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I Love Karma!: Déjà Vu Nov 15, 2008
imageGood evening, tengaged.  It is Paxton once again doing what I do every night, no matter what, even if the world was ending.  That's right, drinking Dr. Pepper.  Oh, and recapping the latest in the amazing game I Love Karma! of course...  Tonight's show is one filled with mystery, death and most importantly: shock.
Let us begin first with the mystery.  *darkness falls upon the I Love Karma mansion*  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!  To determine who'd be safe from being voided and the new Pay Master the challenge had all the players participating in a game of guessing.
Now onto the death.  *lightning strikes*  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!  One player was randomly chosen as a killer (they were safe no matter what) and as the night went on person after person would be killed until none remained.  It was the other players job to guess before their tragic deaths who among them was the sly culprit.  (Except for the first person to die since they didn't have much time to get a sense of the others.)  The second person to die and not correctly guess the killer would automatically go into the box for elimination.  The death order was as follows: Latina, SlowMoving, MarkiePoo, Darren, Lexxu, Tess11, jamesbuc, then last was punx193 MEANING TripleXXX was the killer!  So who guessed correctly?  Only one person.  The one, the only... Latina!  This sent SlowMoving right into the box.  So it was to the Vault where two other people would be placed in the box alongside him.  With five votes was MarkiePoo and with four was jamesbuc giving the box have its three nominees.
Now for the shock  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!  *cough* *cough* Oh God.  *cough* Okay, I'll stop *cough* doing that now.  Shortly before the Elimination Ceremony jamesbuc made an announcement.  Here it is in its entirety: "Sorry everyone but ive decided for the 2nd time that im going to pack my things now and void myself. Okay yes, its suspect that im quitting now that im likely to leave but whatever just hear me out.  Every day now for the past few days while this game has been proceeding I have had to wage war almost with my family to even get on to play the game. That alone drains me and makes me snappy as hell. But now I just cannot be bothered. Ever since a couple of days ago Corey and Jm have been sending me a shitstorm of abusive, vile and often threatening mails. I thought I could handle them but that, coupled with the amount of arguing im going through with my family over the Pc is just a bit too much as its causing me to be annoyed, snapping at everyone including good friends and I can do without the hassle caused by some web-game with a notworthit-prize."  So sadly, jamesbuc is no longer in the game now.  Because of this no Elimination Ceremony was held.
There are but nine players remaining and only one week left until the grand finale.  Who will karma creep up on?  Keep watching to find out.  See the game live here: and to view jamesbuc's exit interview go here:  Thanks for reading, and good night.
Points: 26 3 comments
I Love Karma!: Drama Llama Loves You Nov 14, 2008
imageWell, well, well, if it isnt Bubbly's dear sweet pet Drama Llama.  So cute and adorable.  But wait, if DL is here, that must mean...  Oh noes!  Could it be?  *DL nods head*  Are you serious?!  *DL nods head*  :D  Major drama?!!  *DL nods and grins*  Oh boy.  This is going to be an interesting show tonight then peoples.  Let's continue to find out what all went down inside that beautiful mansion.

This round was unlike any previous round.  For the first time this season there would be no team captains/pay masters.  Instead each team had to nominate two of its members to be put into the box.  Then the four who ended up as those unfortunate souls would compete to stay in the game.  So who was voted in?  Let's start off with the Fans who didn't seem to have much of problem voting.  Except for the fact there was a tie...  So a result three of them went in those being. Alex1991, Selena142 and SlowMoving.  Now the Favorites on the other hand had some issues.  *DL smiles*  It was decided that they'd pick one person who they all wanted in whom they based their decision on by determining who was the least active.  MarkiePoo asked, "Who is the LEAST active tho?" Which Darren replied, "corey... i think but hes busy so"  It took only seconds before people joined in and went right along with corey1 as their first choice of the two nominations.  Darren however, held off oh his first vote.  After this it took a little bit before anyone was brave enough announce another nomination.  Latina decided to take the leap and vote for TripleXXX, who then followed up by voting for her.  An additional two votes were then cast for her, but it came as a surprise when she said "I Volunteer myself to go in....  The world won't end after all its just a game"  So it was final: Alex1991, corey1, Latina, SlowMoving, & Selena142 would be competing to keep their place in the game.  Wait, what's that DL?  You say more happened?  *DL nods*  Oh yeah!  How could I forget?
