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Applications for Season Four

Topic » Applications for Season Four

2699 days 20 hours ago
Each player is allowed one returning character. Only non-surviving characters may play during this season. The cast size will be quite small, so do not be surprised if you don't make it in. If you have any questions about the RP or this application, please PM ccwagu.
Name of Student:
Why Should Your Character Return?:
Best Moment Featuring Your Character:
Face Claim:
Preferred Name to be Called:
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):
Time Zone:

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer):

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?:

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?:

Do you understand how killscenes work?:

Would you like to be the mastermind?:
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2699 days 20 hours ago
Name of Student:Kyle Gutten
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*):15
Ultimate/SHSL:Drug Dealer
Public Biography (what the other students will know about you):Kyle isn't a very open person he only talks to people he truly trusts which are his best customers.
Private Biography:Kyle had gotten into drugs from a very young age. His parents always had some so he would steal them and use them. He soon realized his parents didn't care if he took some so he started to sell them to make money to feed himself. He never made any friends in his life only customers and people who want him dead for scamming them. Satoko Mimori  is one of his best friends and customers who he gives discounts to in exchange for not arresting him.
Face Claim:

Best moment: When Kyle revealed himself as mastermind and he caused so much great despair to his friends and boyfriends.
Why should your character be here?: Kyle was able to have multiple relationships even when his boyfriends didn't like it. He was a babysitter to most of the cast and he caused a lot of happiness just to crush it at the end.
Preferred Name to be Called:Jordan/KAtie #2
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):Katiewiglesworth
Time Zone:Est

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer):Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?:Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?:Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?:Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?:Yes
2699 days 20 hours ago
Name of Student: Kyou Naki
Age: 14 or 15 i believe
Gender: male
Nationality: japanese/american
Ultimate/SHSL: martial artist
Personality: Easily angered, defensive, nice when he wants to be, pessimistict
-Born in American
-Took a trip to Japan where his parents left him at an orphanage
-Got picked on for being small and american
-Learned martial arts to fend bullies off
-Accidentally killed his friend in an accident
Why Should Your Character Return?:
Why sholud I return? I know Kyou wasn't the most highlighted last season and I agree he wasn't that great and when he should have been. However he had great moments like when his relationship with Liliya almost budded into a romance and how he was trying to recover from his anger issues. He wasn't the star of the show by no means but he sure as hell was a good supporting character. I know how to make a supporting character into a star I mean I done it with a lot of people in the past. I did it with N (supporting season 5, one of the main antagonist season 6). I did it with Rhett (Everyone thought he was going to be a flop and I showed everything how great Rhett was). I can even do it with other daganrompa characters i played. I never got to chance to show who I truly was since the season was overtaken bu Chizuru and Midori and Liliya but I'm not going to let other characters take over and stop over Kyou I'm going to make him a star character he was supposed to be and not the anger issue Tsundere that people thought he was. I had the potential to make this character great and if you give me another chance with him I won't let you down. I will show that I can do this character better then what he was last season
Best Moment Featuring Your Character:
Tito kissing Kyou and Kyou going on an extreme rage on wanting to kill Tito and it ended up Pops locking him in the pantry
Face Claim: Um don't you have it :p I'l find it if you need me to
Username: spinfur
Preferred Name to be Called: Spin
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): ya have it
Time Zone: central

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: this time i will

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yea even though I may not like it

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes i understand

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes i understand

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Oh yes motives are fun to rp

Do you understand how killscenes work?: mhm

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yeah obviously
2699 days 19 hours ago
Name of Student: Kei Shichirobei
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Connoisseur
Personality: Mainly how she was in season 1
Biography/Backstory: Kei has always been an expert judge in taste regarding the fine arts, cuisines, and much more. Her knowledge is far superior to many, and people are always seeking that knowledge she possesses to improve themselves. Despite her innocent and mostly emotionless appearance, Kei has a much darker side to her which comes in the form of cannibalism.
Why Should Your Character Return?: I'm going to make this short and simple. All my other characters here haven't been too great, Kei was the best one I executed even if I had to rush through her a bit in her final chapter. Kei was by far the most fun and interesting one to work with because her entire character separates from how my other psychopaths work and act. Now I was planning to have Kei survive in season 1, but as you know, my schedule got cramped and ended up resulting in her being murdered. Despite this, however, I merely just want to play as Kei again since I love her too much and it'll help me wrap up her story neatly.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: Tasting everyone and grading them
Face Claim:

Username: MattLovesAmerica
Preferred Name to be Called: Matt (or Matthew)
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): N/A
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Doesn't matter
2699 days 19 hours ago
Name of Student:  Toshi Takahashi
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Radio Host
Personality: Toshi is a very extroverted individual, he is very social with other individuals. He is very flamboyant and arrogant, he loves to play himself up to be better then he actually is as a person.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Toshi grew up in the city of Kanazawa, Japan with his parents and 9 other siblings. He grew up not knowing what he was going to be, until he graduated middle school and he discovered the joys of radio. He threw himself into the profession, fitting in easily and enjoying hearing his own voice broadcasted to tons of other people.
Private Biography/Backstory: There is an unknown reason to everyone why Toshi found and jumped into the career of radio. It's due to his family. Having 9 other siblings didn't give enough time for him to get the attention that he wanted. Toshi was the youngest of the family, so he basically got no attention. He cared for himself mostly. Making sure his grades stayed decent, making his own food, etc. Radio gave him a chance for his voice to be heard. He didn't have to worry about 9 other voices, just his.

