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Survivor Galápagos Islands Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Galápagos Islands..

2472 days 2 hours ago
2472 days 2 hours ago
Nicky S. (NotNicky333):

I already hate papalouisefan and if I am ever on a swap or merge with him he will be my first target. He. Is. SO. Annoying.
2472 days 2 hours ago
Parvati S. (ParvatiS):

Pre-season Confessional: (I know it's no longer pre-season but this is what my confessional would've been pre-season)

I'm so excited to be a part of this season! I think it's going to be great and looks a lot of fun! What exactly brought me here (other than the game itself) is Sydney (Guigi) who was the winner of season 3 and since we are very close, I can't wait to be a part of the winner circle! I'm definitely looking forward to all the challenges, and meeting new people!

Coming in to this game, I think it's really important to have a strong alliance but also to have that one person who you can 99% trust because I think a duo in this game is very strong and powerful. That is what gets you far in the game and has proven to work many times such as in past group games and frookies. An example of this would be me and Sydney when we first met in a group game (even though it was 4 years ago) where we fought our way to the end and ever since then, it has been proven that being in a strong pair really does help to get to the end.

I defenitely think I can win this season! I will make big moves only if I have to and it is the right time. I'm also not afraid to take risks if I need to. I think this will be a great season and I'm super happy that I have been casted!

Post Immunity Challenge Confessional:

I defenitely sucks to lose the first immunity challenge, however it's not the end of the world since there are still so many ones in the future and I'm sure we can pull it off next time!

So right after the challenge, Re comes up to me, Eric, Brandan,  and Luca and says that we should all work together since we were the only active people on our tribe who participated in today's challenge and I think it's great I think we can be a strong team, however I am thinking about what's going to happen in the long run where we will eventually have to vote each other out.

For today's vote, Luca told us, "skeleta can go. i don't like her, she fucked up in my game" Hopefully everyone sticks to their word and we all vote out Skeleta.
2472 days 2 hours ago
Tyler A. (UnicornChicken):

Here we go, Survivor: Galapagos Islands is officially off to a good start for Tyler! I started on the winning tribe, and I've already built relationships with Israel, Patsy and Zach C (I think I'll call him Ziggy, because having 2 Zachs on one tribe is going to get messy). I already know Brandan on the other tribe from previous games, but I'm not sure if our relationship will hurt me or help me. I really wanted to call out all of our useless tribe members that didn't show up for the challenge, I mean seriously we got given a deadline? Meet it or beat it. Coming into this game though, I'm a little less certain about things, so I want to lie a little low until I can be sure I know where I stand.
Let me make this clear here and now, Nicky will be the first person voted out of our tribe! She was very useful in the challenge, but from what I have seen, she is one of the most insufferable little children I have ever come across. You don't deserve to be here, so don't bother playing. You can just turn yourself right around and leave this island.
I'm definitely here to cause chaos and crush people, but make no mistake I will win this game. You guys really don't know what you've got coming.
2472 days 2 hours ago
Simon B. (papalouiesfansfan):

So this is my first confessional of the game. Yesterday, I was told that I'd be playing this season along with many other great people.

Looking at the team so far, it upsets me how we lost so much. One of the big reasons we probably lost is because two of our players didn't bother showing up, even hours after getting notice that the game would start at a specific time and they just said "Fuck it." These types of players get eliminated first.

Now, looking at where our team stands, everyone (with the exception of Jake and Skeleta) personally agree that if you partook in the challenge yesterday, you're safe. We got that part down. Now, we need to get the second part down which is who gets eliminated first. Now, once Skeleta apologized to us upfront, I thought it was clear Jake would be getting the vote, but after closer investigation, I took notice and realized that the two of them are most likely in an alliance, which makes this more difficult. We can either get out an inactive player and have someone who may be salty or get out the active player but we'd have an inactive with us (assuming they're inactive the whole game). Between the two of them, however, I'd rather get Jake out, and for these reasons, I'M VOTING JAKE TO GO! (Did it in caps so you could see clearly)

Now, what do I think about the players so far?

For the other active players on my tribe, I like them. They seem like a nice group of people.  However, we did have convos and the last few messages I saw were "What are your guys' Skypes?" I don't have Skype, so I think those guys are all an alliance and I'm left alone. The two who didn't do the challenge are an alliance and I could tell from Skeleta's answers to the questions that she was scared as fuck for this tribal council.

The other tribe, however, seems very villainous because of their cocky behaviors. Someone messed us up and someone kept being like "Everyone can have my babies" like come on -.-

Now, about alliances, where do players stand? A lot of people are hiding some really good alliances except for Jake, Skeleta, and their friend, Patsy. I am considering whether or not to tell my tribe about them being an alliance. Now, this may seem creepy, but it's all strategy. Now, later on in this game, I will be digging deeper such as other players' previous group games to see if any of them are trying to hide alliances and we'll work from there.

