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Survivor San Marino Confessionals

Topic » Survivor San Marino..

2140 days 15 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

For ages now I've been waiting to give JB the boot.
Now seems to be our best shot.


The votes are (to my knowledge)
Christian/JB/Tashi/Mud voting Will

Will has the idol, and he should be playing it.

Obviously gotta think, they could just be telling me that so we flush an idol when in reality they come for me in a not-so blindside because I can see it coming from a mile away ahahha.

If Will plays an idol, I reckon JB/Christian would play one on JB IF they have one.
If Mud had one, he'd surely have played it by now, right?

That's why I'm going for him.
We should make the vote 4*-3, meaning Mud is eliminated.

If we did JB and they played an idol, then at revote it's a 50/50 chance I'm screwed, almost 100% certain though because it would've been me who told Will about it, and everyone would know that.

Risky move, but I want MY target out, not who the others want out. Here to WIN, not to play for someone else.
2140 days 15 hours ago
K.C. H. (Kaseyhope101):

I talk to JB and he gives me a really big thing to consider... Tashi’s entire team is on jury, I’m a fucking moron for not noticing.. I have no shot at winning whatsoever, FUCK.

Also Tashi is targeting Will blah blah blah who cares I’m pissed
2140 days 15 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Voting for Mud!

This COULD and SHOULD be a blindside
I think it's 3-2-2, unless they really went extra on the lying (Tashi/Mud/Christian/JB) and Will actually receives 4 votes.

I'd kinda love that as they'd all not count so yeah.

Mud is just too good a player, leaked some stuff i said, and if he makes the end can simply say 'My tribe were the first 4 voted out the game. Since then I've been at this alone, and now i've made F2.'

I mean good chance that'd get my vote, so yeah!
2140 days 15 hours ago
-----MUD GETS 7TH-----
2140 days 15 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Ok probably my shortest of the season.
To sum up tribal.

Another vote, another target gone.

F13- My target left
F12- My target left
F11- My target left
F9- My target left
F8- My target left
F7- My target left

6/7 tribals, my target left. That is crazy. I mean my issue is I'm kinda now, unlike the first 2 merge rounds, playing an under the radar game where I get my targets out, and I've got no clue how to convince the jury to vote me due to it. I mean, there's bitter jurors too :x

Best bet right now might be to take Kasey to the end? Honestly can't tell though.
2140 days 15 hours ago
JB B. (_JB_):

Noah's gone, which I kind of expected, but it is what it is. I knew that once Jake left, there was a decent chance that Noah was going to leave considering I was on Exile and Christian had the two vote blockers.

The funny part about the Immunity Challenge is I was in the car on mobile the whole challenge until the final question. I raced up the stairs and could not remember the second part to the question. I lost but oh well.

Now, considering there are three people in the F7 on Will's team, it would make sense for Mud and Tashi to flip back so we could vote out one of Team Will. And they were quick to address that. They approached me and said they wanted Will outie. I was okay with that.

The good thing about Christian and I in this game is that we have played relatively the same game, he has just played it better than I have. We have voted with our team but befriended another; I was with Team Pat + Mud and Christian was with Team Will. Because Team Will has had the upper hand for most of the merge, they have the majority of the people.

Christian finally said, let's vote Tashi, she's going to be the death of me in the game. And to be fair, she is the last member of her team, has four locked in jury votes and is a challenge threat on occasion.

In a different game, she voted me out last night, so I thought that she no longer trusted me, so I was very willing to return the favor and vote her out.

I vote her, Christian votes her, Mud + Tashi vote Will as expected, but they don't count, which surprises me. Will found the damn idol and he didn't even need it.

But what surprises me more is that Team Will targets MUD. NO. NOT MUD.

Mud has been my guy throughout the merge. We've aligned and he's been my insight into Team Pat, which is now down to just Tashi, the person I just voted for. I don't know why they flipped the vote when they knew I was voting Tashi. I guess they saw Mud as the biggest threat left but it's what it is.

The reason why I was also willing to let half of Team Will be in the Final 6 is because Christian has an idol and I have the Legacy Advantage. In a final 6 situation, we just needed two of me/Christian/Mud to be safe for a potential rock draw, because then the other person would have been ineligible for rocks and we would have strong-armed the other side to flip.