After it was said who'd be going into the box, corey1 seemed to snap just a bit.  He admitted himself "Ok guys i am srry but ppl have brought out the crazy corey 1. if you have a problem with me state it right here, dont be scared, tell me straight up and dont be a bitch about it"  It wasn't until jm101's exit interview did the fire really start to burn.
corey1: "yeah james buc is a bitch"
MarkiePoo: "And youre not? oh my goodness lol"
corey1: "markie stop standin up for your lover"
MarkiePoo: "It would be wrong for me not to."
corey1: "isnt james buc the one that voided u last time. lmao"
MarkiePoo: "No lol tyleror did. shows how active you were last time too"
corey1: "budy i was active as hell last time u dumb bitch thats y i got to the final 2. dumb ass"
MarkiePoo: "Okay. lol. see you at the reunion. it is a shame youre going tomorrow"
corey1: "i have to loose the challenge to go and that aint happenin"
Today would be the day corey1 would have to back up that statement in order to stay in this game.  The challenge had our nominees playing with matches.  The way it worked, each person had to score only 500 points and post it.  The first three to complete the game and do so would be safe.  Alex1991, Selena142, & Latina were the only ones playing at first meaning they had an advantage over corey1 and SlowMoving.  It didn't really come easy though to them.  The first to score though was Alex1991 with 1,200.  A little afterwards came Latina with a nice 1,080.  Continuing to flail was Selena142 who just couldn't do it.  All she had to was get 500 before corey1 or SlowMoving came online.  She tried and tried, and out of nowhere came SlowMoving posting the best score yet of 1,660.  Tonight fate would have it that corey1 and Selena142 would be voided.  One Fan and one Favorite gone, leaving just ten players.
Who loves karma the most?  Keep on watching and find out!  Join the group here: to watch it all.  For now that's all from me and my special guest DL.  Until tomorrow, good night, tengaged.
Points: 13 3 comments
I Love Karma!: Cheat or Play? Lie or Tell the Truth? Quit or Be Voided? Such Hard Decisions! Nov 13, 2008
imageAw, did you think I wasn't going to be here tonight?  You poor misguided children.  Never fear, Paxton is here to let you know all about what's been going inside the I Love Karma Mansion.  Let's get this show on the road.
Today's captains were jamesbuc (second time this season) for the Favorites and punx193 (third time this season) for the Fans.  The challenge had each member of the teams defending their very own castles against pesky stickmen.  (Play the addicting game here: yourself.)  All members of the Favorites participated giving them an average score of 35,990.  Only two members of the Fans did so, one of which didn't count as it was edited, so only Lexxu's score of 28,880 counted.  So it was 14,440 vs. 35,990 giving the Favorites a much needed win.
In the Vault the Fans only had to vote in two other members since jm101 was automatically in due to cheating in the challenge.  The unfortunate players were SlowMoving and Selena142.
The Power Outing was pretty much just a bickering back and forth between SlowMoving and jm101 until Selena142 busted in seeming lost telling jamesbuc "u shuld be voiding tess11 cuz she is NEVER active"  She also brought up her bit about giving him tengaged fame again...  Yeah...  Anyways the Elimination Ceremony left jm101 and jamesbuc exchanging words and revealing that jm101 was going to quit.  jamesbuc offered him the chance to do so beforehand or to be voided tonight.  In the end, jm101 must've thought he was going to be safe seeing as he didn't quit, but was voided as promised, leaving both teams even with six players a piece.
Who will be karma's next victim?  Keep watching to find out!  Join the group here: to see it all as it happens.  Until tomorrow, see ya!
Points: 36 9 comments
I Love Karma!: Come On and Do the Twist! Nov 12, 2008
image*dusts off shoulders*
*straightens tie*
*checks breath*
Are we on?  *loud static from mic*  Whoa!  *fixes mic*  Hello, hello?  Mic check, one, two, three.  There we go.  Are we on?  Five seconds?  okay  Four, three, two, one..
