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Samoa Confessionals

Topic » Samoa Confessionals

2229 days 4 hours ago
Episode #9 - "Dressed and Ready to Kill"

Immunity: Tyler V.
Eliminated: TJ M. (TJ2807) 5-3(0)
Will T. (WillTraitor) - Tim (IDOL)
Ryan M. (born2pizza) - Tim (IDOL)
Tim M. (lionsden121) - TJ
Aaron F. (Slendie258) - TJ
Tyler V. (VanHow10) - TJ
TJ M. (TJ2807) - Tim (IDOL)
Timothy W. (naruto213) - TJ
Josh W. (Joshbb17) - TJ


Tim ==> 3 (IDOL)
TJ ==> 5
2229 days 3 hours ago
2229 days 3 hours ago
Ryan M. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

I thought the split was going to work for sure, splits are always risky and believe it or not I LOVE taking risks, if you take a risk and it pays off you have a huge advantage. Sadly, it did NOT work. One of my closest allies was sent to the jury, TJ. I feel bad because we had decent talks and I feel like I connected with him on a personal level for sure.

We've got some sly ass players, I'm under the impression that Slendie may have my OG tribe's idol. I just feel like he's playing the game and is playing it very hard, this is the second time he's kept me in the dark about a vote. The first time I nearly was sent home. Yeah, I need Tim gone sooner rather than later but I'd be open in getting rid of Slendie but I'd need Tim's help but I don't think he'd be open to that suggestion at all. I know I 100% I fixed my relationship with Tyler because he gave me a heads up he may have voted Will/TJ this round in order to save me. This was an hour before the votes were about to be read. I feel like there may be cracks with Slendie still. So, I'll have to watch out and play buddy buddy with him.

At least I know Timothy voted with me, which is a huge plus because he doesn't reply to many people. I'll have to go hardcore for this immunity! My game is in danger for sure. Thankfully my social connections made sure I didn't get voted out.

2229 days 3 hours ago
Ryan M. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

Never fucking mind. I just looked at the vote and Timothy voted against me.... I'll hopefully avenge my brethren TJ!
2229 days 3 hours ago
Josh W. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

That tribal council went phenomenal and I can't help to give myself some praise.

Slendie and Tyler came through. Checkmark
Tim w did was he was told. checkmark

This is what i finally needed to take a leg up on the game right now. Tim burned one of his idols and i told him hed probably be safe, but it actually probably helps me in the longterm.

RIght now it is three pairs in this game and timothy. Luckily i feel really good about him and hes always done as told. Me, tim, and timothy. Tyler and slendie, and will and ryan.

If i can get through this next vote with my unit, the future is extremely bright.
2228 days 4 hours ago
Tyler V. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

what a rush!! That was by far the biggest and coolest blindside I've ever personally orchestrated on this site!! Sorry to TJ, who I like a lot, but right now at the final 8 of Pokepat's Survivor Samoa, that was an absolutely necessary move for me to be in the best possible position moving forward.

Tim has already started reaching across the aisle. Ryan sent me a plea from Tim asking if he (Ryan) was okay with handing the game over to Slendie and I just to get Tim out. Will was apparently (and very understandably) furious after the vote. There is some chance that this next vote is going to come my way and for the first time yet, playing my idol tomorrow is seriously on the table. Not only is my first ever FTC getting agonizingly close, but there aren't that many people left who I think could realistically beat me if I get there!!

I talk a really big game. I try to be as blustery and full of confidence in confessional as possible but if I can be real for a second, that's because I always feel like a massive underdog. Finally coming through and capitalizing on a well-played game. Finally getting to answer the jury's questions. Finally earning the title of sole survivor on here. It's all right there!

Step one is smooth things over with Ryan. I was hoping to have a long talk with him before this vote but our schedules didn't line up. Tonight, I need to get him under my wing. I need him to believe that I think I can beat him.

Can't get comfortable. Must stay hungry.
2228 days 4 hours ago
Josh W. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

I survived last vote, but this is a new vote, im here to win this game. I started talking with will because i needed to branch out and make new connections.

Tyler and slendie have a lotta power in this game, and i would like to extinguish that. i approached will about getting rid of tyler. Getting rid of a duo, us becoming a secret duo. Surprisingly me trash talking tim has become a new regular and quite a surprisingly good strategy.

Tims social game is atrocious and ive had to pick up the peices.
Tim might need to burn a second idol here, but we will improve our spot in the game if tyler goes. Slendie will be on the outs and a new combo will form.

I have an eerie feeling tyler and slendie want me out this round, so it is crucial that i create a new form of a voting bloc.

if us 4 can link up for majority, we are locked and loaded and ready to fuck up some shit. Until i go onto the next vote and probably screw over will.

Time will tell, but i like my chances.I put a lot of faith in will here,if he rats me out i am fucked, but i dont think its in his best interest, for now...

That is all.
2228 days 4 hours ago
Tyler V. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

A little while ago, Slendie told me that he suspects I'll win if we go to the end together. I'm obviously hoping he's right but the fact that he thinks it makes me really nervous. Like maybe if it is an f2 and he wins at 3 I'm fucked. More power to him if it goes that way but this cannot go ignored.
2228 days 4 hours ago
Josh W. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

I've put in a lot of work, and maybe it backfires, but i think i pulled it off. I need timothy to be down, and if he isn't on my side, my game is dead in the water. Everyone to me on this season is a form of an asset. I will quickly discard someone if someone else proposes something better.

