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Survivor All Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All Stars..

2587 days 3 hours ago
2587 days 3 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

It is so exciting to be out here playing the game of Survivor for a second time! I feel so blessed and am so lucky to have a second shot here. :)

The last time I played I was doing very well. I made decisions, brought people together, and created paranoia all while not being a target. My decisions caught up with me as Hogan decided to randomly target me and then Hufus, one of my closest allies, flipped because he saw how well I was playing in another game.

Not this time Satan!

I am going to play similarly to how I played last time: Look dim to others who don't know me, be friendly, and suggest rather than demand. These are the keys to a successful social game and can hopefully get me to the merge.

I'm ready to CHOMP out the competition. Keep your eyes and ears open. ;)
2587 days 3 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

So we find out the tribe divisions and the twists and holy-moley it really is ALL-STARS!

Unfortunately: my tribe consists of people who were against me the last time around. Rich just followed Hogan at the beginning of the merge and didn't make an effort to really work with me. Deeanna just jumped ship because she didn't care about my relationship with her. Worst of all, Hufus, one of my closest allies, blindsided me when we could have taken the game together.

I am out for BLOOD, but these people aren't gonna know it yet. :O

Our tribe is a really good tribe. I am confident we can win some challenges and get me to the next stage of the game.

REDEMPTION ISLAND is in play, and boy am I glad! The last thing I need is to lose this second chance. If I have to win all of the comps to get back in, I will overcome and do it!
2587 days 3 hours ago
Maddie F. (omggiraffe):

This tribe breakdown, well it went. It probably isn't the best scenario, but it's definitely not the worst possible outcome. Both Nick S and Kara are two people that I was very scared of getting placed on a tribe with. Kara and I have always butted heads, and I used to start tons of drama with her. While Nick S doesn't like me all because of a game from like a month ago. He's a bitch!

I really want to work with Erik this season. I have played with him very recently, did him dirty but we're over it, and I really do think that he is a loyal and trustworthy person to work with in this game. Once he's with you, he will never be against you. I also want to work with David again, he's a good person to work with. I knew he'd be here. Also LeQuisha is another person I am dying to work with! She truly is a queen and she, much like Erik, is loyal to the point that it often could ruin her game.

Erik messages me right out of the gate, he says "Me you Julian Kelly Will is the majority hun <3", even thought that's exactly what I wanted it still would've been nice to have had any input in. But at least they're all icons so it's cool.

I want to come into this game and play a different game, I want to play it slow and quiet. We'll see if I'm in the position do that, and if I am don't expect much from me before the merge. I have yet to find an idol in this game, but that's goal #2, goal #1 is to win the whole damn thing. An extra goal is to at least make jury! I want to play Sandra's game, as long as it ain't me. As long as it ain't me there's no need to make big waves. I've got to play it cool, I need to play it cool. I don't want to come out guns blazing.

2587 days 3 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc):

This ain't good. I'm on a tribe of people who hate my ass. I'm not in a good spot. I won't do a detailed confessional since I got homework and passed out from too much nicotine spray, but here are my relationships.

Erik- clear enemies in Mongolia
Kelly- hates me
Julian- doesn't trust me, we always vote each other out
Will and Maddie- always vote each other off
Nick and Patrick- who?

I'm fucked and I need an idol. I won't quit on this but I got tons of work to do.
2587 days 3 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor):

I am back!!! So pysched for this. Now coming in i have a really shitty track record in all star seasons. Usually when i come back as a returnee i suck. But hopefully that wont happen this season. This season is gonna be fucking crazy though. 24 contestants and redemption island. Holy fucking shit. I consider myself to be the best villian in M&N's history and i feel like i might have target on my back if people know what i did. It could be like Hantz in RI or Tony in Game Changers. But this season i need to change a bit. I believe last season my strategic game was on point and my physical game was ok. But the thing i need to work on is my social game. That is 100% the reason i didnt win last time. So im starting off and making alliances on my tribe. But before i get into that i wanna say IM SO FUCKING PISSED THAT QAZ IS HERE I HOPE HE GETS THE FUCK OUT OF THE GAME ASAP. So now anyway my alliances. When you look at my tribe there is the obvious last season 4 some. Which why u did that i have no fucking idea. Deeanna Zed Hufus and Logan all played together. Im scared of a 4 alliance from there. So if we lose i want one of the 4 of them gone. I am however great friends with Hufus so no way i want him out. I also have made a tight alliance with Brad and one with Brian. For cross tribe alliances Nasty is my ride or die and im great friends with Nick. Plus me and LQ have talked and made an alliance. So i feel like im in a good position
2587 days 3 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc):

May 1, 2017 18:32:58
No title
Aww gutted we aren't on the same tribe :(

2587 days 2 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc):

im playing with dumbos who can't respond to mails.

