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Topic » Finale/Reunion

1951 days 17 hours ago
Fourth vote...
1951 days 17 hours ago
The thirteenth person voted out and the sixth member of our jury...

Corey that's three, and that's enough, you need to bring me your torch.

Corey, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch*
It's time for you to go.
1951 days 17 hours ago
We are down to the final three. One brain, one brawn, and one beauty.
1951 days 17 hours ago
I had voted Ty until Kasey told me she was voting me, so I voted for her. At the end of the day if Montana had not got taken out of the game, I think I could have done something different at final 5. I wish he would have been taken out after two votes though to be fair to the other players, but it's fine. Obviously I would have saved Tris had I known Montana was going to be pulled.

ANYWAY, I had a final 2 with Ty from the start but honestly the kid did nothing but vote me out. Once Ty turned on me and outed that I had an idol, I did make a f2 chat with Kasey and I was going to take her to the end. It's just a game, but let's just remember something: loyalty. Remember though Aidan does have two "Brain" members on the jury. I really don't hold any hard feelings though because I know I would have won had I made f2. However, I do think it was dumb of Kasey since she'll get third if she doesn't win immunity. If you can pull it off Kasey, I'll vote for you to win. I know I said I was rooting for Ty but after constantly flirting for him for like three weeks, I'm sick of his Saskatchewan ass.

Also I think my biggest downfall was making Tris an unnecessary target. I didn't want to vote for him or Josh that round.

Peace and love. Tris I can't wait to see u :*
1951 days 16 hours ago
I'll go tally the votes...
1951 days 16 hours ago
Once the vote is read, the decision is final, the person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately, I'll read the vote
1951 days 16 hours ago
The fourteenth person voted out and the seventh and final member of our jury...

Ty that's one, and that's enough, you need to bring me your torch.

Ty, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch*
It's time for you to go.
1951 days 16 hours ago
Congratulations K.C. and Aidan, you have made it as far as you can go in this game, Final Tribal Council!

Here's how this will work.

JURY, you will have the next 24 hours to ask K.C. and Aidan any questions you want (in this forum), K.C. and Aidan you may also choose to explain your game if you want too.

After the 24 hours, the Jury will have another 48 hours to vote. The reunion will be on Wednesday, January 30th @8pm EST
1951 days 16 hours ago
This game, for me, was all about being adaptable.

I started out forming a few alliances to secure my spot on the Beauty tribe. Ultimately, I stuck with an alliance of Montana, Mox & Max, even though, over time, it became clear they might be closer to each other than to me. When we swapped, their alliance grew with Josh & Eddie. Josh, I became closer to as the game progressed and Eddie is one of my closest friends on here, but I don’t know if he’d have chosen me over them. But, ultimately, both Mox and Max quit, leading us to a merge, and after that Montana mostly stopped caring about the game.

At the merge, I started forming an alliance, at the core with Corey. Someone I’ve never been on a tribe with at this point, but he ends up being my closest ally at the merge. Sam, too, tries to talk to me, and explains the fact that Corey and Logan don’t get along. Ultimately, as that tribal progressed, it became more and more apparent of what Logan was trying to do strategically, and ultimately, he got out, in mostly a landslide. Leaving Mark & Aidan left for the Brain Tribe. Also that tribal, an alliance between me, Corey, Tris, Sam, Josh and Ty. I might be missing someone, and maybe Josh wasn’t in that one, but basically, that alliance was sort of my staple socially.

Sam was sort of a mistake on my part, as, him targeting Corey for being a big player and threat wasn’t wrong. Corey was by far the best player on this season. So, leaking the plan to Corey immediately maybe was a mistake, but ultimately so many others did the same thing, and proceeded to do the same throughout the season, I can’t blame myself for that. Plus, the orignal target that round was Eddie, and he’s my friend, so voting Sam out instead was a better alternative. Sam seemed like a great player, and not someone I could’ve trusted 100% because he was trying to play the middle, a spot I wanted to be in at first.

I started talking to Aidan around here, and told him about how Corey’s gameplay was eventually going to get him to win because so many people (including me) went to him for any plan they wanted to do. They all trusted him, and that was going to ultimately make him a big player. We grew closer and closer over time, and now we got here!

Eddie getting out was a bummer, but ultimately, I voted for Mark that round because I couldn’t bring myself to vote out an actual friend of mine, even though we weren’t really allies in this game.

Josh was someone who I grew very close to in this game, and I did not want them to go whatsoever. So I voted for Tris, who although was my ally from the start, did start behaving shady to me, going as far as throwing my name out as a vote, and we just got into a massive conflict the night beforehand. Tris came to me saying I was voting him out, so I leaked Corey telling me about how Tris brought my name up and everything, and it just created a confrontation. So voting for Tris, making the vote tie, was the decision that felt right to me. I trusted Josh more than I trusted Tris. Ultimately, Josh quit though, and blew Corey’s game up on the way out. Something me and Aidan (moreso Aidan, because I still did trust Corey) tried to do beforehand, but just couldn’t trust anyone to keep it to themselves, because everyone went straight to him with anything, up until THIS point in the game.

The next tribal, I sort of betrayed Corey’s trust officially, and got rid of his close ally Tris. I told him it was because Ty and Aidan like pressured me into it, but it was entirely a conscious decision, because I knew Corey already had the game won with Tris there, and I wouldn’t have an opportunity to beat him with his numbers still very strong. I did try out this entire elaborate plot this tribal, but ultimately, it didn’t work out, but I did weaken Corey at least slightly by getting rid of his #2. This was another representation of my adaptability in the game, working with Ty who I’ve NEVER SPOKEN TO beforehand, and I actually concocted the plan with him. It didn’t work, but strategizing with him made me feel a lot more comfortable in the final few tribals.