This can still work, but now it is Tashi, someone Christian and I just voted, with us three. I suspect that it will work though and that one of Team Will is going to go home this round. Personally, I want Will to go because now I know he is idol-less and he is the biggest threat remaining in the game. Everyone thinks with this vote that everyone is sheeping him, which may be what it looks like on the outside, but everything is not what it seems.
2140 days 15 hours ago
K.C. H. (Kaseyhope101):

It hurts when you know something.. like it hurts when you just assume “oh these folk don’t take you or your game seriously” like it sucks, but to have it like reconfirmed... it just sucks way worse. I’ve been trying so hard in this game, and have made so many alliances and bonds...  and nobody will take it seriously at the end of the day, it just sucks SOOO bad. I hate it, I hate these people, they can all fuck themselves, I just don’t know what else to do.
2140 days 15 hours ago
JB B. (_JB_):

Final 6, and I win immunity. Fantastic.

I give the idol clue to Christian and he finds it. Also fantastic.

Now, Christian has two idols he can play for me and him at Final 5.

Could I finally make it past 5th place this time? Chances are looking good for me right now.

I really wish I could play the Legacy Advantage on somebody else, because now I look real fishy giving Christian my necklace. Obviously I know I am safe, but it adds a lot of tension. I hope the votes go on me just so we don't have to worry about James and KC falling on the sword for Will and looking to draw rocks.

I am also worried about Christian flipping on Tashi and taking her out in 6th. That would not be ideal for my game and it doesn't make sense to keep the biggest threat in the game here. I know he is close with Will, but he also knows that Will is the biggest threat and he will lose if he doesn't take him out. This may be the last chance to do that because Will is the biggest threat in the game without immunity for this round.

If we can pull this off and Christian and I are both in the Final 4, I think we could both make the Final 2. I think there is a good shot of that happening, and if that is the case, I'll feel like I've won the game. Of course I would love to win the game myself, but Christian winning would make me happy because he was on my team, and we have worked well as a team throughout the game.
2140 days 15 hours ago
Tashi D. (tashi):

“Tashi, you’ve been on the bottom of this game virtually since the merge section of this game started, why do you think that is?” Mike asks Tashi as she sits on a piece of cobblestone brick. The crumbling brick losing small pieces as she moves around while she talks.

“Well, the tribe I was drafted onto by Patrick, was the strongest and probably the best tribe in the game in the pre-merge section. We didn’t lose a single immunity challenge when we were all together and then when we were all swapped we still managed to hang onto all of our members.” Tashi says as she runs her hands through her hair to try and smooth it out before putting her buff on. “We were the only tribe to go into merge with all 5 of our original members which I knew would place a target on all of our backs since we obviously ‘had numbers.” She goes onto explain.

A bird flies through the canopy up above.

“Going into the merge with all 5 of us ruined my merge game for a while and really tossed me off my ballgame. But out of my 4 original tribe mates I was the one who prevailed and broke the streak of us all going home. Now I have a real shot to win the game if I’m able to get to the Final Tribal Council. Right now I think I am definitely one of the larger threats to win. But being such a large threat also poses a difficulty for me to actually get to the end. No one is going to want to straight up take me because I think I can honestly beat everyone.” Tashi says as she runs the possible scenarios through her head on what jury member will vote for who.

“Why do you think you can win?” Newz asks the girl after he takes a quick look at his question sheet.

“I know I can win. I’ve had such a vibrant story this game and I’ve came back from awful odds. This game for me is so different than anything I’ve ever played before. When I play games and when I’m on shows like these I’m the one who is in control and I’m always the one that’s calling the shots. For me to take a backseat for a lot of this season took a lot out of me. But I’m still here for a reason. I made myself a threat, but not that much of a threat that people would be that scared of me. Now people are afraid to take me out because if I go. Then they would be the next biggest threat.” Tashi says to Mike and Newz, explaining her strategy.

She takes a deep breath and lets it all go at once. This game has drained her like no other. Even when she looks at her reflection in the water or the well she thinks she looks different.

More battled.

She’s lost so much in this game without ever really getting anything. She doesn’t really know how she’s going to survive these next few days with literally no one left in the game that she can trust.

“Now tonight there is going to be some kind of fucked up plan where once again my name is on the line. Which is fucking awful because I don’t want to go home once again but of course there is a possibility where it will happen.” She stops talking as her eyes start to water. “And if I go home I’m gonna be fucking crushed.” She says as she lets out a gasp and a tear rolls down her cheek.

“I can’t go home. I need to win for my friends. I need to win for my family. But most importantly, I need to win this game because I need it. I need this victory and I need to get this victory no matter what.”  Tashi says confidently as she looks at Mike and Newz.
2140 days 15 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

So wooo at making top 6!
Will's Warriors now cover half of the cast. The other 3 would be stupid not to vote one of us out.

