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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

2592 days 23 hours ago
*final 3 enters*
We'll now bring in the members of the Jury
Violet, Mike, Fred, Erik, Jabbar, Aria, and Hufus voted in at the last Tribal Council

Welcome to your Final Tribal Council. Chanel, Maddie, And Ivy- the three of you have done what 15 others could not, which is make it to this point. But now, the power shifts to the Jury. 8 people you all had a hand in either directly or indirectly, now must decide your fate.

You each may post an opening statement. The Jury may ask questions or make comments.

Jurors - Remember that you are voting for a winner.

Please vote as soon as possible.
If you want to include an explanation, go ahead. You CAN change your vote up until the deadline
Reunion will be tomorrow at 6:00 PM EST so i hope to see you all there

Good luck final 3!
2592 days 23 hours ago
This is locked until the final three is able to make their opening statement because of what happened last season. Good luck!
2592 days 23 hours ago
omg you forgot Jake
2592 days 23 hours ago
I'll be home in about 20 mins and I'll type this on my laptop<333
2592 days 23 hours ago
^Jake I knew I forgot something I literally just typed this on mobile bite me
2592 days 22 hours ago
I'll post soon,,,, ?
2592 days 22 hours ago
^^^ typing mine right now
2592 days 21 hours ago
Okay, I want to start off by thanking everyone for making this such a fun season to compete in. You guys truly have made this the most fun game I have ever played in. Also, thanks Emotion for asking me back for another chance.

At the start of this game I was SO nervous! I thought that I was going to be out before the merge and that was that. But as the game began my tribes kept winning! I was never at a tribal until the merge! I used this time to begin connections with everybody.

Still nobody that I was close with was eliminated for the first little while, until Violet was. She was my top person I wanted to work with and I thought I had this game all planned. That was my wake up call. I knew that I couldn't feel comfortable ever after that.

In the final 10 I was thrown into an alliance. It consisted of myself, Chanel, Erik, Ivy, and Aria. I really liked the group but I knew that I was probably the weakest link of the alliance from the beginning. I really and truly did love them all as people. But I knew it couldn't last forever. At the final 9 we, the group, voted for Ryan because it seemed that he was at the bottom of the other side and was the least likely to have an idol played on him. At final 8 we wanted to vote for Jabbar, but we knew he had an idol and thought Fred's was fake which is why we voted Fred. This round Ivy and I pretended to be with the other side and that we were voting for Erik. It was from this point going forward that I knew I could trust Ivy.

At the final 7 is where my game changed. I knew that Erik had to go very soon, and I knew his potential. He can be very good at challenges. If we had gone down to the final 5 with our group he would have gotten to the end and won. He messaged me proposing to soon go after Ivy, since she had an idol. I ran straight to Ivy, this was the chance to take out Erik. I knew that Jabbar and Jake would be down for it, even though we had just screwed them the round before. This was the first move of the game that like truly hurt me deep down inside.

At final 6 I was in hot water. I knew it too, then Aria won immunity. So the 4 (Rabbaj, Jake, Ivy, and myself) were going to vote for Chanel. But, then it came out that allegedly Chanel had an idol, which ended up being false. Aria was telling me that they were voting for me and all that, so I knew there was only one option left. OPERATION: CRAZY BITCH. I wanted to throw out everyone's name and cause so much confusion. I wanted everyone to question who the vote was and for everyone to be scrambling. I wanted that tribal to be utter hell. But by the grace of God I survived.

Then onto the final 5. At this point I was still in hot water. I tried to do the exact same thing as last time, but it really didn't work and nobody was buying it. I thought I was going home and had basically just accepted defeat. Then at tribal Ivy pulled out that idol for me!! Chanel and Aria really gained my respect here, where they told me straight up that I was going. It sucked that Jake went, but he had a ton of friends/allies on the jury. Just couldn't risk it, and since we thought Aria was playing an idol on herself it seemed the only option.

Before we get to the next vote, let me just say that I always had a hunch, but then when Aria went out on day 37 I thought it was final 2 for sure.

