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Season 5 Applications

Topic » Season 5 Applications

2663 days 10 hours ago
Each player is allowed one returning established member of the SSoFF. Only surviving characters may play during this season. If you have any questions about the RP or this application, please PM ccwagu.

(You may not apply as a Season 4 character. Their fates are still unknown. However, if you do apply here, and they return, you may replace your character with them.)
Name of Member:
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue):
Best Moment Featuring Your Character:
Face Claim:


Preferred Name to be Called:
Skype (would be quite preferable):
Time Zone:

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:

Do you understand how killscenes work?:

Would you like to be the mastermind?:
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2663 days 10 hours ago
Name of Member: Kaiousei Kepura
Age: 67
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Astrophysicist
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): All
Personality: Usually serious, but sometimes more fun-loving and sassy (as seen in conversation with Shizuko). Tends to control things like an iron-fisted dictator, such as the SSoFF (she gained this trait after losing her family in the Tragedy). Absolutely will not tolerate bullshit (as seen with Bronte, Chizuru, etc).
Biography: A graduate of Yanaihara's 43rd class, Kaiousei is a world famous astrophysicist, and has worked on many of Japan's space exploration projects. Of course, with the rise of the Tragedy, space exploration ended because Japan's government turned their focus to suppressing Ultimate Despair. Though she went to Yanaihara, she was well-acquainted with many alumni of Hope's Peak Academy during work and other social functions. These connections are how she became aware of Future Foundation. After she joined, the Foundation got news of another killing game from Hokkyo. However, the news was vague, and the Foundation decided not to act on it. However, Kaiousei decided that her branch would act if the rest of the Foundation wouldn't. This caused tensions between her branch and the rest of the Foundation. They grew, and eventually, she decided that her branch would break off from the Foundation, and the rest of her branch supported her opinion. The new organization, the Seceded Sector of Future Foundation, raided Yanaihara High School and rescued the few surviving students locked inside at the end of the killing game. In the SSoFF, she uses her knowledge of physics to help design buildings or develop solutions to problems that the group faces, in addition to leading the organization.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: Her phone call fight with Shizuko.
Face Claim:


Username: z3ro
Preferred Name to be Called: Shikuyo
Skype (would be quite preferable): ilikepie21k
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: yeah

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: sure

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: why not

Do you understand how killscenes work?: absolutely

Would you like to be the mastermind?: this would be interesting, so i'll say yes
2663 days 9 hours ago
Name of Member: Toma Fujita
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Journalist
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Research and Development
Personality: Toma is a protective individual, his biggest problem would be that he cares more about others needs then himself. He is hardworking and passionate about his job in his branch as an SSoFF member. He is quite comical and has a great sense of humor.
Biography/Backstory: Back in the day, Toma was an amazing journalist. Wherever there was a story, he would be the first to dig deep into the story and get the important information. Toma's journalist dream came from watching his mother, who was a top A+ journalist, until she was diagnosed with Cancer. Toma was thrown into despair as he watched his mother go through chemotherapy, until she died not too many months later. Eventually, Toma grew out of despair and wanted to continue on his mother's legacy. When the tragedy occurred, Toma was very unsure of how to react and eventually, the future foundation saved him, adding them to their team. Toma was very happy to become apart of the individuals that would build hope back up.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: When Toma brainstormed with Fuyashi and Kaiousei, helping come up with the fact that Shizuko could be hosting another killing game.
Face Claim:


Username: Logie56
Preferred Name to be Called: Logan
Skype (would be quite preferable): TheLoganMTV
Time Zone: Eastern

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes.

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes.

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes.

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes.

