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K-Ferno Killer Klassroom of Klassy Kaos

Posts 287 posts

A Vote for Me is a Vote for a True Star! Nov 24, 2008
Hey, everyone! I REALLY need your votes in order to stay alive in the Tengaged's Next Star competition. Therefore, I need everyone who wishes to help me to do so by PMing AndyShields! I'd be in your debt. :)
Points: 8 5 comments
An Extra Day... Nov 24, 2008
I've noticed in all my Casting games I've played, the 20th person is ALWAYS nominated for elimination, which really isn't very fair, if you ask me. Also, it kinda sucks not getting to talk to some of the people you played against after it's over and talk game and reflect on your mistakes. I came up with a suggestion: How about adding a day to the beginning of each game, in order to allow the 20th person a chance to redeem themselves. Also, I am suggesting a possible "after-game" reunion where after the winner is crowned, all those who participated will be allowed to post and say their peace and talk about allliances and what not throughout the game.
What do you guys think about all this? I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on the matter.
Points: 0 0 comments
Pneumonia!? Nov 23, 2008
Just got back from the doctor. Found out I have a mild to moderate case of pneumonia. I'm so exhausted and I have to take a nebulizer in order to treat it. Therefore, my activity over the next couple of days will likely crash and burn. :( Just a head's up, for those who might question my absence. :\ I'm going back to bed, I can barely type...
Points: 16 2 comments
Tengaged's Next Star: Kitsune's Journey, Part 1 Nov 22, 2008
Hello, as you may or may not know, I have been chosen to be part of Tengaged's Next Star 2! Whether or not I go far is up to you guys, but I won't lie, I'd rather not lose.
I'm very upfront and also a very fun person, so if there is anything I can do to get your votes, it'd be appreciated if you let me know. A star is nothing without his fans who support him, right? :D
Points: 29 4 comments
Best Survivor Episode Ever. Nov 20, 2008
I won't spoil it for the people who haven't watched it, but that was easily the most satisfying elimination EVER. Also, the cookie incident was slighlty less so, but still very epic. In all my years of watching Survivor, never has it been so satisfying.
Points: 0 0 comments
Cry_Wolf: The New Blood wants YOU! Nov 19, 2008
Hello, I'm Kitsune and we need just a few more players to get the ball rolling for our Cry_Wolf game.

Please go here and apply, if you haven't already. We'd really appreciate it. :)
Points: 0 0 comments