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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

One Killer Character Assessment

Jul 4, 2016 by Icarus_Mark
So before I begin, let me just say in advance that normally, if I am going to do an assessment, 3 things must happen: I would need to have a character in the blog series because I otherwise usually don’t even read those series, the blog series must impress me in some form or fashion because I am taking the time to do these, and I need to know the characters enough to make the assessment because these are, first and foremost, CHARACTER assessments.  On special request from melindaMrskk, here is a character assessment for “One Killer”, and thankfully, as I’ve read the first 3 episodes, I was not disappointed and so despite not having a character, it was worth making the assessment.  Either way, even though I am more than willing to continue doing these assessments for this series, don’t ever get used to me making assessments when I do not have a character.

As is a custom I made in another blog series, whenever a character dies in a blog series I am making an assessment of, I make an “In Memorium” section, kind of like what The Talking Dead does for The Walking Dead.  So first, let’s say goodbye to those we lost in the first 3 episodes of One Killer.

In Memorium:

LivvieBoo12 - Olivia Light - EPISODE 1 – Olivia felt much like that obvious first victim in horror movies, kind of Casey Becker in the first Scream movie.  That being said, her efforts to get away from the killer were actually pretty decent.  She did everything she could to survive and couldn’t.  It really is a shame she had to die first.

And now onto the rest of the characters:

PoohSnap - Adam Bates - EPISODE 2 –Before doing the assessment, I already forgot who he was.  That’s how background he really is.  lmao  To me, Adam seems like one of those jockies who wants to slut his way into any girl’s pants he can.  Will not care if he dies or not for right now.
GHRocky100 - Alex Jackson - EPISODE 3 – I don’t really care for him because he seems really controlling towards Tallulah, which is kind of unnecessary.  I feel like if this story is going to let characters grow to their full potential, Alex would need to die sooner or later.
KatarinaDuCouteau - Andrea Mazzarra - EPISODE 2 – Andrea really seems like a raging bitch, but she at least doesn’t seem like those try-hards like many other characters seem to be.  She reminds me a bit of Regina George from Mean Girls.  I’m not sure if you intentionally modeled Andrea to be like Regina, but she does give me that kind of vibe.
AnnaMay - Anna May - EPISODE 2 – Anna is the one who breaks the news that Olivia was dead.  Honestly, I think Anna is the uncommitted type, wanting to be friends with both Andrea’s group AND Elizabeth’s group.  I can foresee her having to take a side sooner or later, and I feel like it is going to be a blowout once it happens.
Bluba164 - Burt Macklin – Burt has not been introduced yet, and therefore, there will be no assessment of him.
Brayden_ - Dwight Schrute - EPISODE 3 – HE seems to be a friendly guy, but at the same time, I’m not really sure what to make of him.  He could easily be one of those jockies like I already think Adam is, but we’ll see with him.
TDBigBrotherLover112 - Elizabeth Caldwell - EPISODE 1 – I have a feeling our main protagonist will be Elizabeth.  She is the one from Episode 1 who is still alive, is the one who is the main rival to Andrea, and is so far pretty likable.  I am hoping she will continue being the likable character she is moving forward if she is indeed going to be the protagonist.
PieGuy555 - Jade Nator - EPISODE 3 – Jade seems like the really nervous type who has a dark past.  The fact she got called out by Rebecah has got me feeling sorry for Jade, but I also, in an admittedly evil kind of way, am glad she did get called out only because it shows this story isn’t afraid to take risks.  Now I just need Jade to find a proper reaction to what had happened and how she is going to move on past that.
RyanAndrews - Jake Parker - EPISODE 2 – At first, I thought that said Jake “Porker”  lmao  Would kind of explain his “past” with Olivia  ;)  Porking jokes aside, he doesn’t really stand out to me in any particular way, mainly because the spotlight is stolen from him by his friends like Adam and Dwight.  So if Jake is going to be of any importance to me, we’ll need to see it from him next episode unless he is the killer.
MrBird - Melanie Patterz - EPISODE 2 – Melanie is basically just a minion to Sydney, kind of like how the other “Chanel” characters in Scream Queens were minions to Chanel Oberlin.  I am not quite sure if she will grow to be her own character or if she will stay in Sydney’s shadow the entire time.  Only time can tell.
MrPokeGuy9 - Oli Grubb - EPISODE 2 – There really much to go by with him.  All he did was open a letter Tori gave him in Episode 2, but maybe that could be a sign of some sort.  Could he be the killer?  Could he be working with the killer?  We’ll just have to find out as the story continues, if we ever do see him again.
Katherinee_ - Rebecah Black - EPISODE 3 – lol is Rebecah a heartless bitch!  She villainously called Jade out at the party!  If she is the killer, that would be interesting.  But for now, I can only classify her as an evil, sadistic bitch who loves to bring others down.
Guigi - Sydney Burton - EPISODE 2 – So far, Sydney isn’t really anything memorable, but she does seem to be more important of a character than Melanie or Violetta, so maybe she will have her chance to shine in coming episodes.  All I know is that, for now, she needs to step away from her inquisitive nature and take action.
QueenMichelle - Tallulah Maraschino - EPISODE 3 – One of Andrea’s friends, but I actually already prefer her to Alex.  She needs Alex out of the picture if she is going to develop to her full potential though, and if Tallulah dies relatively early, that won’t be good for her at all because I really want to see who she is.  As a bonus note, the name reminds me of this song I heard as a kid:

Maybe because I watched the movie Twister as a kid as well as Scream  lmao
Kelly2722 - Tori Matthews - EPISODE 2 – At the end of Episode 3, we may have seen the last of Tori, but since she is not confirmed dead yet, she did not go in the In Memorium section.  Anyway, I didn’t get to know that much of Tori, but she seems like a nice person from the 2 episodes we got to see her in.  She also seems balanced, not afraid to stand up to Andrea and I like that she has some kind of crush on Dwight.
Aoki - Viola Washington - EPISODE 2 – Her hatred towards Andrea was a real surprise, but I like that she is willing to call out Andrea at every turn.  But being friends with Elizabeth shows that she is capable of not being a complete and total jerk-off who has had her period every 16 seconds.  I’m excited to see what kind of direction Viola is taken throughout the story because it seems like she will play a major role throughout.
Kaseyhope101 - Violetta Smith - EPISODE 2 – Much like Melanie, I feel like she will stay in Sydney’s shadow, but I feel she will have more of a chance to develop than Melanie will and I do like the sass she gave to Melanie in Episode 2.  If she is going to develop, I wanna see who she becomes.

And that will be that for now.  If I am doing these for the future in this story, I can't wait to see what direction this story goes!  ^_^


Dwight Schrute >
Sent by Brayden_,Jul 4, 2016
I love this assessment! :D
Sent by AnnaMay,Jul 4, 2016
I love how Andrea is mentioned in like every other opinion
Sent by KatarinaDuCouteau,Jul 4, 2016
Yeah, KatarinaDuCouteau  haha  She's been THAT impactful thus far.
Sent by Icarus_Mark,Jul 4, 2016
Violetta having a chance
Sent by Kaseyhope101,Jul 4, 2016
Omg Icarus_Mark I love it!!
Sent by melindaMrskk,Jul 5, 2016
I love this and kinda agree with what you said about Oli, I wanna see some more development with him (secret gay relationship ;D)
Sent by MrPokeguy9,Jul 5, 2016
omg thank you, I wanted that type of a character and I get it :D
Sent by Katherinee_,Jul 5, 2016

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