At the final 4 it was pretty straightforward. It was 2 on 2. I considered flipping for a little bit, but after I put more thought into I realized that it was better for Ivy to stay for me. I didn't really know where Aria's head was at when it came to final 2. I knew that Ivy would take me and I knew that Chanel would take me, if it was the 3 of us in the final 3. Aria may have, I really don't know.
2592 days 21 hours ago
My game this time around was a very different game from last time. Last time I played from the bottom pretty much the whole time, while this time I was in a good spot pretty much up until right near the end, then I was still able to get back into a good position. My social game was good, and my strategy was better than usual. I've always said that I don't really bring a master strategy to the game and I didn't this time either, but this game I played was to the best of my ability. I put everything I had into this game. Every vote I participated in the person I voted for went home. I surrounded myself with people who would always tell me what was up. I hope that you guys can respect my game, and regardless of how you vote I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you.

Thanks Emotion for another great season, Maddie out.
2592 days 20 hours ago
I'm not very succinct LMAO
2592 days 20 hours ago
This has been the best group game no matter the result ! Thanks @Emo icon

Hey Jury,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I came into this game knowing I would have to change my gameplay, I thought my UTR gameplay from Amazon would be noticed quickly and I would be voted off because of it. I also knew I was a big initial target, being one of the returning winners, which is why my initial strategy was to make sure all of the challenge beasts and huge threats made it into the merge. I played incredibly socially and strategically. I spoke to the majority of the cast to make sure I was safe at least until numbers dwindled down.

My pre-merge game was incredibly strong in my opinion. Obviously Saboga wasn’t the best at comps. I didn’t have the luxury of a strong tribe! LMAO I went to 4/6 of tribals pre-merge, so I was in danger right away and had to make friendships fast. Fred and I worked together closely, we needed one another and we controlled the subsequent vote against Nick, keeping Patrick, a huge comp threat, in the game.

Well next came the tribe swap. Erik, Aria and I had formed an alliance over the three tribes, but now we were all together. These next few votes had to be blindsides. I assumed the worst, that anyone could have any idol. Hufus was an incredibly strong player and would potentially slip UTR if he made it to the merge, and I couldn’t afford that. I genuinely considered voting off Erik but I needed him in the merge to shield me. The vote against Ozzy was similar, I needed Aria and Erik in the merge. Patrick was targeting Amazon girls so it was definitely his time to go.
Another switch. Seeing MC getting voted off didn’t really affect me. We had barely exchanged any words to eachother and he was a wildcard who could slip UTR.

FINAL 11---The next vote really wasn’t great. I wanted Violet in the merge. Aria told me early on in the game about Ivy’s idol, and Ivy lied to my about it until the merge, so I knew she didn’t trust me and I didn’t trust her. Violet could have been a good ally as she would have gone hard against Ivy.


FINAL 10---Straight away an alliance was formed between Myself, Aria, Ivy, Maddie and Erik. I needed them for now. I was in a very difficult spot. I had good relationships with Fred, Mike, Jake and Rabbaj too. I had to pick a side, but my social game here made sure that I wasn’t the target and put me in control of the game. I needed Erik in the game to absorb the bulk of the votes, and I also needed Aria to know that I was with her. So I decided to vote out Mike. This did benefit my game: Mike was a huge threat to win, everyone knew that. He’s extremely likable. I kept my vote a secret because I needed Fred/Ryan/Rabbaj/Jake to trust me because I intended to vote with them in the next tribal. Aria got the two idol clues and told me that she found the idol straight away which was amazing and cemented our trust in one another.