Why Should Your Character Return?: Although Toshi wasn't one of the breakout stars of Season 3, I think he should come back because during season 3, I didn't get to flesh him out as much, so bringing him back for Season 4 would give me the opportunity to make more known about him.

Best Moment Featuring Your Character: The best moment would have to be when Toshi and Tito fell in love. I know it sounds cheesy, but #Toshito was an adorable couple.

Face Claim:
Username: Logie56
Preferred Name to be Called: Logan
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): TheLoganMTV
Time Zone: Eastern

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes.

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes.

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes.

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes.

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes.

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes.

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes.

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Definitely.
2699 days 19 hours ago
Name of Student: Tito Álvarez
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Spanish
Ultimate/SHSL: Songwriter
Personality: Tito is loving, passionate, free-spirited, and beautiful. He's a bit flamboyant, but is so sweet and personable. He likes to write songs, mostly about love, happiness, fulfillment, and beautiful things in the world like nature, as he has a soft spot for beautiful things. During dark periods, however, he writes nasty, disgusting, cruel songs, mostly about his father. He's a tad sensitive, yet never gives up on his dreams. However, he tends to run away from his issues. Further, he's a bit of a social outcast due to his lack of "machismo".
Biography/Backstory: Tito was born and raised in the heart of Spain. He was an average boy who went to school and did fairly well. However, he was always inspired by the sound of music, the sounds of nature, and the sounds of songs, especially from the classics like Isaac Albéniz and Manuel de Falla. So, he decided to take up the art, learning some instruments like guitar and piano, and putting his thoughts and feelings into words. His father was sick of it, and yelled at him constantly. He told him to aspire to something serious. Ricardo couldn't take the constant abuse, and he fled to Japan...and then it happened. He turned into Alejandro just as the killing game of his life began. He walked around as this person for two weeks, then returned to his normal personality. He soon realized he had developed a dissociative disorder due to the constant guilt and stress he felt over his mother's death. He tried his best to make new friends, but it seemed like no one really wanted him, besides Toshi and Midori. He eventually atoned and made nice with everyone, but as soon as he did, he fucking died. Thanks, Kyoudo.
Why Should Your Character Return?: I feel that Tito should return because his backstory is one of the more interesting ones in the entire series. Personally, I would love to try my hand at acting out the roots of development of a dissociative disorder. However, he would not be your typical "shy abuse victim" archetype. He definitely has more to his story than meets the eye, and I have much planned for him. I feel that the character brought a large amount to last season, in probably one of the biggest twists in the roleplay's history. A lot of mystique was implied from the character, as he would usually travel off alone to the park. I am really confident that I can make Tito a really strong and realistic character again, if given the opportunity.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: While there are many, I think my favorite moment was his song to Midori. Not only did it show off his talent, he gave us a peek into his past and showed us how he felt for his mother. It was simple, yet spoke volumes about his character.
Face Claim:
Username: tyboy618
Preferred Name to be Called: Tito Dick Dickman Baby
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): tyler.cappaletti
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes. :)
2699 days 18 hours ago
Name of Student: Miyuki "Miyu" Uemoto
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Producer
Personality: Mostly the same as last time. Fairly awkward in social situations, she's trying to get better. She loves crowds and DJ-ing. Eats way too much, though. Generally a kind soul with a cheeky joke once in a while, but getting on her bad side is probably a bad idea.
Biography/Backstory: Grew up normal with a loving family, went crazy as a little kid, went through years of therapy, she's probably okay now. The music-producing acts as extra therapy mostly. She's super-rich off of it, too, which helps a lot.
Why Should Your Character Return?: When I entered that season, I didn't know what to do with old Miyu. I just knew "I'm pretending to be the opposite sex, let's make this work somehow." I didn't. Now, I think I know what to do with this chick. I feel that if I had successfully written this character up beforehand, I would've managed to get everything right that I wanted to. Now, I've basically planned what needs to happen. She'll be Miyu 2.0, if you will. Or, if I fuck this up again, Miyu 1.1. Still better than the original.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: That classic "get a room" one-liner. I was proud as hell of that one. Maybe the mental breakdown at the trial would have been it had I actually done that well.
Face Claim:,75,639,639&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max
Username: SirNiceGuy
Preferred Name to be Called: Lukas
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): sirniceguy 00
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yeah
2698 days 18 hours ago
Name of Student: Tsubaki Iwasaki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Flutist
Personality: In a nutshell - a sweethearted girl who eventually became a slut for spreading Hope. She holds a deep hatred for anything deemed "Despair-inducing" in her eyes.
Biography/Backstory: Was raised by an abusive family who valued talent over everything else. Was taught that her skills are the only thing that matters, and has never had much contact before Yanaihara.
Why Should Your Character Return?: She was really good survivor potential, but she died before her character arc finished. I think this is the opportunity to finish her arc up.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: When she beat up Kei in the gym and won, either that or when she had a gigantic mental breakdown during her last trial.
Face Claim:

Username: AintItFun
Preferred Name to be Called: Dialga
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): u have it fam
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2698 days 12 hours ago
Name of Student: Nao Ako
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Forger
Personality: Nao is very kind, yet can be extremely shy, and somewhat clingy to those he feels comfortable around
Biography/Backstory: Nao Ako was always bullied as a kid, and was unable to make a lot of friends as he was abused for his talent. He is actually an orphan, and the only source of companionship he ever had for a lot of his life was from a stuffed bear he made his mom. Eventually however, due to all of the pressure, Nao snapped, sending most of his enemies to jail.

