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[S1] Episode #2: Audition Part #2

Topic » [S1] Episode #2: Audition Part..

1728 days 8 hours ago

Welcome back to the X Factor auditions! Last time we saw ten acts make it through to the next stage of the competition, and we're back with another 10 hoping to impress!

But before we meet those individuals ready to perform, let's meet our judges!

Aili James!
and Kimberly!


Acts still need three yes votes to advance so let the auditions continue!
1728 days 8 hours ago
01. Dimash Kudaibergenov - "S.O.S Of An Earthly Being In Distress"

Okay, I really don’t care that this isn’t English you’re singing, I could honestly get lost in your voice and just hear you sing in the background when I’m doing any sort of homework or just reading a book, or whatever this was really good I don’t know if this counts as opera or not since it sounds very modern and pop like but whatever genre this is, you really made me enjoy it because I’m not usually the type to listen to this genre but you make me want to listen to it more, with you specifically singing it. Plus don’t even get me started on that amazing range you have, honestly well done Dimash can’t wait to see more of you.

Aili James:
I have no idea what you're saying but you sing with such emotion and that's what moves me. I do worry about your future in this competition though due to the language barrier but no doubt you're a talented artist.

You had a slow start to that song which didn't help you as a person but I heard those notes when you were more confident and you gotta believe in your capabilities more often.

*standing ovation* I think it’s always hard for us judges to truly connect with a performance when it’s in a different language but BOY GOD DAMN! That was just incredible! Your range is amazing and the control you have over your voice is so good. This is definitely one of the best auditions so far this season and the boys category is definitely getting stronger!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Congratulations Dimash on opening the show off strong! You're going through to the next round of the competition!
1728 days 8 hours ago
02. Jessica Sanchez - "Stuttering"

Ugh yes I’m so glad you’re here I honestly think you should have made it to the top 14 in Anything Can Happen because your performance there was amazing, however I have to judge this performance and I think there were elements of this song that were really good, and I really enjoy, like that first time you pushed your voice into that raspy part was really good. I didn’t really mind the backing vocals until the end of the song when it just kinda overpowered you a bit but the one’s during the middle and beginning didn’t really do anything for you and you used them the right way. I just think towards the end you got a bit sloppy with your energy and it disconnected me from the song but other than that it was a really good performance good job!

Aili James:
*claps* Simply fantastic Jessica! Your vocals are so amazing and to think this was the week that you got eliminated and saved on American Idol. You are truly a star and I see you winning this competition.

That rich voice is here and I instantly recognize the Artist and you have great vocals which got power into them and I wasn't wowed that much here but it is a stepping stone into the right direction for you.

*claps* Girl you are very talented and I just love it when you sing because your voice to me is just lovely to listen too. This was great and I feel like you could do even better! With the right coach girl you can go far in this competition!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Jessica you're going through to the next round congratulations girl!
1728 days 8 hours ago
03. Brian Justin Crum - "Your Song"

Okay Brian you just need to calm down, like this was an amazing performance that really pushed your vocal ability. You’re range is amazing and with how high your voice is, I love how you can control those subtle notes to bring out the emphasis and keep the energy that you have in the song because there really was no dull moment in my opinion when you were singing. I think sometimes when you went to belt out those high notes you lost that energy and connection you had to the song so you could focus on hitting the notes which is alright at this moment but you just need to work on sustaining that connection to the song throughout the whole song, but you did regain the connection and you ended off really song. The overs are just getting more and more powerful and I wouldn’t mind having them.

Aili James:
*claps* Wow! You absolutely killed it tonight Brian! You voice is so beautiful and listening to you sing brings so much joy to me and you are definitely someone I am keeping my eyes on.

You got me from those first notes because I knew straight away that you are capable of being a Star and this song helps to achieve it with the amount of power you can give especially in this performance *standing ovation*

YESS! Man that opening was sooooo good!! You had me hooked from that one note and I loved it. I felt that after that note though because it was amazing I wanted the rest to be at that level but sadly it wasn’t. I think that it took you a little while to get back into the song which was at the end where you really pulled it out of the bag! Overall though this was a very good audition Brian and you are just making the overs team even better. Whichever mentor gets the overs is so lucky because I want them haha!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Congratulations Brian four yes's mean that you're going to the six chair challenge!!!
1728 days 8 hours ago
04. TNT Boys - "Listen"

Okay I am honestly amazed that you three boys were able to belt out Beyonce like it was honestly nothing. Like I try to belt out Beyonce and I sound like a dying rat throughout the whole song. This audition was really well done and it’s going to be really hard to top this for the groups because it was just really powerful on what you guys did. The harmonies were out of this world and I don’t really have a critique for you boys because there’s nothing I saw that really needed to improve, I’m just saying you set the bar high for your future performances so don’t let us down in the upcoming rounds because I have really high expectations of you to make the live shows.

Aili James:
*claps* BOYYYSS! You are just little kids and your voices are so strong already and that range and those harmonies, wow a force to be reckoned with!