Good evening, tengaged!  How are you tonight?  Great I hope.  I am Paxton as you all know and this is YOUR nightly recap of I Love Karma!
There's a lot to get through, so let's get it shall we?  First off, our team captains today were Alex1991 and Latina.  Except, as apart of many twists to come to light on this sunny Wednesday, they were on opposite teams for only this challenge.  The rules of the challenge were simple.  Eliminate any player you wish before they eliminate you.  (The fun part was know one would know who got rid of who as all choices were anonymous.)  The team with the final member standing would be the winner.  And as another twist, that final member would be the recipient of special prize.  The order of elimination during the challenge went like this:
1st Latina
2nd punx193
3rd jimmyemery
4th jamesbuc
5th Darren
6th jm101
7th TripleXXX
8th corey1
9th SlowMoving
10th Alex1991
11th Selena142
12th Tess11
MEANING Lexxu was the final player giving the Fans yet another win.  So back into the Vault the Favorites went voting in Alex1991, Darren, jamesbuc, & TripleXXX.  jimmyemery was also up for elimination as he volunteered himself confident he was safe.
At the Power Outing it appeared as if it was Alex1991 vs. everyone else.  A constant argument amongst the players ensued stating the basic point that it would only make sense that Alex1991 be voided seeing as he was apart of the Fans' team.
Finally at the Elimination Ceremony at first it seemed certain that Alex1991 would be karma's latest victim.  However as the ceremony went on suspense appeared to ooze from every corner.  First jamesbuc was announced safe by Latina, followed by TripleXXX and Darren.  As imagined it all came down to jimmyemery and Alex1991.  Latina stated "Jimmy... you can be really nice sometimes (2 times a week) but i have no idea if i should send you home, to be honest you said you have helped our team a lot but i seriously don't think so.... i think its better for me to void you....... BUT i have reasons to send alex home too... people might get mad at me if i keep him...."  In probably the most shocking event to occur this season, Latina chose to void jimmyemery!  His last words while in the game were "i think latina ur a bitch i hope u lose next getting ride of ur team wow thts low i hope the whole teams gets pissed and ur out nxt"
But wait folks, there's MORE!!!  After the Elimination Ceremony it was revealed what Lexxu's prize was.  Everyone thought it would be the Diamond Veto (oh boy, don't get me started on that) but it turned out he won immunity until the merge!  So congratulations to him.
But wait folks, there's EVEN MORE!!!  As a major twist, last season's Markiepoo was brought into the game.  He will of course join his fellow Favorites and he can't be eliminated at the next Ceremony if they lose again.
Whew!  What a day!  Join me tomorrow and every night as I continue to fill you in on all the latest happening in I Love Karma.  And don't forget to join the group here: to see it as it happens.  Once again, I am Paxton, and thanks for reading.  Good night!
Points: 14 10 comments
I Love Karma!: Who's Really Screwing Who? Nov 11, 2008
imageHello everyone.  It's me Paxton once again and it's currently day seven in the I Love Karma! Mansion.  So far we've seen five people be voided in the game and tonight one more will be added to the list.  Will it be a Fan or a Favorite?  OR WILL IT BE RANDOMIZE?!!  Well, probably not that last one, but read on to find out anyways!
Today's challenge was sort of a tricky one strategically.  The game required each team to choose one of the following: to save their team OR to screw their team
The team who had more members choose to save their team would be the winner.  The catch was if you said screw your team you'd be safe BUT if four or members of a team said it ALL who said it would be in the box without a Vault vote.  After all votes were tallied the results were...
Fans: Alex1991, jm101, punx193, Selena142, & Tess11 said save my team, while SlowMoving and Lexxu said screw my team for a total of five points.
Favorites: corey1, Darren and jimmyemery said save my team, while jamesbuc, jeffypop, Latina, & TripleXXX said screw my team for a total of three points.
So since four members of the Favorites chose screw, not only did they lose but those four were all automatically put into the box.
