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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Restructure Rookies

Sep 3, 2010 by DoctorWill
I'd like to see a couple drastic changes made to Rookies. First, I'd prefer dropping the algo nomination entirely. Instead, each day there should be a competition. The competition winner would be HOH and the POV would be given randomly to one of the three most active players of the previous day. Also, both the HOH and POV winners should be announced to the house.

The HOH would then make 3 nominations and rank them (3, 2, 1) based on who he/she wants out the most. The POV winner would be ineligible from being placed on the block and would then choose one other player to save.

If the POV winner uses the veto on one of the HOH's 3 nominees, that person will not go up on the block but the other two nominees will. If the POV holder uses the veto on someone not nominated, the HOH's first two choices for eviction would go up on the block.

I know this isn't a perfect idea - far from it - but I think it better resembles the American version of Big Brother than the game does as played right now.

Any thoughts or ideas?


Sent by Robbster1313,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by Survivor8,Sep 3, 2010
Plussed. I agree with you!
Sent by MaryLaFleur,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by sprtsgy1989,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by Jackpotman99,Sep 3, 2010
Me likey
Sent by RidersDX,Sep 3, 2010
i agree
Sent by jeremy59281,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by Javy9,Sep 3, 2010

and long time no see!!
Sent by Amanyaman,Sep 3, 2010
Totally agree!
Sent by JTrebble,Sep 3, 2010
+9 could be cool but maybe make it a new game .
Sent by BrendonByrne,Sep 3, 2010
Thanks for the plusses! :D

If you need anything plussed, feel free to spam away :)
Sent by DoctorWill,Sep 3, 2010

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