Well you are young but age shouldn't be a question in the way you sing tonight because you brought the house down and I was blown away by how those voices come out of boys like you and you harmonize so beautifully *standing ovation*

This was a good audition boys!! But I do have some things that I think you guys can work on. Firstly I think that Listen is such a crazy hard song to sing and especially since it BEYONCE so I just felt like individually your voices weren’t strong enough for the song and I almost felt like you guys were straining your voices just to try and make t like Beyoncé which to be honest, nobody can sing it better than her. I also feel like you guys rushed into the song way too quickly and it all went by very quickly and at points I didn’t know where to look. Nonetheless, I think you boys have great voices for your age and I see so much potential and with the right mentor you guys could do so well!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Congratuations boys you're heading to the next stage of the competition let's give them a hand!
1728 days 8 hours ago
05. Angel Tupai - "Big White Room"

Okay literally these auditions just keep getting better and better since everyone seems to bring it. I can see that you were losing control of your vocals at times and just trying to show off, but I think that can be refined in the future since you have a really strong and powerful voice. I also felt a real connection you had to the song when you were singing the end and the beginning parts of the song so I know you can really feel it during the whole thing, and I think with a little bit more refinement you can use your voice to give goosebumps to the whole audience and the judges here since it’s really hard to give me goosebumps. Honestly Angel I think you’re going to be a star, and I can’t wait to see more of you in the future rounds.

Aili James:
*claps* You have outrageous potential! I like your riffs and the way you handle your notes but at times I did feel you were shaky but we can definitely work on that.

This performance really shows the potential that you can give with those vocals and it would be crazy to not send you though but you need to control them since I want to hear more of your voice.

Girl that start was killer! But then...I just felt like you overdid the song way way way too much and you felt all over the place for me. I think you really tried too hard with those notes that they didn’t sound good in my opinion and quite screechy to be completely honest. And towards the end you could tell how out of breath you were from the first half of the song. I don’t know if I should take a chance to see what else you’ve got because I really did love the beginning. Hmm this is a tough one...

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - NO


With three yes votes that is enough to send you to the six chair challenge Angel good job!
1728 days 8 hours ago
06. Viini - "Bittersweet"

You know it’s bad when I can’t tell if you are singing your lip syncing because of how bad the backing vocals are. I’m having issues trying to comprehend your performance, and not lyrics wise since I know this is K-Pop and lyric wise I’m not going to understand, just the performance as a whole. During the parts I was sure you were singing you just sounded tired and not interested in this whole thing, and like I couldn’t even get through half the video because it was bad, I’m sorry, I’m not the biggest fan of K-Pop to begin with but I’ll still listen to it if I have to, it’s just this I wouldn’t even listen to.

Aili James:
Boys I'm sorry but this was a miss for me, it didn't help that this was a foreign language either, I'm sorry boys.

I can tell from the way you perform that you are naturals with those moves but we must focus on your vocals and I wasn't impressed to be honest being average and how it seems like you are blended with the background vocalists and not stand out.

I’m torn. I feel like you are very fun and you can definitely perform but it’s just not my cup of tea so I find it hard to get into this. I think at times your voice was strong overshadowed by the music and I couldn’t even tell if you were singing half of the time haha even though you were probably lol. I don’t know I just don’t see you going very far I’m afraid.

Drake - NO
Aili James - NO
Ryan - NO
Kimberly - NO


I'm sorry Viini but this is the end of the road for you, we hope try again next year, everyone give one more round of applause for Viini!
1728 days 8 hours ago
07. Chung Ha - "Snapping"

Honestly, I'm really digging this, as said previously, I'm not the biggest fan of K-Pop, however this I could get into since you were really feeling the song, you were giving me sass, and I think you were really trying with your voice. One thing I didn’t like is how you had backing vocals which sounded somewhat like something was trying to autotune your voice, and honestly I think if you just focus on singing and not all the dancing and all the extra stuff you did I think you could really blow me away. However, I don’t mind the dancing and all that since you were really giving me diva, and we need a bit of spice in this competition. Overall this was a solid performance and I think you have potential to make it further into the competition good job!

Aili James:
I really don't know what to make from this, um you're a good dancer?

Well this performance wasn't outstanding but it was great for what you have to give with your vocals sounding so good live and with the right songs I can see you nail performances in this competition.

This is similar to VIINI except I actually think you have a very nice voice and I appreciated this performance from you. I think you’re very controlled and you have a nice tone! My only critique is that I think you still have more to your voice that we didn’t see here so if you make it through I’d love to hear it!

Drake - YES
Aili James - NO
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Congratulations Chung! You're making it through to the next stage of the competition good job!
1728 days 8 hours ago
08. Twice - "Like Ooh-Aah"

You know shockingly I know who you girls are just because my roommate is literally addicted to you girls. Like I can’t count how many Yes or Yes posters he has around the apartment because he went to your concert. So I am aware of your songs and your performances, this performance I think there’s potential here for you girls to really work on harmonies and just bring everything together because it’s best described as sorority girl vibes? If that makes sense. A lot of your vocals I think really work for music and this song, and I think with the right guidance you can do a lot in this competition, I just think you girls need to work a little harder on pushing yourself. This is a good audition to show what you have but I think you need to step it up.

