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Survivor Venezuela S16 Applications -

Topic » Survivor Venezuela S16..

2551 days 18 hours ago
Name and last initial: Dimitra Aniston
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Activity Rate (1-10): 9

Color Level: Black
Date you joined tengaged: 21 November 2010

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? Emotion's survivor

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience. Emotion Suvivor

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain.  : More social ! I love to know new people

Hero or Villain? Explain.  Hero because I'm a model :)

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [X  ]
6pm EST [X  ]
7pm EST [  ]
8pm EST [  ]
9pm EST [  ]
10pm EST [  ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day?

2551 days 15 hours ago

Name and last initial: Tony H
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 10

Color Level: Yellow
Date you joined tengaged: Feb 19, 2016 (One year ago)

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)?

Jaybird's survivor cook islands, cbears survivor peru, and last man standing hosted by crypstpartan.

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience.

My favorite past group experience was Survivor cook islands hosted by jaybird because I tried so hard in that game and I ended up winning!

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain.

I would say that I am physical, because I am really good in challenges. I am also social and strategic but definitely more physical.

Hero or Villain? Explain.

I would say that I am a hero because I am not really into all this backstabbing. But I am also not a weak player who sheeps people.

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [ X ]
6pm EST [ X ]
7pm EST [ X ]
8pm EST [ X ]
9pm EST [ X ]
10pm EST [ X ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day?


Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.
2551 days ago
Name and last initial: Clark K
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 10

Color Level: blue
Date you joined tengaged: too long ago

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? my bio

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience. winning making final tribals and starting shit

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. Social gotta talk to people to stay

Hero or Villain? Explain. Villain no fun being nice

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [ x ]
6pm EST [ x ]
7pm EST [ x ]
8pm EST [ x ]
9pm EST [ x ]
10pm EST [ x ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day?
Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.
I Will later tonight
**Also, Please Join the MAIN Group if you have yet to do so......
2550 days 17 hours ago
Name and last initial: Seth L.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 9.5

Color Level: Orange
Date you joined tengaged: 11/22/2014

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)?  DC Survivor new Zealand.

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience. It's ongoing and its fun cause i haven't gotten eliminated yet LOL

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. A mix or Social ad Strategic, however i lean towards Social cause i am a fun person to talk to and all.

Hero or Villain? Explain. I don't want to say it....I am a villain. LOL. I am a hero however in games like these my instincts tell me to go into villain mode.

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [  ]
6pm EST [  ]
7pm EST [  ]
8pm EST [ X ]
9pm EST [ X ]
10pm EST [ X ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day?

Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.
2550 days 2 hours ago
Name and last initial: John B.
Age: 22
Gender: M
Activity Rate (1-10): 8

Color Level: Light Green
Date you joined tengaged: 3/17/10

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? It's on my profile fully but I'm a winner of TTRS, Suitman's Survivor, Mana's Survivor, CoolNarwhal88's Survivor, & Link's Survivor.

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience. Beating Ethan000 in Suitman's. Do I really need to elaborate?

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. Social - a lot of people are strategic and get taken out for being a threat. Nobody makes it to the end as an immunity threat unless you have no life. It's the trust you build through your social game that really takes you to the end.

Hero or Villain? Explain. I'd say hero - a lot of people tend to underestimate me as a strategic player so when I win it's a surprise when it really shouldn't be. It's a lifestyle of just killing it honestly.

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [x]
6pm EST [x ]
7pm EST [ x]
8pm EST [ x]
9pm EST [ x]
10pm EST [x]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day? Yes - I'm funemployed so I got nothing better to do.

Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.
2550 days 1 hour ago
Name and last initial: Reagan I.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 8

Color Level: Blue
Date you joined tengaged: 18 August, 2015

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)?
4th in Matt's Survivor: Survivor Madgascar
9th in D&B's Survivor: Fan's vs. Favourites
Top 7 of Mikey's Survivor: Borneo (CANCELLED)

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience.
Mikey's Survivor was amazing for me because I was strategizing and manoeuvring around a lot and I thought I had it in the bag. I had one my first individual immunity in that game

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. Social, it's been the best aspect in my game and life and has helped really well in my past games.

