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The Hothman's blog

Posts 31 posts

a awsome list of 101 awsome things to be awsome =) May 5, 2009
1. Always Say "Awesome."

2. Never Be A Sheep.

3. Become A Tactical Genius.

4. Grow Your Hair Long/Mid-length.

5. Play Tengaged.

6. Watch Lost.

7. Watch Naruto.

8. Own At COD. "Lets Do This."

9. Play Scrabble.

10. Make Many Typos.

11. Look At The Sky.

12. Eat Cheese.

13. Wake Up In The Afternoon.

14. Make Up Your Own Catchphrases.

15. Make Up Your Own Songs.

16. Sing Your Made Up Songs.

17.  Play Various different monopoly versions

18. Swim with the fish

19.  Fall through a trap door

20. Walk In The Rain.

21. Swim At Night.

22. Use A Laser Keyboard.

23. Grow A Long Beard.

24.  Shikimaru

25. Revise At The Last Second.

26. Scream When The Internet Goes Down.

27. Roll Down A Hill.

28.  Learn the rules of bowls

29.  Complain about food prices

30.  Eat an apple and enjoy it.

31. Drive A Lawnmower.

32. Ride On A Donkey.

33. Complain About ‘The Happening’.

34. Complain About Other Things.

35. Talk About Going On A Trip, Without Actually Going.

36. Try To Gain Superpowers.

37.  Have over 1000 mega blocks

38.  Eat a cloud

39. Watch Windows Media Player Dancing Lines.

40. Measure The Equaliser.

41. Get Ready To ROCK.

42. Watch Rocky.

43. Try And Fail To Imitate Rocky.

44. Look To The Future, Not The Past.

45. Get Over It.

46. Buy or steal an I-phone

47.  Survive Death

48. Make A New Alter Ego.

49.  Paint a window

50. Paint Yourself In Neon, Or Teal.

51. Jump Down A Waterfall.

52. Watch Crank 2.

53. Jump Out Of A Helicopter And Survive.

54. Become An Epic WIN.

55.  Learn to fly

56. Lick A Wall.

57. Annoy People.

58. Step on a land mine….THEN RUN

59. Climb A Hill And Then Get Attacked.

60. Slide Down A Hill, Without Being Scared.

61. Write A List Of 101 Awesome Things To Do To Become Awesome.


63. Use chat programs

64. Read This.

65. Say "Hello," Instead Of "Hi."

66. Swim In A River Of Mud.

67. Get On TV.

68. *Cough*

69. Build a train

70. Watch Heroes.

71. Play Retro Games.

72. Play Human Tetris.

73.  Travel the world

74.  and the seven seas

75. Watch Paint Dry.

76. Watch Michael Jackson Live At The O2.

77. be…better than you were before, faster, stonger.

78. laugh at the world

79. Try To Dance Like Michael Jackson.

80. Wake Up In The Morning And Realize You Slept Through The Whole Day.

81. Meet Phil From Rochester.

82. Beat Phil To It.

83. Try To Imitate Phil.

84. Go To A Beach.

85. Make A Sand Table.

86. Beat Phil In Making A Sand Table.

87. Comply With Health And Safety Regulations.

88. Eat A Living Slug.

89. Watch, Don't Talk.

90. Shut Up.

91.  Go paintballing

92.   Win a Rat Race

93. Make A Youtube Video...

94. ... Without Using Windows Movie Maker.

95. Become An Epic FAIL.

96. Drink Dilute Acid.

97. Don't Eat Yellow Snow.

98. Paint A Wall.

99. survive death

100. 100.

101. walk in the rain
Points: 21 4 comments
Hothmans random joke of the day =P (no offence ment ) Apr 7, 2009
Why do women have smaller feet than men?

It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allows them to stand closer to the kitchen sink.
Points: 22 3 comments
BATDANCE!!! Apr 6, 2009
Points: 22 5 comments
Random Bill Gates story i found on internet joke site LOL =P Apr 6, 2009
Bill Gates dies in a car accident. He finds himself in purgatory, being sized up by St. Peter.

"Well, Bill, I'm really confused on this call; I'm not sure whether to send you to Heaven or Hell. After all, you enormously helped society by putting a computer in almost every home in America, yet you also created that ghastly Windows '95. I'm going to do something I've never done before in your case; I'm going to let you decide where you want to go."

Bill replied, "well, what's the difference between the two?"

St. Peter said, "I'm willing to let you visit both places briefly, if it will help your decision."

"Fine, but where should I go first?"

"I'll leave that up to you."

"Okay then," said Bill, "Let's try Hell first."

So Bill went to Hell. It was a beautiful, clean, sandy beach with clear waters and lots of bikini-clad women running around, playing in the water, laughing and frolicking about. The sun was shining; the temperature perfect. He was very pleased.

"This is great!" he told St. Peter. "If this is hell, I really want to see heaven!"

"Fine," said St. Peter, and off they went.

Heaven was a place high in the clouds, with angels drifting about, playing harps and singing. It was nice, but not as enticing as Hell.

Bill thought for a quick minute, and rendered his decision.

"Hmmm. I think I'd prefer Hell," he told St. Peter.

"Fine," retorted St. Peter, "as you desire."

So Bill Gates went to Hell.

Two weeks later, St. Peter decided to check on the late billionaire to see how he was doing in Hell. When he got there, he found Bill, shackled to a wall, screaming amongst hot flames in dark caves, being burned and tortured by demons.

"How's everything going?" he asked Bill.

Bill responded, with his voice filled with anguish and disappointment, "this is awful! This is nothing like the Hell I visited two weeks ago! I can't believe this is happening! What happened to that other place, with the beautiful beaches, the scantily-clad women playing in the water?!???

"That was a demo," replied St. Peter.
Points: 38 4 comments
Funny youtube video Competition!! Mar 22, 2009
welcome one and all to this competition your task to find a funny video on youtube and post it on this blog the winner gets...ermm....pride in the fact they won good luck guys, here is your starting bid
Points: 14 1 comments
Stars enrollment? Mar 21, 2009
right guys I'm annoyed at the moments stars is getting more and more predictable week after week same people going in Stars and it's boring no one new gets a chance or very rarely do they you might have one new person every 5 games and it's so pointless and boring and now that the usual people are getting better stars is getting harder and harder to get into to!!
Points: 31 7 comments