FINAL 9---Okay this is where it gets weird.... the vote was solid on Ivy, she was set to go, Rabbaj threw out Aria’s name but I put Ivy’s forward instead and that was what we were doing. BUT. I went to meet some friends, and by the time I got back the vote had changed to Aria??? There was no way in hell I would vote against Aria, so I had to switch my vote to Ryan. He was a wildcard anyhow and didn’t benefit my game whatsoever as he wasn’t on one clear side. This sucked because I strongly believe that if I stayed at home (!) Ivy would have been voted off and the vote wouldn’t have switched to Aria.
2592 days 20 hours ago
FINAL 8---This vote was hands down the hardest vote. Everyone knew Rabbaj had the idol, and we wanted to flush it so voting Fred did make sense. I considered flipping again, but all that would do is make it 4-4. I wouldn’t have the numbers. Fred was a close ally of mine, I was concerned about his closeness with Jake but it was sad to see him go, even though I knew it was good for my game as it was too early for me to flip on the alliance.

FINAL 7---Up to this point, I’d been riding a wave, like, every vote off benefited my game in one way or another and the person I wanted out, left. I was the swing vote in multiple votes and held a lot of power. But, tragedy strikes. I wanted Rabbaj gone. He was a huge comp threat and had an amazing underdog story that would win him the game in a FTC. Aria sent me a ss of a message from Ivy which had a ss of a message from Erik (ss-ception) saying how he wanted Ivy out. This worried me. This pushed Aria and I to the bottom of the pile.

FINAL 6---I was in trouble!!! Everyone started to believe my story about my idol and that definitely worked for me, showing my strong strategic play. I got to work messaging Rabbaj and he told me that he and Jake were voting for Ivy. I knew she had the idol obviously, and if Rabbaj had used his, Jake didn’t have one and Aria had the merge idol, then Maddie or her would have to have the third pre-merge idol. Obviously an idol had to be flushed but I didn’t want to risk being idoled out so I put my vote on Rabbaj, taking out a strong challenge threat and a generally dangerous player.
FINAL 5---My suspicion that Ivy or Maddie had another idol was, at this point, just a suspicion. I had my vote locked on Maddie, and Aria and I were being straight with her. Aria had revealed her idol so she wouldn’t receive any votes, Ivy idoled Maddie and just like that Jake was sent packing. I don’t see how this vote benefited either side, Aria and I would have wanted Jake in F3, and so would Maddie and Ivy.
FINAL 4---This vote was a predictable deadlock. 2 vs 2, and sadly my closest ally in Aria left by a FMC :( ... BY 2.2% WTF. I assumed it was a final 2 so I got to work trying to depict Maddie as a huge threat to Ivy and vice versa, I’m still unsure if it worked but it was my only play at this point. I went #HARD AF in the challenge and won quickly, and omg I’m so glad I did. I was going to take Maddie to the final 2 but the twist had me SH00K. If Maddie or Ivy had won I’m pretty sure they would have swapped people like Aria and Ozzy, which would have fucked me up.

Overall, I controlled all of my tribes pre-merge votes and managed to stay UTR despite being a previous winner. I had control of who was voted off in the merge up until the final 7... and then things flipped and I became an underdog. Up until this point I’d throw challenges and I’d tried to play an aggressive but lowkey game (if that’s even possible oop). I assumed the worst. That Maddie/Rabbaj/Ivy/Jake would all vote against Aria and I. But this wasn’t the case. I went hard in the immunities because as long as Aria had the idol, if one of us won immunity we were both safe. I can’t believe they didn’t take a shot at me. This meant Aria could keep her idol for F5, guaranteeing the 2 of us F4 if one of us won immunity, and luckily I did. I made a fake ss in an attempt to turn Maddie and Ivy against one another but it didn’t really work. This showed me how close they really were. Well, I went from topdog to underdog after the Erik vote and I fought hard to survive. I didn’t need to rely on my physical game, my social and strategic abilities were strong, I played down my own importance a lot. This is shown through the fact that I only received 1 vote this season, and that was from DJ in the first ever tribal council. I won Amazon receiving 0 votes so I amazed myself making to the end this time with ONLY 1 VOTE AGAINST ME :)

This really was an all star cast, I was a target and I had to go hard or go ho
2592 days 20 hours ago
....home. oops.. good luck reading all of that! I'm going to sleep now but I'll be on the morning! Ask w/e you want through Skype or here whichever is easier
2592 days 19 hours ago
Okay so... wow. I honestly cannot believe I got here. When this game first started and I saw the cast reveal... I was super excited, but when I realized the level of competition.... I also felt a ton of nervousness in turn. I remember when I created my first confessional, I had an "Aspirations List:"
1. Find An Idol (only two times in my life I have actually found an idol in any group game and I flopped at using them)
2. Win an immunity Challenge
3. Improve my social and strategic mistakes
4. Make big moves
5. Get farther than Amazon
6. Win this game.

