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Point Break 1: Rules of Engagement Discussion Thread

Topic » Point Break 1: Rules of..

2325 days 16 hours ago
Welcome to the discussion thread for the debut season of Point Break.

Feel free to discuss the season in this forum. As is the case with every Viewer’s Lounge, do NOT leak ANYTHING to my players. Doing so will result in a permanent ban from BOTH the VL and the Point Break franchise.


Bread Master (BreadMaster0221)
Jacob Becton (Lifeiscool)
Tom Slikpins (solesurvivor11)
Hoop Dancer (lhooper902976)
Brandon Stewart (BrandonBam)
Hiyoko Saionji (pikaplayer)
Mel Smith (me2013)
JJ Steven (spintacularspinda)
Lena Hartford (LenaRose)
Guilherme Cruz (Chandelier)
Harry Wasnak (harrywasnak)
Absol Brown (Absol)
Viktor Prescott (epicwafflez23)

Confessionals, and game talk to come soon!
2323 days 19 hours ago
Confessional from Hiyoko:

Well this is an interesting start to the game, Mel and I made a pact for the challenge not to neg each other so I ended up spamming for her a bit out of good faith but ended up with no points by the end of the 24 hours, ouch. With either Jacob or Brandon going up that frees one spot for me not to leave but I gotta make sure that Mel doesn't nom me, though it is unlikely because we kinda worked together plus a couple of other spamming mails I got suggested somewhat of an alliance. I really want to try and win this since last time I played one of these games I actually won (and I didn't speak any english the whole game mind you!) so here's to hoping that I can actually do something with this.

Also bragging rights here:
2323 days 19 hours ago
Confessional from Hoop:

Hello viewers, my name is Hoop and I came to play. With this crazy week 1, the spotlight is clearly on me for being 1 of 3 people to vote a nominee, I can either go for a big threat or a floater.I have a relationship with mel since she is playing my own Big Brother Battleground.That and the fact that we came to play made us an alliance.
2323 days 18 hours ago
Confessional from Mel:

So, OMG, I am so excited to play this game. I love the cast, although some seem to be inactive, lets hope the first challenge gave them a wake up call. I know quite a few of the players, and then there are some that I have never talked to or seen play.

Let's start with the first challenge - spam - everyone loves to hate it, and I know Harry is good at getting people to save his ass, but I am better. I have spent years plussing other people's spam and designs all for one reason - this moment. People remember - and people will return the favour if you ask in the right manner. I knew I had a good chance - but honestly did NOT expect to win by that great a margin. I didn't even neg any blogs either lmao.....

Right at the start Absol, Harry and Pika all made deals with me - that we would plus each others blogs and not spam to neg each others and I kept that deal. Not sure if they did, I know I got my fair share of negs - but the plusses made up for it. I did agree not to nominate any of them if I won, and Pika recons he "helped" spam for me to win so I will take him at his word, lol. Tom messaged me later in the evening and I offered him the same deal, so I will keep him safe this round too.

I am so excited to see what happens next - I have no clue - my best guess is that our "points" have something to do with voting, but I am not too sure at this stage..... call me blonde but it is all a bit confusing at this point. I do know that (this may come back to bite me in the long run) I prefer to play against people rather than against myself so for that reason - my first targets will be inactives. I mean - why join a game if you are just going to take out the big threats first then cruise on home - where is the challenge in that.

Did I say how excited I am to play.... probably.... but OMG yay.... I won the first HM. I hope there is chocolate and alcohol and a nice big room for me to sleep in.....! ;-)

People I have talked to so far:
Hiyoko (Pika)

People I am pretty sure will team up:

I spoke to all the active participants in this challenge to see what they were thinking and what they would like to see happen and it was interesting. Harry has already said he wants Hoop and Tom put up (from a previous game I would guess). Pika, Hoop and Abosl both think inacts should go up first (on the same page which is good for now). Still waiting to hear back from Tom.

I know this win will put a big target on my back - but game on baby!
2323 days 18 hours ago
Conversation with Mel & Hiyoko:

Re: Point break... hey
>Harry wants a couple of the active players up.. but I am not a fan of that strategy while there are inacts...
>>>Not at all, I appreciate it. I agree with you completely. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t going to take it into consideration. Out of the two lowest I was going to put Brandon up... are you good with that?
>>>>>Thoughts on who you would like to see up first?
>>>>>I want your opinion as one of the few who participated (btw you are safe)
>>>>Thanks for saving me, I actually spammed for you a bit instead of myself (Dumb logic I know but hey it's me). I guess...maybe JJ? It's fine if you don't want to but I'm trying to pin down the inacts first so we can have a fun game later.
>>I'm fine with that, aside from Absol and Bread I don't know anyone else and even with those two we've never talked.
Yeah same here, I get the logic but I think taking out inacts is better rn.

(As an aside, I legit have no fucking idea how to tell who said what.)
2323 days 4 hours ago
Confessional from Lena:

I am so bad with popularity challenges... I need to pray people like me, or more than others so I don't get nominated, I'm nervous to approach anyone incase they already have alliances and know that I'm solo... #PrayForPuzzles
2321 days 19 hours ago
Confessional from Hiyoko:

Whew, I didn't get nommed but I actually got a vote...shoot, I hope that dies down and I can lay low for a while...not sure if that would happen though. I also think I'm with Mel in an alliance since she likes talking to me which I enjoy, making new friends is why I joined this site in any case! I'm safe for this vote...I hope, just sitting here hoping to try my best so let's see how far that gets me!
2320 days 19 hours ago
Confessional from Hiyoko:

Nice, I'm safe for a week! This is such a relief as now I won't be last, awesome! I'll try and get my relationships a boost later but I'm going to try my hardest!
2319 days 20 hours ago
2318 days 19 hours ago
Confessional from Hiyoko:

So...Mel wants me to win and is going to get people to give me points so we can control the votes....I am perfectly ok with this! Keep in mind I am FULLY aware she's trying to play me like a fiddle and control my actions and...why stop her? If it means I get to make friends then I'm all for it! I might cut her out deep into the game if I make it (I usually tend to get screwed over around the 5th-6th mark) but if I go to the finals with her then I'll become her friend, right? Yay!
2317 days 18 hours ago
Confessional from Hoop:

Brandon is a total snake, he made deals with everybody just to win today's challenge . Well guess what Brandon, you lie, you pay the price, you just made me your enemy.
2314 days 20 hours ago
Confessional from Hoop:

Looks like a promising week since there are people with actual points up on the block, I hope these noms are remaining the same since, I definitely can't trust brandon.
2313 days 20 hours ago
Confessional from Hiyoko:

I like how I win by doing nothing, it's the best kind of win tbh. Jacob came on just as it ended to and I might use it on him because he helped me last challenge but we'll see tbh cause aside from Mel and Brandon I have no alliances, I'm just here for the ride and people know it.
2312 days 19 hours ago
Confessional from Hoop:

I am ready to start making big moves in this game by taking  out my fiercest competition which right now is brandon.
2312 days 2 hours ago
Re: Eviction Reminder
Tom isn’t nominated.
>1 vote on tom :3
>>This is your reminder that you have until 9 PM EASTERN tonight to decide how you’re using your points this week.

2311 days 20 hours ago

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