Why Should Your Character Return?: I know Nao might have had a short run on the Despair's Cross, however I do believe that during that time, Nao truly shined as a character, and I feel like if you accept me back into it Nao can be more fleshed out

Best Moment Featuring Your Character: Probably the most notable was when Nao, in order to save his friends from death, openly commited suicide in the trial room so no one would have to die for his actions against Erijoru

Face Claim:

Username: Maladus1
Preferred Name to be Called: Brandan
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): I believe u have it
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes, it happened to me once, I might not be happy, but I will take it better this time

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Oui Oui
2698 days ago
Name of Student: Ruby Okinasha
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Storm Chaser
Personality: Fearless, fun loving, neurotic, energetic.
Biography/Backstory: Ruby isn't the most sane 14 year old you've ever met. This girl simply does not fear danger. Or, more specifically, she's doesn't fear twisters, typhoons or monsoons. Which is good because she chases them for a living. She is also the most excitable person you will ever meet and nothing excites her more than a storm.
Why Should Your Character Return?: Because I feel like I had a good character idea but never got to go anywhere with it because I went inactive.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: I mean, she had a gory af death.
Face Claim: Renge from Ouran High School Host Club XD
Username: EllieC13
Preferred Name to be Called: Steve
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): You have it.
Time Zone: GMT

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes
2698 days ago
(Apps will close on Monday, January 16th at 5:00EST!)
2697 days 23 hours ago
Name of Student: Daichi Otomo
Age: 18 in CCDR2, idk what that means
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Sharpshooter
Personality: "he's an ass" -sandra
Biography/Backstory: he's emo cuz he's a criminal
Why Should Your Character Return?: uh... because he's cool 8)
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: getting shot in the dick, or killing lauren, or both
Face Claim:
Username: absol
Preferred Name to be Called: galio main
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): live:indigo.jt9
Time Zone: mst

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: ok

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: ok

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): ok

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: ok

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: ok

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: ok

Do you understand how killscenes work?: ok

Would you like to be the mastermind?: ok
2697 days 18 hours ago
Name of Student: Papa Pizza
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Nationality: ???
Ultimate/SHSL: Mascot
Personality: Bubbly, Supportive, Passionate
Biography/Backstory: Papa Pizza's Pizzeria is the most successful food chain and Papa Pizza is its lovable bear mascot. Despite a mysterious rumor of a child death in a restaurant, Pops(as he's lovingly known as) has been able to single handedly...or paw-edly make his pizzeria the only one you remem-bear.
Why Should Your Character Return?: I believe Pops should be in Danganronpa Cambodia: Second Chances because Pops was quite frankly one of the most memorable characters in the season. I can confidently say the season wouldn't have been what it was if Pops wasn't there. And who knows what would've happened if he made it further? I don't think I've hit the ceiling of potential with this bear and, with this opportunity, the world can see what Papa Pizza TRULY has to bring~! (And more bear puns, I miss those ;D)
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: I would say the best moment...I think it was more of a buildup of Pops being the moodmaker and uplifter of the group. If I had to pinpoint a single moment, I would say the party that Pops helped cater at(both of them if I'm allowed two ;D)
Face Claim:
Username: Ninjohn
Preferred Name to be Called: Nin
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): Ninjohnwoot
Time Zone: PST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Oh yes ma'am

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Always~!

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Well, I already did it once, yes~!

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yep

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Sure

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes!

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Pretty much

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Ooooo gurl......I....guesssssss....
2695 days 21 hours ago
Name of Student:Kyoudo Kakumei
Nationality: Jappenese

Personality:She's hardly ever around due to her traveling but she atleast seems like a caring person always looking out for others
Biography/Backstory:Kyoudo travels around the world simply overthrowing governments that are corrupt in any way. After the failure of Italy, she stayed at her house most of the time debating on simply killing herself off. She then suddenly started going to school again back to her normal self. She however leads a double life, as she conducts a war on Italy from her own house trying to plan out how exactly it will work. Her mental health has been slowly declining over time, losing bits of her sanity.
Why Should Your Character Return?:Frankly I failed the one part I wanted to do the most....The Final trail. I'm pissed I never got to do what I intended with her and I just wanna have a chance to do what I planned with
Best Moment Featuring Your Character:I would honestly say her time as the warden in chapter 2. Fuck that was good to play.
Face Claim:you have it
2695 days 20 hours ago

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