That was everything I wanted to achieve this season.

When the game started, and after winning our first immunity, in the second immunity - My tribe Chapera lost.
Aria was on my tribe at this time, and we were a dominant force in Amazon, so we quickly regrouped back up. While Aria was supposed to be the vote, I originally gave up and said I wasn't going to cause waves, but I realized that I need to do what was best for my game, and not for Renny/Violet/Ozzy's. The target shifted constantly between Aria and myself, but Mike and us decided to flip the script and take Renny out. That was my first ever tribal, and that was my first blindside I helped orchestrate. Also, this was when I found my first idol.

Throughout the rest of the pre-merge, I felt constantly targeted. I knew Violet and Patrick were ones in particular who wanted me out and at this rate I became increasingly worried about my chances. When I was swapped to Saboga, I found my SECOND idol here, and I was on a tribe with MC, Patrick, Violet, and Jake. Patrick made it obvious to me before this game even started that he was suspicious of me, and Violet and I had a fallout during the Renny vote; they both told me they wanted to work with me and they told me the vote was MC. The chit chat was very small, it made me very nervous. I came very close to simply playing my idol here because I was only close with Jake. But, I decided to try and reach out to MC.... and I thought that maybe if I could make him trust me enough, he'd reveal something.
He did. He told me Patrick and Violet were coming for me, we and Jake all agreed to vote out the comp threat, Patrick, and we blindsided him in that vote.

3-2, I took the risk of not using my idol, and it turned out to be the decision I needed to make. Unfortunately, Patrick made it clear that the 'Amazon girls' were strategic threats on his way out.

This was also nailed in when I was on a tribe with my close friends, Erik and Aria, and we voted out MC, and MC proceeded to do damage as he left. I wanted MC out for many reasons, Erik was my ally, but at the same time, he also made it very clear he was gunning for Mike, and after all of the close votes, the rapidly rising target on my back, and all of the waves I made early in the game, I needed to have someone as a shield to hide behind because I genuinely thought I was going to be heavily targeted in the merge.

This is when merge began, I managed to maintain both idols, and I wedged myself in a strong alliance consisting of the figurehead Erik, Aria, Chanel, and Maddie, whom I initially had no connection to.

As the votes and the chaos progressed in the early merge, I somehow managed to slide under the radar. For many of the votes I was never the target, and I got to hold onto my idols for a long time. I worked behind the scenes and focused on improving relationships with everyone within in my alliance and even with people outside of my alliance.

Such as the Ryan vote - The original plan was to split the votes at the F9, 3 on Jabbar, 2 on Fred. I was very wary of this as our alliance was banking on Ryan to not vote with the other side and the vote would go 3-3-3 (Ryan's vote going on Fred). I was very nervous about this, and I convinced Erik that our alliance should instead all vote on one unlikely person. This turned out to be the correct move when Jabbar idoled herself. If I hadn't convinced
2592 days 19 hours ago
Such as the Ryan vote - The original plan was to split the votes at the F9, 3 on Jabbar, 2 on Fred. I was very wary of this as our alliance was banking on Ryan to not vote with the other side and the vote would go 3-3-3 (Ryan's vote going on Fred). I was very nervous about this, and I convinced Erik that our alliance should instead all vote on one unlikely person. This turned out to be the correct move when Jabbar idoled herself. If I hadn't convinced Erik to get everyone to change their votes, they would've evened the numbers back out between our side and their side.