Im doing 2 things right now
1. Tryna get erik back on my good side, although hes pretty much flat out told me it isn't happening
2. maddie is actually willing to talk, so i gotta get close with her. Erik has julian and maddie high on his friends list, and i need some way to get myself through until a tribe swap
2586 days 16 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

I have really made a great, unexpected relationship with Brian! I think me and him are going to be really good allies in this game and this is what I need to move forward. :)

The situation on our tribe is that we're split: Everyone not from Taiwan, except Brian, wants to target that group of Rich, Hufus, and Deeanna. So that's 3 vs. 3 with me and Brian in the middle. I am trying to really think about it, but in retrospect, they all slashed my throat last time. I would rather get rid of the demons I know and throw my dice on the roulette wheel then let them overtake me again...
2586 days 16 hours ago
Brad P. (Nostalgic):

King of the flops is back, baby. Honestly, the fact that I came back with the QUEENS OF ZIMBABWE, Andrea and Kara, is amazing. Obviously, Andrea and I didn't get along but Kara is bae so feels good. I'm liking our tribe. Bob is a top tier guy all around, and I love the bloke. Kara is a goddess and probably one of the nicest and most genuine people I know. Hufus and Deeanna, I've played with and worked with before (in other group games shh), of course I've been betrayed by and betrayed both iirc, and they're both ridiculously big threats. Don't know a lot about Logan or Rich, but I'll change that. Brian has messaged me and told me to watch out for the 4 people together from last season, which makes sense, but it also means I kinda want to be a little wary. I mean naturally I want to work with Bob and Kara so I'm not all too stressed with the concept, but he may be playing too hard, or just trying to secure an alliance.

In Zimbabwe, I played a very flawed game, worked with Rob a fair bit, and with my main loves in Lee and Kara, in our La Resistance to their little premade. Rob really ran the whole show, and I was stuck on the bottom of pretty much every power deal and got through the premerge through luck, a bit of boyish charm, and there always being a bigger fish to fry. This time I'm going to play smarter, and harder. I mean Amber was a flop her first season and she won All-Stars. Who says I can't do the same?
2586 days 13 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

*insert generic and slightly annoying glad to be back paragraph with a stupid catch phrase here*

But seriously super happy to play again I love this series to death; its easily my favorite on tengaged (mostly cause flops like Christian lose to Sydney :P).

Obviously I already have a target on me for being one of two winners and on top of that I am on a tribe with my seasons rival (me when I just realized I was rivals with Kelly and Maddie to lmao). Mine and Justin's fued goes beyond this series, after this game ended we played 2-3 more games together where we kept at each other's throats so I know he doesn't trust me and there's no way in hell I trust him but I'm not about to tell him or anyone else that, I have to keep my options open.

As for the rest of my tribe they all seem cool enough (except for flop ass 2nd Placer Christian). Chris stands out right away because of what he did at the challenge and my dumbass called him out on it which raises my target even more. I've talked to everyone but so far connections with them are weak and that scares me because I'm quickly realizing the social aspect of this game is one of (if not the most) important because if you aren't friends with people than they won't hesitate to turn on you.

So yeah my main strategy this season is to build some tight bonds and play up the social aspect of this game til it kills me than after I already have the established relationships is when I'll worry about strategy. I feel like if I can get my feet settled in this game than I'll have a direct path to merge but getting set is what's going to be the hard part.

I'll send a cast assessment in my next confessional idk when that will be
2586 days 8 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme):

I'm excited to be back for all stars I won't lose this one but this 24 person cast is big but I like my tribe already and I'm already working so I can make my relationships to cut everyone's throat. This is all stars everyone better be ready and playing hard because you know I am. Im trying to make a relationship with everyone in the game but I'm already starting drama. I told bob about the 4 people from Taiwan and that's a huge threat and he agrees and wants me him brad Kara to all work together and me knowing rich deeanna and hufus all made final 4 together they might be close so maybe we pull Logan in with us. That's always a option but maybe that's not what I wanna do I told Logan that bob wants to go against the 4 taiwans to feed into the sketchyness that Logan feels from bob and I feel it to. So now my options are open and myself and Logan can go where we want to im gonna own this game.
2586 days 8 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

i wrote a fucking massive confessional but it didn't send like it was so in depth im mad so here is the condensed version! sorry

im back woohoo. im annoyed you two have put me on a season with 24 people i felt special being an all star but looks like everyone is one. Hate redemption island and this is your second string. your third is the fact you have put the two people i kipped on and blindsided are back.

my tribe seems active and strong. i think we would fair well in immunities in case of tribal me andrea stoner christian and we've decided nick will be the majority. you would think david a past winner would be our target but he's not its nasty p! nasty has already spewed out a lot of info to me. he has  sat and directed the tribe learning how we played that makes me nervous! if i could harness his info he'd be a great ally but i think he is too calculated and dangerous.
2586 days 8 hours ago
Nick S. (snick427):

Welp, this is officially the most intimidating cast I've ever been a part of!
2586 days 5 hours ago
Chris D. (Gaiaphagee):

It's awesome to play again. This time I'm with players who are here to win. It's gonna be a helluva battle but I am ready for it.

As soon as tribes were revealed, I hit up Christian, Nick, and IceIceBaby. Those are the 3 I want to work with. IceIce and Christian however want to work with LQ. Not sure how I feel about that. LQ and SaneBrock has some issues in former season. I was brought into those issues and I think she will have a vendetta against me. I doubt it'll be long before she flips on me.

But IceIce wants David out tonight so it might just be an easy thing to do. Plus the little white level shit called me out.
more coming..

Speaking of being called out, I got this direct advantage. Not sure what it does yet but It's gotta be good if it took away 10 points. Hopefully it's something I can use to avoid the vote tonight. After the challenge I plan on looking for an idol. An idol will come in handy huge, especially if I can have it from the start

Looking at the other tribes..
I see Erik, who called me and SaneBrock out in the one season. I def see him being a problem but maybe I can avoid it. I see Julian who I want to work with. I wanna work with qaz as well
nick says he can pull in icebeas so we'll see
on agua, I know I can get zed
Christian can get kara
the rest idc about
2586 days 5 hours ago
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