Getting Corey out wasn’t an easy decision, and my messages to you, Corey, weren’t fake. I appreciated your loyalty, and I wish I got to pay it back to you, but you’re just way too good of a player, and I did feel semi comfortable with my position with Aidan at least. Idk how close Aidan and Ty were, but I did feel my chances were better with him in the F3, than with you, Corey. But I did enjoy getting to know you this season, and I am truly sorry for backstabbing you like that. This isn’t fake whatsoever. And getting Ty out over Aidan is likely because I only started talking to Ty when Tris got out at final 6. I wish I worked with him more, truly, he was way nicer and smarter than I gave him credit for at first.

I also won 3 immunities throughout, and I only got a single vote casted against me all season, at Final 4. And I almost always avoided a target. I truly feel like I socially navigated this season almost always good enough to escape situations without being targeted or at least voted.

Adaptability was a common theme throughout my game. I made alliances and bonds when I needed to, I helped orchestrate blindsides when I needed to, and I won competitions when I needed to. And it got me here.

I hope you all consider voting for me for the first season of Jacob and Alan’s Survivor.
1951 days 16 hours ago
I’m sorry that was way longer than I thought

Plus i didn’t proofread it there’s probavly so many typos

I’m embarrassed rn tbh  it’s my first final tribal council ever don’t kill me lmfaoooo
1951 days 15 hours ago
Hey K.C and Aidan  just wanna say congrats  to both of you on playing a great game and making the final 2 i have a few questions for both of you if u could answer them please

this first questions for both of you.
What do you think was the biggest reason for you getting to the end and what do you think was your best/biggest move in the game?

question for you aidan did you vote for me that first merge vote be honest im just curious and if you did why did you lie to me?

question for you both did you always plan on voting Corey off at fourth?
1951 days 15 hours ago
Hey everyone! I’m super surprised I made it here. This is my first Survivor game in a super long time; I wanted to see if I had what it takes, and I am happy with how I did!

I started out on the loser tribe and was put in a alliance with Mark/Logan and we took out the rest of our tribe. I aligned with Logan because he seemed to have a lot of power in the early stage of the game. Once Logan’s game got outed and he became public enemy #1 I had to abandon ship and save my game because it looked like I was associated with him.

I went to Corey and started working with him because I knew he had a lot of control as well, which kept me off the chopping block. From the moment I aligned with Corey, I knew he was a big threat who needed to be taken out but I needed to work with him in order to stay safe. Sam approached me
to take out Corey and I was 100% down with it but I found out everyone was leaking Sam’s plan to Corey, so I had to do the same to keep Corey’s trust.

I felt pretty alone in the game still until I aligned with Kasey at final 9 and then I made a alliance with her and Corey. Kasey and I formed a great bond in and out the game and I found out all the info I had been missing including a secret majority alliance of Kasey, Corey, Tris, Ty, Montana, Josh. Once final 7 came it was me and that alliance of 6, but they started to crack.

Kasey and I discussed wanting Corey out since we started talking and At final 7, I attempted to take Corey out but Josh leaked my plan to Corey. However, Corey did not believe him and I took this opportunity to change the vote to Josh since he obviously could not be trusted anymore. After this, me and Kasey took it day by day and made sure we set ourselves up for the final 2! We started working with Ty and took out Tris, who was Corey’s most loyal ally left in the game. Then at final 4, we were finally able to get him out when I eliminated him from the challenge and claimed immunity.

I feel like I played a great social game and made sure I wasn’t the one going home every tribal, very Sandra Diaz-Twine esque. I aligned with the right people at the right times, wasn’t afraid to right anyone’s name down, and worked my way into a good position even against a majority alliance that took out everyone else. I had 0 advantages or idols, was not able to attend many of the individual immunity challenges, attended every tribal except for 2, and survived each one with only my social and strategic game.
1951 days 15 hours ago
This first questions for both of you.
What do you think was the biggest reason for you getting to the end and what do you think was your best/biggest move in the game?

I think, as I stated in my speech, totally adaptability. I was always talking to people, seeing where they were at. You can’t win by making moves willy nilly, you get targeted. Such as Sam did. It’s all about timing, and openness. I was always open, that’s how I aligned with my F2 literally at top 8. My biggest move might be getting Tris out, because it probably led me to get here with Aidan. A lot happened behind the scenes there, though. But it got me trust with Ty and Aidan, which helped a lot.

question for you both did you always plan on voting Corey off at fourth?

Not at all. We literally bonded over talking about how good of a player Corey is at top 8, and overall, if we thought the F4 would’ve looked like how it did, we’d assume he’d easily win and we’d be screwed. At least I would’ve.
1951 days 15 hours ago
What do you think was the biggest reason for you getting to the end and what do you think was your best/biggest move in the game?
I think my biggest reason was aligning with Corey and Kasey. with Corey, getting him to trust me meant staying safe because I think he probably controlled his alliance with the votes for the most part. For Kasey, aligning with her gave me valuable info and I think if I hadn’t talked to her, i may have just easily been taken out by her other alliance.

question for you aidan did you vote for me that first merge vote be honest im just curious and if you did why did you lie to me?
Yes I did vote for you. I wanted to stay loyal and work with you but everyone turned on you and I knew you were going home 100% so I just voted for you so that I wasn’t an easy vote next. I should have told you that I was gonna do that so you didn’t feel blindsided by me and i’m sorry.

question for you both did you always plan on voting Corey off at fourth?
I always wanted to get him out since the merge, but it was hard to find the right time since so many people told him everything. I did attempt to get him out at final 7 because I thought I had enough info to get Josh on my side but he still told Corey.
1951 days 15 hours ago
Okay thanks both of u

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