Im very happy how ive maneuvered the past few days, for better or for worse, but i have a fighting chance i feel.
2228 days 4 hours ago
Josh W. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

Im sorry that my confessional rate wasn't great early on due to exams, so id like to make up for them.

So tim is 50/50 on whether to play an idol, but honestly its his call. I think we will be fine or i will get fucked, there is no middle ground. I'm believing my own lies at this point, the amount of bullshit ive spewed to slendie, tyler, will, and even tim (just to make him feel comftorable in a 4-3 possible split). I'm excited for this part of the game.

Ive quickly discovered that this is a trench warfare and I'm going to take it day by day, no matter the outcome. I feel i can talk my way out of anything, and its so close to the end. I want to make it to the end with both tims, but i honestly have no idea how that process is going to take place. I guess i should #trusttheprocess
2228 days 4 hours ago
Tyler V. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

I'm driving myself insane. This is my whole day so far:

Slendie and I have voted together every time we've gone to Tribal. He's by far my best ally and the person likeliest to tell me if I'm about to get blindsided. But on the other hand, he's expressed to me that he believes I'll beat him at FTC so he's disincentivized to take me there and he's the only person I've told about my idol so if he were going to want me out or even just choose to let me leave he would know that it has to be a blindside.

And! And! he's the only other potential target if this is going to be blowback for the TJ vote but he's immune!

I've been the second closest thing to an ally that Tim has had out here and if he's going to make the end, it's not going to happen with Ryan and Will after him. On the other hand, Tim would absolutely vote me out in a heartbeat. In fact, he'd laugh while doing it!!

Josh is a total wildcard. I don't actually think he'd vote Tim out but I'm hoping I can get him to just not vote me.

Timothy is kind of a wildcard. He told me that Tim wants me voted out and he voted Cassandra and TJ with me. But all of that could be coincidence. We still haven't talked as much as I have with anyone else because he doesn't seem to be on Skype

Ryan is someone I have voted out of the game! I told him at the time that it was purely circumstantial and I have maintained that line throughout. While he was not a part of the TJ vote, that was largely due to our schedules not lining up and he has expressed gratitude that both Slendie and I at least gave him hints that something was happening. He's talked about wanting Timothy out of here because he's scared of goats and yours truly just happens to have stopped being a goat last night! In my gut, I trust Ryan even though my brain understands that that's not possible. I might even go as far as to say that Ryan is my most trustworthy ally as of right now, but that would sound stupid

Will is the major sticking point. I heard after the TJ vote that Will was "fuming." I got in there as fast as I could to apologize and explain my point of view. It would be really surprising to see Will flip from a pretty good 4 for him. On the other hand, he told me that in his previous game he was loyal to people who wound up screwing him over so he could be a legitimately loyal player or he could be someone who is trading on his reputation as a loyal player to be a little snake!!

And in a normal world, these would all just be thoughts I could have one time and move on.  In a normal world, if they were coming for me I'd just be screwed. But I've got the god damn Apolima idol burning a hole in my metaphorical pocket and if they're coming for me, I can do something about it!!! I don't have to just leave. But playing the idol wrong could be disastrous. So maybe I hold onto it?

So now just spend the next three hours reading all of those thoughts over and over again without stopping and you'll understand how my morning has been.

I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing or what I should be doing. A big part of the reason I was cool with the TJ vote was because I had an idol to play today. I'm heavily leaning towards playing it and I'm heavily leaning towards telling everyone I'm going to.
2228 days 4 hours ago
Timothy W. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

Writes on parchment.........Ryan

This is because if I get rid of you I can still ride the middle between Josh's side and Tyler's side
2228 days 4 hours ago
Tim M. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

This tribal is crazy apparently will Timothy and Josh are voting Tyler but my vote is to ensure if Tyler/Ryan has the idol the other will go

I'm so fked
There's no way I'm winning this season only reason I've made it this far is cuz of josh honestly

Last vote I knew tj was going but it was to draw the suckers in so I can idol one of their asses out
2228 days 4 hours ago
Aaron F. [Nu'ulopa Tribe]

*Writes down Tim*

I've been planning this for a long time buddy
2228 days 3 hours ago
=Note: Episode #9 Title was by Aaron=

Episode #10 - "Burning a Hole in my Metaphorical Pocket" - Tyler V.

Immunity: Aaron F.
Eliminated: Ryan M. (born2pizza) 3-2(0)-2(0)
Will T. (WillTraitor) - Tyler (IDOL)
Ryan M. (born2pizza) - Self Vote
Tim M. (lionsden121) - Ryan
Aaron F. (Slendie258) - Tim (IDOL)
Tyler V. (VanHow10) - Tim (IDOL)
Timothy W. (naruto213) - Ryan
Josh W. (Joshbb17) - Tyler (IDOL)


Tim ==> 2 (IDOL)
Tyler ==> 2 (IDOL)
Ryan ==> 3 (Self-Vote) (ELIMINATED)

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