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1467 days 4 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Luccia)

this is a tough vote for me, because unlike the last one I like all these people. Me and Gustavo seem to be the swing votes, as nick wants tj and tj and Zach want nick. We are leaning towards tj, because if we got to tribal again, we find ourselves in a 3-1 majority. We really want Zach to feel safe however, because we really need 4 united
1467 days 4 hours ago
Nick/NickBrad97 (Luccia)

Well losing again sucks. We got smacked this round so we kind of deserve to go to tribal. Nevertheless Matt Gustavo and myself seem to be a tight 3...... I hope. So it should be either Zach or TJ tonight. Id prefer TJ to go because I feel like I have a better relationship with Zach but who knows whats real.
If no one is lying to me then Zach and TJ will vote for each other and the 3 of us pick one of them to go. Hopefully that's what happens.

Also side note. I feel like the other 2 tribes have an alliance because us going to tribal twice in a row is a little suspicious. But can't worry about that rn gotta focus on the task at hand
1466 days 23 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Wicca)

Okay so I'll start with the most pressing matter at hand... following my last confessional I can now confirm that I watched... Manchester by the Sea. It was fine. I gave it 3.5/5 stars. I also just finished Dazed and Confused and it was great, love the 70s and anything surrounding history. 4.5/5 stars.
NOW onto the game at hand!! Literally NOTHING happened yesterday, and not too much happened today either, but, there have been some key developments which I need to let out!! So I am officially in a final 2 deal (l0l)????? With Rubes?! I'm not really sure how the entire ordeal went down, but he asked for an alliance, said I'm the person I talk to the most, and we set up a little deal. Phenomenal by me. Because considering I'm also closely aligned with Lorenzo, that keeps me protected on two sides and ensures that I can control the votes and make sure that I'm not taken out this early on in the game. Love relying on a good social game, it really does wonders.
Anyways, I am still LOVING that we're not getting sent to tribal!! Luccia and Mistica definitely don't like each other and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they keep targeting each other. Which is definitely fine by me. If Wicca can keep the numbers, avoid getting in conflicts and just thrive, we'll hopefully be set up good for the remainder of the game. Obviously this is all wishful thinking since we all know nothing is that simple in the game of Survivor, but a little optimism never hurt anyone!!
Anyways, I'm just thriving right now. Don't have to stress about tribal, get to bond with the people on my tribe, and still get to watch movies without my Skype being blown up by people stressing about the vote. I'll have to cherish these moments while I have them, because I'm not sure how much longer they'll last.
Also, probably won't watch another movie tonight since I feel like watching Veep, but my life is all over the place I never know what I'll be in the mood for. Stream Babylon by Lady Gaga.
1466 days 23 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Luccia)

I was going to side with Nick to vote TJ out, but he started scrambling and spoiling our plan. Now we decided to change our vote, and Nick will be going home. It was his own undoing
1466 days 23 hours ago
Nick/NickBrad97 (Luccia)

I think I got too cute by telling everyone who to vote for. They all figured out I was talking to everyone. Hopefully I didn't come off as too disloyal but it probably did. They could easily all team up and get me out. If I go out ill be glad it was from playing too hard and not just sitting around. We shall wait and see if I make it.
1466 days 18 hours ago
Gustavo/Cojones12 (Luccia)

So basically I wanted to get rid of Zach or TJ but Matt isn't budging. Apparently, I'm the target if we lose again but Matt doesn't want to flip the script which is unfortunate to me. Also, Matt said something about it being mean to vote Zach off on his birthday???? Hello, who cares it's a game. I guess Matt isn't a big as a villain as I was hoping he was. I have to stay in the majority for rn which is why I'm voting Nick who is trying really hard to stay. Nick should go leaving just the Wicked Witches… but I don't think that I'm staying with the Wicked Witches alliance if we swap tribes because I'm on the outside of the alliance. Hopefully we swap soon by the way..... ANyways we should be safe for next round if we don't win the challenge because logically, whoever wins would want to even up the tribes instead of making us lose another member.
1465 days 21 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Wicca)


Honestly, what a RUSH!!! I literally NEVER find advantages or idols so this is a huge shock to me, but I absolutely love it. I always love extra security and this is exactly what I'll be using this idol for. I have to get my acting chops ready because I will obviously not be telling anyone about this idol. As much as I've been loving getting to know these people, I can't trust any of them and have to solely place the responsibility of having this idol in myself. Also, I'm fairly certain that you'll only see this idol played on myself this season, but you never know, I could grow really close to someone later on or want to dictate a power move, but for now this is my little secret that I possess and will not tell anyone or use on anyone.
Now, I do have to warn you. I can GUARANTEE that I'm about to become a crackhead with this idol. I am a paranoid and stressed out human as is, and this is only going to ramp that up. Because now I have the extra stress of figuring out when and how to play this idol. I can't go out with this idol in my pocket, but am also craving to correctly play it, so hopefully I'll be able to calm myself down and be able to make everything work down the road.
Now, onto the vote. Do I really care that we are being sent to tribal?? Meh... I actually think this hurts Mistica even more. Like they now have two tribes who are actively gunning against them and who are going to want to take them out. Lorenzo has even already said that he's assuming Wicca and Luccia are going to team up against Mistica later on and I wouldn't be against that.
ANYWAYS, I'm hoping that this will be an easy vote. I'm not too worried since Rubes and Lorenzo have been lovely towards me and I don't think either would turn on me this easy. HOWEVER, side note, Lorenzo TOLD RUBES that I was saying to vote out Grace???? When literally all I told him was that I wouldn't be surprised if Grace got all the votes to get out... yeah not a fan of that. I'll have to watch out for that later on, but I trust him for now and he better not be throwing out my name like that all season.
But as you can deduce, Grace is the intended target. She just hasn't been contributing and talking to the tribe as much as the rest of us. It is saddening, since I really like Grace and this tribe, but I worry that a swap will not be coming and we'll just merge from these three tribes. In that scenario, I want the three strongest and trusting people by my side, and I feel like Rubes, Lorenzo and Jake are those three. Plus, Grace just isn't as connected it seems, which I can't do anything to fix.
Anyways, that's about it. I'll be watching Zodiac tonight since I love David Fincher and it was just added on Netflix. Love thriving.
1465 days 21 hours ago
Gustavo/Cojones12 (Luccia)