Aili James:
There's something about you girls that I find appealing. I feel like even though this was a foreign language you guys made this fun and I enjoyed this performance and was dancing along.

You are trying and this performance has energy which is all good but I got to focus that this is a singing competition and the singing I got was average with how your vocals aren't strong and as a group I feel you are forgettable.

I got bored of this song so quickly LMAOO I really don’t like it. HOWEVER, when you girls sing together you sound great! Like I see so much potential here and I think you girls could actually do pretty well in this competition maybe with Aili James as your judge/mentor as I feel she’s more suited to you girls. But yeah other than the song LOOL I liked this!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - NO
Kimberly - YES


You girls are heading to the next stage of the competition with three yes votes good job!
1728 days 8 hours ago
09. Demi Lovato - "Tell Me You Love Me"

From the moment you were singing the first note you were into this song, and I was just bopping along to this whole performance because you just have the infectious energy that I couldn’t help just dance along to this whole performance. You were really bringing out your emotions and you were changing the song around so you could keep the song interesting. I honestly didn’t even mind the backing choir because I thought it really did enhance the performance in a way which is rare but good job making that work like the way you did because I was pleasantly enjoying this. I think towards the end you kinda belted a little too much and overdid with your voice but that’s my only real critique so good job can’t wait to see more from you.

Aili James:
*standing ovation and throws shoes* I WANT YOU! I am telling you Demi, you could win this whole thing! Your voice is strong and the depth it has to it truly amazes me. You have a beautiful raspy voice with powerhouse vocals and I am in complete awe.

Girl oh my you really brought vocals to this showing and I am really behind you on this one being just great with the way you get the crowd going and with stronger vocals which you can improve on I can see you going far.

*claps* UGH DEMI!! I’m so glad you applied because you are extremely talented girl! I loved this performance from you. I could see you connect with the song and I felt every word and loved every note! Girl omg one of the best performances tonight and you are going to go far! So good!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Demi with 4 yes votes, a unanimous decision has been made and you're going to the six chair challenge congratulations.
1728 days 7 hours ago
10. Pentatonix - "Hallelujah"

I’m always a big fan of you guys, and you tend to have mixed reactions on your performances when it comes to music competitions like this. You guys also tend to have mixed placements because sometimes you go out in the auditions, and sometimes you make it to the live shows to be caught short. I’m going to tell you guys right now, you aren’t going out of the auditions this season because I really did enjoy this performance. I don’t think this has been your best performance I’ve seen from you guys however I think you really showed off your voices and I loved how you took a classic song and made it yours. I think my critique is that you could have changed it up a little bit more since I kinda know this song like the back of my hand so it just gets repetitive after a while but good job for an audition can’t wait to see more.

Aili James:
*standing ovation and throws shoes* YOU GUYS TOOK ME TO CHURCH! My god! I wish you guys didn't audition with this song though because it's complete perfection and I don't think any of your other performances will beat this. This is the best performance of the audition rounds!

Okay I can see from this that you are a talented group especially how it is done acapella which I have to clap for and here your vocals really blended together like how a group is meant to be and also strong at the right moments.

YASSSS PENTATONIX!! *standing ovation* You guys absolutely SNAPPED!! What a way to end day 2 of the auditions! This was the best performance of the night! Each of you individually are talented but when you put you guys together it’s something I’d pay to see. I don’t even need to say a lot except that this was one of the best auditions so far and I cannot wait for your next performance!

Drake - YES
Aili James - YES
Ryan - YES
Kimberly - YES


Congratulations Pentatonix you have made it through to the next stage of the competition good job!
1728 days 7 hours ago
// Twice got accepted with their debut stage, this was their first stage ever years ago when they were inexperienced , WAIT FOR WHAT I HAVE READY MUHAHAH
1728 days 7 hours ago
Well that's a wrap as 9 more contestants have advanced through to the next stage of the competition

Tune in next time where these 10 acts will audition, and we'll see who will make it and who will not.

1. Sam Smith - "Too Good At Goodbyes" (Tinkerbelll) #Boys
2. Sia - "Alive" (Tinkerbelll) #Overs
3. Megan Nicole - "B-e-autiful" (Tommy123) #Girls
4. Hunter Hayes - "I Want Crazy" (Tommy123) #Boys
5. New Direction - "Don't Stop Believing" (Tommy123) #Groups
6. Katherine Jenkins - "Never Enough" (Tommy123) #Overs
7. Dalton Harris - "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word" (raygan94) #Boys
8. Louisa Johnson - "Who's Loving You" (raygan94) #Girls
9. Beyonce - "Halo" (raygan94) #Overs
10. Bruno Mars - "Talking To The Moon" (Paralox) #Overs
1728 days 7 hours ago
Congratulations to everyone moving on to the next stage! <3
1728 days 7 hours ago
Congrats everyone!

Love, Kimberly <3
1727 days 19 hours ago
GJ everyone that did good

open group


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