So that wraps up my confessional.
2472 days 2 hours ago
----- SKELETA GETS 16TH -----
2472 days 2 hours ago
Parvati S. (ParvatiS):

I knew we were going to win this time and WE DID!!!!! We worked really well as a team to knock down that wall and Brandan did great on the puzzle! I'm looking forward to winning many more challenges in the future. I knew we could be a strong team!
2472 days 2 hours ago
Tyler A. (UnicornChicken):

Of course our tribe flopped on the second immunity, because why wouldn't we? All those people who didn't show up can kiss my ass! Britanny was there for the challenge and she didn't even compete?? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I'VE HAD IT WITH MY TRIBE! I'm ready for a tribe swap. If I return my tribe for being faulty will I get a new one? Honestly, screw em all. It sucks that the person I hate the most is our most active member... I would love nothing more than to get kick that little toddler off the island, but I'm not in a position to be giving orders at the moment. After I screwed that puzzle, nobody seems to be talking to me. I didn't think it would be that hard, it was a freaking car in a driveway! I didn't even work out what it was until the other tribe had finished. I don't think I can really trust anyone. Just myself! UGGHHH if I find out they are voting me out, I'll have them hanged from the gallows for being a useless bunch of . I could really use a twist that eliminates my whole tribe right now. Now that would be an awesome twist.
2472 days 2 hours ago
Nicky S. (NotNicky333):

Before last challenge I considered patsy my second biggest ally behind zach (ziggyzaggy). I really thought I would be able to work with her because we do easily get along. Apparently she made a final 3 deal with me and Brittany, and then made a final 4 with herself, unicorn, maicol, and McHappy. Had she not been in this alliance I could have easily saved her and gotten rid of zach (under). I mean I'm pretty sure she's going home 6-2 with zach (under) being in minority but you never know! Also my target going is under but it just sucks when people suck at the game and u have to wait to vote him off :(
2472 days 2 hours ago
Patsy L. (BBHoe):

I think I'm solid in Survivor. Not being able to turn up for the challenges is a MAJOR disadvantage as I prefer 8pm EST and 9PM EST over my timezone, but I am WERKIN it through my impeccable social game. From being the target, I talked myself out to forming a large majority alliance with Tyler Noah Israel and myself, also aligning myself separately with Nicky and Zach. We will be voted out Zach C tonight, let's see whether the plan will pull thru
2468 days 6 hours ago
Tyler A. (UnicornChicken):

Yesterday I wanted Nicky out. Today I want Nicky out, but unfortunately that doesn't look like the way the vote will be falling. I managed to find my way into an alliance with Nicky, Israel and Ziggy (maybe Noah too?). I also accidentally got a lot closer with Nicky because we both ended up in a Frookies game together. This is just my luck, I aligned myself with someone I hate!
How has this happened? I hear you asking. Well, Patsy came to me earlier and tried to set up and alliance with Israel and I. As much as I hate her for not showing up to challenges, I admired that she was at least trying to save herself. Then she added Noah to the alliance without asking. Then she invited Nicky... she also tried to invite Ziggy but ended up targeting him? Israel and I decided we were done with her shenanigans, so she will be next to go. In the meantime I will sit around being grumpy. I can't believe I Nicky is one of my closest allies UUGHHHHH! I WOULD RATHER BE VOTED OUT!
2468 days 6 hours ago
Brittany J. (LaFierceBrittany2):

So we won the first challenge and I was able to talk to Nick and Israel to start some type of bond. It was an easy first couple of days, but now that we have to go to tribal, that's all gone. I guess Patsy screwed her own game by making two alliances and getting caught, which made everyone distrust her. This is all fine with me considering I'm laying low for now and just trying to slide by all while making connections with these castaways.

*Writes Patsy's name on parchment*

We haven't spoken, I don't know where your head is at, and you seem to be too messy for me to work with you anyways so I'm sorry but this has to happen. I'm pretty sure you're getting a majority of the votes and I don't wanna go against them since I'm trying to have a low profile, you gotta go.
2468 days 6 hours ago
Zach C. (ziggyzaggy16):

Well, little miss Patsy has decided that I should go and she's told basically everyone on our tribe. Well then Israel, Tyler, and Nicky all came running back to me letting me know what was up. So it's good to know I have people that are loyal to me this early. At this point Nicky and I are final 2 and I've been working with Tyler and Israel. I'm thinking of possibly translating this into a four-person alliance, but for now I'm just good working with them all separately. So yeah, at this point that's all that has really happened. Brittany also messaged me saying, "Hi..." and honestly why don't these people just start out saying wanna work together? Whatevs, but the vote should be 6-2, only Patsy and Zach U will vote against me. And don't worry, I see you Zach U. and trust me there is only room for one of us on this island!
2468 days 6 hours ago
----- PATSY GETS 15TH -----
2468 days 6 hours ago
Simon B. (papalouiesfansfan):

So I made one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made during my time on Tengaged. Parvati said during the challenge something like "Don't post until 20 minutes. I already got the flag." I fucking misread it and thought it said "Ok. The 20 minutes from the previous flag are up. Who wants it next?" Absolutely huge blunder that cost my tribe the challenge.

This tribal council, I expect Jake to go, but I also expect me to get at least one vote as, once again, I was practically the sole reason my tribe lost. The other tribe was acting very villainous and was like "PAPA, WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" and I thought my tribe would be pissed off. I would not be surprised if I got voted off because of my big mistake.

As for the tribe, Jake hasn't done chicken shit. They didn't compete in a single challenge and didn't bother voting last time we made it to tribal, so I expect a second self vote for Jake tonight, and considering Jake doesn't give two fucks, I can guarantee this is the final tribal council Jake will see, whether he is or is not voted off.

There is absolutely a chance, however, that because Jake is basically guaranteed to go, it's up to my tribe to decide if they'd be better off with or without me. If I stay, I'd help them out in future comps. If I go, they lose a great guy but move a step closer to winning.
2468 days 6 hours ago
Parvati S. (ParvatiS):

So far in this game, i trust Brandan the most. I've talked to him the most so far and i don't trust the other tribe members that much. Nobody has really talked to me about the vote so far except for Brandan and Simon which we all agreed that Jake should go since he hasnt showed up for anything at all. Simon seems to be worried about the vote since he did play a part in costing us today's challenge after he misread my post thinking everyone is mad at him but we told him we're not mad. I want to make him feel comfortable and make him feel like I'm loyal to him so maybe he will think I'm trustworthy.

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