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Big Brother and Survivor online game.

Hello, my name is Karate master ghost secret agent man

some words that describe me are some bald karate master secret agent guy who likes to wear ties every day and stuffs his matress with ties and also i am a ghost that is alive so i break the law of everything and that is why i am an agent who saved the universe from some evil beast named lennie and also i have no legs because a shark ate it because the day before that injury i accidentally used a dead fish as soap because it was too dark in my shower and my hideout is in a purple submarine somewhere deep under the ocean and since i have no legs i use a super powered jet pack powered by cheese which i get from my pet cow which can fly and is solid gold i got it as a gift from the heavens because i saved the world and also i spend my days watching the tv channel that has the black and white dots. I always think that the black dots are going to win the war but then the white dots cheat also i play chess with the cow which i named him jahumpalahumpus the gift from the gods also i can make a funny sound from my tie thats sounds like it is saying tie tie tie and also i also got a golden spider that can make golden ties from its golden silk so someday i hope i will get my legs back and maybe grow some hair but that probally wont happen if you want to donate you legs to me just send them to me by dropping them in the ocean also my part time job is a tie salesman it is the easiest job ever because everyone loves ties and also one time i accidentally broke this plastic fork and it went down in history as the most important event ever and also i once knew this guy who could do a quadruple backflip while baking a pizza and then one day he died of obesity because he ate so many pizzas but then he came back to life in that zombie invasion in 300 BCE the zombies all started when those spartan warriors kicked people down holes and at the bottom of the hole was zombie gas because zombies eat a lot of beans and eventually all the zombies took over mcdonalds and they still own it to this day so dont eat from there.bu%u0131%u0287%u0287%u013 1%u0279%u028D%u0287x%u01D D%u0287s%u0131%u0265%u028 7%u05DF%u05DF%u0250%u029E %u0254n%u025F%u0287%u0131 %u0265s%u0250%u0287%u01DD b%u0287,uop%u0131pu%u0250 %u01DD%u0254uo%u026F%u013 1%u0265u%u0131p%u01DDp%u0 1DD%u0131%u05DF%u01DDq%u0 131%u0265%u0254%u0287%u01 31qss%u0250pobbu%u0131%u0 29E%u0254n%u025F%u01DD%u0 5DFdo%u01DDd%u029E%u0254n %u025F%u0265%u0254%u0279n %u0265%u0254%u01DD%u0265%
u0287%u0131%u0265ss%u0131 %u0265%u0287%u0265bno%u02 65%u0279%u0287%u0279%u01D D%u025F%u025Fns%u01DD%u02 6Fbu%u0131%u029E%u0250%u0 26F%u0279o%u025Fs%u0131%u 0279%u0265%u0254pobsns%u0 1DD%u0638%u029E%u0254n%u0 25F%u05DF%u05DF%u0250n%u0 29E%u0254n%u025F%u05DF%u0 5DF%u01DD%u0265o%u0287%u0 287%u0131%u0265s%u028E%u0 250bs%u0131%u0265%u0287%u 029E%u0254n%u025Fso%u0279 b%u01DDuss%u0250%u0265%u0 254%u0287%u0131q5%u01DD%u 0287o%u028Cs%u0250bb%u013 1u%u029E%u0254n%u025Fd%u0 250%u025Fd%u0250%u025Fd%u 0250%u025Fs%u05DF%u0279%u 0131bu%u0250%u0131s%u0250 %u01DDd%u0250%u0279o%u028 7%u01DD%u029E%u0131%u05DF %u0131p%u01DD%u0287%u0279 oq%u0250pu%u0250p%u01DD%u 05DF%u05DF%u0131%u029E%u0 1DDqo%u0287p%u01DD%u01DDu sp%u01DD%u01DDu%u0265%u02 87%u0131%u028Dsp%u0131%u0 29E%u029E%u0254n%u025F%u0 1DD%u0254%u0131o%u0265%u0 254%u0287%u0265b%u0131%u0 279%u01DD%u0265%u0287s%u0 131uo%u0131%u0287%u0279oq %u0250s%u01DD%u026F%u0131
sorry just wanted to post this so everybody could know this very important message because it is

My Games 22 games played

5 Sep, 11
25 Aug, 11
23 Aug, 11
22 Aug, 11
15 Aug, 11
13 Aug, 11
7 Aug, 11

My Blog Check my blog!

  1. why did i get no karma for 6th place? again?
  2. is this design okay to use
  3. i need 1.5 t
  4. why did i get no karma for 6th place?
  5. my blog has no title


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