A little after the results of the challenge were revealed former Extra now Favorite jimmyemery pulled a very risky move and called out the four on their actions.  The conversation went like this:
jimmyemery: "y in the fk u dinit save team u only care about ur self and all 4 of u selfish bastards schould go"
Latina: "jimmy i was trying to help the team, i was told to say screw my team!! so shut the fuck up little bitch"
TripleXXX: "Jimmy learn this word R.E.S.P.E.C.T. !!!!!Don't talk to me that way cause I haven't disrespected u and don't call me a bastard"
Latina: "haha jimmy is an idiot, he don't know how to play a game..."
jimmyemery: "u respected the team y would u screw it over"
Latina: "Jimmy, i through if we all said save my team we would of auto-lose but i was wrong and i wasn't the only 1 because i was told to say screw because everybody else was going to say "Save my team"  you don't have to call us basterdx... i care about the team more than you do"
TripleXXX: "Jimmy u are rude"
Latina: "he is... and i knew that"
jimmyemery: "w.e  no i care about more then u i saved my team did u nope"
TripleXXX: "Plzz jimmy jus be quiet thanks"
Latina: "jimmy, This is like your first time helping the team and now your accusing and talking bullshit, you need to shut the fuck up stupid idiot, im always helping the team and this team have won a lot of times thanks to me! kthx"
jamesbuc: "Actually I did respect the team..
Just my hands went faster than my brain and wound up writing screw instead of save while I was thinking about Triple :(  Dammit"
It was then onto the Power Outing where punx193 the newly appointed Pay Master would choose out of the four the next person to leave the game.  "Bye everyone! Im gonna be voided, good luck dealing with the snakes!" were jeffypop's entering words.  It was only eight minutes later when his prediction came true, meaning Latina avoided elimination for the third time.  No reason from punx193 other than "karma doesn't love you" was given.
Things are certainly heating up once more in the game.  I'll be back tomorrow once again to continue the updates.  Don't forget to join the group here: to see it all happen live.  That's all for now from me, tengaged.  Good night.
Points: 12 4 comments
I Love Karma!: The Seven Deadly Favorites Nov 10, 2008
imageDo you hear that?  !!!  It's the resounding bang of someone being voided!  But wait, who was it?  Read on to find out!
How goes it, tengaged?  Are you ready for your buddy Paxton here to fill you in on I Love Karma!?  You aren't?  Too bad because this bus doesn't stop for anyone.  Anyways, let's get to it!
The challenge today had members from each team going head-to-head as they battled in games themed to the seven deadly sins.  The pairings and results were the following:
Lust - Darren (winner) vs. SlowMoving
Greed - jeffypop (winner) vs. Yankee1006
Gluttony - jimmyemery (winner) vs. jm101
Wrath - Latina (winner) vs. punx193
Sloth - jamebuc (winner) vs. Tess11
Envy - TripleXXX (winner) vs. Selena142
Pride - corey1 (winner) vs. Alex1991
So as you can see it was a total wipeout by the Favorites.  Since Lexxu was the player left out from playing, he was safe from nomination as the rest of the Fans headed into the Vault to nominate three of their fellow teammates.  Those unlucky people ended up being Selena142, Yankee1006 & SlowMoving.
For once ALL of the nominees as well as the new Pay Master (jeffypop) showed up for the Power Outing.  Yankee1006 attempted to sway jeffypop not to void him by stating it was obvious he wasn't a threat because of his poor performance in another game here on tengaged.  However, it was the joining of forces of SlowMoving and Selena142 that was most memorable.  They made the exact opposite point and said it was crucial Yankee1006 be eliminated now before the merge otherwise he'd be a big problem later on.  It seemed like it was all downhill from there despite Yankee1006 pleading his case afterward.  So at the Voiding Ceremony it came as no surprise when jeffypop wasted no time in revealing his choice as being Yankee1006.
Only fourteen players are left, folks.  Which of them loves karma the most?  You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.  Join me every night as I continue the updates and here to watch it all unfold.  Until tomorrow, I'm out!
Points: 15 3 comments