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Admiral's Blog Stardate 2010

Posts 163 posts

Hall of Fame Idea (Open letter to Randomize) Jan 23, 2010
A couple ideas for a new Hall of Fame.  I like that you have standings now, but why on only the top 200 or so?  I think you should rank everyone. 

Here's the problem with the Hall of Fame, because Tengaged has gotten so popular the top people on there will always be on there unless they stop playing.  That means, a new person who may be awesome and win almost every game they play still probably won't have a chance to catch up because the gap in karma is too large and you can only play 2 games a week. 

So here's my idea:

Make a Hall of Fame page that also includes average karma per game.  I think it'd be best to do one for each game.  That way you can see who the best at castings is, the best at Rookies, and the best at Survivor.  Make the minimum like 10 games played in each category.  That way it gets new players a chance to reach greatness. 

I also think you need a page for just Stars winners.  Those players should really be immortalized for their efforts.  Right now you can only track the last 8 games.

If anyone else has any ideas, I'd love to hear them in the comments section.
Points: 150 12 comments
imageCheck it out now, I'm there as a top monthly ranker!  All from Casting games too!  There's so many people to thank.  In no particular order I'd like to thank the following:

Nikia, Crystal, Akron, Skyblue, Belle91, Desi, Vatch, Streeter, MikeNikers, Fabrizzio, Kohana, Cherry, and probably lots of others that I'm forgetting! 

It's be a great month, I hope to duplicate here this month! :)  I hope to see you all in the games, good luck everyone! :)
Points: 49 7 comments
PUT ME IN THE HALL OF FAME!!! Jan 22, 2010
I pulled it off!  Nominated in a castings because I forgot to do the comp.  16 players left, mostly noobs, I was by far the strongest player left in the game, getting 1st in my last 4 castings.  But I managed to avoid the votes and stay safe.  And not just barely, check it out, even the inactive got more votes than I did! 

Snooki                31
James1985        24
mikegregory2009        21
Admiral                14

So put me in the Hall of Fame!  I'll be there soon anyway with 95 Karma in the last month!

Points: 33 8 comments
Jeff Probst Jenn Lyon Tribute Jan 21, 2010
In case you all didn't see this, it's a very touching tribute from Jeff Probst about Jenn Lyon.
Points: 22 0 comments
FORGOT TO TAKE THE COMP!!! :( Jan 21, 2010
I can't believe it, I was online and just flat out forgot to take the comp.  And since I've gotten 1st place in 4 consecutive castings I'm surely going to be voted out :(  What a moron I am.
Points: 0 1 comments
Still the Hottest Guy on Tengaged! (Plus visual proof!) Jan 20, 2010
imageAlso, please plus this design. :)
Points: 0 2 comments