Hero or Villain? Explain. Hero, I've always been loyal, but I don't have a problem switching up that status.

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [ ]
6pm EST [ x ]
7pm EST [ x ]
8pm EST [ x ]
9pm EST [ x ]
10pm EST [ x ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day? Yes
2549 days 13 hours ago
Zach D

May 2012

All on my profile

Cmack's Survivor or Bingo21's Survivor. All very good games.


Hero because I try to play the game w integrity and honesty. I will not lie to get to the finals.

I can do almost anytime!
2548 days 4 hours ago
Name and last initial: Ryan m
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 9 no one is a 10

Color Level: silver
Date you joined tengaged: December 2015

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? Turney BB, BB unlimited etc

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience. Winning Cornelia's survivor

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. Social, I'm not too good at the strategic person but I become strategic when I need to.

Hero or Villain? Explain. I don't know depends bout the cast

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [  ]
6pm EST [ x ]
7pm EST [x  ]
8pm EST [ x ]
9pm EST [x  ]
10pm EST [  ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day? Yes

Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.

**Also, Please Join the MAIN Group if you have yet to do so......
2548 days 2 hours ago
Name and last initial: Apat K.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 8

Color Level: Orange
Date you joined tengaged: June 8, 2014

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? 
-"Jake's Big Brother 18": Never Finished but I got Final 3
-"CC's Survivor: Tokelau": 3rd Place 
-"Survivor: Palau": Never Finished 
-"SFG Season 10: Big Brother: High Risk": 5th Place

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience.: My favorite Past game experience was with Big Brother: High Risk all because I tried to make a lot of great moves but instead it got me evicted all because of dumb tie vote. I just hope that doesn't happen again...

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. I am social butterfly, but I am more strategic because I like to think things through before making a final decision in the game. In my opinion, these games are all about choices and strategy. If you make the wrong choice then it might cost you in the end or the near future.

Hero or Villain? Explain. I am most definitely a Hero all because I like to play an honest game and keep things real. I stick up for my allies when necessary and I always try my best to be really nice to others and have a positive mentality.

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednesday's. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [  ]
6pm EST [  ]
7pm EST [ X ]
8pm EST [ X ]
9pm EST [ X ]
10pm EST [X  ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day? 

---Absolutely, I love confessionals????)
2547 days 13 hours ago
Name and last initial: Lana A.
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Activity Rate (1-10): 9

Color Level: Purple
Date you joined tengaged: Oct 19, 2014

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)?
M4RM4W BBUK- 2nd/16
Online Big Brother- 8th/16 (2nd Jury member)
Survivor Uzbekistan- 8th/19 (6th Jury member)
Survivor Pearl Islands- 12th/20 (1st Jury member

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience.

Online Big brother was def my favorite group game so far, cause we experience a summer long game that was filled with twist and drama lol

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. Even tho i would love to say that I'm more strategic in my game play, but i usually take a Social gameplay with getting to know the others and having a connection. I also hating losing so i'll def be playing hard at the comps.

Hero or Villain? Explain. Hero, because i don't like to make enemies

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

I live on the pacific coast

5pm EST [  ] (at work)
6pm EST [  ] (at work)
7pm EST [ X ]
8pm EST [ X ]
9pm EST [ X ]
10pm EST [ X]
2547 days 13 hours ago
Name and last initial: Bennett N.
Age: 17
Gender: M
Activity Rate (1-10): 9

Color Level: Black
Date you joined tengaged: November 25th, 2011

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? Some of my proudest accomplishments:
Bingo's Survivor: 5. 4. 3. 2. 1! [7/25]
KidA's Survivor: Sudan [5/16]
Turney Time Big Brother 9 [2/16]
BENLINUS' Survivor: Belize [6/16]
Kolby's Survivor: Belize [1/16]

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience.
One of my favorite group game experiences was KidA's Survivor: Sudan. Everyone on my tribe absolutely hated me pre-merge, but they needed to keep me around for the merge because I had a hidden immunity idol. I made a lot of awesome moves and ended up getting 5th place...and leaving the game with my dignity intact.

