zac, Gabe, Daniel, Ryan, and Bubba. Silly noobs.

That's 6 people. Now I know Julian/Isiah/Adam is leaving today, but I will be making an alliance of the 6 survivors and we need a plan.

If 3 of us win, we pick each other. If 2 of us win, we pick the other side to try to limit their numbers.

This game is picking up, all because I threw a fit about the damn idol.

Game on, bitches.
1666 days 13 hours ago

This game has finally picked up. I guess some people were playing the game and we just didn't know it.

Survivor is like a bus. You better get on and start playing before you miss the bus and it's too late.
1666 days 13 hours ago

My gut is telling me Bubba has the idol gut is wrong sometimes, but he did get the most recent clue, which was the easiest. He also was very quick to tell me he believes me that I didn't have it and then pointed the blame onto Nick or TJ. I know Nick doesn't have it and Bubba has no evidence to blame TJ. He's playing a desperate game. Even if Bubba doesn't have it, these noobs are playing hard.

Craig and TJ did tell me about an alliance Isiah formed with them and Gabe. I'm not sure if Isiah is in the loser alliance, but I know for a fact the other 6 are. Not calling them losers (well they are losers), but losers as in they keep attending tribal which kinda helped them form an alliance. Isiah needs to wake up and realize he's on the outside looking in.

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Confessionals — Ian’s Survivor

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