This is gonna be tough though. I told Tashi I wouldn't vote her, then I notice JB gives Christian immunity. He then says something about having an idol. Now I just question the authenticity of this.

If I vote Tashi, I broke trust and quite possibly I've just lost a jury vote.
If I don't vote Tashi, one of Will's Warriors could be voted out.

I mean, as much as I love Will as a person and he's my favourite left in the cast, Will being voted out would be a blessing in disguise.

I hate being cocky, but I genuinely feel like I've played a strong game in the strategy and social categories, also to an extent physical as I had 7/7 tribal immunities, + a merge immunity win. Like I made moves, I got people I wanted out. Aaron was my move, Logan was my move (again coulda ended up crap, but ultimately he was the one voted out), Patrick was half my move, Mud was my move tbh, Jake I know I had quite the involvement in his vote, I think I threw his name out there, idk.

I just worry, especially with Will and Christian, that I wouldn't know how to explain my game as being a stronger game ahahah. But yeah, that's farish away.

At the moment I'm thinking to TRY make this a 2-2-2

-This gives me a reason to end shit with Tashi if she flipped
- If Tashi was to flip, ODDS ARE that Will is voted out, blessing in disguise
- A 2-2-2 means that IF an idol is played by JB, we could vote Tashi at revote. I'd do that tbh as I could claim about wanting to avoid rocks etc.

I feel like I'm the one who controls my fate this game. I've only received votes one round, and I don't think that's because I'm a 'weak' player who they don't need to vote. I think that's my social game pulling through, as I make sure I'm covered all areas.
2140 days 15 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Voting JB
Been wanting him out for a while, and I've made sure we get him this round.

Too risky trusting Tashi (and splitting 2-2-2), so just gonna pile all Will's Warriors votes on him
This could be a 3-3

I MIGHT flip come revote, as this guy don't necessarily wanna risk rocks.

But like JB vs Will? I mean, gets a threat out.

Imo the ranks to people in the game probably look:
1- Will
2- Christian
3- JB
4/5- Tashi/James (no idea which where)
6- KC

Imo they should be:
1/2/3- Christian/Will/Myself. Christian comp beast, Will social beast, I think I have the strategy required. But me being 4th/5th in the casts eyes is a piss take. I'm honestly not sure how to convince them to vote me come the end, despite, without being TOO bigheaded, I know for a fact I've played one of the best games.

4- JB
5- Tashi
6- KC

I'm not voting Will because there's still 3 rounds after this, and because if I did him this round, I'm in minority next, + KC and I aren't the closest. Hence I want to take her to F2 now, as she's got least chance imo and it's not a vote against me. Still like her as a person though :P

I mean, then again I'll possibly flip at revote. Me being eliminated, obvious destroy my chances of winning
KC being eliminated, strong decrease in my chances.
Same with Tashi being eliminated.
2140 days 15 hours ago
James R. (J2999):

Ok me at Will busting out another idol

Slightly more reassuring.
Equally, just boosts his chances more. At this rate, if Christian wins immunity, I might have to cut Will for 5th. Love the guy, he's my closest tbh. I always preach loyalty too, but it's this point loyalty gotta go out the window and do what you gotta do for the win!

We're splitting votes between JB and Tashi now, as we don't NEED 3 on one as 3 SHOULD be discounted for Will, in theory.

If JB goes, I'll be stoked.
If Tashi goes, eh at least it wasn't me.

But yeah, I ideally want this boot order:
6- JB
5- Christian
4- Will
3- Tashi
2- KC
1- James

Then again, I may have to try get Will 5th, whether Christian wins immunity at F5 or not. KC and Will would vote together at F4, giving Will a relatively strong chance in making top 3.

Alternatively, if we don't get Christian out the next tribal he is not immune, he could steamroll his way to the win.

Typing these last couple of confessionals, yeahhhhh, loyalty is out the window. I'm here to win and I'm gonna give it my all :P
2140 days 15 hours ago
-----JAMES GETS 6TH-----
2140 days 15 hours ago
K.C. H. (Kaseyhope101):

I made it to the finale and there’s no case scenario where I win... woo hoo.

Bitches probably be sending essay confessionals rn at how proud they are of themselves and I’m just disappointed because... everyone hates me....

2140 days 15 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_):

A story of Christian_'s Game:

Giant tropical centipedes share their territories with tarantulas.
Despite it’s impressive length, it’s a nimble navigator,
And some can be highly venomous.
As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it’s killing,
The centipede has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing venom.
Even tarantulas aren’t immune from an ambush.
This centipede is a predator

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