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Topic » SSC3: THE FINAL!

1025 days 13 hours ago


I'm now going to take note of all of your votes and so on, in order to get the three provisional Rankings from Judges, Partecipants and Audience...

The games are done! We can only wait for the results...that I will post later on when I will send you a mail about it!
1025 days 13 hours ago

We will probably post the results of this Final in FOUR different steps as following (the same of the previous season):
1/4 -> Bonus Points your songs start with and eventual Malus Points from penalties to whoever didn't send me their Top10Ranking...
2/4 -> Partecipants' Rankings one by one updating the total Ranking each time!
3/4 -> Judges' Rankings one by one updating the total Ranking each time!
4/4 -> Audience's Votes distributed between all the songs, starting from the provisional lowest one placed before this step going upward! Suspence!
1025 days 12 hours ago
[STEP 1/4 Final Ranking]

Here we go first of all, with all the assigned Bonus&Malus of Points your songs automatically get...

The +Bonus will obviously be assigned as already explained at the start of this contest to those songs less popular in spotify listenings, they are the same shown in our two Semifinal phases!

Our +Bonus Points go to...:

...(+20 Points) -> "Stones" - ZiBBS
...(+35 Points) -> "Tommy" - Ralph
...(+10 Points) -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé
...(+10 Points) -> "Words" - Skylar Grey
...(+30 Points) -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay
...(+20 Points) -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
...(+10 Points) -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA
...(+10 Points) -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
...(+20 Points) -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
...(+10 Points) -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta
...(+30 Points) -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
...(+0 Points) -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone
...(+35 Points) -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE
...(+30 Points) -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek

The -Malus will instead be assigned to all those Partecipants who didn't send me their personal Top10Ranking, not giving their total of 58 Points to their favourite songs (becoming now -58 to themselves)...even if time limit of this Final was of 48hours irl and they had plenty of time, some Partecipants still didn't do it, so they deserve this Penalty so much!

Our -Malus Points go to...:
...(-58 Points) -> "Tommy" - Ralph, sorry...
...(-58 Points) -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé, sorry...
...(-58 Points) -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel, sorry...
...(-58 Points) -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES, sorry...
...(-58 Points) -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone, sorry...

----- ----- ----- -----

[Provisional Ranking at the Start of the Final]

[+35] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+30] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+30] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+30] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+20] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+20] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+10] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+10] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+10] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[-23] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-38] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-48] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-48] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-58] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)

----- ----- ----- -----

1025 days 11 hours ago

The next Step will be 2/4 -> Partecipants' Rankings one by one updating the total Ranking each time!

It will be posted later on, within some few hours from that some of you will probably be able to log in and see these Step 1/4 Results to comment this Provisional Ranking before discovering the next Provisional Ranking... :P
1025 days 4 hours ago

What's the best way to start our Step 2/4 of the Final? The phase where all of our Partecipants will declare their love/hate for the other competing Songs... I know that!

WITH SOME VERY HONEST COMMENTS BY ONE OF OUR PARTECIPANTS! And here we have a volunteer! #Absol alias #TkayMaidza has these opinions :

>> gavin turek - good look for you (this bitch better come through… love this nu-disco vibe it’s a little DONE right now but this is very well executed. i like her vocals they’re very distinct and cute. the chorus is like omgggg kinda auditory gold fr. bridge is amazing too)

>> ralph - tommy (this sounds pretty cool i like the weird backing synths and the guitar is very peppy and fun. i like her vocals and the chorus is SO catchy)

>> mabel - thinking of you (oh… i like this? i’m familiar with mabel’s like SINGLES idk how deep of a cut this song is but it’s super nice. i really like the instrumental and those runs on the chorus are HEAVENLY. i’m thinking of her)

>> skylar grey - words (this is kind of an iconic ballad i really like the guitar passages they’re kinda low and rumbly. there’s a weird indie-chamber-folk crossover here that works really well for me

>> loona - paint the town (i looooove loona but this is just one of their ok songs to me? their singles are always kinda safe to me, but i do LOVE the “wanna be the cookie” line and all the memes around it. plus the drop is gr8. stan kim lip)

>> chvrches - good girls (used to be a big chvrches fan, this kinda gives me vibes from their older stuff that i loved. the chorus really HITS once those big synths come in. i guess if anything could be better it would be the vocals. lauren kinda fell off)

>> the living tombstone - discord (good in the “triggers my brony-era music taste sensibilities + makes me incredibly nostalgic” way not in the “well constructed song” way. if this song wasn’t my little pony themed it would be utter shit)

>> stela cole - woman of the hour (idk i JUST listened to this song… went completely through me. alright beat alright vocals nothing interesting nothing offensively bad idk whatever)

>> zibbz - stones (i mean i like this it is just very GENERIC pop it feels like it has an imagine dragons chorus which is… not a good thing)

>> beyonce - listen (beyonce boring artist why send her for a song contest we already know she can sing. at least like, send one of her weird b-sides not this soundtrack ass shit)

>> illenium - heavenly side (oh wow this is really crunchy… wtf are the vocal edits? wtf is this 2014 ass breakdown? i honestly LIKE some of the synths that build up into the drop and there’s some good moments which is why this isn’t like dead last, but i think the part that’s really supposed to hit for me is just… nyeh)

>> dan + shay - lying (yeah… don’t really like this. i don’t like country music in general it just feels like the hillbilly-ification of all the pop music tropes i hate. at least the guitar riffs on the chorus are pretty good)