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes.
2663 days 9 hours ago
Name of Member: Midori Ando
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Tessenjutsu
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Rescue
Personality: Polite, Caring, Brave, Honest, Observant, Passionate
Biography/Backstory: After the horrors of the killing game, Midori has made a commitment to helping others, in her own motherly way of course, in the SSoFF. She still has some bad memories, and some fresh scars, but she wants the people whose lives were lost to know she's still fighting and doing what's right. She is kind to everyone and makes sure they are all cared for...if only she took more care of herself and listened to others advice. On the bright side, everything she touches doesn't die...
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: I feel like Midori had two good moments:
1) when she went off on Eimi when she called her r*tarded (that shit would never fly with me)
2) her bonding time with Nao and Tito as well as her sweet moments with Toshi and Pops, she may not be the best mother but she tries her fucking best to make others happy (with her lesson's) even though she knows deep down she could never be happy
Face Claim:


Username: UnicornGoddess98
Preferred Name to be Called: Ubi or Kayla
Skype (would be quite preferable): you have it
Time Zone: est

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: ofc

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: I understand

Do you understand how killscenes work?: yep

Would you like to be the mastermind?: you know it ;)
2663 days 9 hours ago
Name of Member: Fuyashi Kyoujiba
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Debater
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Research and Development
Personality: Stubborn, curious, opinionated, level-headed, caring, passionate, brave, strong, helpful
Biography/Backstory: Fuyashi was a simple girl in a high school, who ran the debate team like nobody's business. She would never give up a fight and crushed her opponents endlessly. However, she did it all for her favorite little sister, Royashi. Royashi was all she had in her life, and Royashi was the only person who saw her as more than a mouth that wouldn't quit. Unfortunately, Royashi was prone to sexual harassment, and one day Fuyashi stabbed her stalker to protect her. She then entered the Shiki Jinja killing game, where she fought with her heart, made an impact, made friends and enemies, and found love where she least expected it. She was able to escape with the others through her wit, confidence, and determination. She then willingly joined the SSoFF and stood alongside Kaiousei as they began the chase for Shizuko. She's begun to research the psychology and methodology behind Shizuko's actions, Hokkyo's culture, and Royashi's potential whereabouts, among other things.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: Her making the braid on Carson and teaching him how to speak eloquently. It really exposed her vulnerable side, which she very rarely shows, yet it also highlights the great parts of her talent and the compassionate side of her.
Face Claim:


Username: tyboy618
Preferred Name to be Called: fuyashIcon
Skype (would be quite preferable): tyler.cappaletti
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: If you feel it is the best choice, then by all means select me.
2663 days 9 hours ago
Name of Member: Hokkyo
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Nationality: ???
Ultimate/SHSL: ???
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): All
Personality: Absent-minded(?), friendly(?), seems to do what she wants
Biography: No one knows where Hokkyo came from, or who she is. All everyone knows is that she popped up at the Future Foundation, attempting to broadcast. She was the reason behind the whole founding of the SSoFF, and her information has been useful in solving many mysteries, even if there is a language barrier present. However, even with that, there are still so many more puzzles around Hokkyo. Who is she, and why does she have what she does? Why is she able to contact Shizuko? How does Shizuko know how to contact her? Who knows what will happen with her besides herself.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: The radio conversations.
Face Claim:
2663 days ago
Name of Member: Shinobu Watanabe
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Gardener
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Post-Rescue
Personality: It was once said that Shinobu had two sides to his personality. This turned out to be a complete lie, and it turned out he was just very emotional. He can be fairly cold and distant when confronted with someone untrustworthy. This rarely tends to happen, however. Usually, he's a calm, yet bright and cheery individual with some flamboyant tendencies and a love of jokes.
Biography/Backstory: His childhood was mostly spent gardening, sometimes even farming, so that his family would have a beautiful house with plenty of food. His father's undeniably dead. He got stuck in a killing game that began to mellow him out a bit from his old personality, and after the SSoFF saved his life, he began to work for them. Now, he's happy to help wherever he's needed, though sometimes it's hard for him to tell when that is.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: The trees back in S3. That fake-voyeur moment in Ch4 was also pretty funny even if no one else thought it was.
Face Claim:


Username: SirNiceGuy
Preferred Name to be Called: Lukas
Skype (would be quite preferable): you already have it
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: YES

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: I'll try to remember to actually investigate this time, but class trials are certain if they don't conflict with personal schedules.