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain.
Social...or at least I try to make it my main focus. Whether you like it or not, it's the key tenet of the game. If you can't make friends, you're never going to win (regardless of how many big moves you may have on your resume).

Hero or Villain? Explain.
Hero - I am fiercely loyal!

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [ X ]
6pm EST [ X ]
7pm EST [ X ]
8pm EST [ X ]
9pm EST [ X ]
10pm EST [ X ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day? 

I'll crank crap out, but don't pressure me to write confessionals when there is nothing important to say. You don't want fluff, do you?
2547 days 5 hours ago
Name and last initial: Mason  S
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Activity Rate (1-10): 6

Color Level: Gold
Date you joined tengaged: Some time in November 2015

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)? only rpdr games

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience. I won an rpdr game

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. Strategic, Im quite the mastermind

Hero or Villain? Explain. Villain, im not scared to make moves even if i get labeled as a villain for it

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [ x ]
6pm EST [ x ]
7pm EST [  ]
8pm EST [ x ]
9pm EST [ x ]
10pm EST [ x ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day?  yes

Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.

**Also, Please Join the MAIN Group if you have yet to do so......
2547 days 5 hours ago
Name & Last Initial: Katherine A.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Activity Rate (1-10): 8

Color Level: Silver
Date you joined Tengaged: June 30th, 2011

Group Game Experience:

Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience: Bingo's TOGA because I was given the opportunity to play in another season after quitting in my original season. I was able to redeem myself.

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain: Social

Hero or Villain? Explain: Hero

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [  ]
6pm EST [ X ]
7pm EST [ X ]
8pm EST [ X ]
9pm EST [ X ]
10pm EST [ ]

2546 days 14 hours ago
NEW PLAYERS ONLY! If you are unsure if you have participated in my series before; please take a look at Past Seasons History.....

I am looking for anywhere between 16-18 castaways to play in the upcoming Installment.


Name and last initial: Colton E.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Activity Rate (1-10): 9

Color Level: sky
Date you joined tengaged:sometime in June of 2013

Prior Group Game Experience(List a Few)?
Kyles bb reboot, ultimate tengager, are you the one etc.
Describe to me your favorite past Group Game experience.
I played a couple here and there only finished two the others the host either sucked or the players were inactive

Social, Strategic, or Physical? Explain. I'm all the full triple threat.  I love getting to know people and sometimes that's the strategy in itself.  Comp wise I'm competitive af so that shall go my way!

Hero or Villain? Explain. Hero, I'll respect those who respect me and I'll play this game as one who sets the standards

MOST challenges will be LIVE - (With the exception of Wednedays. I work Wednesday night. Always be ready for a NON-Live this night)
Mark all that apply with an "x"

5pm EST [  ]
6pm EST [  ]
7pm EST [ x ]
8pm EST [  x]
9pm EST [ x ]
10pm EST [ x ]

CONFESSIONS are a Vital part of the game. This is how myself (THE HOST) and the Viewer's know who is playing the game. Only past ISS Alumni and a select few others are apart of the Viewer's Lounge. Will you promise to write at least ONE Confession every in-game day? Yes

Now as a Final step of the Application; please mail me a BRIEF pre-game Confession about yourself and your strategy going into the game IF chosen to compete.

**Also, Please Join the MAIN Group if you have yet to do so......
2546 days 13 hours ago
Applications Closed !!

open group

ItsOfficial's Survivor: Applications

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