YAYYYYY NO TRIBAL COUNCIL, IT'S A BLOODY MIRACLE !!!! But come on Zach why didn't you listen to the instructions we would have won instead of letting the rando's decide LMAO. Also that display by Zach was not the cutest look, but hey respect on him for doing the puzzle and technically doing it first I suppose. Meh. Anyways Matty boy has disappointed me so I headed outwards and expanding my reach. I chatted with Vincent and told him that I feel like I'm on the bottom of the tribe and want to flip on the Wiccas. Vincent seems receptive to wanting to work with me, so that feels good. The villains/Wicked Witches are dead to me ;) I'm #TeamGustavo and that's it... I don't enjoy being on the bottom of an alliance. I'm either on the top or I'm jumping ship and rn I have to jump ship and escape
1465 days 21 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Luccia)

the luccia 4 feel that we are in a good spot, and are just happy to avoid tribal council. We have now started talking to Mistica to widen our options, although we want them gone quick
1465 days 2 hours ago
Rubes/Rubes (Wicca)

So this is our first tribal and it really does suck because we all get along great! But somebody has to be voted off! I like everyone on my tribe but then person that I have connected with the most is Peyton! And we have promised to keep each other’s backs so no matter what I can not vote Peyton! Jake and Lorenzo are also good allies of mine so I don’t think they would vote me this soon! Jake said he wanted to vote with me so I told him the vote was Grace! I think this first tribal will be an easy vote but if we have to go back in then I don’t know what I’d do but right now the queen is feeling pretty safe 💄🥰😍😘
1465 days 2 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Wicca)

You’re a great person but you’re the least connected out of us all and you’re the only one I’m not aligned with at this point. Sorry about it.
votes for GRACE
1465 days 2 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Luccia)

I’m scared to try this challenge because Italy sucks and I know nothing about it
1465 days 1 hour ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Wicca)

Okay short confessional HOPEFULLY!! Well that first vote went great. I think it's fantastic that our tribe decided to stick together and remain united which is exactly what we need at this point in the game. I felt really bad for Grace since she seemed super sweet and was my Animal Crossing friend, but she only reached out to me about the vote 30 minutes before it happened and it just appeared as if she wasn't in the game as much as the rest of us.
The only thing that is worrying me about the game at this moment is that I'm not in an alliance. Yes, I am working with Lorenzo and Rubes, but I feel like not being in an alliance especially after the first vote is quite concerning. I mean it's definitely plausible that no one has created an alliance since this tribe is so small and there's no need for one yet, but I just hope the other three aren't secretly conversing behind my back.
Anyways, this immunity challenge was great. I don't think I ever revealed that I'm minoring in Italian (che emozione!!) so this was great. HOWEVER I did NOT appreciate being dropped in the ALPS, SICILY and SARDINIA MULTIPLE TIMES?!! At least I love Italian architecture and language so I wasn't too mad, although, I am mad at the game for putting me in the worst locations.
Anyways, I give Zodiac a 3.5/5. It was an interesting look at the Zodiac killer, but there being no concrete ending since the case was never solved and the movie being over 2.5 hours long was a real damper. Probably going to watch a movie from Classic Hollywood tonight. Maybe in French. We'll see. Let's just hope the rest of my tribe can do good at this challenge especially since we have this advantage. I really don't feel like doing tribal with four people.
1465 days ago
Lukas/SirNiceGuy (Mistica)

So we got another challenge, and Crypt is just... killing it as usual. This sort-of presents me with a dilemma. I don't think this winning streak is gonna last to the merge, but it's tricky. I have two people on my mind that I'd like to get rid of, and that's him and Pietro. Pietro because he has a tendency to be late for things, and Crypt because, even though he could be a solid meatshield, he could also just win every individual immunity and leave me as an easy target.
1464 days 22 hours ago
Crypt/CryptSpartan (Mistica)

I really want to win this challenge. Now that I'm putting time and effort into the game, I don't wanna go so soon. In the case that we do go to tribal since we're seen as such a strong tribe, I'm just gonna go with the flow. I realized in my last few Survivor games that taking control can lead to be going, so I'm gonna let someone else suggest a vote to me and just listen to it instead of forcing a vote myself. I hope that making it past this tribal will give the Mistica tribe the boost we need to bounce back.

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