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The Mjp935's blog

Posts 229 posts

The begining of Day 8 Aug 22, 2009
Ok so I was wondering,

It says under the countdown (where the tips are),

The tip says "If you are not on the block you are safe"

Does that mean (since i am not nominated) I am automatically on the last day??

Or can the algo take me out?  Or can only nominees be taken out by the algo?
Points: 26 3 comments
Casting 9479: Days 6 & 7 Aug 22, 2009
With numbers in the house dwindling,

I ask myself, Am I active enough?

I am so scared I work from 4-8 tonight,

Then I am going to a party,

I don't want the Algo to take me out!

I am freaking out!

Day 8 Starts in a little more than an hour!
Points: 5 1 comments
Day 4 and 5 Casting 9479 Aug 21, 2009
Ok so Finally Lemon has gone home,

By the end of this day there will only be 8 people in the house!

The vote is getting harder, but there are somethings we have to do!
Points: 19 1 comments
The early show Aug 21, 2009
Ok does anyone know when they do the evicted HG interview on the early show I have watched it twice the entire time through and it wasn't on there although Julie claims it is!

Can anyone help me kthnx!
Points: 2 0 comments
Big Brother Tonight Aug 20, 2009
Hey everyone, as you prolly know there is an episode of Big Brother Tonight!

After the recent expulsion of Chima Simone, the veto challenge for this week became an HOH challenge! Jordan won!

Tonight there will be a live veto, and veto meeting! As well as a live eviction!

Anything can happen, well except jordan going home!  What do you think will Happen
Points: 5 2 comments
The Begining of day 3 Casting 9479 Aug 19, 2009
How could she, that girl Maryanna, just before being evicted called me a liar and told me to go to hell how could she.... I have never been told to go to hell.  I have no idea who will be evicted this week :'(
Points: 15 1 comments