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Absolutely

Would you like to be the mastermind?: If you need one, I'll be able to do it.
2662 days 22 hours ago
Name of Member: Hibana Funakoshi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Knife Thrower
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Rescues
Personality: Greedy, arrogant, wily, shameless, sadistic
Biography/Backstory: Hibana has always been skilled at throwing knives through performing, combat, and artistry. None are able to replicate her techniques. After being placed in a killing game, Hibana lost her partner Kiseki and lover Lauren, causing her to hallucinate and grow unstable since without proper support she can't survive. Now in the SSoFF, Hibana is gung-ho on being avaricious for wealth and material gain. Although, she might also be looking for purpose on what to do alone with her future once everything ends.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: Shooting Daichi in the dick
Face Claim:


Username: MattLovesAmerica
Preferred Name to be Called: Matt (or Matthew)
Skype (would be quite preferable): Will I be using this, I'm not sure
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Maybe

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Doesn't matter, your call
2662 days 20 hours ago
Name of Member: Chieko Sasori
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Anthropologist
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Rescues
Personality: Chieko, ever since her run in the Killing Games, has become a bit more humble and motherly to other people. While she does get angry from time to time, she isn't as violent and vulgar as she used to be. She genuinely cares for others, and is protective of them.
Biography/Backstory: After her killing game, Chieko's personality changed for the better, along with the cost of added trauma from watching her friends kill each other, before being put down. Her and Hibana have a history, as Hibana protected her throughout the game. It started out as business, but Chieko came to care about her. She is happy to escape with her life, but she is trying to contain her trauma and her emotions from finding out the fate of the world. She wants this to end, no matter what the costs are.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character: Her five-hundred mental breakdowns throughout the season. Special mentions go to -
- Beating an abuse victim for being in the way.
- Throwing shit at Kyle/Daichi.
- Getting the shit beat out of her by Kyle for crossing him.
- Stabbing Iskore on the first night, and then stabbing herself and blaming it on Kyle.
- Framing Jiro and turning the blame on Hibana when shit got real.
Face Claim:


Username: AintItFun
Preferred Name to be Called: Dialga
Skype (would be quite preferable): You know, ho.
Time Zone:  EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes
2659 days 2 hours ago
Name of Member:Inazari Nikimora
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Rescues (Im not sure what this means im just winging it)
Personality:Shes grown vary distant from much of everyone, not exactly happy to have been rescued from the killing game. She seems depressed even at times, not willing to interact with other members
Biography/Backstory:Inazari grew up with her brother, the SHSL Playwright Matsuko, for her entire life, having to be the actress in all of his creations. She never enjoyed it, always finding it demeaning and childish, but she did it for her brothers sake. During the first killing game, she was a accomplice to Matsuko's crime of killing two people that wronged her in some way, losing the trust of the fellow participants. Inazari started to stop caring about everyone else life's and only those of herself and her brother. Her brother ended up committing suicide due to the guilt he had built up inside of him, leaving Inazari alone with no one that she could trust. Inazari managed to stay out of everyone's way enough to have them kill each other off one by one, eventually leading to her and the other 4 survivors losing the final trial and being imprisoned in the school. She now is now one of the 2 survivors of the first killing game.
Best Moment Featuring Your Character:
-Being the first to complete Hakken (with your help CC)
-Slicing Tsubaki's neck open with a knife
-Trying to protect Nanase, not knowing she was the one screwing her over XD
-The Bronte V Inazari feud that is still going on o this day
Face Claim: (ill get it to you sometime, im running a fever so im not in the best mood rn)


Preferred Name to be Called:Katie or.....Tyranical Ginger
Skype (would be quite preferable): you have it
Time Zone:EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:Ya

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:Yep

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:Already have

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Im the master of them

Would you like to be the mastermind?:Ya
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2658 days 12 hours ago
Thank you for applying!
2656 days 21 hours ago

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