However, around the Final Seven is when I began to really start play aggressively. I had an improved social game by this point, and it helped me make one of the biggest moves of my game - Erik's Blindside.

While Aria was the first person to know about my idol, I eventually notified Erik and Chanel (I figured everyone knew at this point I had an idol since Jabbar was starting the rumor that I had one) that I had it too.

I had started a relationship with Maddie. I knew a move against Erik had to be made, and I wanted to see how close Maddie was with Erik. When the conversation began, she immediately notified me that Erik was trying to blindside me. Right then was when I became able to justify blindsiding Erik, who I truly loved both inside and outside of this game.

I pulled off yet another blindside, and I found myself a duo with Maddie.

By the time I had reached the F6, I still retained my idols (#ChanceTheRapper - Chapoga and #SammyDeen - Saboga, I named them because I loved these guys)

The final six was a stressful vote as there were three clear duos - Jake/Jabbar Myself/Maddie and Aria/Chanel

Jabbar was quite possibly the biggest underdog left in the game, she played a ton of mind games, and all of her friends were on the jury at this point. So Maddie and I agreed with Aria/Chanel that we would vote off Jabbar.

I played my first idol at the vote off of Jabbar, knowing that I didn't truly need to use it on myself, but I did it so that way nobody would be threatened by me anymore. Everyone thought the idol, that everyone knew about, was gone.

But what they didn't realize was that I still had one more idol in my pocket.

The final five vote was happening and Chanel won immunity. I knew Aria had previously had her idol before this and I assumed she was using it now. Aria made it very clear that Maddie was going home. There was no other option at this point because the duo in Chanel/Aria was technically safe, and they made it clear they would not vote out Jake.

I wanted to use that idol on myself because I felt like I was getting played, but I knew that if I voted off Maddie, I would have put myself in a disadvantage.

I needed Maddie in the F4 because I knew she would at least force FMC for me, and I wasn't sure if Jake would've. I also realized that Jake had plenty of friends on the jury, so I decided to take the risk and I played my idol on Maddie that night. I risked making myself vulnerable at this vote, but it was worth it in the end.

That was yet another blindside, and a very beneficial move for me.

The F4 came around and FMC was forced between myself and Aria - Aria was a huge threat, she was an excellent duo with me throughout the beginning-middle of the game and we discussed SO many moves together, and while our friendship was wavering to a rivalry for quite some time, this was the climax. I narrowly managed to defeat her, but I did.

Now here I sit to you guys, the jury. I recognize that Chanel and Maddie have both each played good games. But I have to say that I truly feel like I have played one of the best games I have ever played in my time on this site. I truly improved from the mistakes I made in Amazon, I had a great social game, a good strategic game, and I made many big moves. But every big move I made, I made sure I made them with a purpose. Every move I made in this game was beneficial for me and I t
2592 days 19 hours ago
Now here I sit to you guys, the jury. I recognize that Chanel and Maddie have both each played good games. But I have to say that I truly feel like I have played one of the best games I have ever played in my time on this site. I truly improved from the mistakes I made in Amazon, I had a great social game, a good strategic game, and I made many big moves. But every big move I made, I made sure I made them with a purpose. Every move I made in this game was beneficial for me and I truly gave this game my all.

And for everything I had on my "Aspirations list", I have been able to check off every single one of them aside from winning the game, which is up to you guys, the jury, to decide.

I wanted to be here so badly, and I made sure I got here. I truly feel like I have played a great game this season, and I hope you guys too feel the same! :D I'm looking forward to all of your questions!!

- I had a great social and strategic game, every time someone tried to blindside me, I always found out about it and I managed to turn it around on them.
- I found TWO idols this season and kept both of them until the F6
- I was the only person to play an idol successfully
- I was apart of and I orchestrated many blindsides that benefited my game
- After being heavily targeted in the pre-merge, I slid back under the radar in the merge and I planned for my time to strike.
- I played aggressively, I played hard, and I played to win.

Sorry y'all this took me forever to type xD!! I look forward to questions!

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