>> david archuleta - ok all right (wow this is really boring!! and bad!!! his tone is just really annoying and the beat feels like a really watered down version of a beat i WOULD be down for. plus the completely flat delivery on the chorus with barely any change to the beat… zzz)

But let's now start showing this Step 2/4 Results... :P
1025 days 4 hours ago
[Step 2/4 Final Ranking]

After all this waiting, we can finally discover how our Partecipants voted in this Final! ^^ Let's see their Top10Rankings in order of exhibition one by one! We are going to get a new Provisional Ranking at the end of this Step! ^^ We're always closer to discover our Winner! ^^

Oh...but first, let's see if some of our not qualified Partecipants sent me their Top10Ranking too! Unfortunately, nobody of them did it (ops, eheh)...
So, let's start showing our qualified Partecipants' votes then! ^^
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#ZiBBS (SeaViper) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé
+8 -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA
+7 -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek
+6 -> "Words" - Skylar Grey
+5 -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta
+4 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
+3 -> "Tommy" - Ralph
+2 -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone
+1 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel

...and their +12 go to... -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+37] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+35] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+34] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+32] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+30] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+20] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+18] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+16] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+15] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[-20] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-38] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-38] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-47] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-56] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#SkylarGrey (Ashantea) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE
+8 -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek
+7 -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
+6 -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
+5 -> "Tommy" - Ralph
+4 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
+3 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
+2 -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone
+1 -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay

...and their +12 go to... -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+45] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+45] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+38] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+37] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+31] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+30] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+20] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+16] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+15] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[-15] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-31] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-38] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-43] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-54] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#DanShay (yswimmer96) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Tommy" - Ralph
+8 -> "Words" - Skylar Grey
+7 -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
+6 -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA
+5 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
+4 -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
+3 -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta
+2 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
+1 -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone

...and their +12 go to... -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+57] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+45] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+45] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+39] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+36] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+31] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+24] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+20] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+18] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[-5] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-27] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-38] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-38] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-53] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#TkayMaidza (Absol) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Tommy" - Ralph
+8 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
+7 -> "Words" - Skylar Grey
+6 -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA
+5 -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
+4 -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone
+3 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
+2 -> "Stones" - ZiBBS
+1 -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé

...and their +12 go to... -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+57] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+57] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+45] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+42] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+42] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+31] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+31] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+22] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+18] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[+5] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-22] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-30] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-37] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-49] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#LOONA (CrystalClod) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
+8 -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek
+7 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
+6 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
+5 -> "Stones" - ZiBBS
+4 -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé
+3 -> "Tommy" - Ralph
+2 -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
+1 -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay

...and their +12 go to... -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+65] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+57] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+55] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+49] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+42] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+32] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+31] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+27] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+18] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[+8] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-20] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-24] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-33] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-37] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
And half of our Partecipants have already voted... :P

...will our Partecipants who started with a Malus have the chance of reaching others? :O

They need a lot of Points to keep competing against others... :/

...Points that will probably come later on with the next Step 3/4? :D
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#DavidArchuleta (humanwebjet1) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA
+8 -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé
+7 -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone
+6 -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek
+5 -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay
+4 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole
+3 -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
+2 -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
+1 -> "Stones" - ZiBBS

...and their +12 go to... -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+71] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+69] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+57] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+53] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+52] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+37] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+31] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+28] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+18] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[+8] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-17] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-24] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-25] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-30] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#StelaCole (SomebodyAwesome) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek
+8 -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA
+7 -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
+6 -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta
+5 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
+4 -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay
+3 -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé
+2 -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES
+1 -> "Stones" - ZiBBS

...and their +12 go to... -> "Tommy" - Ralph, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+81] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+69] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+64] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+60] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+53] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+41] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+31] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+29] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+24] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[+20] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-15] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-19] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-22] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-30] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)
1025 days 3 hours ago
[Step 2/4]

#IlleniumMattMaesonNGHTMRE (zorbo678) gives their Points to...:
+12 -> ... - ...
+10 -> "Words" - Skylar Grey
+8 -> "Tommy" - Ralph
+7 -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta
+6 -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone
+5 -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek
+4 -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel
+3 -> "Stones" - ZiBBS
+2 -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza
+1 -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole

...and their +12 go to... -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES, congrats!

----- ----- ----- -----
[Updated Provisional Ranking Step 2/4]

[+86] -> "Good Look For You" - Gavin Turek (FromAWindow)
[+69] -> "Heavenly Side" - Illenium, Matt Maeson, NGHTMRE (zorbo678)
[+66] -> "Cashmere" - Tkay Maidza (Absol)
[+60] -> "PTT (Paint The Town)" - LOONA (CrystalClod)
[+54] -> "Woman Of The Hour" - Stela Cole (SomebodyAwesome)
[+41] -> "Lying" - Dan + Shay (yswimmer96)
[+41] -> "Words" - Skylar Grey (Ashantea)
[+32] -> "Stones" - ZiBBS (SeaViper)
[+31] -> "Ok, All Right" - David Archuleta (humanwebjet1)
[+28] -> "Tommy" - Ralph (Ribbons)
[-3] -> "Good Girls" - CHVRCHES (Voila)
[-15] -> "Thinking Of You" - Mabel (ilovetosing)
[-22] -> "Listen (Live)" - Beyoncé (Hector)
[-24] -> "Discord" - The Living Tombstone (ShaneDawson12345)

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SpotifySongContest SSC4! [SoonerOrLater]

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